Chapter 20

  As I reach the lake I can see that he is already here. As I approach he moves quickly towards me and pulls me to him almost crushing me in the process. Drawing back his eyes dance in the moonlight and he says softly, “Thank you for meeting me Grace. I was afraid that you would think better of it.”

  I smile at him and raise my eyes up. “You afraid, that I can’t believe.” Grinning he pulls me down beside him. “Oh but I am Grace. I have always had everything I wanted in life until I met you. The fact that we have to act as strangers when we meet is destroying me. If it was up to me I would ignore everyone and crush anyone who came between us, but you are holding me back and I will go at your pace because I don’t want to lose you.”

  He puts his arm around me and rubs his hand gently on my shoulder. I snuggle in to him and it feels so right, just sitting here together. Turning to face him he lowers his lips on to mine and kisses me so sweetly and gently that it brings tears to my eyes. Gone is the aggressive, snarling bad boy and in its place is just a kind, gentle soul with so much love to give.

  Breaking away he says with a groan. “This is also torture for me. I want you so much but need to protect you from me at the same time.”

  With a big sigh he says, “It sure is easier being bad.” Laughing I pull him up and pull him towards the lake. “Come on; let’s go for a swim to cool you down.” Following my lead he removes his clothes, leaving his underwear on to spare my blushes. I do the same and follow him as he jumps in. Catching hold of me he once again pulls me towards him and kisses me deeply and passionately. Never before have I had feelings of wanting somebody so badly.

  Pulling away he looks at me gently and reaching up takes the locket in his hands. “You don’t need this here Grace. Let yourself be free, take it off.”

  Reaching up I remove the locket whilst holding his eyes with mine. I see his expression change to one of wonder and awe as I feel the release from the prison. His eyes glitter and reaching up he runs his fingers through my hair. “You are so beautiful Grace. It is no wonder that you have to suppress it because it would send many a soul mad just to look at you.

  Blushing I lower my eyes and reaching up he tilts my face up to his. “Never look down around me Grace. I love everything about you and will never hurt you, please believe me.” Nodding slowly I reach for his hand and pull him towards me. “Stop talking.” I say to his surprise and laughing he crushes me once again to him and it is all that I want.

  Later on we sit overlooking the Ridge, the Town glittering below us. Ash has his arm around me and my head is on his shoulder. Speaking softly he says, “I want us to as close as this everywhere Grace. All of this pretence is killing me. The fact that I can’t be near you is destroying me inside. When I feel like that I want to cause mayhem and damage which then drives you away. I want to be everything you want and more but all I’m doing is being everything you despise.”

  I shake my head sadly. “I know how hard this is for you, it is for me too. I just worry that if my Aunt and Gabe found out then they would have no choice but to tell my guardians and then I would be shipped straight out of here. Then I would lose you forever. Surely this is better than that?”

  Angrily he replies, “Why would they do that, it doesn’t make sense. Don’t they want you to be happy?” Raising my eyes I say, “In case you hadn’t noticed you are their idea of my worst nightmare. We are opposites that attract. They will fear for me and only have my best interests at heart.”

  He falls silent and I can tell that he is thinking about it. Interrupting his thoughts I say, “Anyway, my life would also be hell at school if Skylar and her friends have their way. It’s just better this way.”

  Ash looks annoyed. “They are not a problem, one word from me and they wouldn’t dare cause any trouble. No the problem is with your side.” He pulls me up. “Say we’re ok Grace? When I saw you with that guy I nearly murdered him on the spot. He won’t give up and if I see him trying to get you to be his I will lose it.”

  Stroking his hair I say gently, “I am not going on dates with anyone Ash. I was put on the spot and didn’t want to appear rude that’s all. It won’t happen again.”

  Then a thought strikes me. “How did you know where I was anyway. I mean not just at the coffee shop but also at the Game. I heard that you never go to the football, why were you there?”

  I can see his eyes flash in the darkness and he smiles wickedly. “You’re not the only one with magic Grace.” Reaching over he holds the silver heart that he gave me in his hand. “I gave you my heart and everything that goes with it. I can feel when you are sad, happy and excited. I just have to close my eyes and I see where you are. You see you can’t escape from me Grace, it’s what I do and who I am.”

  I look at him in surprise. “That would explain a lot.” I joke, but inside I realise that this is part of who he is. He likes to know everything and as he said, knowledge is power. I just hope that I can get him to use it wisely, for good and not evil, although given who he is I know that I will have my work cut out with that one.

  Despite neither of us wanting to leave the other we both head off to our respective homes. As I cycle back I wonder what his home life is like. Having seen his uncle I don’t think its all milk and cookies and I realise that it’s no wonder he is like he is with his uncle and father as role models. Like me he is a product of our peers and we are governed by them.

  When I get home I am glad to sink straight into bed. At least it’s Saturday tomorrow and I can avoid school for a couple of days. I have a bad feeling that everything is going to go wrong.