Page 7 of Captain Singleton

But we were presently undeceived, for in two or three Minutes more we heard the

  screaming roaring Noise go on from once Place to another, through all their

  little Towns; nay, even over the Creek to the other Side; and, on a sudden we

  saw a naked Multitude running from all Parts to the Place where the first Man

  began it, as to a Rendezvous; and, in less than an Hour, I believe there was

  near 500 of them gotten together, armed some with Bows and Arrows, but most with

  Lances, with which they throw, at a good Distance, so nicely, that they will

  strike a Bird flying.

  We had but a very little time for Consultation, for the Multitude was encreasing

  every Moment; and I verily believe, if we had stay'd long, they would have been

  10000 together in a little time. We had nothing to do therefore, but to fly to

  our Ship or Bark, where indeed we could have defended our selves very well, or

  to advance and try what a Volley or two of small Shot would do for us.

  We resolved immediately upon the latter, depending upon it, that the Fire and

  Terror of our Shot would soon put them to Flight; so we drew up all in a Line,

  and marched boldly up to them; they stood ready to meet us, depending, I

  suppose, to destroy us all with their Lances; but before we came near enongh for

  them to throw their Lances, we halted, and standing at a good Distance from one

  another, to stretch our Line as far as we could, we gave them a Salute with our

  Shot, which besides what we wounded that we knew not of, knocked sixteen of them

  down upon the Spot, and three more were so lamed, that they fell about 20 or 30

  Yards from them.

  As soon as we had fired, they set up the horridest Yell, or Howling, partly

  raised by those that were wounded, and partly by those that pitied and condoled

  the Bodies they saw lye dead, that I never heard any thing like it before or


  We stood Stock still after we had fired, to load our Guns again, and finding

  they did not stir from the Place, we fired among them again; we killed about

  nine of them at the second Fire; but as they did not stand so thick as before,

  all our Men did not fire, seven of us being ordered to reserve our Charge, and

  to advance as soon as the other had fired, while the rest loaded again; of which

  I shall speak again presently.

  As soon as we had fired the second Volley we shouted as loud as we could, and

  the seven Men advanced upon them, and, coming about 20 Yards nearer, fired

  again, and those that were behind having loaded again, with all Expedition,

  follow'd but when they saw us advance, they run screaming away as if they were


  When we came up to the Field of Battle, we saw a great Number of Bodies lying

  upon the Ground, many more than we could suppose were killed or wounded, nay

  more than we had Bullets in our Pieces when we fired; and we could not tell what

  to make of it; but at length, we found how it was viz. that they were frighted

  out of all manner of Sense; nay, I do believe several of those that were really

  dead, were frighted to Death, and had no Wound about them.

  Of those that were thus frighted, as I have said, several of them, as they

  recovered themselves, came and worshipped us (taking us for Gods or Devils, I

  know not which, nor did it much matter to us) some kneeling, some throwing

  themselves flat on the Ground, made a Thousand antick Gestures, but all with

  Tokens of the most profound Submission. It presently came into my Head, that we

  might now by the Law of Arms take as many Prisoners as we would, and make them

  travel with us, and carry our Baggage: As soon as I proposed it, our Men were

  all of my Mind; and accordingly we secured about 60 lusty young Fellows, and let

  them know they must go with us; which they seemed very willing to do: But the

  next Question we had among our selves, was, how we should do to trust them, for

  we found the People not like those of Madagasar, but fierce, revengful and

  treacherous, for which Reason we were sure, that we should have no Service from

  them but that of meer Slaves, no Subjection that would continue any longer than

  the Fear of us was upon them, nor any Labour but by Violence.

  Before I go any farther, I must hint to the Reader, that from this time forward

  I began to enter a little more seriously into the Circumstance I was in, and

  concern'd my self more in the Conduct of our Affairs; for, tho' my Comerades

  were all older Men, yet I began to find them void of Counsel, or, as I now call

  it, Presence of Mind, when, they came to the Execution of a thing. The first

  Occasion I took to observe this, was in their late Engagement with the Natives,

  when, tho' they had taken a good Resolution to attack them, and fire upon them,

  yet when they had fired the first time, and found that the Negroes did not run

  as they expected, their Hearts began to fail, and I am perswaded if their Bark

  had been near Hand, they would every Man have run away.

  Upon this Occasion, I began to take upon me a little to hearten them up, and to

  call upon them to load again, and give them another Volley, telling them that I

  would engage, if they would be ruled by me, I'd make the Negroes run fast

  enough. I found this heartned them, and therefore, when they fired a second

  time, I desired them to reserve some of their Shot to an Attempt by it self, as

  I mentioned above.

  Having fired a second time, I was indeed forced to command, as I may call it.

  Now, Seigniors, said I, let us give them a Chear; so I open'd my Throat, and

  shouted three times, as our English Sailors do on like Occasions; and now follow

  me, said I to the seven that had not fired, and I'll warrant you we will make

  Work with them ; and so it proved indeed: For as soon as they saw us coming,

  away they run as above.

  From this Day forward they would call me nothing but Seignior Capitanio; but I

  told them, I would not be called Seignior. Well then, said the Gunner, who spoke

  good English, you shall be called Captain Bob, and so they gave me my Title ever


  Nothing is more certain of the Portuguese than this, take them nationally or

  personally; if they are animated and hearten'd up by any body to go before, and

  encourage them by Example, they will behave well enough; but if they have

  nothing but their own Measures to follow, they sink immediately: These Men had

  certainly fled from a Parcel of naked Savages, tho' even by flying they could

  not have saved their Lives, if I had not shouted and halloo'd, and made rather

  Sport with the thing, than a Fight, to keep up their Courage.

  Nor was there less need of it upon several Occasions hereafter; and I do

  confess, I have often wonder'd how a Number of Men, who, when they came to the

  Extremity, were so ill supported by their own Spirits, had at first Courage to

  propose, and to undertake the most desperate and impracticable Attempt that ever

  Men went about in the World.

  There were indeed two or three indefatigable Men among them, by whose Courage

  and Industry all the rest were upheld; and indeed those two or three were the

  Managers of them from the Beginning; that was the Gunner, and that Cutler
whom I

  call the Artist; and the third, who was pretty well, tho' not like either of

  them, was one of the Carpenters. These indeed were the Life and Soul of all the

  rest, and it was to their Courage that all the rest ow'd the Resolution they

  shewd upon any Occasion. But when those saw me take a little upon me, as above,

  they embraced me, and treated me with particular Affection ever after.

  This Gunner was an excellent Mathematician, a good Scholar, and a compleat

  Sailor; and it was in conversing intimately with him, that I learnt afterwards

  the Grounds of what Knowledge I have since had in all the Sciences useful for

  Navigation, and particularly in the Geographical Part of Knowledge.

  Even in our Conversation, finding me eager to understand and learn, he laid the

  Foundation of a general Knowledge of things in my Mind, gave me just Ideas of

  the Form of the Earth and of the Sea, the Situation of Countries, the Course of

  Rivers, the Doctrine of the Spheres, the Motion of the Stars; and, in a Word,

  taught me a kind of System of Astronomy, which I afterwards improv'd.

  In especial Manner, he filled my Head with aspiring Thoughts, and with an

  earnest Desire after learning every thing that could be taught me; convincing

  me, that nothing could qualify me for great Undertakings, but a Degree of

  Learning superior to what was usual in the Race of Seamen; he told me, that to

  be ignorant, was to be certain of a mean Station in the World, but that

  Knowledge was the first Step to Preferment. He was always flattering me with my

  Capacity to Learn; and tho' that fed my Pride, yet on the other Hand, as I had a

  secret Ambition which just at that time fed it self in my Mind, it prompted in

  me an insatiable Thirst after Learning in general, and I resolved, if ever I

  came back to Europe, and had any thing left to purchase it, I would make my self

  Master of all the Parts of Learning needful to the making of me a compleat

  Sailor; but I was not so just to my self afterwards, as to do it when I had an


  But to return to our Business; the Gunner, when he saw the Service I had done in

  the Fight, and heard my Proposal for keeping a Number of Prisoners for our

  March, and for carrying our Baggage, turns to me before them all, Captain Bob,

  says he, I think you must be our Leader, for all the Success of this Enterprize

  is owing to you. No, no, said I, do not compliment me, you shall be our Seignior

  Capitanio, you shall be General, I am too young for it; so in short, we all

  agreed he should be our Leader; but he would not accept of it alone, but would

  have me join'd with him, and all the rest agreeing, I was oblig'd to comply.

  The first Piece of Service they put me upon in this new Command, was as

  difficult as any they could think of, and that was to manage the Prisoners;

  which however I chearfully undertook, as you shall hear presently: But the

  immediate Consultation was yet of more Consequence; and that was, First, Which

  Way we should go, and Secondly, How to furnish our selves for the Voyage with


  There was among the Prisoners one tall, well-shap'd, handsom Fellow, to whom the

  rest seem'd to pay great Respect, and who, as we understood afterwards, was the

  Son of one their Kings, his Father was, it seems, killed at our first Volley,

  and he wounded with a Shot in his Arm, and with another just on one of his Hips

  or Haunches. The Shot in his Haunch being in a fleshy Part, bled much, and he

  was half dead with the Loss of Blood. As to the Shot in his Arm, it had broke

  his Wrist, and he was by both these Wounds quite disabled, so that we were once

  going to turn him away, and let him die; and if we had, he would have died

  indeed in a few Days more: But as I found the Man had some Respect shew'd him,

  it presently occurred to my Thoughts, that we might bring him to be useful to

  us, and perhaps make him a kind of Commander over them. So I caused our Surgeon

  to take him in Hand, and gave the poor Wretch good Words, that is to say, I

  spoke to him as well as I could by Signs, to make him understand that we would

  make him well again.

  This created a new Awe in their Minds of us, believing that as we could kill at

  a Distance by something invisible to them (for so our Shot was to be sure) so we

  could make them well again too. Upon this the young Prince (for so we called him

  afterwards) called six or seven of the Savages to him, and said something to

  them; what it was we knew not, but immediately all the seven came to me, and

  kneel'd down to me, holding up their Hands, and making Signs of Entreaty,

  pointing to the Place where one of those lay whom we had killed.

  It was a long time before I or any of us could understand them; but one of them

  run and lifted up a dead Man, pointing to his Wound, which was in his Eye, for

  he was shot into the Head at one of his Eyes. Then another pointed to the

  Surgeon, and at last we found it out, that the Meaning was, that he should heal

  the Prince's Father too, who was dead, being shot thro' the Head, as above.

  We presently took the Hint, and would not say we could not do it, but let them

  know, the Men that were kill'd were those that had first fallen upon us, and

  provoked us, and we would by no Means make them alive again; and that if any

  other did so, we would kill them too, and never let them live any more: But that

  if he (the Prince) would be willing to go with us, and do as we should direct

  him, we would not let him dye, and would make his Arm well. Upon this he bid his

  Men go and fetch a long Stick or Staff, and lay on the Ground. When they brought

  it, we saw it was an Arrow; he took it with his left Hand, (for his other was

  lame with the Wound) and pointing up at the Sun, broke the Arrow in two, and set

  the Point against his Breast, and then gave it to me. This was as I understood

  afterwards, wishing the Sun, whom they worship, might shoot him into the Breast

  with an Arrow, if ever he failed to be my Friend; and giving the Point of the

  Arrow to me, was to be a Testimony, that I was the Man he had sworn to; and

  never was Christian more punctual to an Oath, than he was to this, for he was a

  sworn Servant to us for many a weary Month after that.

  When I brought him to the Surgeon, he immediately dress'd the Wound in his

  Haunch or Bottock, and found the Bullet had only graz'd upon the Flesh, and

  pass'd, as it were, by it, but it was not lodg'd in the Part; so that it was

  soon healed and well again: But as to his Arm, he found one of the Bones broken,

  which are in the Fore-part from the Wrist to the Elbow; and this he set, and

  splinter'd it up, and bound his Arm in a Sling, hanging it about his Neck, and

  making Signs to him that he should not stir it; which he was so strict an

  Observer of, that he set him down, and never mov'd one Way or other, but as the

  Surgeon gave him Leave.

  I took a great deal of Pains to acquaint this Negroe what we intended to do, and

  what Use we intended to make of his Men; and particularly, to teach him the

  Meaning of what we said: Especially to teach him some Words, such as Yes and No,

  and what they meant, and to innure him to our Way o
f Talking, and he was very

  willing and apt to learn any thing I taught him.

  It was easy to let him see, that we intended to carry our Provision with us from

  the first Day; but he made Signs to us to tell us we need not, for that we

  should find Provisions enough every where for fourty Days. It was very difficult

  for us to understand how he express'd Forty; for he knew no Figures, but some

  Words they used to one another that they understood it by. At last, one of the

  Negroes, by his Order, laid fourty little Stones one by another, to shew us how

  many Days we should travel, and find Provisions sufficient.

  Then I shew'd him our Baggage, which was very heavy, particularly our Powder and

  Shot, Lead, Iron, Carpenters Tools, Seamens Instruments, Cases of Bottles, and

  other Lumber. He took some of the things up in his Hand to see the Weight, and

  shook his Head at them; so I told our People, they must resolve to divide their

  Things into small Parcels, and make them portable; and accordingly they did so,

  by which means we were fain to leave all our Chests behind us, which were Eleven

  in Number.

  Then he made Signs to us, that he would procure some Buffloes, or young Bulls,

  as I called them, to carry things for us, and made Signs too, that if we were

  weary, we might be carry'd too; but that we slighted, only were willing to have

  the Creatures, because at last, when they could serve us no farther for

  Carriage, we might eat them all up if we had any Occasion for them.

  I then carry'd him to our Bark, and shewed him what things we had there; he

  seem'd amaz'd at the Sight of our Bark, having never seen any thing of that Kind

  before, for their Boats are most wretched things, such as I never saw before,

  having no Head or Stern, and being made only of the Skins of Goats sewed

  together with dried Guts of Goats and Sheep, and done over with a kind of slimy

  Stuff like Rosin and Oil, but of a most nauseous, odious Smell, and they are

  poor miserable things for Boats, the worst that any Part of the World ever saw;

  a Canoe is an excellent Contrivance compared to them.

  But to return to our Boat: We carried our new Prince into it, and help'd him

  over the Side, because of his Lameness. We made Signs to him, that his Men must

  carry our Goods for us, and shewed him what we had; he answer'd, Ce Seignior,

  or, Yes Sir, (for we had taught him that Word, and the Meaning of it) and taking

  up a Bundle, he made Signs to us, that when his Arm was well, he would carry

  some for us.

  I made Signs again, to tell him, that if he would make his Men carry them, we

  would not let him carry any thing. We had secured all the Prisoners in a narrow

  Place, where we had bound them with Matt Cords, and set up Stakes like a

  Palisado round them; so when we carry'd the Prince on Shore, we went with him to

  them, and made Signs to him, to ask them if they were willing to go with us to

  the Country of Lions. Accordingly he made a long Speech to them, and we could

  understand by it, that he told them, if they were willing, they must say, Ce

  Seignior, telling them what it signify'd. They immediately answered, Ce

  Seignior, and clapt their Hands, looking up to the Sun, which the Prince

  signify'd to us, was Swearing to be faithful. But as soon as they had said so,

  one of them made a long Speech to the Prince, and in it, we perceived by his

  Gestures, which were very antick, that they desired something from us, and that

  they were in great Concern about it. So I ask'd him as well as I could, what it

  was they desired of us; he told us by Signs, that they desired we should clap

  our Hands to the Sun (that was to swear) that we would not kill them, that we

  would give them Chiaruck, that is to say, Bread, would not starve them, and

  would not let the Lions eat them. I told him we would promise all that; then he

  pointed to the Sun, and clapt his Hands, signing to me, that I should do so too,