Experience is teaching us, of course, that the dissipation of all this wealth has not been solving our problems. It has merely permitted the Establishment to use these tremendous resources to build up its machine of well-paid Establishment lackeys and reward their abject obedience with fabulous salaries for loyally carrying out the policies and dictates of the Global Establishment on practically every dimension of the Federal government.

  Naturally, many fine, well-meaning people support the broad ramifications of social legislation because they think they are supporting “a good cause.” On first view and at close range, they seem to be right, but as time has gone by year after year it has gradually become alarmingly apparent what all this social legislation is doing to us.

  Americans are losing control of their destiny.

  Furthermore, many of the people whom we have been calling our national problem-solvers have been secretly engaged in actual problem making.

  As this reviewer has watched the deterioration of the American political structure during the past several decades, it has been absolutely amazing to see how many of our so-called “problems” have been literally manufactured or seriously aggravated by Washington meddling and manipulating.

  For example, we had the problem of racial minorities and the need to expose these minorities to greater opportunities to share in the good things of life. That problem needed to be solved. But what happened? Washington meddling practically promoted it into the explosive tinder for another civil war.

  We had the problem of rising crime rates. These needed to be stopped. Establishment mentalities flooded the country with elaborate social schemes and grossly permissive judicial decisions which multiplied the crime rate and set the stage for the greatest wave of violence and lawlessness this country has ever known.

  We had the problem of providing an adequate educational opportunity for all our children. Washington came up with a conglomerate of money and policies which have seriously discredited the public schools in many parts of the country and caused private schools to spring up like mushrooms.

  We had the problem of moral decay and something needed to be done about it. The Establishment brain-busters came up with a combination of sex education and so-called sensitivity training which is exploding the problem into a contagion of totally permissive decadence and moral degeneracy.

  We had the problem of pornography and obscenity. Washington smashed what little legal protection existed, and the country was immediately inundated with running tides of obscene filth and shot-gun blasts of four-letter gutter words peppering every dimension of our press and mass communications media.

  We had a problem of subversion by a foreign-based conspiracy which had brazenly announced that our American society must be overthrown and our children be required to live under its flag. Grassroots political pressure compelled the Congress to pass a number of security laws. Establishment-dominated forces in the executive and judicial branches of the government have now totally nullified them.

  Surely our descendants who will reap a terrible whirlwind from all of this will wonder why the adults of this generation were incapable of realizing what was happening.

  Actually, what we are witnessing is a very carefully and methodically executed program designed to destroy constitutional government as we have known it and make a shambles of the society which has wanted to keep the Constitution alive. Only then can a highly centralized, socialist state be established.

  To achieve this, the middle class in America must be ruthlessly squeezed out of existence. That is the message which looms large from many passages in Dr. Quigley’s book and which will be found as a favorite theme in the books, magazines and newspapers of the Establishment’s liberal press. Just as Marx and Engels waged war against the middle class to set up a socialist state, so does Dr. Quigley and the global network.

  The middle class is to be identified as the “petty bourgeoisie,” the “neo-isolationists,” the broad masses of Americans who are described by Dr. Quigley as “often very insecure, envious, filled with hatreds, and are generally the chief recruits for any Radical Right, fascists, or hate campaigns against any group that is different or which refuse to conform to middle-class values.”1 What are Middle class values?

  Middle-class values, of course, are represented by the Constitutional concepts of limited government, states rights, rights of property, a competitive economy, the solving of problems on the local level if possible and, in any event, with a minimal of government meddling. But all this, Dr. Quigley would seem to suggest, is anathema. It has to go. People who think this way are middle-class mentalities. They are described by Dr. Quigley as the same kind of people as those who supported “the Nazis in Germany thirty years ago.”2 Dr. Quigley offers no proof whatever for this fantastic contention but then one should not expect too much. There is not a single footnote of authoritative reference in all 1,300 pages of Dr. Quigley’s book!

  However, in passing, one might ask Dr. Quigley this question: “If the middle class in America is to disappear, where will all these masses go?”

  The Establishment has provided the answer in its millions of pages of socialist-oriented literature. The doomed members of the middle class are promised that they will become the carefully nurtured, carefully housed, carefully educated, totally dependent class of Government wards in a man-made paradise of a one-world socialist state.

  But what if it didn’t work out, or what if they didn’t like it? What if it turned out to be like Russia, or China, or Cuba? What if they didn’t want to be totally dependent citizens in a one-world, socialist state?

  Well, of course, all such thoughts are treasonous. They partake of the traditional American middle-class mentality. Such doubts are a form of paranoia and mental illness. All such people should be put away safely so as not to contaminate the rest of the great society. (No doubt you have read Orwell’s 1984 or Dr. Brock Chisholm’s recommendations for World Mental Health!)

  But then there is always the haunting possibility that the great middle class in America might gradually awaken and decide to take remedial action before it is too late.

  Or is it too late already? Dr. Quigley seems to think so.

  As he disdainfully indicates in his book on page 979, the grassroots resistance movement, even as far back as the Korean crisis, was never a match for the big boys who are really running things. He said it was like “the Midwest of Tom Sawyer against the cosmopolitan East of J.P. Morgan and Company, of old Siwash against Harvard, of the Chicago Tribune against the Washington Post or The New York Times....” Dr. Quigley never leaves any doubt as to where the real power centers of the Global Establishment actually lie.

  And, as seen through the eyes of Dr. Quigley, the sheer size and power of the world-wide, super-rich network is now too big and too well entrenched to be overturned, or even resisted effectively. Its members will go right ahead financing revolution, moral depravity and social dislocation at the bottom and then sanctimoniously and energetically promise to solve all these problems if we will just delegate to them total power at the top. This is the formula which the master-planners believe is unbeatable.

  But this reviewer believes they could be wrong. Without discounting for a moment the terrifying proportions of the enemy’s posture of power, they still could be beaten.

  What Can Be Done About It?

  Although millions of unsuspecting Americans have become benumbed and bewitched by Global Establishment brain-washing, this reviewer feels there is still sufficient vitality among the people to mobilize a formidable wave of hard-core resistance to the whole superstructure of world-wide conspiracy.

  One thing which we urgently needed was a book by some insider like Dr. Quigley which could assure the people that the international conspiracy for global control is as terribly real and as tragically close to achieving its purposes as it actually is. If this reviewer had written such a book it would have no doubt been brushed aside as merely the work of another middle-class American striking
out feebly against the imponderable powers that be. But not so with Dr. Carroll Quigley. As a sympathetic insider, he has told it as it is. And for that we warmly thank him!

  Now the task is to do something about it.

  Possibly the next ten years will be the crucial period during which free men in general, and Americans in particular, will decide whether we have the stamina and intelligence to turn the tide. After that, it could be too late.

  The future task is political in nature. Essentially, it is a matter of methodically and deliberately uniting the vast resources of political power at the grass roots level and “throwing the rascals out.” Every Democrat, Republican or Independent from the top of the Federal government right down to the lowest official on the local level, who has been consistently supporting the collectivist policies and tactics of the global network, should be summarily replaced as fast as the electoral process will permit.

  Public officials can no longer be equated in terms of “being nice,” having a “wonderful TV personality,” or merely making promises. Each one must be coldly examined in terms of his record. If he turns out to be a lackey of the Establishment, a fellow-traveler of the Establishment, or even a dupe, he has to go.

  Establishment henchmen should all be replaced by men and women who are totally committed to restoring the American society to its traditional position provided within the framework of the American Constitution as visualized by the founding fathers. If you study it carefully, you will find that practically every major problem facing the United States today is related in some fundamental way to a violation (or series of violations) of Constitutional principles. We had a great system going which somebody has betrayed.

  Not only must the political puppets of the international network be replaced, but once the political climate has been improved we have a tremendous amount of restructuring to do.

  For example, the conspiratorial enemy’s power base must be eliminated. If anything can be drawn from a study of Dr. Quigley’s Tragedy And Hope, it is the alarming fact that the whole monolithic, interlocking power structure of international finance is in flagrant violation of the general welfare of the people of the United States (not to mention the rest of the world!).

  This mammoth concentration of economic power is in direct opposition to the traditional American precept that, unless it has been specifically stated otherwise, all power of every sort must remain dispersed among the people. Therefore, laws must be passed so that the nightmarish monstrosity of credit and money power which has been rapidly gravitating into a few conspiring hands, can be decisively dismantled. This would also require that the Federal Reserve System (which is neither “Federal” nor a “Reserve”) be eliminated and replaced with a fiscal structure which does not violate the fixed responsibilities of Government as set forth in Article I, Section 8, of the United States Constitution.

  Eliminating the enemy’s financial power base would immediately facilitate the recovery of lost ground in many other areas. It would allow us to liberate our captive press, radio and TV facilities so the people could be told what is really going on. It would facilitate the liberation of the captive public school system which, for many years, has been harnessed so effectively to the collectivist propaganda machinery. It would also facilitate the liberation of certain religious bodies, universities, and other powerful, opinion-molding channels which have been bought-over and corrupted by the fabulous wealth of the network’s billion-dollar, tax-exempt foundations.

  A fresh political climate would also permit us to rectify a serious political blunder which our nation committed back in 1945. At the close of World War II, the people of the United States felt there should be some type of alliance among peace-loving nations to help prevent future predatory wars. What the Establishment set up for us was a conglomerate of international intrigue designed to become the political, financial and military power base for the Establishment’s passionate dream of a monolithic global government.

  As a federation of peace-loving nations, the United Nations proved to be a hypocritical farce with the world’s foremost proponent of war, subversion and world conquest written in as a charter member. The promise of the United Nations to protect small nations produced equally bitter fruit, and the United States found itself having to provide multi-billion-dollar-protection for the free world against Communist aggression so as to make up for the veto-ridden frustrations of the quarreling U.N. Security Council.

  Most Americans have probably forgotten that it was the Soviet Union which insisted that the headquarters for the United Nations be set up in the United States, but of course, as Dr. Quigley points out, that was exactly the way Rhodes and Stead originally planned it.3 It was also no small coincidence that the entire site for the United Nations headquarters was donated by the Rockefellers.

  No doubt the American people would have been happy to see some kind of international arena provided where various disputes could be publicly ventilated. In fact, that is what they thought they were getting. However, the United Nations charter was written by a State Department-Soviet Union coalition of strategists who specifically designed the U.N. so that it could eventually override the sovereign independence of its member nations and subject them to the Marxist dominated World Court and the Marxist-directed military forces of the United Nations.

  Amazingly, Establishment-sponsored U.S. presidents from both the Democratic and Republican parties have endorsed this scheme to subjugate the United States (including its internal affairs) to the jurisdiction of the World Court. Establishment spokesmen such as Senator J. William Fulbright (Rhodes Scholar) has advocated scrapping the Constitution, while presidential advisor, Walt W. Rostow (Rhodes Scholar), has proclaimed that the United States must prepare to give up its national sovereignty.

  The hour is late. At this stage of America’s historical development, no honest student of current events should have any difficulty recognizing that we have been involved in a deadly flirtation with national disaster.

  Of course, if we are to build a genuine bulwark of political strength against the international network, it is essential that one of the national political parties be renovated and restructured. as a base of operations for all Democrats and Republicans who sincerely want to preserve the Constitutional structure of the American nation. This can be done only by launching a nationwide educational program designed to eliminate much of the confusion which presently exists concerning each of the major parties.

  For example, the Democratic Party has become popularly identified as the “people’s” party, the “prosperity” party, the party of the poor, the down-trodden, the working man, and the distressed. In reality, it has been the party through which the Wall Street globalists and the Left-wing international conspiracy have accomplished most of their subversion of both the Constitution and the traditional pattern of life on which the American culture was founded.

  Actually, the Democratic Party was originally the conservative party. It promised to guard the constitutional prerogatives of the people against the usurpation of power by big government. It stood for public frugality, a balanced budget, states rights, resistance to Wall Street monopolies and all the rest. In fact, this was the theme of the 1932 platform on which FDR was elected and this reviewer endorsed that platform and became a registered Democrat. But by 1936, a complete metamorphosis was taking place.

  Alfred E. Smith, standard-bearer of the Democrats in the 1928 presidential elections, announced in 1936 that the party had been deliberately betrayed into the hands of those who represented the Socialist-Left-wing camp. It has remained there ever since promising, promising, taxing, taxing, spending, spending, electing, electing. Harry Hopkins said this was the magic formula by which the Democrats could continue in power indefinitely. In fact, Norman Thomas, the perennial Socialist Candidate for President, announced that there wasn’t any need for a Socialist Party any more because the Democrats were doing practically everything the Socialists had been advocating.4

  The Republi
cans, on the other hand, have been identified as the genuinely “conservative” party which it has NOT been for a full generation. Whenever it has been in power it has tried to out-do the Democrats in both spending and big government. Its leaders have been largely Establishment figures serving as a backstop for the Democrats in case the Democrats felt out of favor with the public. Establishment Republicans have always insisted that the ideological base of the party be stretched out far enough to include a powerful Left-wing segment because they claimed that was the only way to obtain or retain power.

  Actually, the Republicans and conservative Democrats might take a hard look at the possibility of remaking the Republican Party into a genuine, American Constitutionalist Party and openly challenging the whole fabric of Left-wing betrayal regardless of whether it has been coming from Democrats or Republicans. At least, by restructuring the Republican Party it could be a place where men and women of honest convictions could rally without being betrayed by the Establishment’s pseudo-Republicans.

  Some have felt the necessity of pushing for a third, independent party and eventually this may be the only recourse. At the moment, however, and due to the shortness of time, it would appear to be more practical to restructure the traditional “conservative” party as a genuine hard-hitting defender of American institutions and American values and come out in the open for international cooperation while vigorously opposing international consolidation. It could be the party for responsible fiscal policies, the protection of property rights, the elimination of confiscatory taxation, the disengagement from international intrigue. It could be the means of restoring the people’s confidence in the processes of representative government by providing more men and women of genuine integrity in the courts and other stations of public service.