Chapter 42

  By the time my shift finishes the curiosity has well and truly taken hold. I can’t think what has happened and hope that Mr Watson really is ok. When I hear the roar of the bike approaching I almost run outside to meet him. Ash laughs as he sees me coming and as I jump behind him he grins. “Where’s the fire Grace?” Still concerned I pull a face at him. “Hurry up and keep your promise Ash. I won’t let you off the hook until I know that he’s safe.” His eyes flash and darken as he looks into mine. “Careful Grace, I kind of like this new angry you, it excites me.” Then he pulls me towards him and crushes my lips against his. His kiss is powerful and intense and I can feel the fire racing through me exploding in my body. I gasp as he pulls back and feel as if I’m on fire. I can see that his eyes are flashing dangerously and he says, “If I had my way we would be going straight to my bedroom now and I would lock you in for the rest of the night. Laughing he turns away and says over his shoulder, “Come on let’s get this over with and then I may do just that.”

  We soon arrive at the library and with trepidation I follow him up the steps. I know that something has happened and it worries me. We push the door open and I am surprised to find that it is unlocked at this late hour. Ash winks at me and I follow him inside.

  As I look around me I take in the sight of many large boxes littering the place. Most are filled with books and some are empty. It is obvious that Mr Watson is packing up. Feeling sad I look around at what this place has now become. It was always messy and unorganised and could have done with a good clean, but somehow that always added to its charm for me.

  Looking at him sadly I squeeze Ash’s hand. His eyes suddenly cloud over as he sees my expression. “It’s part of life Angel. Nothing can last forever. Sometimes it’s better just to move on.” Nodding I know he is right but it doesn’t make it any easier.

  I notice a light on in the room at the back and smiling at me Ash leads me towards it. He pushes open the door and as we enter the room I can see Mr Watson sitting on a stool in the middle of it. As he sees us he looks up and to my surprise he smiles which totally transforms his face. Gone is the worry and tired expression that he has always had. Now his face has relaxed and he looks ten years younger. He has an excitement in his eyes and his eyes sparkle as he looks at us.

  I hear Ash laugh quietly as he takes in my astonished expression. “See, I told you he was fine.” Looking between them I notice that they seem comfortable with each other. There is no animosity and dare I even say it, they appear to be friends.

  In confusion I look between them and then it registers with me. In front of Mr Watson is a canvas and in his hand is an artist’s board with various colours of paint on it. He is holding a paintbrush and as I look up at him he smiles. “You’re painting again.”

  I can’t keep the wonder out of my voice and he nods his head slowly. “Yes Grace I am and it’s all thanks to your boyfriend.” Looking at Ash in surprise he winks at me. “This is between us three. Not even Jacob knows about this. I made sure that only I came into this room this evening and made them all wait outside. Nobody but us must know what I’ve done.” Shaking my head I wonder what he is talking about. “What do you mean, what have you done?”

  Nodding to Mr Watson, Ash takes me by the hand and leads me around to stand beside him. I gasp as I see what he is painting and through my tears I look between them. “It’s me.” I can’t believe it. On the canvas is a beautiful painting of me. He has captured my likeness in the most spectacular way. I look happy and beautiful and there is a light shining out and engulfing the painting. I almost can’t speak and choke out, “It’s so beautiful, I can’t believe that you did this, but how..?” Mr Watson looks at Ash before he answers.

  “Ash came to me a few weeks ago and asked me to paint this. I wasn’t sure that I could, I mean I haven’t painted anything since…” Breaking off he looks down and swallows hard. Then seemingly collecting himself together he looks up saying, “Once I started painting you though Grace it all came back to me. I got caught up in it and it gave me a new lease of life. Nothing else seemed to matter anymore. We kept it between ourselves as he wanted to give it to you when it was finished. It almost is but when he told me that you were worried that they had hurt me we decided to tell you for everybody’s sake.” As I look between them I feel bad for doubting Ash. Tears filling my eyes I look up at him. “Thank you Ash, it is the most beautiful thing that anyone has ever done for me. I am overwhelmed and I am sorry that I thought badly of you.” Reaching down Ash lifts my face to his. “I love you Grace, you are everything to me and I wanted to give you something to show you.”

  He kisses me gently and we almost forget that Mr Watson is here until we hear a discreet cough. Pulling away Ash grins at me as I blush. Then I remember Mr Knight. “But what was that all about with your uncle in the diner. I thought that he had asked you to come here and do some damage?” Angrily Ash nods. “He did. He told me to come and get the money that Mr Watson owed him and if he couldn’t pay then we were to trash everything including him.”

  I watch as Mr Watson turns pale. Smiling wickedly Ash laughs. “Well we did come here but there was no need to trash the place because Mr Watson paid up. So you see now his debt is paid and he is off the hook.”

  I look between them in surprise. “But how…I mean I thought you were broke?” Mr Watson smiles. “I was Grace, but you see Ash insisted on paying me for the painting. As it happens it was enough to pay off my debts and leave a little over to start again.”

  I can’t believe what I’m hearing. “Where did you get that kind of money from?” Ash raises his eyes up. “Don’t worry Angel it’s all above board. You probably don’t know this but I earn lots of money and very rarely spend it. My uncle pays me well and with the allowance from my father I have amassed rather a lot. This seemed like a perfect solution to all of our problems and I get the satisfaction of getting one over on my uncle, so you see it was worth every penny.”

  Suddenly a feeling of such complete and utter love flows through me at what he has done. I am overwhelmed and can’t even speak as I take it all in. Mr Watson is happier than I have ever seen him and looks at us both with so much gratitude.

  “I am going to invest the rest of the money in a shop in the town. I am going to open a bookshop selling new and second-hand books. I will also sell my paintings in there and open a coffee shop in the front. So you see Grace, I may need your help still on Saturday mornings, but only if I can pay this time.”

  I can’t help it and give him a big hug. Ash looks in alarm as he sees Mr Watson’s expression change as he feels the effects of it. Pulling me away he looks worried and Mr Watson blinks as he looks between us. Softly he says, “Don’t worry; I knew that Grace was special. She tried to hide it but I could tell. I don’t know what it is but I know that she has some form of power inside of her. She reminds me so much of Annabelle. She too had a magical quality and a beauty that captivated everyone that knew her. Grace has a lot more of it though and I promise you both that I will never tell. You both mean too much to me for that.”

  I can see Ash relaxing and he takes my hand. “Come on; let’s leave Mr Watson to finish up. I’m taking you home.”

  Once we reach my Aunt’s house I hold on to him tightly. “Thank you Ash, I love you so much and I can’t believe that I ever thought that you would hurt him.” Kissing me softly Ash strokes my hair. “I am bad Grace, that hasn’t changed. But now I have also found love and that is battling with the anger inside of me. You bring out a new side to me that I never thought was there. I am still adjusting to it and may not always do things in the right way but if it means holding on to you I will change.”

  Smiling happily at him I nod towards the house. “Come on, tonight is meatloaf and apple pie night. Let’s just go and be normal for a change.”

  We spend another nice normal evening in front of the television. Gabe has gone out with Piper and my Aunt leaves us alone as she tidies up the kitchen.
Snuggling together on the couch we sit there watching a movie. This is what it’s all about; I want this to last forever.