Page 5 of Love Sex Music

  “It kind of is,” I admit. “Cam is smitten with you, so I’m sure he had a hand in picking which room we would be in. He thinks he can wear you down, so eventually, you’ll like him.”

  She flicks her blond hair over her shoulder. “He’s not my type.”

  This comment causes Robert to raise his brow in surprise. I’m sure he figured that Cam was most women’s type, considering he is good looking. Guys like Cam and Laz typically have women falling at their feet.

  Robert stops at the door on the right side of the hallway. “Here we are.”

  He opens the door, revealing a massive suite large enough to hold two queen-size beds and a small sitting area. The décor is light and airy with hints of blue strategically placed throughout the room. More than enough pillows for ten people line each bed, making it look super inviting.

  I can’t wait to go to sleep tonight.

  “Did either of you bring swimming attire?” Robert asks.

  “I did,” Candace says. “But isn’t it a little cold for swimming?”

  “Typically, yes, considering it’s October, but there’s an indoor pool located on the other side of the pool house. Lazarus is hosting a welcome party for everyone there. He has requested that you join him once you arrived.”

  “Great,” I mutter.

  Robert quirks one eyebrow, but then asks politely, “Would you like for me to escort you there once you’ve changed?”

  “I think we can manage to find it. We’ve held you up long enough.” Candace bats her long eyelashes at him, doing her best to subtly flirt.

  His lips pull up into a twisted grin. “As you wish. When you’re ready, make your way down the stairs and go straight through the dining hall and back into the kitchen. The back door leads outside. You can’t miss the pool house. Is there anything else you need?”

  “I don’t think so. Thank you, Robert.”

  With that, he nods and leaves the room, shutting the door behind him.

  As soon as we’re alone, Candace grabs me up into a huge hug. “Doesn’t this remind you of when we were little and always talked about living in a castle?”

  “A little bit, yeah. All this is crazy and so unexpected.” I pull back. “It seems too good to be true.”

  She waves me off as she hoists her bag onto the bed. “Don’t be such a pessimist, Drea. This is all going to work out. You’ll see.”

  I sigh and sit down on the other bed. “I hope so.”

  Her eyes flick down to me. “What are you doing? Get changed.”

  “Into what? I don’t have a swimsuit.”

  She reaches into her bag and pulls out a handful of black material. “Lucky for you, I happen to have an extra that I bought, but it was too small for me.”

  She tosses me a black bikini that still has a tag attached to it. “If it was too small for you, then it won’t fit me for sure.”

  She shrugs. “You’ll just show a little more skin is all. I’m sure Laz won’t mind seeing that.”

  I raise an eyebrow. “Didn’t you just tell me a couple of hours ago to steer clear of him?”

  “I did,” she confirms with a nod. “And I still mean that, but I need you in this group. Laz has more cuts to make, so showing a little skin might ensure you get to stay. Nothing’s wrong with being someone’s eye candy. Just don’t get all crazy and sleep with the man. We need to maintain boundaries.”

  “You know I don’t sleep with random men.”

  “I know, but I also know you’re sexually deprived, and that can drive even the most sane woman crazy. It will be hard for you to resist Laz if he turns on the charm. He’s exactly your type. I don’t want to see anything bad happen to you ever again.”

  I don’t want her to be concerned about me while we’re here. She has to focus on this group. It’s her big chance.

  “I’ll be fine, and I can resist him. No problem.”

  Candace’s pretty pink lips pull into a tight line. “I just worry about you. I know it’s been … What? Like three years since you’ve been with a guy?”

  “Four … not that I’m counting.”

  “Damn, Drea. Has it been that long? It’s time for you to move on and stop torturing yourself over the whole situation. You deserve to be happy … as long as it’s not with the new boss man. Too much is at stake to mess around with someone who holds our futures in his hands.”

  I hear what she’s saying. Lord knows, we’ve had this talk a million times now, but some things aren’t easy to get over. When you have a past like mine, it takes time.

  There’s a long pause of silence between us. My past isn’t something I like to discuss. Candace knows about everything I went through because she was there, and she, more than anyone else, understands that dark period in my life.

  Candace sighs and sits down next to me. “I know you don’t like to bring the past up, but I think it’s time you open a new chapter to unfold in your life. It’s okay to live, Drea, and stop being sad all the time. Anything that can possibly make you happy, you hold back from it—like this group. I know music is your dream. It’s okay to go after it.”

  She gives me a pointed look, and I know arguing that I’m not still battling depression would be useless.

  The truth is, I’ve been sad for a long time. I regret the things I did even though I know that I did them for the right reasons. Deep down, I truly believe that handling the situation any differently than how I did would have ended in a much worse outcome for all the parties involved.

  My eyes flick up to meet Candace’s, and I can see her concern for me etched in them. I want to reassure her that I’m okay and that I’m ready to step out and see what the future holds for me.

  “I think being here, in this group, will be a great change for me. For us both. I’m excited to be here, and you have nothing to worry about when it comes to my attraction to Laz. I’ll never act on it. I wouldn’t put our dreams in jeopardy like that.”

  She wraps her slender arm around my shoulders. “I’m just looking out for you. I want you to be happy and find someone, but I want to make sure that someone will be good for you and not ruin things in your life.”

  I lay my head on her shoulder. “Thanks for always having my back.”

  She squeezes my arm. “What are sisters-slash-best-friends for?” She sighs. “Okay. Enough with this depressing talk. It’s time to go be fabulous with a music mogul, poolside in his beautiful mansion.”

  She pushes herself up off the bed and begins changing into her swimsuit. I stand and stare down at the tiny pieces of fabric in my hands and suddenly feel very self-conscious at the idea of standing before Laz, practically naked.

  What if he doesn’t like what he sees?

  Gah! I mentally scold myself for allowing that thought to pass through my mind.

  I shouldn’t want him to like it, but I do; even though I just sat here and promised Candace that nothing between Laz and me would ever happen.

  I hope I’m strong enough to keep that promise.


  Bottoms Up


  I lean against the bar, staring at the four beautiful women frolicking in the indoor pool. It’s been a long time since I’ve hosted a party here. For a while, I wasn’t even welcome at my childhood home, but since I’ve been clean for the past two years, Pop has no problem with me crashing in the pool house.

  “Can you believe the talent we were able to find in Atlanta?” Cam asks as he stands next to me, checking out the women in the pool. “We’ve lucked out.”

  “Indeed,” I agree.

  “Lazarus.” Robert’s voice calls from the entrance leading into the pool area, catching my attention. “The last two ladies have arrived. I got them settled into their room and instructed them to come out here to meet you.”

  “Thanks, Robert.”

  “Anything you need before I go upstairs to check on your father?”

  Even though Robert is technically my father’s private live-in nurse, he’s a good dude and always willing
to help around here when needed. He didn’t have to greet all the girls today, but I think he enjoyed the excitement of getting some new blood around the place, especially some that sexy.

  I shake my head. “No, man. Thanks. You’re welcome to hang out after you get Pop taken care of, and the night shift nurse arrives if you’d like.”

  Robert nods and then adjusts the glasses sitting on his nose. “I might do that. I should probably get to know them if we’re all going to be living here together.”

  “Sounds good.” I give him a knowing grin.

  Robert might be a nerd, but he’s still a man. And what guy can resist a party with half-naked women parading around?

  As soon as Robert’s gone, Cam asks, “How’s your dad? I haven’t seen him in a while.”

  I toy with the lid on the bottle of water I’m holding in my hands. “He has his good and bad days. Today, he seems to be in a pretty chill mood.”

  Things with my father have gotten progressively worse over the past year.

  Truth be told, when he first sat me down and told me he had Lou Gehrig’s disease, I had no fucking clue about the progression of it. I thought the doctors could fix it, give him some pill and make it better, but that can’t happen. I went with him to a doctor’s appointment and heard firsthand that no cure existed for ALS and that it was terminal, something that would only cause more destruction over time.

  The day that I heard that, I knew I had to get myself straightened out and get clean. Pop needed me, and I needed to be there for him and stop feeling sorry for myself all the damn time. I’d already lost my mother five years ago, and she was my fucking world. I knew I wanted to be clearheaded and be able to remember every last minute I had left on this earth with my dad. I didn’t need a high clouding anything out.

  That day, I swore to Pop I would get clean. Of course, that was easier said than done, but I kept my word and did it. I went to rehab that day, and I haven’t touched a drop of alcohol or an illegal drug since then.

  Some days, I’m tempted, but when I think about Pop and how he needs me, I fight the urge.

  Now, looking back, I’m pissed at myself for living a chunk of my life in a haze, but addiction … it controlled me. It ran every aspect of my life, and no one could convince me to quit—not even my own mother, no matter how much she begged. An addict can only stop when they finally make the decision to. Nothing anyone says or does will make a difference because they can’t reach inside your soul and feel your pain. They can’t take it away. It was up to me to find ways to cope with the fucked-up feelings inside me without being on something.

  It took me a while to realize I had a pretty awesome life, and I should be thankful for the family I had instead of longing for one I shouldn’t.

  “You all right, man?” Cam’s voice pulls me out of my thoughts.

  “Yeah, just thinking about Pop. I should probably go up and check on him before this party gets into full swing, and it gets late. He likes to go to bed early these days.”

  Cam nods. “Go ahead. I’ll keep watch here.”

  I chuckle. “I bet you will. I’ll be back.”

  I head out the door and across the yard toward the main house. Staring out at the garden that sits just off from the back entrance to the house causes my mind to wander to my mother. I wish she were here. Both Pop and I need her. She was our rock, and I know she would have been strong for everyone right now while Pop was dealing with this.

  A creak from the door leading into the kitchen catches my attention, and I see Candace.

  “Am I heading in the right direction for the pool?” she asks.

  I nod and then jerk my thumb over my shoulder. “Straight back there.”

  “Thanks.” She smiles and begins to walk in that direction.

  When it hits me that she’s alone, I can’t help but pry. “Drea didn’t come with you?” I ask.

  Candace stops and turns to face me. “She’s inside, but she decided she wasn’t going to come down.”

  “She has to.”

  Her brows rise. “Then you go up and tell her that because she refused to come down here with me.”

  A frustrated puff of air rolls out of my nose. This is exactly the kind of shit that ruins groups. Aundrea needs to be down there with the rest of the girls. That’s the whole point of everyone staying here—unity. These girls need to stick together.

  “Which room is yours?” I growl.

  “First door on the right.”

  I nod and then march into the house, through the kitchen, and to the back staircase. I take them two at a time, cut down the middle hall, passing Pop’s quarters, and head straight for Drea’s room.

  I know it’s rude as fuck, but I don’t bother knocking before I twist the knob and barge inside.

  A sharp squeal assaults my ears as my eyes land on Drea’s bare breasts. She struggles to cover herself up with her hands, but it’s too late. I’ve already gotten an eyeful.

  “What the hell?” Drea grabs a shirt off the bed next to her and clutches it to her chest. “Ever heard of knocking?”

  I shake my head as my eyes roam over the exposed flesh on full display before me. Goddammit. My fucking wet dreams about her were already intense enough. Now, seeing her like this, she’ll be the only thing I think about while I jerk off.

  “Are you just going to stand there?” she questions.

  But I don’t answer her.

  Instead, I respond with a question of my own. “Why aren’t you downstairs?”

  “I wasn’t going to come down there, wearing this bathing suit. It didn’t cover anything, and I didn’t want to parade around in front of you like that.”

  The corner of my mouth pulls up into a wicked grin. “A little late to worry about that now, don’t you agree? If you ask me, I think you should show off what you’ve got instead of hiding it beneath those baggy clothes you wear all the time. Your tits are perfect.”

  Her cheeks flush. “This is exactly what I was trying to avoid.”

  My gaze meets hers. “Well, since I’ve seen you naked now, there shouldn’t be anything left to worry about. Get dressed and come down, so you can get to know the rest of the girls. Everyone’s down there but you. Don’t stay up here in this room and give the rest of the girls the impression that you are a standoffish bitch. We want unity, remember?”

  She flinches. “That wasn’t my intention.”

  “I know, but that’s what they’ll think.”

  She nods. “Okay. I’ll be down in a moment.”

  We stand there, staring at one another, neither of us moving.

  My heart thunders against my ribs, and the urge to rush over to her and pull her against me to taste those pouty pink lips roars within me.

  She blinks as she gazes up at me with her big brown eyes, and judging by the fact that she’s not screaming at me to get the hell out of her room, I’m betting she feels the same way I do.

  I could reach behind me, lock this door, and take her right here, right now, but I know that would fuck up everything I’ve been working to accomplish. This group needs her voice, so I can’t be selfish. I have to tell myself no when it comes to Drea.

  I swallow hard. “I’ll see you down there.”

  Before she has time to say anything, I turn and storm out of the room just as quickly as I came in.


  Maybe having the woman of my every desire staying in such close proximity to me isn’t the brightest idea I’ve ever had. The need to run my fingers along her smooth skin is pretty damn strong, and I don’t know how long I’ll be able to fight it before I say, Fuck it all, and make my move.


  Group Meeting


  My pulse is still racing beneath my skin as I quickly throw the bikini top back on.

  Holy hell.

  The way Laz was looking at me, the way he couldn’t take his eyes off me, did strange things to me. It sent a thrill of excitement through me, and if I’m being honest, it turned me on. No one has
ever looked at me like that before.

  It’s obvious we’re attracted to one another, and Candace was right. Being stuck in in this house with him is going to make it tough for me to resist him.

  I search in my bag, pull out a baggy T-shirt, and slip it over my head. At least, this time, when I see Laz, I’ll be fully clothed.

  I slip out the door and into the hallway.

  This house is stunning. I’ve never been in a place more elegant and regal. As Candace said, this place is truly fit for royalty, which makes Laz stand out a bit with all his tattoos and bad-boy aura. I can picture a man like Robert living here, but Laz, not so much.

  I wander through the kitchen and finally find the back door. Outside, the landscaping is just as immaculately maintained as the rest of the house. A beautiful rose garden sits just beyond the door, and I spot a small white bench that looks like a perfect spot for just sitting and enjoying the peaceful surroundings. Growing up, I lived in an apartment complex in the inner city, so I never had anything remotely as nice as this place. This private garden beats our city parks by a landslide.

  “It’s nice, isn’t it?” a male voice asks from behind me.

  I jump and turn to find a very proper-looking man in a pressed suit. His hair is cut short, but he has a little length on the top, which has been styled to perfection. His strong jawline has been cleanly shaven, and his appearance, in general, oozes money. He’s really attractive, but he’s not the type of man I’m into.

  His hazel eyes expectantly stare at me, and it hits me that he’s waiting for me to respond to him instead of just standing here, continuing to check him out.

  “It’s lovely,” I tell him. Tugging at the hem of my shirt, I do my best to cover a little more of my thighs.

  “Not as lovely as you are.” He smiles and takes a step closer to me while extending his hand. “I’m Peter.”

  I place my hand into his. “Drea.”

  He raises my hand to his lips and kisses my knuckles. “Pleasure to meet you.”

  “What the hell are you doing here, Peter?” Laz’s voice cuts between us, causing us both to turn in his direction.