Page 8 of The Power

  “You have to do it again,” he insisted, returning to his Instructor of Annoying Jerk-Face position. Legs spread wide. Arms across his chest. “You have to do it more than once, and not when you’re just pissed at me.”

  My skin prickled with frustration, and anger was like lava in my blood. Screw wind, though. I was so damn sick of the dummy. Sick of not being able to do it correctly every time. Sick of my missing mom and my absentee dad. Sick of the nightmares. So over the responsibilities I never asked for.

  Just sick of everything.

  Like a flower blossoming for the rain, whatever existed deep inside me opened up. A chasm ripped open, like it had when I blasted Hyperion. Pure power rippled through me, and this time when I lifted my hand and opened my palm, I wasn’t summoning the element of air. I tapped into the power of the gods, the energy that gave life and ended it.

  Seth made a sound of surprise.

  Whitish light powered down my right arm, circling like a cyclone, and then the intense white bolt of light erupted out of my palm and slammed into the dummy, lifting it back into the air again. The dummy continued to climb, higher than the trees surrounding the campus.

  Akasha covered the dummy, the intensity too much for the plastic and fake flesh. It exploded with a loud crack, shattering into a million little pieces that rained down several feet away.

  Closing my hand, I dropped my arm and turned to Seth. “There.”

  He was staring at me again, his gaze feverish this time, and the glyphs were out, sliding across his skin.

  “And yeah, I did that on purpose, jerk-face.”

  Seth said nothing as he took a step toward me, but I was ready to explode like that stupid dummy. “I totally get that I need to be better at this, but I’m trying. I’m doing my best. I didn’t have years and years of training. I’ve had months, so excuse you if I get a little distracted by the random eagle or boob-shaped clouds!”

  His features were tight, highlighting the angular sharpness of his cheeks, and he was still coming at me with this hungry look on his face.

  I was so not finished.

  “And I know I’m going to have to be freaking awesome to fight Hyperion and the rest of the Titans. Trust me. I think about it every day,” I told him, my voice warbling as tears clogged my throat. “And I try not to, because when I do, I think about—” I cut myself off, shaking my head. “You know what? Never mind. I’m going to go eat my emotions.”

  I started to turn away, but Seth wrapped his arm around my waist and drew me back to him. I hit his hard chest and would’ve bounced off if his arm hadn’t clamped around me.


  His mouth closed over mine. I gasped into the kiss as he pulled back, lifting my feet clear off the ground. Clutching his shoulders, I was pressed between the cool base of a nearby statue and the heat of Seth within a few stuttered heartbeats. There was nowhere to go, and despite the fact that I was just yelling at him, I didn’t want to go anywhere.

  If yelling at Seth ended in him kissing me like this, holding me like this, then hell, I was going to yell at him more often.

  I was quite happy here, even if it was out in public where anyone could stumble upon us. Then again, being in my room wasn’t exactly private considering Apollo had a habit of just appearing randomly.

  Seth caught my bottom lip between his teeth, and I wasn’t really thinking about anything. My lips parted in response to the wicked pressure, and there was no room for anything but the way he tasted and how he felt, and I could really, really feel him. He was hard against my lower belly, and then he shifted, sliding his thigh between mine.

  As his tongue tangled with mine, he moved his thigh in the perfect way, right against the bundle of nerves. Liquid heat flooded my veins and I moaned into his mouth as my hands dug into his shoulders.

  “You liked that, huh?” His voice was thick and sexy, sending shivers straight down my spine and into the most interesting places.

  “Yes.” I nodded just in case he didn’t get the message.

  He chuckled against my mouth. “You know what that makes me want to do?”


  Seth’s tongue traced my lower lip. “Makes me want to hear you make that sound.” He moved his thigh against me, and he got what he asked for. I moaned as pleasure pulsed through me. “And again.”

  Oh. Oh, goodness.

  His mouth was on mine again, drowning me in kisses as the arm around my waist tightened. He lowered his leg slightly, so my feet were on the ground. “Ride me,” he ordered gruffly.

  Heat blasted my face. Ride his leg? Oh my God, my face was burning up, but it was nothing compared to the other areas of my body. I didn’t move, so he gripped my hip with his other hand and then he moved me against him. The friction was immediate.

  “Seth,” I gasped out, shuddering.

  “Do it.” His kiss was more demanding, more overwhelming. The hand on my hip guided me again, rocking me against his thigh.

  I did it.

  I so did it.

  Didn’t care that we were outside or that I was basically riding his thigh like someone who seriously needed to get a room. I didn’t care that things had been weird in the moments leading up to this. Or that a handful of minutes ago, I was contemplating throat punching him.

  On the tips of my toes, I wrapped my arms around his neck and I did what I wanted to do with no clothes between us. I rocked my hips back and forth, slow at first and then faster.

  In a distant part of me, where my brain still functioned, I couldn’t believe I was actually doing this out here, but the exquisite pressure building in my core obliterated common sense.

  The hand on my hip glided up my waist and over my ribs, creating wave after wave of shivers. He then coasted his hand over my breast, stopping in the center of my chest.

  Seth made this sound in the back of his throat, a groan that pulled me out of the haze of pleasure, because it was part aroused, but . . . but part anguished.

  I started to pull back, but then he kissed me again, and I was dragged back in, back under. Our breaths were coming out in short, shallow pants in between hot and hard kisses. The tension built. My fingers dug into the nape of his neck. What felt like every nerve ending in my body stretched tight. There was a deep pulling and tugging sensation coming from several sensitive points in my body. Then it all snapped. Release coiled out from my center, and I might’ve shouted. It felt like I did. My throat was suddenly hoarse and there was a hollowness in the center of my chest. I didn’t know if anyone heard it or if the wind whipped it away, and I wasn’t even sure if I cared or not.

  The release left me breathless, weak in the knees and utterly sated. If it weren’t for how tightly Seth was holding me, I would have been eating the ground.

  His hand trembled against my chest as he lifted his mouth from mine. The bridge of his nose dragged over the curve of my cheek and then his warm breath was dancing on my lips again. He stilled.

  Seth jerked his hand back and lowered his leg so fast, I almost did fall right over. “Are you okay, Josie?”

  I laughed. What a weird question. “I don’t think I can feel my legs.”

  Seth drew back, cupping my cheek. He held me close as he lifted my head. “What?”

  His eyes were doing the glow-bug thing. They were a luminous tawny color, and his glyphs were out, racing across his skin wicked fast, as if he were in the presence of a god. “Your eyes are glowing.”

  Seth’s lashes lowered, but there was no shielding those babies. “You sure you’re okay?”

  “Yeah.” I squeezed his shoulder, confused by his concern. “You gave me an orgasm, Seth. Not a punch to the vagina.”

  He blinked.

  I grinned. “I’m completely fine. Except now I feel like I need a nap. And maybe some fries. Okay. Definitely some fries.”

  “Okay,” he said after a moment, stepping back but still keeping his arm around me. “Let’s go—”

  “Back to the room so I can repay the favor?”
I asked, touching his chest. Under my palm, his heart pounded fast. “How about that?”

  Seth laughed, but the sound was off. Strained. “How about we get those fries first and then see where we’re at?”

  I opened my mouth to protest, but a very loud and very obnoxious yawn broke free, right in Seth’s face.

  “Yeah,” he murmured, turning me around. “Let’s get some food in you.”

  Chapter 9


  Josie passed out halfway through eating her French fries, and by some miracle she didn’t end up face-first in the greasy basket. She was curled on her side, hands limp and open just below her chest.

  I’d pulled her sneakers off for her and draped a thin blanket over her legs. A herd of Minotaurs could’ve performed a flash mob in the center of the room and she would’ve slept right through it.

  Sitting on the edge of the couch, I watched her sleep like a total creeper, but I watched to make sure she was okay. That she was breathing normally. Paranoia was hitting me hard, because I knew she was okay. Tired and weak? Yes. It would pass. Maybe it wasn’t paranoia. Maybe it was guilt.

  It was definitely guilt.

  Because I, on the other hand, was wired, chock-full of energy. Buzzed like I got after a good fight, a good fuck. Buzzed like I was every time I touched Josie.

  I was wired, and I was fucking sick.

  Every part of me was fucking sick, because the power lighting me up and that fucking “touch the gods-damn sky” high was borrowed. It was stolen. Fuck, it was the worst kind of thing.

  I’d caved to that thing inside me.

  When she tapped into akasha, it had woken up and it started paying attention. It needed and demanded, whispered to me, telling me what I could do. It remembered that I could feed off Josie without really hurting her. And I’d listened. Gods, I’d listened to it.

  What the hell was wrong with me?

  And it was all me. There wasn’t something or someone else living inside me that I could blame.

  Pushing off the couch, I stalked to the window in the bedroom and drew back the blinds. Nothing but darkness greeted me.

  What in the fuck had I done?

  Oh gods, I knew exactly what I’d done. I thrust my fingers through my hair. The weeks of working on the elements had been chipping away at my restraint. Fuck. And today? When she’d tapped into the akasha, the lick of power that washed over me had dug in deep with razor-sharp claws, opening up a need I did not want.

  But could not ignore.

  I knew I should’ve walked away. I should’ve ended training the first second I felt her aether calling out to me. Fuck. I should’ve ended these trainings the first time I found myself wanting what I should never ever want from her. There was a lot of shit I should’ve done, but I didn’t listen.

  “Fuck,” I grunted, turning around as I stepped to the side. I leaned against the wall, tipping my head back. “Fuck.”

  I’d lost control today.

  When she’d gotten angry and used the air element, it hit me right in the gut. It had also turned me on, because whenever Josie got pissed, I couldn’t help but find it hot. But when she tapped into akasha, the rush of power that permeated the air had dragged me under.

  There had been no room for warnings or thoughts or seconds to consider what I was doing. I’d become a ball of action, of a thousand different things, and somewhere lust and need and want got all mixed up.

  I’d wanted to give her pleasure.

  I’d wanted to get in her.

  I’d wanted what was in her.

  Gods. It all got mixed up. No excuse. None whatsoever. I didn’t even realize what I was doing until it was too late, until I felt the ebb and flow of aether, moving from her to me.

  I’d fed off her.

  Gut twisting, I closed my hands into fists. I’d fed off Josie, off someone who trusted me irrevocably. It was the worst kind of betrayal, and she didn’t even know. She had no idea why she’d been so tired afterward. No clue to the cause behind the fact she couldn’t even finish eating a basket of fries.

  I’d done it, and even though I hadn’t been thinking and I wasn’t even sure if that was the main reason why I’d gone after her today, I still knew what had happened to her. The daimons had fed on her before we reached her grandparents’ house. Hyperion had gotten her outside of their house, and even though she wouldn’t talk about what had gone down when he had her, I knew he would’ve fed on her. After all, that was why the Titans were after the demigods in the first place. For Hyperion it was also personal. And I’d done to Josie the same thing he had.

  That was unforgivable.

  I had to be stronger and I wasn’t. I’d failed. And if she knew what I’d done, she would be absolutely disgusted with me. I couldn’t blame her for that. I deserved her repulsion and hatred.

  Opening my eyes, I stared at the ceiling. I’d done this before. On purpose. I’d had a goal, to awaken Alex ahead of schedule. It was how I learned I could feed on aether that way. I hadn’t known that I could when it first happened. There was another time I should’ve done better and I hadn’t.

  History was always on repeat.

  Disturbed, I stepped away from the wall and walked back into the living room. Josie hadn’t moved. I knelt beside her and reached out, my fingers stopping a mere inch above her flushed cheek.

  I didn’t . . . I didn’t deserve this with her.

  I didn’t deserve her in general.

  As I stared down at her, I had to wonder what in the fuck I was thinking. From the beginning I’d known getting close to her was a bad fucking idea. I’d done shit things in my past and was sure to keep doing shit things. No future to speak of. I wanted aether like a damn daimon, and I couldn’t be trusted.

  And I had not been able to stay away from her.

  I’d needed to, but I hadn’t wanted to.

  Need. Want. Back by popular demand.

  Drawing my hand back, I clasped the edge of the cushion. Mindful to not disturb her, I bent over and kissed her parted lips. As I drew back, there wasn’t even a flicker of an eyelash. Josie was beautiful as she slept on.

  I rose and turned slowly, looking around the room. I knew what I had to do, and for once in my life, I was going to do the right thing.


  When I pried my eyes open, my brain was full of fog and the webs of sleep clung firmly. It took a couple of moments for me to realize I was lying on the small couch. I felt like I’d slept for a billion years—a billion years curled up in a fetal position.

  Wincing, I stretched out my legs and could hear the bones popping. I had no idea what time it was, but I figured if I’d overslept, Seth would be here, shaking me awake.


  “Oh God,” I murmured, placing my hands over my face. My cheeks felt hot as what we’d done in public did an instant replay, in vivid detail. A strangled giggle escaped me as I dropped my hands to my stomach. “Wow.”

  I turned my head to the right and remembered the fries. Holy crap, I fell asleep eating fries. When had I ever fallen asleep before finishing what I was eating?

  That was one hell of an orgasm.

  Totally one-sided orgasm. He’d taken me to paradise and I’d passed out on him, halfway through a basket of fries before I could do what I’d planned to do to him. Which was a lot, and definitely included getting him naked and me naked and actual intercourse occurring.

  I rolled onto my side and squinted at the clock. Holy crap! Adrenaline shot through my veins. Jerking up, my legs got tangled up in the blanket. With all the grace of a demigod, I fell off the couch, my knees cracking off the floor.

  “Shit,” I grunted, pushing up.

  It was past nine in the morning! What in the hell? Scrambling to my feet, I hopped around the coffee table, kicking my left foot free of the blanket. Why hadn’t Seth woken me up? I slowed down as I entered the bedroom, tugging my hoodie off my head and tossing it aside. Obviously he felt like I needed the rest, but man, I hated being late.

>   Loathed it.