
  I see the curtain move and can picture Cally behind it. I know that she likes me and probably has done for some time. She doesn't know that I see her watching me when she thinks that nobody is looking. The trouble is I can feel her whenever she is near me. It is like the air suddenly becomes supercharged and I am in tune to her every move. What she doesn't know is that I have always liked her too.

  We used to have fun growing up as friends which turned into something more the older we got. When I started hanging around with Ash though I quickly realised that his gang was no place for her. As much as I love Ash as a brother I know that he is evil. He has no soul and cares for nothing or nobody. His uncle is no different and the town lives in fear of them both.

  I have also grown up with Ash. His mother has never been around and he only sees his father in the holidays. I used to see him watching my family with hunger in his eyes. I know that he craves a loving family, which has been denied to him all his life.

  I protect him as best I can, in fact I would die for him. Teagan, my girlfriend is best friends with Ash’s girlfriend Skylar. When I say girlfriends I mean it in the loosest possible sense. They are just there to serve a purpose. We don’t love them and just use them to fulfil a role. We are never faithful and they wouldn't dare say anything to us, however I know that they give the girls we target hell. Take Jessica Parker for instance, now that was brutal. No, its best that Cally stays invisible for her own protection. Maybe one day things will be different, in fact hope is all I've got really because I sure as hell can’t see things changing.