So the Dayling warrior lifted up his voice and said:

  "O kindreds of the Markmen, hearken the words I say; For no chancehap assembly is gathered here to-day. The fire hath gone around us in the hands of our very kin, And twice the horn hath sounded, and the Thing is hallowed in. Will ye hear or forbear to hearken the tale there is to tell? There are many mouths to tell it, and a many know it well. And the tale is this, that the foemen against our kindreds fare Who eat the meadows desert, and burn the desert bare."

  Then sat he down on the turf seat; but there arose a murmur in theassembly as of men eager to hearken; and without more ado came a man outof a company of the Upper-mark, and clomb up to the top of the Speech-Hill, and spoke in a loud voice:

  "I am Bork, a man of the Geirings of the Upper-mark: two days ago I andfive others were in the wild-wood a-hunting, and we wended through thethicket, and came into the land of the hill-folk; and after we had gone awhile we came to a long dale with a brook running through it, and yew-trees scattered about it and a hazel copse at one end; and by the copsewas a band of men who had women and children with them, and a few neat,and fewer horses; but sheep were feeding up and down the dale; and theyhad made them booths of turf and boughs, and were making ready theircooking fires, for it was evening. So when they saw us, they ran totheir arms, but we cried out to them in the tongue of the Goths and badethem peace. Then they came up the bent to us and spake to us in theGothic tongue, albeit a little diversely from us; and when we had toldthem what and whence we were, they were glad of us, and bade us to them,and we went, and they entreated us kindly, and made us such cheer as theymight, and gave us mutton to eat, and we gave them venison of the wild-wood which we had taken, and we abode with them there that night.

  "But they told us that they were a house of the folk of the herdsmen, andthat there was war in the land, and that the people thereof were fleeingbefore the cruelty of a host of warriors, men of a mighty folk, such asthe earth hath not heard of, who dwell in great cities far to the south;and how that this host had crossed the mountains, and the Great Waterthat runneth from them, and had fallen upon their kindred, and overcometheir fighting-men, and burned their dwellings, slain their elders, anddriven their neat and their sheep, yea, and their women and children inno better wise than their neat and sheep.

  "And they said that they had fled away thus far from their oldhabitations, which were a long way to the south, and were now at point tobuild them dwellings there in that Dale of the Hazels, and to trust to itthat these Welshmen, whom they called Romans, would not follow so far,and that if they did, they might betake them to the wild-wood, and letthe thicket cover them, they being so nigh to it.

  "Thus they told us; wherefore we sent back one of our fellowship, Birstiof the Geirings, to tell the tale; and one of the herdsmen folk went withhim, but we ourselves went onward to hear more of these Romans; for thefolk when we asked them, said that they had been in battle against them,but had fled away for fear of their rumour only. Therefore we went on,and a young man of this kindred, who named themselves the Hrutings of theFell-folk, went along with us. But the others were sore afeard, for allthey had weapons.

  "So as we went up the land we found they had told us the very sooth, andwe met divers Houses, and bands, and broken men, who were fleeing fromthis trouble, and many of them poor and in misery, having lost theirflocks and herds as well as their roofs; and this last be but little lossto them, as their dwellings are but poor, and for the most part they haveno tillage. Now of these men, we met not a few who had been in battlewith the Roman host, and much they told us of their might not to be dealtwith, and their mishandling of those whom they took, both men and women;and at the last we heard true tidings how they had raised them a garth,and made a stronghold in the midst of the land, as men who meant abidingthere, so that neither might the winter drive them aback, and that theymight be succoured by their people on the other side of the Great River;to which end they have made other garths, though not so great, on theroad to that water, and all these well and wisely warded by tried men.For as to the Folks on the other side of the Water, all these lie undertheir hand already, what by fraud what by force, and their warriors gowith them to the battle and help them; of whom we met bands now andagain, and fought with them, and took men of them, who told us all thisand much more, over long to tell of here."

  He paused and turned about to look on the mighty assembly, and his earsdrank in the long murmur that followed his speaking, and when it had diedout he spake again, but in rhyme:

  "Lo thus much of my tidings! But this too it behoveth to tell, That these masterful men of the cities of the Markmen know full well: And they wot of the well-grassed meadows, and the acres of the Mark, And our life amidst of the wild-wood like a candle in the dark; And they know of our young men's valour and our women's loveliness, And our tree would they spoil with destruction if its fruit they may never possess. For their lust is without a limit, and nought may satiate Their ravening maw; and their hunger if ye check it turneth to hate, And the blood-fever burns in their bosoms, and torment and anguish and woe O'er the wide field ploughed by the sword-blade for the coming years they sow; And ruth is a thing forgotten and all hopes they trample down; And whatso thing is steadfast, whatso of good renown, Whatso is fair and lovely, whatso is ancient sooth In the bloody marl shall they mingle as they laugh for lack of ruth. Lo the curse of the world cometh hither; for the men that we took in the land Said thus, that their host is gathering with many an ordered band To fall on the wild-wood passes and flood the lovely Mark, As the river over the meadows upriseth in the dark. Look to it, O ye kindred! availeth now no word But the voice of the clashing of iron, and the sword-blade on the sword."

  Therewith he made an end, and deeper and longer was the murmur of thehost of freemen, amidst which Bork gat him down from the Speech-Hill, hisweapons clattering about him, and mingled with the men of his kindred.

  Then came forth a man of the kin of the Shieldings of the Upper-mark, andclomb the mound; and he spake in rhyme from beginning to end; for he wasa minstrel of renown:

  "Lo I am a man of the Shieldings and Geirmund is my name; A half-moon back from the wild-wood out into the hills I came, And I went alone in my war-gear; for we have affinity With the Hundings of the Fell-folk, and with them I fain would be; For I loved a maid of their kindred. Now their dwelling was not far From the outermost bounds of the Fell-folk, and bold in the battle they are, And have met a many people, and held their own abode. Gay then was the heart within me, as over the hills I rode And thought of the mirth of to-morrow and the sweet-mouthed Hunding maid And their old men wise and merry and their young men unafraid, And the hall-glee of the Hundings and the healths o'er the guesting cup. But as I rode the valley, I saw a smoke go up O'er the crest of the last of the grass-hills 'twixt me and the Hunding roof, And that smoke was black and heavy: so a while I bided aloof, And drew my girths the tighter, and looked to the arms I bore And handled my spear for the casting; for my heart misgave me sore, For nought was that pillar of smoke like the guest-fain cooking-fire. I lingered in thought for a minute, then turned me to ride up higher, And as a man most wary up over the bent I rode, And nigh hid peered o'er the hill-crest adown on the Hunding abode; And forsooth 'twas the fire wavering all o'er the roof of old, And all in the garth and about it lay the bodies of the bold; And bound to a rope amidmost were the women fair and young, And youths and little children, like the fish on a withy strung As they lie on the grass for the angler before the beginning of night. Then the rush of the wrath within me for a while nigh blinded my sight; Yet about the cowering war-thralls, short dark-faced men I saw, Men clad in iron armour, this way and that way draw, As warriors after the battle are ever wont to do. Then I knew them for the foemen and their deeds to be I knew, And I gathered the reins together to rid
e down the hill amain, To die with a good stroke stricken and slay ere I was slain. When lo, on the bent before me rose the head of a brown-faced man, Well helmed and iron-shielded, who some Welsh speech began And a short sword brandished against me; then my sight cleared and I saw Five others armed in likewise up hill and toward me draw, And I shook the spear and sped it and clattering on his shield He fell and rolled o'er smitten toward the garth and the Fell-folk's field.

  "But my heart changed with his falling and the speeding of my stroke, And I turned my horse; for within me the love of life awoke, And I spurred, nor heeded the hill-side, but o'er rough and smooth I rode Till I heard no chase behind me; then I drew rein and abode. And down in a dell was I gotten with a thorn-brake in its throat, And heard but the plover's whistle and the blackbird's broken note 'Mid the thorns; when lo! from a thorn-twig away the blackbird swept, And out from the brake and towards me a naked man there crept, And straight I rode up towards him, and knew his face for one I had seen in the hall of the Hundings ere its happy days were done. I asked him his tale, but he bade me forthright to bear him away; So I took him up behind me, and we rode till late in the day, Toward the cover of the wild-wood, and as swiftly as we might. But when yet aloof was the thicket and it now was moonless night, We stayed perforce for a little, and he told me all the tale: How the aliens came against them, and they fought without avail Till the Roof o'er their heads was burning and they burst forth on the foe, And were hewn down there together; nor yet was the slaughter slow. But some they saved for thralldom, yea, e'en of the fighting men, Or to quell them with pains; so they stripped them; and this man espying just then Some chance, I mind not whatwise, from the garth fled out and away.

  "Now many a thing noteworthy of these aliens did he say, But this I bid you hearken, lest I wear the time for nought, That still upon the Markmen and the Mark they set their thought; For they questioned this man and others through a go-between in words Of us, and our lands and our chattels, and the number of our swords; Of the way and the wild-wood passes and the winter and his ways. Now look to see them shortly; for worn are fifteen days Since in the garth of the Hundings I saw them dight for war, And a hardy folk and ready and a swift-foot host they are."

  Therewith Geirmund went down clattering from the Hill and stood with hiscompany. But a man came forth from the other side of the ring, and clombthe Hill: he was a red-haired man, rather big, clad in a skin coat, andbearing a bow in his hand and a quiver of arrows at his back, and alittle axe hung by his side. He said:

  "I dwell in the House of the Hrossings of the Mid-mark, and I am now madea man of the kindred: howbeit I was not born into it; for I am the son ofa fair and mighty woman of a folk of the Kymry, who was taken in warwhile she went big with me; I am called Fox the Red.

  "These Romans have I seen, and have not died: so hearken! for my taleshall be short for what there is in it.

  "I am, as many know, a hunter of Mirkwood, and I know all its ways andthe passes through the thicket somewhat better than most.

  "A moon ago I fared afoot from Mid-mark through Upper-mark into thethicket of the south, and through it into the heath country; and I wentover a neck and came in the early dawn into a little dale when somewhatof mist still hung over it. At the dale's end I saw a man lying asleepon the grass under a quicken tree, and his shield and sword hanging overhis head to a bough thereof, and his horse feeding hoppled higher up thedale.

  "I crept up softly to him with a shaft nocked on the string, but when Idrew near I saw him to be of the sons of the Goths. So I doubtednothing, but laid down my bow, and stood upright, and went to him androused him, and he leapt up, and was wroth.

  "I said to him, 'Wilt thou be wroth with a brother of the kindred meetinghim in unpeopled parts?'

  "But he reached out for his weapons; but ere he could handle them I ranin on him so that he gat not his sword, and had scant time to smite at mewith a knife which he drew from his waist.

  "I gave way before him for he was a very big man, and he rushed past me,and I dealt him a blow on the side of the head with my little axe whichis called the War-babe, and gave him a great wound: and he fell on thegrass, and as it happened that was his bane.

  "I was sorry that I had slain him, since he was a man of the Goths:albeit otherwise he had slain me, for he was very wroth and dazed withslumber.

  "He died not for a while; and he bade me fetch him water; and there was awell hard by on the other side of the tree; so I fetched it him in agreat shell that I carry, and he drank. I would have sung theblood-staunching song over him, for I know it well. But he said, 'Itavaileth nought: I have enough: what man art thou?'

  "I said, 'I am a fosterling of the Hrossings, and my mother was taken inwar: my name is Fox.'

  "Said he; 'O Fox, I have my due at thy hands, for I am a Markman of theElkings, but a guest of the Burgundians beyond the Great River; and theRomans are their masters and they do their bidding: even so did I who wasbut their guest: and I a Markman to fight against the Markmen, and allfor fear and for gold! And thou an alien-born hast slain their traitorand their dastard! This is my due. Give me to drink again.'

  "So did I; and he said; 'Wilt thou do an errand for me to thine ownhouse?' 'Yea,' said I.

  "Said he, 'I am a messenger to the garth of the Romans, that I may tellthe road to the Mark, and lead them through the thicket; and other guidesare coming after me: but not yet for three days or four. So till theycome there will be no man in the Roman garth to know thee that thou artnot even I myself. If thou art doughty, strip me when I am dead and domy raiment on thee, and take this ring from my neck, for that is mytoken, and when they ask thee for a word say, "_No limit_"; for that isthe token-word. Go south-east over the dales keeping Broadshield-fellsquare with thy right hand, and let thy wisdom, O Fox, lead thee to theGarth of the Romans, and so back to thy kindred with all tidings thouhast gathered--for indeed they come--a many of them. Give me to drink.'

  "So he drank again, and said, 'The bearer of this token is calledHrosstyr of the River Goths. He hath that name among dastards. Thoushalt lay a turf upon my head. Let my death pay for my life.'

  "Therewith he fell back and died. So I did as he bade me and took hisgear, worth six kine, and did it on me; I laid turf upon him in thatdale, and hid my bow and my gear in a blackthorn brake hard by, and thentook his horse and rode away.

  "Day and night I rode till I came to the garth of the Romans; there Igave myself up to their watchers, and they brought me to their Duke, agrim man and hard. He said in a terrible voice, 'Thy name?' I said,'Hrosstyr of the River Goths.' He said, 'What limit?' I answered, '_Nolimit_.' 'The token!' said he, and held out his hand. I gave him thering. 'Thou art the man,' said he.

  "I thought in my heart, 'thou liest, lord,' and my heart danced for joy.

  "Then he fell to asking me questions a many, and I answered every oneglibly enough, and told him what I would, but no word of truth save forhis hurt, and my soul laughed within me at my lies; thought I, theothers, the traitors, shall come, and they shall tell him the truth, andhe will not trow it, or at the worst he will doubt them. But me hedoubted nothing, else had he called in the tormentors to have the truthof me by pains; as I well saw afterwards, when they questioned withtorments a man and a woman of the hill-folk whom they had brought incaptive.

  "I went from him and went all about that garth espying everything,fearing nothing; albeit there were divers woful captives of the Goths,who cursed me for a dastard, when they saw by my attire that I was oftheir blood.

  "I abode there three days, and learned all that I might of the garth andthe host of them, and the fourth day in the morning I went out as if tohunt, and none hindered me, for they doubted me not.

  "So I came my ways home to the Upper-mark, and was guested with theGeirings. Will ye that I tell you somewhat of the ways of these Romansof the garth? The time presses, and my tale runneth longer than I would.What will

  Then there arose a murmur, "Tell all, tell all." "Nay," said the Fox,"All I may not tell; so much did I behold there during the three days'stay; but this much it behoveth you to know: that these men have no otherthought save to win the Mark and waste it, and slay the fighting men andthe old carles, and enthrall such as they will, that is, all that be fairand young, and they long sorely for our women either to have or to sell.

  "As for their garth, it is strongly walled about with a dyke newly dug;on the top thereof are they building a wall made of clay, and burned likepots into ashlar stones hard and red, and these are laid in lime.

  "It is now the toil of the thralls of our blood whom they have taken,both men and women, to dig that clay and to work it, and bear it tokilns, and to have for reward scant meat and many stripes. For it is agrim folk, that laugheth to see others weep.

  "Their men-at-arms are well dight and for the most part in one way: theyare helmed with iron, and have iron on their breasts and reins, and bearlong shields that cover them to the knees. They are girt with a sax andhave a heavy casting-spear. They are dark-skinned and ugly of aspect,surly and of few words: they drink little, and eat not much.

  "They have captains of tens and of hundreds over them, and that war-dukeover all; he goeth to and fro with gold on his head and his breast, andcommonly hath a cloak cast over him of the colour of the crane's-billblossom.

  "They have an altar in the midst of their burg, and thereon theysacrifice to their God, who is none other than their banner of war, whichis an image of the ravening eagle with outspread wings; but yet anotherGod they have, and look you! it is a wolf, as if they were of the kin ofour brethren; a she-wolf and two man-children at her dugs; wonderful isthis.

  "I tell you that they are grim; and know it by this token: those captainsof tens, and of hundreds, spare not to smite the warriors with staveseven before all men, when all goeth not as they would; and yet, thoughthey be free men, and mighty warriors, they endure it and smite not inturn. They are a most evil folk.

  "As to their numbers, they of the burg are hard on three thousand footmenof the best; and of horsemen five hundred, nowise good; and of bowmen andslingers six hundred or more: their bows weak; their slingers cunningbeyond measure. And the talk is that when they come upon us they shallhave with them some five hundred warriors of the Over River Goths, andothers of their own folk."

  Then he said:

  "O men of the Mark, will ye meet them in the meadows and the field, Or will ye flee before them and have the wood for a shield? Or will ye wend to their war-burg with weapons cast away, With your women and your children, a peace of them to pray? So doing, not all shall perish; but most shall long to die Ere in the garths of the Southland two moons have loitered by."

  Then rose the rumour loud and angry mingled with the rattle of swords andthe clash of spears on shields; but Fox said:

  "Needs must ye follow one of these three ways. Nay, what say I? thereare but two ways and not three; for if ye flee they shall follow you tothe confines of the earth. Either these Welsh shall take all, and ourlives to boot, or we shall hold to all that is ours, and live merrily.The sword doometh; and in three days it may be the courts shall behallowed: small is the space between us."

  Therewith he also got him down from the Hill, and joined his own house:and men said that he had spoken well and wisely. But there arose a noiseof men talking together on these tidings; and amidst it an old warrior ofthe Nether-mark strode forth and up to the Hill-top. Gaunt and stark hewas to look on; and all men knew him and he was well-beloved, so all heldtheir peace as he said:

  "I am Otter of the Laxings: now needeth but few words till the War-dukeis chosen, and we get ready to wend our ways in arms. Here have ye heardthree good men and true tell of our foes, and this last, Fox the Red,hath seen them and hath more to tell when we are on the way; nor is theway hard to find. It were scarce well to fall upon these men in theirgarth and war-burg; for hard is a wall to slay. Better it were to meetthem in the Wild-wood, which may well be a friend to us and a wall, butto them a net. O Agni of the Daylings, thou warder of the Thing-stead,bid men choose a War-duke if none gainsay it."

  And without more words he clattered down the Hill, and went and stoodwith the Laxing band. But the old Dayling arose and blew the horn, andthere was at once a great silence, amidst which he said:

  "Children of Slains-father, doth the Folk go to the war?"

  There was no voice but shouted "yea," and the white swords sprang aloft,and the westering sun swept along a half of them as they tossed to andfro, and the others showed dead-white and fireless against the dark wood.

  Then again spake Agni:

  "Will ye choose the War-duke now and once, or shall it be in a while,after others have spoken?"

  And the voice of the Folk went up, "Choose! Choose!"

  Said Agni: "Sayeth any aught against it?" But no voice of a gainsayerwas heard, and Agni said:

  "Children of Tyr, what man will ye have for a leader and a duke of war?"

  Then a great shout sprang up from amidst the swords: "We will haveThiodolf; Thiodolf the Wolfing!"

  Said Agni: "I hear no other name; are ye of one mind? hath any aught tosay against it? If that be so, let him speak now, and not forbear tofollow in the wheatfield of the spears. Speak, ye that will not followThiodolf!"

  No voice gainsaid him: then said the Dayling: "Come forth thou War-dukeof the Markmen! take up the gold ring from the horns of the altar, set iton thine arm and come up hither!"

  Then came forth Thiodolf into the sun, and took up the gold ring fromwhere it lay, and did it on his arm. And this was the ring of the leaderof the folk whenso one should be chosen: it was ancient and daintilywrought, but not very heavy: so ancient it was that men said it had beenwrought by the dwarfs.

  So Thiodolf went up on to the hill, and all men cried out on him for joy,for they knew his wisdom in war. Many wondered to see him unhelmed, butthey had a deeming that he must have made oath to the Gods thereof andtheir hearts were glad of it. They took note of the dwarf-wroughthauberk, and even from a good way off they could see what a treasure ofsmith's work it was, and they deemed it like enough that spells had beensung over it to make it sure against point and edge: for they knew thatThiodolf was well beloved of the Gods.

  But when Thiodolf was on the Hill of Speech, he said:

  "Men of the kindreds, I am your War-duke to-day; but it is oftenest thecustom when ye go to war to choose you two dukes, and I would it were sonow. No child's play is the work that lies before us; and if one leaderchance to fall let there be another to take his place without stop orstay. Thou Agni of the Daylings, bid the Folk choose them another dukeif so they will."

  Said Agni: "Good is this which our War-duke hath spoken; say then, men ofthe Mark, who shall stand with Thiodolf to lead you against the aliens?"

  Then was there a noise and a crying of names, and more than two namesseemed to be cried out; but by far the greater part named either Otter ofthe Laxings, or Heriulf of the Wolfings. True it is that Otter was avery wise warrior, and well known to all the men of the Mark; yet so dearwas Heriulf to them, that none would have named Otter had it not beenmostly their custom not to choose both War-dukes from one House.

  Now spake Agni: "Children of Tyr, I hear you name more than one name: nowlet each man cry out clearly the name he nameth."

  So the Folk cried the names once more, but this time it was clear thatnone was named save Otter and Heriulf; so the Dayling was at point tospeak again, but or ever a word left his lips, Heriulf the mighty, theancient of days, stood forth: and when men saw that he would take up theword there was a great silence. So he spake:

  "Hearken, children! I am old and war-wise; but my wisdom is the wisdomof the sword of the mighty warrior, that knoweth which way it shouldwend, and hath no thought of turning back till it lieth broken in thefield. Such wisdom is good against Folks that we have met heretofore; aswhen we have fought with the Huns, who would sweep us a
way from the faceof the earth, or with the Franks or the Burgundians, who would quell usinto being something worser than they be. But here is a new foe, and newwisdom, and that right shifty, do we need to meet them. One wise dukehave ye gotten, Thiodolf to wit; and he is young beside me and besideOtter of the Laxings. And now if ye must needs have an older man tostand beside him, (and that is not ill) take ye Otter; for old though hisbody be, the thought within him is keen and supple like the best of Welsh-wrought blades, and it liveth in the days that now are: whereas for me,meseemeth, my thoughts are in the days bygone. Yet look to it, that Ishall not fail to lead as the sword of the valiant leadeth, or the shaftshot by the cunning archer. Choose ye Otter; I have spoken over long."

  Then spoke Agni the Dayling, and laughed withal: "One man of the Folkhath spoken for Otter and against Heriulf--now let others speak if theywill!"

  So the cry came forth, "Otter let it be, we will have Otter!"

  "Speaketh any against Otter?" said Agni. But there was no voice raisedagainst him.

  Then Agni said: "Come forth, Otter of the Laxings, and hold the ring withThiodolf."

  Then Otter went up on to the hill and stood by Thiodolf, and they heldthe ring together; and then each thrust his hand and arm through the ringand clasped hands together, and stood thus awhile, and all the Folkshouted together.

  Then spake Agni: "Now shall we hew the horses and give the gifts to theGods."

  Therewith he and the two War-dukes came down from the hill; and stoodbefore the altar; and the nine warriors of the Daylings stood forth withaxes to hew the horses and with copper bowls wherein to catch the bloodof them, and each hewed down his horse to the Gods, but the two War-dukesslew the tenth and fairest: and the blood was caught in the bowls, andAgni took a sprinkler and went round about the ring of men, and cast theblood of the Gods'-gifts over the Folk, as was the custom of those days.

  Then they cut up the carcases and burned on the altar the share of theGods, and Agni and the War-dukes tasted thereof, and the rest they boreoff to the Daylings' abode for the feast to be holden that night.

  Then Otter and Thiodolf spake apart together for awhile, and presentlywent up again on to the Speech-Hill, and Thiodolf said:

  "O kindreds of the Markmen; to-morrow with the day We shall wend up Mirkwood-water to bar our foes the way; And there shall we make our wain-burg on the edges of the wood, Where in the days past over at last the aliens stood, The Slaughter Tofts ye call it. There tidings shall we get If the curse of the world is awakened, and the serpent crawleth yet Amidst the Mirkwood thicket; and when the sooth we know, Then bearing battle with us through the thicket shall we go, The ancient Wood-wolf's children, and the People of the Shield, And the Spear-kin and the Horse-kin, while the others keep the field About the warded wain-burg; for not many need we there Where amidst of the thickets' tangle and the woodland net they fare, And the hearts of the aliens falter and they curse the fight ne'er done, And wonder who is fighting and which way is the sun."

  Thus he spoke; then Agni took up the war-horn again, and blew a blast,and then he cried out:

  "Now sunder we the Folk-mote! and the feast is for to-night, And to-morrow the Wayfaring; But unnamed is the day of the fight; O warriors, look ye to it that not long we need abide 'Twixt the hour of the word we have spoken, and our fair-fame's blooming tide! For then 'midst the toil and the turmoil shall we sow the seeds of peace, And the Kindreds' long endurance, and the Goth-folk's great increase."

  Then arose the last great shout, and soberly and in due order, kindred bykindred, they turned and departed from the Thing-stead and went their waythrough the wood to the abode of the Daylings.