Chapter 40

  The bowling alley is on the other side of town. I have only been here once before and had a great time. We all grab some shoes and are soon safely seated behind our lanes. The guys grab some drinks and we can hear lots of laughing and joking from their lane.

  Paisley laughs as we look at them and leans towards me. “This is all down to you Grace.” Looking at her in surprise she smiles. “This would never had happened when Ash was with Skylar. He never went anywhere with her and we all just met up at parties and lunchtime. Ash used to always seem distant and disconnected from us and seeing him now it is obvious that he didn’t like her very much.” Her words surprise me. “So you didn’t ever go out all together like this?” Paisley raises her eyes up. “We were just there when they needed a girl. The guys spent their spare time at the gym or shooting pool. We were only allowed to see them when a girlfriend was required. Now it is much more how it should be. Killian and I have never been happier. We date as proper couples do and have grown much closer as a result.”

  Smiling at her I actually can’t believe what I’m hearing. Then in a more serious tone she whispers. “Don’t worry about Skylar and Teagan Grace. We’ve all got your back. There’s no way we want to go back to how it was and if we hear or see anything we’ll let Ash and you know. I just wanted you to know what you have done for us.” I smile at her warmly. “Thanks Paisley, it’s good to hear. I’m glad that I’ve helped you.” Paisley looks at Ash and smiles. “I have never seen him like this before. You wouldn’t recognise him as the same badass guy. Even the guys have noticed how he’s changed. They say that love can do that to a guy, well if that’s the case then he is head over heels in love with you.” As I look over at him he catches my eye. The look he sends me turns my insides hot with desire. Seeing my expression he laughs and winks at me with the promise in his eyes of what is in store later on.

  As I think about what I have just heard I feel sorry for them all. It must have been a sad and lonely existence. Once again I thank my guardians for letting me stay.

  Soon we all begin bowling. The guys are much rowdier than us but we hold our own and soon the scores are tied. It’s all on the final ball and as luck would have it it is down to Ash and I to bowl last. Meeting on the lanes we face each other and I can see the challenge in his eyes.

  Grinning wickedly he says, “If I win I choose the prize and if you win you do. Ok?” Meeting his eyes with determination I say, “You’re on.” I can feel the others watching intently and the girls shout out encouragement but are shouted over by the guys. I can see the cocky way that Ash is looking at me and it just makes me even more determined. I line up the ball and focus on the pins. Holding the ball in both hands I focus all of my energy on it. This time I am not playing fair, I owe it to the girls.

  I notice that Ash has taken his first throw and watch as he almost gets a strike. Luckily one pin rights itself and he scores 9. I know that he won’t miss the one remaining so I need a strike. I can feel him watching me intently waiting for me to throw. Tuning everyone out I concentrate on the ball and the pins. I line up my shot and push all of my energy into the ball, directing it with my gaze. I throw a perfect ball and watch as the energy I have given it propels it towards the pins. Even before it gets there I know it is a strike and turn to face Ash to watch his face as the pins fall. I know that my job is done as I hear the cheers from the girls and the disappointment from the guys.

  Ash smirks at me and raising my eyes up I face him saying, “So I win.” Looking amused he crosses towards me and pulls my face up to his. Looking deeply into my eyes he says softly, “I let you.” Pushing him away I laugh and join my friends who cheer and taunt the guys. It feels so good to put them in their place and we are certainly not going to let them live this down.

  To celebrate our win I choose that they take us for pizza. As we all squash next to each other in our booths I look around at all of the happy faces. Everyone seems relaxed and stress free. They still get a lot of attention from the other customers but seem oblivious. We are all just a group of High school friends having a good time.

  Snuggling closer to Ash I reach for his hand. He kisses me gently whispering, “As soon as we’ve eaten I’m taking you to the Ridge. I want you to myself.” He laughs as he sees my expression. I can’t get enough of him and can’t wait for everyone to finish eating so that we can be alone again.