Now it must be told that early in the morning, after the night when Gislihad brought to the Wolfing Stead the tidings of the Battle in the Wood, aman came riding from the south to the Dayling abode. It was just beforesunrise, and but few folk were stirring about the dwellings. He rode upto the Hall and got off his black horse, and tied it to a ring in thewall by the Man's-door, and went in clashing, for he was in his battle-gear, and had a great wide-rimmed helm on his head.

  Folk were but just astir in the Hall, and there came an old woman to him,and looked on him and saw by his attire that he was a man of the Gothsand of the Wolfing kindred; so she greeted him kindly: but he said:

  "Mother, I am come hither on an errand, and time presses."

  Said she: "Yea, my son, or what tidings bearest thou from the south? forby seeming thou art new-come from the host."

  Said he: "The tidings are as yesterday, save that Thiodolf will lead thehost through the wild-wood to look for the Romans beyond it: thereforewill there soon be battle again. See ye, Mother, hast thou here one thatknoweth this ring of Thiodolf's, if perchance men doubt me when I saythat I am sent on my errand by him?"

  "Yea," she said, "Agni will know it; since he knoweth all the chief menof the Mark; but what is thine errand, and what is thy name?"

  "It is soon told," said he, "I am a Wolfing hight Thorkettle, and I cometo have away for Thiodolf the treasure of the world, the Dwarf-wroughtHauberk, which he left with you when we fared hence to the south threedays ago. Now let Agni come, that I may have it, for time pressessorely."

  There were three or four gathered about them now, and a maiden of themsaid: "Shall I bring Agni hither, mother?"

  "What needeth it?" said the carline, "he sleepeth, and shall be hard toawaken; and he is old, so let him sleep. I shall go fetch the hauberk,for I know where it is, and my hand may come on it as easily as on mineown girdle."

  So she went her ways to the treasury where were the precious things ofthe kindred; the woven cloths were put away in fair coffers to keep themclean from the whirl of the Hall-dust and the reek; and the vessels ofgold and some of silver were standing on the shelves of a cupboard beforewhich hung a veil of needlework: but the weapons and war-gear hung uponpins along the wall, and many of them had much fair work on them, andwere dight with gold and gems: but amidst them all was the wondroushauberk clear to see, dark grey and thin, for it was so wondrouslywrought that it hung in small compass. So the carline took it down fromthe pin, and handled it, and marvelled at it, and said:

  "Strange are the hands that have passed over thee, sword-rampart, and instrange places of the earth have they dwelt! For no smith of thekindreds hath fashioned thee, unless he had for his friend either a Godor a foe of the Gods. Well shalt thou wot of the tale of sword and spearere thou comest back hither! For Thiodolf shall bring thee where thework is wild."

  Then she went with the hauberk to the new-come warrior, and made nodelay, but gave it to him, and said:

  "When Agni awaketh, I shall tell him that Thorkettle of the Wolfings hathborne aback to Thiodolf the Treasure of the World, the Dwarf-wroughtHauberk."

  Then Thorkettle took it and turned to go; but even therewith came oldAsmund from out of his sleeping-place, and gazed around the Hall, and hiseyes fell on the shape of the Wolfing as he was going out of the door,and he asked the carline.

  "What doeth he here? What tidings is there from the host? For my soulwas nought unquiet last night."

  "It is a little matter," she said; "the War-duke hath sent for thewondrous Byrny that he left in our treasury when he departed to meet theRomans. Belike there shall be a perilous battle, and few hearts need astout sword-wall more than Thiodolf's."

  As she spoke, Thorkettle had passed the door, and got into his saddle,and sat his black horse like a mighty man as he slowly rode down the turfbridge that led into the plain. And Asmund went to the door and stoodwatching him till he set spurs to his horse, and departed a great gallopto the south. Then said Asmund:

  "What then are the Gods devising, what wonders do they will? What mighty need is on them to work the kindreds ill, That the seed of the Ancient Fathers and a woman of their kin With her all unfading beauty must blend herself therein? Are they fearing lest the kindreds should grow too fair and great, And climb the stairs of God-home, and fashion all their fate, And make all earth so merry that it never wax the worse, Nor need a gift from any, nor prayers to quench the curse? Fear they that the Folk-wolf, growing as the fire from out the spark Into a very folk-god, shall lead the weaponed Mark From wood to field and mountain, to stand between the earth And the wrights that forge its thraldom and the sword to slay its mirth? Fear they that the sons of the wild-wood the Loathly Folk shall quell, And grow into Gods thereafter, and aloof in God-home dwell?"

  Therewith he turned back into the Hall, and was heavy-hearted and drearyof aspect; for he was somewhat foreseeing; and it may not be hidden thatthis seeming Thorkettle was no warrior of the Wolfings, but the Wood-Sunin his likeness; for she had the power and craft of shape-changing.