Page 37 of Wanted

Page 37


  Just then Jack started to talk.

  “Alright y’all I am going to slow it down again with a little Vince Gill. ”

  I got up and walked towards Ellie who was now heading my way.

  “Sweetheart dance with me?” I asked as I ran my hand down her face.

  “Of course I will Gunner. ” She smiled at me and my knees just about went out from under me. Would these intense feelings every settle down?

  The song started and I pulled her as close to me as I could. She buried her head in my chest and held me tighter. We danced slowly to the song as I started to sing the lyrics to her as I held onto her.

  I loved this girl and I will spend the rest of my life proving to her how much I love and want her.

  Ellie looked up at me with tears running down her face and my heart just stopped.

  “Oh baby please don’t cry, please, please don’t cry. ” I said as I wiped away her tears.

  “Gunner, I…. . I’ve never felt like this before…you’re so amazing and the things you say and do just leave me breathless. I’m so afraid I am going to wake up and to find out this is all just a dream. ”

  I smiled down at her and pulled her back into me as we finished dancing to the song while I sang along with Vince. “I promise sweetheart, this is not a dream. ”


  Ellie…. .

  Everyone was slowing starting to leave Gunner and Jeff’s place around one am. Jack had packed up long before and Jefferson just had the stereo playing for the last two hours.

  I was a bit shocked at how much Gunner and Jefferson both drank. Ari was well on her way to being drunk. Because I had had a few beers we decided to just spend the night here. Heather got a ride home with Amanda and Brad. Amanda was only drinking soda’s all night since it was Brad’s birthday party and knew he would be drinking.

  I started to clean up when I felt Gunner come up behind me and wrap his arms around me waist.

  “Sweetheart we have someone come in and clean up. Come sit with me for a little bit. ” He said as he leaned in close to my face. The heat from his mouth set my whole body on fire. God the ache between my legs when he was this close to me was almost too much to take.

  I turned around and smiled up at him. “Okay, inside or out?”

  He returned my smile and took my hand. We walked past Jefferson and Ari who were at the moment complaining about who had to sleep on the sofa…. Jefferson or Gunner or Me and Ari.

  “Why the hell can’t you just sleep with me in my bed? I promise to keep my hands to myself. ” Jefferson said to Ari with a wicked laugh.

  “Yeah right dickwad…I may be drunk…. but I ain’t that drunk. You are on the sofa…. I’m taking your bed. ” Ari said as she walked past Jefferson and walked to his bedroom.

  Gunner and I went outside and sat down next to the coolers. He reached in for a beer.

  “Umm, Gunner how much more are you going to drink?” I asked as he stopped the bottle before it even hit is lips.

  “Why? You afraid I might get too drunk and take advantage of you tonight?” He said with a wink. I instantly felt my face blush. He let out a chuckle and took a drink of the beer.

  “No, I’m not worried about that at all. I don’t really think you are that drunk. Are you?” I asked as I looked down towards the ground.

  “Ellie, I just wanted to celebrate tonight that’s all. Come here and sit on my lap again……”

  After all those years of watching my mother drink the last thing I wanted was to worry about Gunner drinking all the time.

  “I know what you’re thinking Ells and no, I do not drink like this all the time okay sweetheart? I was just so happy that we are together and well…. I just wanted to let my guard down a little tonight. I promise I do not make a habit of getting drunk. ”

  Gunner downed his beer. I could tell he was getting wasted but he looked so damn cute.

  “Are you excited about going to the ranch Ellie?” Gunner asked as he moved his hand up and down my back. My god his fingers tips had magic inside them. I could hardly breathe let alone think.

  I took a deep breath and tried to clear my head. “YES! I’m very excited. I’ve always wanted to go to a ranch and see lots of cows and ride a horse. OH please say we can ride a horse?!” I said as I bounced in Gunner’s lap.

  “Fuck Ellie please don’t move like that okay?” Gunner adjusted me on his lap and I of course felt the heat rise up in my cheeks.

  “Oh…I’m sorry. How many girls have you brought out to meet your grandparents?” I asked as I looked at his eyes slowly started to droop lower and lower.


  “You know, how many girls have you brought out to the ranch. ” Gunner’s head looked like it was moving in slow motion as he looked at me.

  “None…. I’ve never brought anyone out to the ranch ‘cept for Jeff and Brad and Josh…. . never brought no girls there. I was waiting for you Ellie. Only you. ”

  Oh wow if that didn’t make my heart start beating faster. I mean I knew he was drunk but I also knew he meant what he said.

  “I want to kiss you Ellie…. . but I don’t think I can right now ‘cause I might want to do more than kissing. ” Gunner said now with more of slur.

  I had to giggle. “Like what kind of more?” I knew I shouldn’t be going there but……I was.

  Gunner gave me the most adorable grin. Just when I thought his panty melting crooked smile did it to me, there was nothing on his boyish drunk grin.

  “Let’s see…for starts. I would want to kiss you in more places than on your ips. ”

  “My ips?”

  “Your lllllipppsss. L. I. P. S…. ”

  “Okay. Where would you move to after you kissed my L. I. P. S?”

  “Hmmm, your neck and then down your throat to your chest and after I gave your chest enough attention I would move to your stomach. ”

  Holy mother fucking shit……. I never in my life wanted anyone like I wanted Gunner right at this moment. I had to squeeze my legs together to ease the throbbing ache between them. What the hell was going on with me?

  “Umm…then what would you do?”

  Oh shit I was treading in very deep water.

  Gunner smiled up at me. “Ms. Johnson, are you flirting with me? Cause I have to tell you if we keep having this conversation any further, Jeff is going to beat my ass when I take you right here. ”

  I can’t breathe, deep breaths…. through your nose…out your mouth Ellie……my god……my mouth is so dry. I leaned over and grabbed a bottle watered out of the cooler.

  “Do you know how fucking beautiful you are Ellie? I can’t wait to lie under the stars with you next week. I can’t fuckin’ wait to show you everything about country living. I want to show you another first…. lot’s of firsts while we are there sweetheart. ”

  “I can’t wait either Gunner. I’m really excited especially knowing you will be showing me everything. ” I leaned in closer to Gunner and whispered into his ear. “Spending five days with you all to myself is going to be yummy. ”

  Gunner jumped up and almost knocked me to the ground.

  “What’s wrong?” I asked as I tried to help him stand up straight.

  “I have to go take a cold shower Ellie…. . I need to get these thoughts out of my head baby. ”

  I had to laugh as he tried to walk away and was stumbling all over the place.

  “Gunner, let me help you. ” I tried my best to help him into the house. Christ this guy was huge and HEAVY! I saw Jefferson on the sofa passed out asleep. Ari must be in his bed asleep already. I guess I was the only one who was not drunk, good thing.

  I guided Gunner to his bedroom the best I could. He must have hit everything possible on the way to his room. We made it to the door and I opened it. I led Gunner over the bed and tried to help him sit but he more or less flopped on it and took me with him. He was lying on his back and I was lying on top of him.

  OH. MY. GOD. He had his eyes closed but slowly opened them and looked at me with his piercing blue eyes. Holy hell…. he was beautiful. Could he really be all mine? Just then I remembered what Jon had said to Gunner. I wonder how many girls he has had sex with? I’m sure more than…. three…. five…. . six? I started to get pissed off just thinking about another girl laying with him like this but naked. ARGH!

  Just then he smiled at me. I smiled back at him. “Stay with me tonight Ellie…. I promise to keep my hands to myself sweetheart. I just want to see what it would be like to wake up with you next to me. ”

  “Have you ever had a girl spend the night in your bed before Gunner?” I asked as I searched his face for his reaction to my question.

  He rolled over and took me with him so that we were both lying on our sides.

  “What’re you really trying to ask me baby?” Gunner said with a slight slur.

  I loved it when he called me sweetheart but when he called me baby…. . fuck me I just wanted to crawl into his skin.

  Should I ask? I mean he is drunk and would probably tell me. Do I really want to know?

  “Umm, how many women have you been with in the past?” I asked as I looked away from him.

  “None that have ever really mattered or meant anything. ” He quickly said back.

  Was that supposed to make me feel better? That could mean anything…. . three, seven, fifteen. Oh my god what if he has slept with so many he doesn’t even know!

  “I mean how many had you slept with?”

  “Ellie, I don’t think it matters sweetheart because the moment I laid eyes on you I forgot everyone else. You’re the only person I want in my life and in my bed from now on. ”

  Holy hell………I accept that answer!

  “You never answered my other question though. ”

  “What was it again, I forgets?” He said with a laugh. God he was a cute drunk!

  “How many girls have you had spend the night with you in your bed. ”


  I let out the breath I didn’t even realize I was holding in.

  “Another first for both of us baby. ” Gunner said as he closed his eyes. Next thing I knew he was out. I managed to get out from his grip as I started to take off his boots. Did I try to undress him?

  Hmmmm…that could be a lot of fun…. for me anyway.

  I spent the next ten minutes trying to get his pants off and I could not get him to move. I decided it might be better if they stayed on since I was going to be sleeping right next to him. I walked into his bathroom and looked around. I smiled when I saw the new toothbrush in the box. He must have bought it for me. I opened it up and used it. After I washed my face I made my way back into his room.

  I stood there for a few minutes and just watched him sleep. I slowly tried to pull the covers out from underneath him but I soon gave that up as well. I walked over to the chair and grabbed the blanket that was lying on the back of the chair. It smelled heavenly. I wonder if his mom or grandmother made it for him.

  I crawled into bed and tried to put the cover over both of us. Gunner moved and started to mumble something. I shouldn’t have done it but I leaned in to hear what he was saying.