Page 30 of Oath of Swords

  "Oh, you're in no danger yet, Bahzell. You have quite a strong mind, actually, and I wouldn't be here if I were likely to damage it."

  "Now there's a comforting thought." Bahzell glowered up at the clouds a moment longer, then shrugged. "Well, if you're here, why not be making yourself useful and tell me what's happening up ahead?"

  "I said your refusal to ask me was only one of the reasons," Tomanak reminded him. "There are others."

  "Such as?"

  "First, it would be entirely too close to direct meddling; it's not the sort of thing even a god can do too often, so we save it for really important matters. Then, too, there are things you shouldn't know. If I were to tell you everything, you'd come to rely on that and make your decisions based solely on what I told you. After a time, you'd be the very thing you're so determined to avoid: a puppet, controlled by the information I provided."

  "Um." Bahzell chewed his lip for a moment, then nodded reluctantly.

  "What I can and will do for my champions," Tomanak went on, "is strengthen them when they need it. Their decisions are their own to make. They know my Code and their own hearts, but it's the exercise of their own wills and their reliance on their own courage which makes them champions. A warrior who's led by the hand and protected from all danger becomes a shell. If I make them less than the best they can be I betray them . . . and leave them unsuited to the tasks for which I need them, like a blade that's lost its temper."

  Bahzell nodded again, less reluctantly, then sighed.

  "All right, that much I can see. But if that's the case, then I'll be thanking you not to gab away at me with no warning at all, at all."

  "That may be a bit difficult," Tomanak said almost apologetically. "A part of my attention is attuned to you at all times, and when you have questions that may affect your ultimate decision, I owe you answers—or the reasons why there aren't any. I realize what I'm asking of you, and you deserve the fullest explanation I can give you while you think things over. So until you make up your mind one way or the other, I'm afraid I'll be `gabbing away' at you any time you think a question at me."

  "But I'm not wanting you to!" Bahzell pointed out.

  "Perhaps not, but I'm the god of justice as well as war, Bahzell, and it would be unjust not to explain whatever I can. If you don't want to hear from me, then don't think about me."

  "Oh, that's a fine piece of advice! And just how is it I'm to stop thinking about you when you're wanting to turn my life inside out?!"

  "By making a decision, one way or the other," Tomanak returned with a sort of implacable gentleness. "Until then—"

  Bahzell had the strong impression of an unseen shrug, and then the voice in his mind was gone and there was only the wind moaning about him as it gathered strength and the snow fell more thickly. He growled under his breath, and a vast sense of ill-use filled him—one that was made even more infuriating by his own nagging feeling that he was childish to feel it. Maddening as the sudden, unexpected inner conversations might be, Tomanak was right; anyone who asked a man for his allegiance owed that man the fullest explanation he could give of what that entailed. It was just Bahzell's cursed luck that a god could explain—or not, as the case might be—anything.

  He growled again and shook himself. Discussions with gods might be very impressive, he thought grumpily, but they seemed to offer far less guidance than all the tales insisted. It was still up to him and Brandark to deal with the scum ahead of them, and he looked around for his friend.

  The Bloody Sword had fallen back beside the pack animals, sitting his horse with a sort of studied nonchalance to emphasize his disinterest in Bahzell's one-sided conversation. The Horse Stealer smiled sourly and walked across to him.

  "I'm thinking we'd best be hitting them this afternoon," he said, resuming the discussion Tomanak had interrupted. "It's not the odds I'd choose, but they'll not get better just for our wishing, and it's in my mind we might use the snow against them. If it's after coming down as heavy as it looks to, we can likely use it for cover and keep 'em from realizing there's naught but the two of us."

  Brandark's expression was unhappy as he contemplated the odds, yet he couldn't fault Bahzell's reasoning. If two warriors were mad enough to attack forty, they'd best wring every possible advantage from surprise and confusion, and few things were more surprising or confusing than an ambush out of a snowstorm.

  "Agreed," he said after a moment, "and I thin—"

  He broke off in midword, staring past Bahzell's shoulder, then gasped an oath. The Horse Stealer wasted no time asking what he'd seen. He only reached up and ripped his cloak loose with one hand even as he spun on his toes. He flung the garment away like a huge, dark bat, billowing on a sudden gust of wind, while his other hand went back over his shoulder. One instant he was speaking to Brandark; the next, five feet of sword flared from its sheath and gleamed dully in the pewter light as he fell into a guard stance.

  A mounted rider sat his horse ten yards away. Neither of the hradani nor any of their animals had as much as noticed his arrival; he was simply there, as if he'd oozed up out of the herringbones of snow and stems of dead grass, and Bahzell's ears went flat and the nape of his neck prickled. Snow or no snow, no one could have crept up that close—not on a horse—without his noticing! Zarantha's mule stamped, steel rasped, and saddle leather creaked behind him as Brandark drew his own sword, and the background moan and sigh of the wind only made the stillness seem more hushed.

  Bahzell watched the rider, poised to attack, and the horseman cocked his head to gaze back. He was tall for a human—almost as tall as Brandark—and he sat his saddle as if he'd been born in it. The raised hood of his snow-stippled Sothoii-style poncho shadowed his face and hid his features, but he wore a longsword, not a sabre, and there was neither a quiver at his saddle nor a bow on his back. The stranger let the silence linger for a long, breathless moment, then touched his mount with his heels. The horse walked slowly closer, and the Horse Stealer's ears folded even tighter to his skull. That winter-shaggy warhorse was no courser, but only a Sothoii—or someone with a prince's purse—could own its equal. The hradani held his breath as the rider drew up again, well within the reach of Bahzell's sword, and rested both gloved hands on the pommel of his saddle.

  "Impressive," he said dryly. His voice was deep for a human's, though far lighter than Bahzell's own subterranean bass. "Very impressive. But there's no need for all this martial ardor, I assure you."

  "Do you, now?" Bahzell rumbled back.

  "Of course I do, Bahzell Bahnakson."

  The Horse Stealer gritted his teeth in pure frustration. Dreams, magi, wizards, gods, missions—his life had become entirely too full of portents and omens without mysterious horsemen materializing out of the very ground to call him by name, and there was a hard, dangerous edge to his voice when he spoke again.

  "Suppose you let me be making my own mind up about that. And while you're being so free with my name, who might you be?"

  The stranger chuckled. The pure amusement of the sound flicked the hradani like a whip, and he felt the first, hot flicker of the Rage. He ground his heel down upon it, but it was hard in his present mood. He'd served as the butt of the universe's bad jokes long enough, and he growled deep in his throat as the newcomer reached up and drew back the hood of his poncho.

  The horseman was older than Bahzell had assumed from his voice and the way he sat his horse. His neatly trimmed beard and hair were whiter than the snow about them, and his lean face was dark and weathered. There were surprisingly few wrinkles to go with that silver hair, yet something about his features suggested an ancient hardiness that went far beyond mere age. The Horse Stealer noted the Sothoii-style leather sweatband that held back his hair, the strong straight nose, the square jaw whose stubborn jut not even the beard could disguise, but they hardly registered, for they were dominated and eclipsed by the horseman's eyes. Strange eyes, that called no color their own but flickered and shifted even as he watched, dancing like wildfi
re in the dull winter light. They had neither pupil nor white, those eyes, only the unearthly flowing fire that filled the sockets under craggy white eyebrows.

  Bahzell stared at them, shaken and half-mesmerized. An alarm bell seemed to toll deep inside him, battering at the fascination which held him motionless, and he heard Brandark hiss behind him.

  "I think Brandark recognizes me, Bahzell," the stranger said in that same, dryly amused tone.

  "That's as may be, but I don't," Bahzell shot back, shaking off the impact of those fiery eyes with an effort, "and I've had a hard enough day without riddle games in the snow."

  He took a half-step forward, sword ready. The horseman only smiled, as if at a child in a tantrum, and Bahzell felt the Rage flare at his core once more at the other's amusement, but Brandark spoke suddenly from behind him.

  "I wouldn't do anything hasty, Bahzell," the Bloody Sword said in a very careful tone. "Not unless you really want to spend a few years as a toad."

  "What?" Bahzell's ears twitched, but his attention was so focused on the stranger that his friend's words hardly registered.

  "That sort of thing happens to people who attack wizards," Brandark said, and a bolt of sheer fury lashed through the Horse Stealer at the word "wizards." The Rage slipped the frayed leash of his will, and he lunged forward with a murderous snarl. The tip of his sword thrust straight for the stranger's chest, but the horseman didn't even move. He only gazed at the hradani, and his eldritch eyes flashed like twin suns.

  Something Bahzell had no words to describe slammed into him. It struck like a hammer fit to shatter a world, yet there was a delicacy to it, as well—almost a gentleness, like a man snatching a hummingbird from midair without so much as ruffling its feathers—and unaccustomed panic sparkled at his heart as it did the impossible and froze a hradani in the grip of the Rage. He found himself utterly unable to move, his murderous lunge arrested a foot from its target, and the stranger shook his head apologetically.

  "Excuse me. I know you've had a difficult time of late, and I really shouldn't let my questionable sense of humor get the better of me. But I've been looking forward to this moment for a very long time, Bahzell, and I just couldn't resist."

  Bahzell stood motionless, and fresh shock rippled through him as he realized the Rage had vanished. Somehow the stranger had banished it as if it had never come, and that was the strangest thing of all.

  The horseman moved his mount aside, out of the line of Bahzell's lunge but still where the hradani could see him, and he bowed from the saddle.

  "Again, I ask your pardon for my behavior," he said gravely. "And in answer to your question, Bahzell, my name is Wencit. Wencit of Rum." This time he made a tiny gesture with one hand, and whatever had held Bahzell fled. He staggered forward with the force of his interrupted attack, but a fresh paralysis—this one of sheer disbelief—held him as tightly as the vanished spell. He gawked at the man on the horse, jaw dropping, stunned as even Tomanak's appearance out of the night had not left him, and lowered his sword very, very slowly.

  Wencit of Rum. It couldn't be. Yet, at the same time, it had to be. Only one man had eyes like that, and he'd been a fool not to realize it, but even as he thought that, he knew why he hadn't. A man didn't expect to meet a figure out of legend in a snowstorm a hundred leagues from anywhere.

  "Wencit of Rum?" he repeated in a dazed tone, and the horseman nodded. "The Wencit of Rum?" Bahzell persisted with the numbness of his shock.

  "So far as I know, there's only one of me," Wencit said gravely. Bahzell darted a look at Brandark, and the astonishment on the Bloody Sword's face was almost deeper than his own. Of course. Brandark was a scholar who'd always wanted to be a bard. No doubt he knew all the tales of the Fall and the part Wencit of Rum, lord of the last White Council of Wizards, had played in saving what he could from the wreck of Kontovar. But that had been twelve centuries ago—surely the man couldn't still be alive!

  But he was a wizard, Bahzell reminded himself. A wild wizard. Possibly the most powerful single wizard who'd ever lived. Who knew what he could or couldn't be?

  "Well," the Horse Stealer said finally, sheathing his sword with mechanical precision. "Wencit of Rum." He shook himself like a dog shaking water from its coat. "It's not so very fond of wizards my folk are, but then, most of them aren't so very fond of us, either." He smiled crookedly and folded his arms across his chest. "And what, if I might be asking, brings Wencit of Rum out in all this?" He flicked his ears at the thickening snow, and there was an edge of darkness in Wencit's answering smile.

  "Very much what brings you." The wizard dismounted and stroked his mount's neck while the horse lipped his white hair affectionately.


  "Ah, indeed. There's no White Council now, Bahzell, but I do what I can to stop the abuse of the art. I've come to rely heavily on the magi's aid for that, and the Axe Hallow mage academy got word to me when Zarantha didn't reach home on schedule."

  He shrugged, and Bahzell nodded.

  "Aye, she'd be important to you, and the magi, wouldn't she now?"

  "If you're referring to her plans to found a Spearman mage academy, the answer is yes. But if you're suggesting her mage talent is all that makes her important to us, you're wrong." Wencit spoke almost mildly, but there was a hint of steel in his voice, and Bahzell nodded again, accepting the rebuke, if that was what it had been.

  "Fair enough," he said slowly, "but I'm just the tiniest bit confused. You've been glued to their trail like a lodestone for days now, and I'm thinking the likes of you could deal with the wizards who have her."

  "And you want to know why I haven't." Wencit made the question a statement, and Bahzell nodded yet again. "It's not quite as simple as you may think, Bahzell. Oh, you're right, I could deal with either of them—or both together—easily enough, but not with the men they have with them. Not without violating the Strictures, at any rate."

  "The Strictures?" Bahzell's arched eyebrow invited further explanation, but it was Brandark who answered him.

  "The Strictures of Ottovar, Bahzell," the Bloody Sword said, dismounting from his own horse to stand beside his friend. "They were the laws of wizardry in Kontovar, the rules the White Council was formed to enforce."

  "Among other things," Wencit amended with a nod.

  "And what might the Strictures be?" Bahzell asked.

  "Exactly what Brandark said: the laws of wizardry. Or of white wizardry, at any rate. They were written by Ottovar the Great and Gwynytha the Wise when they ended the wizard wars of their own time and founded Ottovar's empire. In simple terms, they were designed to protect those who don't have power from casual abuse by those who do."

  "And you're still after following them all these years later?"

  "If I don't, who will?" That steely edge was back in Wencit's voice, and his wildfire gaze bored into Bahzell's eyes. "Does time alone define right or wrong? And even if it did, by what right could I demand other wizards obey them—or hold them accountable when they don't—if I violated them myself?"

  "Aye, there's that," Bahzell agreed slowly, rubbing his chin with one hand, then gave the wizard a sharp look. "Still and all, I can't but think you've hunted us out to do more than tell us what it is you can't be doing."

  "True." Wencit smiled almost impishly and gave his horse's neck another pat, then leaned back against his saddle and surveyed the two hradani. "Under the Strictures, I may use sorcery against nonwizards only in direct self-defense, and even then I can't kill them if anything short of killing will keep me alive. Wizards—especially dark wizards—are another matter. Them I can challenge to arcane combat, but somehow I doubt their henchmen could refrain from sticking a knife in my back while I do it."

  "Ah," Bahzell said again, and exchanged glances with Brandark before he looked back at Wencit. "I'm hoping you won't take this wrongly," he said politely, "but I'm thinking I see where you're headed, and twenty-to-one might be just a mite heavy odds for us to be keeping off your back while you satisfy yo
ur principles, Wencit."

  "I know," Wencit said cheerfully, "but with the right help, you won't be facing twenty-to-one odds."

  "And here I was thinking you'd just said you couldn't use sorcery against nonwizards."

  "Oh, but I won't use a single spell on them," Wencit said, and something in his smile was as cold as the falling snow.


  The sentry huddled in the lee of a patch of scrub, hugging himself under his cloak while cataracts of white roared past. Storms this fierce were rare in these southern plains, and he stamped his feet and peered uselessly into the whirling snow devils. Visibility was as much as thirty yards between wind gusts, but such intervals were rare, and he swore balefully. Posting guards was pointless on a night like this, but there'd been no use arguing, and he swore again, this time at himself for ever having taken service with the Church of Carnadosa.

  Black wizards were perilous paymasters at any time, for the same penalties applied to a black wizard's hirelings as to himself. That meant the money was good, of course, yet his employers were being less open than usual this time, and the presence of assassins made him almost as uneasy as his ignorance of what was on their track. Carnadosa and Sharna were never comfortable allies, and anything that could bring their followers into alliance was bound to be risky.

  The sentry knew he was only a hired sword to the Church, yet this was the first time his masters had refused to explain anything. They'd simply sent him and twenty others out to meet two of their number—and the dog brothers—in the middle of this howling wilderness, and the palpable anxiety which possessed the people they'd met was enough to make anyone nervous. Whatever was back there, it had inspired the travelers to push their horses dangerously close to collapse and post guards even in the heart of a blizzard, and the sentry was uncomfortably certain it was all somehow due to the presence of their prisoner. He didn't know who she was, either, and he didn't want to. The senior of his employers—a priest of Carnadosa, as well as a wizard—had her under some sort of compulsion that turned her into a walking corpse, something that moved pliantly and obediently and ate whatever was put into its mouth, yet the sentry had seen her eyes—once—and there was nothing dead about them. They burned with fury and a sort of desperate horror that set his nerves on edge and made him wish he'd never taken the money.