Martha Cory was the wife of Giles Cory and was the first woman accused whose accusation might be termed atypical. She was a full church member at a time when church membership was tantamount to social rank and respect, and meant probable membership in the elect who would advance to heaven. She was married, and not in a scandalous or volatile way. She was moneyed. Once Tituba’s confession planted the seed of the idea that there was a conspiracy in town, suspicion was then free to spread to members of the community who might otherwise have been thought to be above reproach.

  Most striking in Martha Cory’s examination was her incredulity that this was really happening to her. In the course of her examination, she claimed that the children were “distracted,” that is, crazy. She laughed during the proceedings. She did not claim to know whether there were or were not witches “in the country.” The magistrates, in turn, pointed to Tituba’s confession as evidence that witches were around, privileging the word of a slave woman over that of a churchwoman.

  Martha Cory had publicly suspected that the afflicted girls were lying from the beginning, but her doubt, rather than being heard as a voice of reason within the community, would have been taken by doctrinaire Puritans as an error of faith. To doubt the existence of witches or the Devil was to go against the truth as laid out in the Bible. It was Martha Cory’s very skepticism that made her worthy of suspicion and led to her eventual hanging.

  Martha Cory’s Examination1 21 March, 1691/2

  [Mr. Hathorne]: You are now in the hands of authority. Tell me now why you hurt these persons.

  [Martha Cory]: I do not.

  [Mr. Hathorne]: Who doth?

  [Martha Cory]: Pray give me leave to go to prayer.

  This request was made sundry times.

  [Mr. Hathorne]: We do not send for you to go to prayer.

  [Mr. Hathorne]: But tell me why you hurt these?

  [Martha Cory]: I am an innocent person; I never had to do with witchcraft since I was born. I am a Gospel woman.

  [Mr. Hathorne]: Do not you see these complaints of you?

  [Martha Cory]: The Lord open the eyes of the magistrates and ministers. The Lord show his power to discover the guilty.

  [Mr. Hathorne]: Tell us who hurts these children.

  [Martha Cory]: I do not know.

  [Mr. Hathorne]: If you be guilty of this fact do you think you can hide it?

  [Martha Cory]: The Lord knows.

  [Mr. Hathorne]: Well, tell us what you know of this matter.

  [Martha Cory]: Why, I am a Gospel woman, and do you think I can have to do with witchcraft too?2

  [Mr. Hathorne]: How could you tell then that the child was bid to observe what clothes you wore when some came to speak with you?

  Cheever interrupted her and bid her not begin with a lie and so Edward Putman declared the matter.3

  [Mr. Hathorne]: Who told you that?

  [Martha Cory]: He said the child said.

  [Cheever]: You speak falsely.

  Then Edward Putman read again.4

  [Mr. Hathorne]: Why did you ask if the child told what clothes you wore?

  [Martha Cory]: My husband told me the others told.

  [Mr. Hathorne]: Who told you about the clothes? Why did you ask that question?

  [Martha Cory]: Because I heard the children told what clothes the other wore.

  [Mr. Hathorne]: Goodman Cory, did you tell her?

  The old man denied that he told her so.

  [Mr. Hathorne]: Did you not say your husband told you so?

  [Martha Cory]: -

  [Mr. Hathorne]: Who hurts these children now? Look upon them.

  [Martha Cory]: I cannot help it.

  [Mr. Hathorne]: Did you not say you would tell the truth? Why you asked that question: how come you to the knowledge?

  [Martha Cory]: I did but ask.

  [Mr. Hathorne]: You dare thus to lie in all this assembly.5

  [Mr. Hathorne]: You are now before authority. I expect the truth. You promised it. Speak now and tell what clothes. [scored out] who told you what clothes?

  [Martha Cory]: Nobody.

  [Mr. Hathorne]: How came you to know that the children would be examined what cloth you wore?

  [Martha Cory]: Because I thought the child was wiser than anybody if she knew.6

  [Mr. Hathorne]: Give an answer. You said your husband told you.

  [Martha Cory]: He told me the children said I afflicted them.

  [Mr. Hathorne]: How do you know what they came for? Answer me this truly. Will you say how you came to know what they came for?

  [Martha Cory]: I had heard speech that the children said I afflicted them[scored out] troubled them and I thought that they might come to examine.

  [Mr. Hathorne]: But how did you know it?

  [Martha Cory]: I thought they did.

  [Mr. Hathorne]: Did not you say you would tell the truth? Who told you what they came for?

  [Martha Cory]: Nobody.

  [Mr. Hathorne]: How did you know?

  [Martha Cory]: I did think so.

  [Mr. Hathorne]: But you said you knew so.

  [Children]: There is a man whispering in her ear.7

  [Mr. Hathorne]: What did he say to you?

  [Martha Cory]: We must not believe all that these distracted children say.8

  [Mr. Hathorne]: Cannot he tell [scored out] you tell what that man whispered?

  [Martha Cory]: I saw nobody.

  [Mr. Hathorne]: But did not you hear?

  [Martha Cory]: No.

  Here was extreme agony of all the afflicted.9

  [Mr. Hathorne]: If you expect mercy of God, you must look for it in God’s way by confession.

  [Mr. Hathorne]: Do you think to find mercy by aggravating your sins?

  [Martha Cory]: A true thing.

  [Mr. Hathorne]: Look for it then in God’s way.

  [Martha Cory]: So I do.

  [Mr. Hathorne]: Give glory to God and confess then.

  [Martha Cory]: But I cannot confess.

  [Mr. Hathorne]: Do not you see how these afflicted do charge you?

  [Martha Cory]: We must not believe distracted persons.

  [Mr. Hathorne]: Who do you improve10 to hurt them.

  [Martha Cory]: I improved none.

  [Mr. Hathorne]: Did not you say our eyes were blinded? You would open them?

  [Martha Cory]: Yes, to accuse the innocent.

  Then Crossly11 gave in evidence.

  [Mr. Hathorne]: Why cannot the girl stand before you?

  [Martha Cory]: I do not know.

  [Mr. Hathorne]: What did you mean by that?

  [Martha Cory]: I saw them fall down.

  [Mr. Hathorne]: It seems to be an insulting speech as if they could not stand before you.

  [Martha Cory]: They cannot stand before others.

  [Mr. Hathorne]: But you said they cannot stand before you.

  [Mr. Hathorne]: Tell me what was that turning upon the spit by you?

  [Martha Cory]: You believe the children that are distracted. I saw no spit.

  [Mr. Hathorne]: Here are more than two that accuse you for witchcraft. What do you say?

  [Martha Cory]: I am innocent.

  Then Mr. Hathorne read farther of Crossly’s evidence.

  [Mr. Hathorne]: What did you mean by that the Devil could not stand before you?

  She denied it.

  [Mr. Hathorne]: 3 or 4 sober witnesses confirmed it.12

  [Martha Cory]: What can I do? Many rise up against me.

  [Mr. Hathorne]: Why, confess!

  [Martha Cory]: So I would if I were guilty.

  [Mr. Hathorne]: Here are sober persons. What do you say to them?

  [Mr. Hathorne]: You are a Gospel woman. Will you lie?13

; Abigail cried out, Next Sabbath is sacrament day, but she shall not come there.

  [Martha Cory]: I do not care.

  [Mr. Hathorne]: You charge these children with distraction. It is a note of distraction when persons vary in a minute, but these fix upon you. This is not the manner of distraction.14

  [Martha Cory]: When all are against me, what can I help it?

  [Mr. Hathorne]: Now tell me the truth, will you? Why did you say that the magistrates’ and ministers’ eyes were blinded. You would open them.

  She laughed and denied it.15

  [Mr. Hathorne]: Now tell us how we shall know.

  [Mr. Hathorne]: Who doth hurt these if you do not?

  [Martha Cory]: Can an innocent person be guilty?

  [Mr. Hathorne]: Do you deny these words?

  [Martha Cory]: Yes.

  [Mr. Hathorne]: Tell who hurts these. We came to be a terror to evildoers.

  [Mr. Hathorne]: You say you would open our eyes. We are blind.

  [Martha Cory]: If you say I am a witch.

  [Mr. Hathorne]: You said you would show us.

  She denied it.

  [Mr. Hathorne]: Why do you not now show us?

  [Martha Cory]: I cannot tell. I do not know.

  [Mr. Hathorne]: What did you strike the maid at Mr. Thomas Putman’s with?

  [Martha Cory]: I never struck her in my life.

  [Mr. Hathorne]: Here are two that see you strike her with an iron rod.

  [Martha Cory]: I had not hand in it.

  [Mr. Hathorne]: Who had?

  [Mr. Hathorne]: Do you believe these children are bewitched?

  [Martha Cory]: They may for aught I know I have no hand in it.

  [Mr. Hathorne]: You say you are no witch. Maybe you mean you never covenanted with the Devil. Did you never deal with any familiar?

  [Martha Cory]: No, never.

  [Mr. Hathorne]: What bird was that the children spoke of?

  Then witnesses spoke.

  [Mr. Hathorne]: What [illegible] bird was it?

  [Martha Cory]: I know no bird.

  [Mr. Hathorne]: It may be. You have engaged you will not confess, but God knows.

  [Martha Cory]: So he doth.

  [Mr. Hathorne]: Do you believe you shall go unpunished?

  [Martha Cory]: I have nothing to do with witchcraft.

  [Mr. Hathorne]: Why was you not willing your husband should come to the former session here?

  [Martha Cory]: But he came for all.

  [Mr. Hathorne]: Did not you take the saddle off?

  [Martha Cory]: I did not know what it was for.

  [Mr. Hathorne]: Did you not know what it was for?

  [Martha Cory]: I did not know that it would be to any benefit.

  Somebody said that she would not have them help to find out witches.16

  [Mr. Hathorne]: Did you not say you would open our eyes? Why do you not?

  [Martha Cory]: I never thought of a witch.

  [Mr. Hathorne]: Is it a laughing matter to see these afflicted persons?

  She denied it.

  [Mr. Hathorne]: Several prove it.

  [Martha Cory]: They are all against me and I cannot help it.

  [Mr. Hathorne]: Do not you believe there are witches in the country.

  [Martha Cory]: I do not know that there is any.

  [Mr. Hathorne]: Do not you know that Tituba confessed it?17

  [Martha Cory]: I did not hear her speak.

  [Mr. Hathorne]: I find you will own nothing without several witnesses and yet you will deny for all.

  It was noted when she bit her lip several of the afflicted were bitten.

  When she was urged upon it that she bit her lip saith she, What harm is there in it.

  [Mr. Noyes]: I believe it is apparent she practiceth witchcraft in the congregation. There is no need of images.

  [Mr. Hathorne]: What do you say to all these things that are apparent?

  [Martha Cory]: If you will all go hang me, how can I help it?

  [Mr. Hathorne]: Were you to serve the Devil ten years? Tell how many.18

  She laughed.

  The children cried, There was a yellow bird with her.

  When Mr. Hathorne asked her about it, she laughed.

  When her hands were at liberty, the afflicted persons were pinched.

  [Mr. Hathorne]: Why do not you tell how the Devil comes in your shapes and hurts these? You said you would.

  [Martha Cory]: How can I know how?

  She laughed again.

  [Mr. Hathorne]: What book is that you would have these children write it?

  [Martha Cory]: What book? Where should I have a book? I showed them none, nor have none nor brought none.

  The afflicted cried out there was a man whispering in her ears.

  [Mr. Hathorne]: What book did you carry to Mary Walcott?

  [Martha Cory]: I carried none. If the Devil appears in my shape.

  Then Needham said that Parker some time ago thought this woman was a witch.

  [Mr. Hathorne]: Who is your God?

  [Martha Cory]: The God that made me.

  [Mr. Hathorne]: Who is that God?

  [Martha Cory]: The God that made me.

  [Mr. Hathorne]: What is his name?

  [Martha Cory]: Jehovah.

  [Mr. Hathorne]: Do you know any other name?

  [Martha Cory]: God Almighty.

  [Mr. Hathorne]: Doth he tell you that you pray to that he is God Almighty?

  [Martha Cory]: Who do I worship but the God that made?

  [Mr. Hathorne]: How many Gods are there?

  [Martha Cory]: One.

  [Mr. Hathorne]: How many persons?

  [Martha Cory]: Three.

  [Mr. Hathorne]: Cannot you say so? There is one God in three blessed persons.


  [Mr. Hathorne]: Do not you see these children and women are rational and sober as their neighbors? When your hands are fastened.

  Immediately they were seized with fits and the standers by said she was squeezing her fingers.

  Her hands being eased by them that held them on purpose for trial.

  Quickly after, the marshal said she hath bit her lip and immediately the afflicted were in an uproar.


  [Mr. Hathorne]: You hurt these. Or who doth?

  She denieth any hand in it.

  [Mr. Hathorne]: Why did you say if you were a witch you should have no pardon?

  [Martha Cory]: Because I am a [torn] woman.

  Salem Village, March the 21st, 1691/2

  The Reverend Mr. Samuel Parris being desired to take in writing the examination of Martha Cory, hath returned it as aforesaid. Upon hearing the aforesaid and seeing what we did then see, together with the charges of the persons then present we committed Martha Cory, the wife of Giles Cory of Salem Farms, unto the jail in Salem as mittimus then given out.

  John Hathorne. Assistant, Jonathan Corwin.


  The accusation of Rebecca Nurse, like that of Martha Cory, represented a complete break with convention in New England witch trials. Rebecca Nurse was universally well liked and, like Martha Cory, was a full church member. Unlike the other accused witches who were women of middle age, therefore posing at least a theoretical threat of bringing physical harm against their accusers, Nurse’s possible malfeasance would have been confined wholly to the spectral realm. Rebecca Nurse at the time of the trials was sick and bedridden.1 Only through spectral means, such as sending her spirit out in a different shape, could she harm anyone, opening the legal problem of spectral evidence in the course of the Salem witch trials. Theologians remained undecided over whether the Devil could assume the shape of an innoce
nt person.

  Rebecca Nurse’s accusation stemmed from the reported spectral sufferings of Ann Putnam Jr., the daughter of Thomas Putnam. The Putnams and the extended Nurse family had been in conflict for several years over the boundaries of their land, and so Ann would have heard her spoken of often in the course of family discussions and complaints. In fact, it has been suggested that Ann Carr Putnam, the mother of Ann Jr., supplied the name to the apparition that Ann Jr. reported seeing.2

  Unlike Martha Cory, who was dismissive during her examination, Rebecca Nurse appeared calm and godly, expressing empathy for the afflicted girls. Nurse believed in the reality of their bewitchment, even if she claimed to be an “innocent person” herself. Her empathy did not save her, in the end, from the gallows, any more than Cory’s contempt.

  Rebecca Nurse’s Examination3

  The Examination of Rebecca Nurse at Salem Village, 24 March, 1691/2

  [Mr. Hathorne]: What do you say (speaking to one afflicted)? Have you seen this woman hurt you?

  [Afflicted girl]: Yes, she beat me this morning.

  [Mr. Hathorne]: Abigail, have you been hurt by this woman?

  [Abigail]: Yes.

  Ann Putnam in a grievous fit cried out that she hurt her.

  [Mr. Hathorne]: Goody Nurse, here are two, Ann Putnam the child and Abigail Williams, complain of your hurting them. What do you say to it?

  [Rebecca Nurse]: I can say before my eternal father I am innocent, and God will clear my innocency.

  [Mr. Hathorne]: Here is never a one in the assembly but desires it, but if you be guilty, may God discover you.

  Then Henry Kenny rose up to speak.

  [Mr. Hathorne]: Goodman Kenny, what do you say?

  Then he entered his complaint and farther said that since this Nurse came into the house, We was seized twice with an amazed4 condition.

  [Mr. Hathorne]: Here are not only these but here is the wife of Mr. Thomas Putnam who accuseth you by credible information and that both of tempting her to iniquity and of greatly hurting her.

  [Rebecca Nurse]: I ha[scored out] am innocent and clear and have not been able to get out of doors these 8 or 9 days.

  [Mr. Hathorne]: Mr. Putnam, give in what you have to say.

  Then Mr. Edward Putnam gave in his relate.

  [Mr. Hathorne]: Is this true Goody Nurse?

  [Rebecca Nurse]: I never afflicted no child never in my life.

  [Mr. Hathorne]: You see these accuse you. Is it true?