And one of healing.

  Best of all, Menyara was the only person, besides her father, Bathymaas trusted.

  Menyara gasped as soon as she saw her tears. "Child, what has happened to you?"

  Sobbing, she gestured toward Aricles. "Please heal him, Aunt Mennie. Please."

  Her eyes widening, Menyara nodded without hesitation. She placed her hand to Aricles's chest and then on the arrow that had narrowly missed his heart. "Take a deep breath."

  Kneeling beside him, Bathymaas held his hand as he braced himself.

  Aricles nodded to let the new goddess know he was ready.

  She dissolved the arrow, but her actions burned him inside and out.

  Aricles choked on the misery of it all. Agony made his vision turn dull as his heart pounded even more pain through his body.

  Bathymaas bent her head down and pressed her cheek to his while she placed her left hand on the other side of his face. Closing his eyes, he let her scent and warmth ease him.

  Until her aunt dissolved the next one.

  He roared with the force of it.

  Bathymaas tightened her hold on him. "Breathe, love. Just breathe."

  Love ...

  She'd never used that word with him before. Smiling in spite of his agony, he placed his left hand over hers.

  By the time the last arrow was dissolved, he was barely conscious from the agony of it all. Still Bathymaas held him as her tears fell against his skin.

  Panting and weak, he met the gaze of her aunt, who appeared less than pleased by their relationship.

  "He needs to rest easy tonight, May," she said to Bathymaas. "By morning, he'll be sore, but functional."

  Bathymaas squeezed his hand before she stood up. Still, she held on to it. "Thank you, Mennie."

  Her aunt wiped at the tears on her face. "Oh, girl..." She pressed her lips together and shook her head. "Do not tell your father about this ... or anyone else. Ever."

  "I know."

  Menyara placed her hand on Aricles's shoulder. "If you had any other heart, boy, I'd see you dead for what you've done to my baby." She cupped their entwined hands in hers. "You both have my blessings for this fiasco, and I will never breathe a word to anyone about you. But be careful. This secret could destroy you both." She kissed Bathymaas's cheek then vanished.

  Before she could stop herself, Bathymaas lay down by his side and held him to her. "You are not allowed to be hurt again, Ari. Do you understand?"

  He smiled at her stern command. "I shall try."

  "No, you will succeed." She brushed her hand over his now scarred chest. "I am going to create armor the likes of which no one has seen to protect you when you fight. None of this bare skin showing anymore. It leaves you too vulnerable."

  "But this is how our people fight."

  "It's stupid."

  "All war is, my goddess."

  He was right about that, and she hated that she'd ever conceived this idea. Yet if she hadn't, she'd have never met him. Never known his warmth and heart.

  Out of mud comes the bloom. And he was her bloom.

  Rising up, she placed a tender kiss to his lips. "Get better for me, Ari."

  He brushed the hair back from her face and offered her another smile through his pain. "I will. I promise."

  And he never intentionally broke his promises. Rubbing her nose playfully against his, she gave him a quick kiss then reluctantly withdrew from him so that he could rest and heal. She covered him with the blanket.

  When she started away, he caught her wrist in a gentle grip. "I love you, Bathymaas."

  More tears filled her eyes at his tender words. "I love you, too, Ari."

  And yet they dare not show it. Not to a soul. The injustice of that made her want to scream. It wasn't fair that they had to keep this a secret when others got to shout their joy from the highest mountaintops.

  She lifted his hand to her lips and kissed his scarred knuckles. And as she did so, she felt a peculiar stirring.

  Eyes wide, she gaped at him.

  "What, my lady?"

  Unable to believe it, she pressed her hand to her chest and felt ...

  Her heart.

  It was beating!

  Biting her lip, she took his hand and pressed it between her breasts. "Do you feel it?"

  He was every bit as aghast as she was. "You have a heart."

  "No," she said breathlessly. "It's not mine. You gave me yours. It's your heart that beats inside me, Ari."

  Aricles was stunned as he felt the warmth of her skin and the strong beat beneath his fingertips. And while he rejoiced, he was also terrified over it.

  What had they done?

  It couldn't be a good thing to change a goddess.


  Suddenly, a knock sounded against the tent post.

  Bathymaas jumped away from him at the same time Malphas spoke. "May we enter, my goddess? I have a nervous old woman out here who is about to wet himself with worry that his brother is dead."

  She wiped her face and drew a ragged breath before she fell into her emotionless role. "Come in."

  Galen ran to the bed and pulled the blanket back so that he could inspect his brother's chest. All that was left there were four scars from where Menyara had sealed the wounds closed. "How is this possible?"

  Bathymaas cleared her throat. "I summoned my aunt for him. He must rest tonight, but will be better by morning."

  Aricles grunted as Galen hugged him with a crushing hold. "By morning, dullard," he choked out. "Tonight, I still feel like I've been shot by four arrows."

  Laughing, Galen released him. "Remember your promise to me, brother. You are not to make me a responsible adult yet."

  Aricles snorted. "Go and drink yourself stupid. Celebrate with the others and I'll see you in the morning."

  "But not too early." Galen winked at him before he rose and kissed his cheek. "Sleep well."

  "And you ... make sure you sleep at some point before morning."

  Caleb let out an irritable sigh. "Guess I'll be bunking with the others tonight. Don't get used to this, Aricles. I don't give up my bed or tent easily." Malphas bowed to her then followed after Galen. "Save some wine for me, you gluttonous bastard!"

  Bathymaas moved to ask Aricles if she could get something for him, but he was already asleep. Relieved, she ran her finger down the line of his perfectly sculpted jaw and savored the sensation of his whiskers tugging at her skin.

  She'd known him for almost two years now. In some ways it seemed like they'd just met, and in others, it was as if she'd known him forever. She picked up her amulet and stared at the stone heart her father had given her. This trinket was no longer the warmth inside her body. Her heart now belonged with Aricles. He was what sustained her and she would be lost without his quiet, gentle nature.

  Even though she should be horrified by what he'd done to her, she wasn't. Instead, she climbed back into bed to lie beside him so that she could hold him while he slept. But as she closed her eyes, she couldn't help the fear that stalked her. He was mortal. She was not. What hope could their love possibly have? Was there any way for this to end, other than very badly for them both?

  April 4, 12,250 BC

  "Run away with me, Ari."

  Aricles tightened his arms around Bathymaas as they fished in their spot. "I can't, my love. And neither can you. We have too many responsibilities for that."

  "I don't care, anymore. Injustice will continue. It's the nature of mortals. No matter what I do, they still hurt each other. Ergo, I cede and give up this useless fight. All I want now is to be with you."

  Closing his eyes, he inhaled her sweet lily scent, wishing that he could forget everything and leave with her. But he couldn't. And neither could she. If they did, he had no doubt that in time, she'd learn to hate him for changing her. "We must do what we can to help others."

  She sighed heavily. "And that's why I love you, even though I hate you." She kissed his cheek.

  He smiled at her contradic
tory words. That was the only downfall to her emotions. They were now mercurial at times.

  Bathymaas stroked the arm he had across her stomach as she felt his erection against her back. He no longer bound himself, but neither did he ever make a move to touch her more intimately than a kiss. "Ari? Do you ever think about having children?"

  "I used to."

  "And now?"

  "I will never love anyone but you, my goddess. So I no longer think about it."

  He was willing to die virgin rather than dishonor her. It was one of many reasons why she loved him. He'd already made the vow publicly that he would hold himself chaste in her honor.

  But such a precious heart didn't deserve to suffer.

  "Would you make love to me if I asked it of you, Ari?" She felt his cock jerk at her question.

  "Bathia," he chided gently, "you know better."

  Bathia was an Atlantean endearment for her name that he only used when she tugged at his heart. Most of the time, he still referred to her as "goddess" or "my lady"--so as to remind himself that she was born of the Source and not mortal like him. It was why she treasured any time he used her name.

  "But I want to know what it's like to be with you fully. To have you inside me. And I can think of no better gift than to carry your child for you. My own little Aricles."

  Aricles clenched his teeth as he savored those words. They meant more to him than any others. Yet ...

  "You are to remain virginal. You know that. Who am I to defile a goddess so pure?"

  "You're the man I love above all others. Even myself."


  She placed her fingers over his lips to keep him from protesting. "Tell me you haven't thought about it. Honestly."

  A smile quirked at the edges of his lips. "Every waking moment, as you have felt whenever you lean against me. I can't get near the scent of a lily without growing hard."

  She took his hand into hers and led it to her breast. "Then ease your pain with me."

  His heart pounded at the sensation of her breast against his palm. There was nothing more in the world he wanted than to taste her taut peak, but ...

  "I am nothing but a weak mortal, Bathia. You are a goddess. I have no right to touch or claim any part of you."

  She turned around in his arms to kneel in front of him. "Have I the right to touch you?"

  "I am ever your servant, my lady. Of course." He spoke without thinking. And he was completely unprepared when she lifted his chiton so that she could cup his erection in her delicate hand. His breath rushed out as her fingers gently stroked and teased him. "Bathia..."

  "Shh," she whispered against his lips while she caressed his body. After a second, she pulled back with a light squeak. "Did I break you?"

  He frowned at her alarm. "What makes you think that?"

  She held her hand up to show him. "Why do you leak so?"

  His frown melted into a smile. "I don't know. It just does that sometimes."

  Frowning, she studied her hand. "Is it the same as when I grow moist between my legs whenever you're near?"

  Aricles gaped at her question. For a full minute, he couldn't think of how to respond. She was so unabashed about taboo subjects that it often caught him off guard. "I-I suppose it is."

  She brushed his chiton aside so that she could stare at his erection. "Your body is so different from mine. Are all men like you?"

  "I would assume, but I don't make it a habit of being with naked men, especially when they're aroused."

  She smiled at that then lifted her hand so that she could taste what she'd milked from him. The sight of her doing that made his mouth go dry. She had no idea how difficult it was to be with her open innocence. For all the centuries she'd lived, she knew so little about mortals and even less about the relationships of men and women.

  "It's very salty."

  "I wouldn't know."

  She dropped her hand to him again to stroke the length of his cock. He gasped as unmitigated pleasure ripped through him.

  "You do like it when I do this to you, don't you?"

  More than she would ever know. "Goddess ... please ... you're torturing me."

  "Then make love to me, Ari." She unpinned her peplos and let it fall open, baring herself completely to his hungry gaze.

  He couldn't breathe at the sight of her perfect naked body. Of her full, lush breasts and the dark hair at the juncture of her thighs.

  Before he could stop her, she placed his hand back on her bare breast. The sight of his tanned skin against hers and the feel of her taut nipple against his palm ...

  He was undone.

  Rising to his own knees, he kissed her deeply while she cupped him again in her hand. He reached down between their bodies to hold her hand to his cock while he rocked himself against the sweet pressure she provided.

  Bathymaas smiled at the pleasure she saw on his face. And when he moved his hand from hers to touch her where she physically ached, she gasped at the most exquisite bliss she'd ever felt.

  "You're so wet," he breathed against her ear.

  "I told you, I'm always that way whenever you're near, but I'm not sure why."

  He gently laid her back against the ground with one arm pressed against her spine. The strength of him never ceased to amaze her. He was so ferocious and at the same time gentle.

  The dark hunger in his eyes as he stared down at her set her on fire. His hand continued to stroke and delve deep inside her, making her even more breathless as he teased her skin with his tongue.

  Then, slowly, methodically, he kissed and nibbled his way to her ear and throat then her breasts. Her entire body felt electrified by his touch. And when he replaced his hand with his mouth, she cried out in total ecstasy.

  Aricles could barely catch his breath as his heart pounded furiously in his chest. Never in all his life had he tasted anything sweeter than her body. She sank her hands into his hair, pressing him closer to her while he slowly pleasured her. Over the years, he'd tried to imagine what it would feel like to have a woman, but none of those fantasies could compare to this reality. And it wasn't just because she was a goddess. It was because he loved her with every part of his being.

  There was nothing he enjoyed more than sitting quietly with her, answering her myriad of questions. Even when they were embarrassing and horrifying. She was the only person he'd ever truly enjoyed conversing with. The only one he could sit with for hours and not become bored or irritated.

  All of a sudden, her grip tightened in his hair. She threw her head back and cried out as her entire body shook. Closing his eyes and smiling, he savored her even more.

  When she finally stopped, she looked down at him. "What did you do to me?"

  "It's called an orgasm, my lady."

  Still breathing heavily, she frowned. "Have you ever had one?"

  "No. I've only heard my brother and other men speak of them."

  "You need to have one. They're rather remarkable."

  Laughing, he nibbled his way back up her body to kiss her then he moved away to retrieve her peplos for her.

  She scowled at him. "What are you doing?"

  "I'm withdrawing while your maidenhead is still intact."

  She sat up to pull him closer to her. "My Ari never withdraws from anything."

  He cupped her precious face in his hand as he tried to make her understand why he retreated now. "I don't want to cause you any harm."

  "How can loving me cause me harm?"

  Still, he had no right to do this. "You deserve better than a backwoods farm boy, my goddess."

  "My Phoenix is a hero and a champion, and while in his heart he's a farmer, he is not backwoods. And I will not have you insult him."

  He grinned at her words. She always chided him whenever he insulted himself, and then used the battle name the others had dubbed him to remind him that he was more than what he felt in his heart. He didn't know what it was about her, but she could always make him feel like a king with nothing more than a single g
lance or a few words.

  Leaning back, she pulled him with her. "Now come inside, my lord, and find your pleasure."

  And when she bent her knees and spread her legs for him, he no longer had the ability to deny her request. Cursing himself for his own weakness, he laid his body over hers then gently slid inside.

  Bathymaas gasped at the thick fullness of Aricles filling her body. For several heartbeats, neither moved as they stared at each other. She smiled up at him. "I love you, Ari."

  The intensity of those blue eyes scorched her. "I love you, too. With every part of me." Slow and easy, he began to rock himself against her hips.

  Gasping, she moaned at how good he felt. He dipped down to give her a kiss that stole her breath.

  She savored the warmth of his body in and around hers as she brushed her hand against the sharp, hard ridges of his abdomen. He was all strength and power.

  And best of all, he was hers.

  He'd never touched another woman like this. Never shared this part of himself with anyone else. It made her love him all the more.

  Suddenly, he quickened his strokes and ground his teeth. An instant later, he growled and shuddered against her.

  Her smile widened. "See, I told you."

  He laughed quietly. "And you were very right. It was amazing. I finally understand why my brother is so fascinated by women." His breathing ragged, he lifted himself up on his arms to stare down at her while they were still joined. "I love you, my goddess, and I swear to you that I will never willingly touch any woman save you."

  She cupped his face in her hands. "You've made me whole."

  Aricles held his breath as raw panic filled him. He was thrilled that she was happy, but deep inside he couldn't stop thinking that this wasn't right and that somehow the gods would punish them both for daring to love each other.

  June 2, 12,249 BC

  Bathymaas withheld her smile as she listened to the crowd cheering for her beloved Eperon as they rode through the gates of Corinth while she stood on a palace balcony. They were resplendent in the gleaming bronze body armor she'd created for them. When they held their shields and stood side by side, it covered every inch of them and kept them safe.

  Over the last year, they had earned a name for themselves in battle that guaranteed all seven of them would go down in the annals of history as some of the greatest champions who ever lived.

  They had more than proven themselves worthy successors to the Chthonians who continued to war against one another. Most of the pantheons had now learned to behave, but still the Greeks warred on with reckless abandon and disregard. It infuriated her that Apollo, Ares, Zeus, Poseidon, and Leto couldn't stop preying on the humans.