Seriously! That girl is lucky I’m a very peaceful and nonviolent person.

  I just totally ignored her when she started EYEBALLING me all EVIL-LIKE. . . .


  I mean, WHO does THAT?!!

  As soon as class was over, Brandon grabbed his backpack and quickly strode past me and out of the room.

  Practically everyone in class had heard the latest gossip and was STARING at us.

  “Brandon, wait! I really need to talk to you!” I said, following him out into the hall. “Privately. Can we meet at your locker after school?”

  “Actually, Nikki, I’m supposed to work on the Fuzzy Friends website with some volunteers after school. I’ve been staying up really late all week, and it’s not even half finished. And now my homework is piling up,” he said, staring at the floor.

  I had to admit, he looked exhausted.

  I hadn’t noticed the dark circles under his eyes until now.

  “Well, how about tomorrow morning?” I asked.

  “I’m coming to school an hour early tomorrow. But I’ll be busy in the library, trying to finish up all my homework that was due YESTERDAY and TODAY,” he muttered in frustration.

  “Can you at least give me a minute or two?” I practically begged. “I mean, if you have time. . . .”

  “The real question is, do YOU have time?” Brandon said, finally looking at me. “Apparently, you’ve been really busy lately with your NEW school project!”

  “School project?! WHAT school project?” I asked, confused.

  Suddenly Brandon narrowed his eyes and stared behind me.

  “Here, Nicole,” André said, handing me my backpack. “We’d better get going or we’ll be late for class. Oh . . . hello, Brandon.”

  “NICOLE?! Who’s . . . Nicole?” Brandon asked, staring at me, then André, and then back at me. “Never mind. I gotta go. Later.”

  He sighed, thrust his hands deep into his pockets, turned, and trudged away.

  “What’s wrong with HIM?” André shrugged. “He’s acting like his BEST FRIEND just DIED!”

  “Actually, SHE DID!” I sighed, blinking back tears as I watched Brandon disappear down the hall.


  FRIDAY, MAY 30—7:00 A.M.


  OMG! All that drama in BIO yesterday was . . .


  I had no idea Brandon was feeling overwhelmed.

  He’s been spending so much time working on the Fuzzy Friends project that he’s fallen behind on his homework and started to struggle at school.

  And if all that isn’t EXHAUSTING enough, he’s ALSO been coming to MY house TWICE a week to train Daisy.

  I honestly can’t blame Brandon for feeling a little insecure about OUR friendship when I’ve been spending so much time with André.

  Those pics of André and me probably felt like a huge SLAP in the face and pushed him over the edge.

  And now I can’t get him out of my mind! He looked so SAD just sitting there alone. . . .


  Obviously, whoever posted those photos is trying to hurt him AND damage our friendship.

  But I have to admit, I’m ALSO responsible. I was SO self-absorbed in my own little world, worrying about my own personal problems, that I’d basically ignored Brandon.

  I felt really AWFUL that I’d let my friend down like that ! I didn’t have a choice but to try to make it up to him, some way, somehow.

  Brandon had asked me to draw some of the puppies that had recently been placed by Fuzzy Friends, but instead I’d gotten sidetracked with my student ambassador duties.

  So last night, after I completed my homework, I worked on those puppy drawings for HOURS! I didn’t finish until after midnight.

  I realize I’m the LAST person Brandon wants to talk to right now. So I decided to write him a short letter.

  I plan to give it to him along with the puppy drawings when I see him at school today. . . .


  Please let me know what you think about the four pics. I think they’re DEFINITELY going to get a lot of attention online!

  BTW, can we hang out later to talk? It’s about something kind of important. Okay, VERY important! So important that I’ve been trying to tell you about it for the past week but couldn’t.

  It was hard finding the right time since we’ve both been insanely busy. So let’s hang out this Saturday! Does 1:00 p.m. at Queasy Cheesy work for you? Shoot me a text and let me know. After the stressful week we’ve had, it’ll be fun to just eat and chillax with you!


  I folded the letter, tucked it into an envelope, and scribbled Brandon’s name on it.

  It’s hard to believe that today is André’s last day at WCD! The week went by so fast. In spite of all the DRAMA his visit created, I really like him and consider him a new friend. But, unfortunately, I’m feeling more confused than ever about having to choose between the Bad Boyz tour and the trip to Paris. So I decided to write a letter to André. . . .


  I can’t believe how fast this week went by! The good news is that you survived it .

  Now comes the awkward part. . . . I wanted to let you know that I’m still thinking about what we discussed. And, to be honest, I just don’t know how I feel yet.

  Having to choose between two things I really care about is A LOT of pressure! Half of me wants to stick with what’s familiar and makes me happy. And the other half of me wants something new, adventurous, and exciting.

  I’m SO torn!! Maybe I’m afraid of disappointing people. Or maybe I’m just scared of making a commitment. I’m going to need more time to figure stuff out.

  I hope you understand! When I make my final decision, I’ll definitely let you know. Regardless of what I decide, I’d still like to be friends if that’s okay with you! Hopefully, I’ll see you around.


  P.S. Here is that gift card for a FREE Queasy Cheesy pizza. ENJOY !

  I tucked the letter into a second envelope and scribbled André’s name on it. Then I stuck both letters and the drawings into a folder and placed everything inside my backpack.

  It feels like I’m FINALLY getting my life back under control. The good news is that on Monday my schedule will be back to normal and I’ll have two classes and lunch with Chloe and Zoey again! SQUEEEE !

  OMG! They’re NOT going to believe all the SHADY stuff MacKenzie did to me this week. I can’t wait to tell them.

  But, most important, I’m REALLY going to need my BFFs to help me patch things up with Brandon. !!

  FRIDAY—9:55 A.M.


  I arrived at school this morning fifteen minutes early, just as I had planned.

  I was hoping it was enough time to find Brandon and give him the artwork and the letter.

  It was the first step toward rebuilding our friendship.

  Yesterday he’d mentioned that he was going to be in the library trying to catch up on homework, so my plan was to start there.

  Since it was a warm and breezy day, I decided to stop in the girls’ bathroom just to make sure my hair wasn’t windblown and I didn’t have any food stuck in my teeth.

  But as soon as I stepped inside, my stomach started to churn so badly, I thought for sure I was going to lose my taco breakfast bagel. . . .

  WHY?! Because MacKenzie was at the mirror, slathering on nine layers of lip gloss. . . .


  I didn’t have any proof! But I was VERY sure she had tried to destroy my friendship with Brandon by posting those photoshopped pics online and then making sure he saw them.

  I just stood there staring at her.

  “Hi, Nikki! I LOVED your pics online! Go right ahead and use the mirror. If you’re going to be TWO-FACED, at least make ONE of them pretty!”

  “I know you put those pics online, so just admit it, MacKenzie!” I shot back.

  “So what if I did! You shou
ld thank me. Now you’re slightly more popular at this school than the toilet bowl stains! Congratulations, hon!”

  “MacKenzie, CYBERBULLYING is WRONG! I’d love to try to EXPLAIN that concept to you in a way you’d understand, but I don’t have any SOCK PUPPETS, CHEERIOS, and CRAYONS!”

  MacKenzie turned and glared at me.

  “Nikki, I am SO sick of you! Everything is handed to you on a silver platter, and you don’t deserve any of it. I should be going on that Bad Boyz tour! And as soon as you dump your little friends to go hang out in Paris with André, that lead singer SPOT is all MINE! To be honest, I don’t get what André or Brandon see in you. They should be obsessed with ME! I guess you’re just irresistibly ADORABLE and DUMB like a little puppy!”

  “Wait a minute. You’re doing all this just to go on tour?! Do you even realize you’re HURTING other people? Like my FRIENDS?!” I exclaimed.

  “Sorry, Nikki! You must be mistaking me for someone who actually CARES! Is your little bathroom DRAMA going to have an intermission soon? Because I need to pee!”

  It was like MacKenzie had NOT heard a single word I’d said. She was HOPELESS!

  “Listen, Nikki! Could you do me a big favor and go stand inside a stall until I leave? Your ugly dress is clashing with my lip gloss, and it’s giving me a MIGRAINE!”

  When you encounter a big PILE of CRAZY, sometimes it’s best not to waste your time and energy trying to REASON with it. So I turned and walked away.

  It was WAY more important that I try to find Brandon and give him the artwork.

  But by the time I got to the library door, I suddenly realized I didn’t have my backpack.


  I had left it in the BATHROOM!!


  I turned around and sprinted down the hall, back to the bathroom. I just KNEW my backpack was history!

  But MacKenzie must not have noticed it under the counter, because it was STILL there. . . .


  I looked inside and saw my purse, phone, and book.

  My artwork was in my folder, and when I peeked inside the envelopes, my letters were still there.

  WHEW !!

  I hurried back to the library again.

  My heart actually skipped a beat when I spotted Brandon sitting at a back table, hunched over a notebook.

  “What’s up, Brandon?” I said cheerfully. “I have a surprise! It’s for the Fuzzy Friends website.”

  He didn’t answer or even look at me. Maybe he was more upset at me than I thought.

  I just froze, not having the slightest idea what to do next.

  “Um, Brandon, are you okay?”

  That’s when I finally realized he was even more exhausted than yesterday. The poor guy should’ve just stayed home from school.

  I didn’t have the heart to disturb him. So I tiptoed over to him and very quietly left my puppy drawings and my letter on the table right next to his notebook. . . .


  I couldn’t help but feel a little sorry for Brandon.

  He was SO passionate about Fuzzy Friends and animals (like my CRAZY dog, Daisy) that he had completely worn himself out.

  I wanted to wake him up, thank him for all his hard work, and give him a great big HUG. But I didn’t. I just stood there staring at him.

  Suddenly it became very clear to me how I wanted to spend my summer.

  André is a smart, handsome, and fascinating guy. And Paris is one of the most exciting cities in the world.

  But I’d much rather spend the summer hanging out with my kindhearted and dorky CRUSH, Brandon.

  I can’t wait to tell him just how I feel.


  SATURDAY, MAY 31—11:15 P.M.


  Okay, I think this is probably going to be my LONGEST diary entry EVER!

  First of all, I didn’t have the slightest idea if Brandon was even going to show up at Queasy Cheesy.

  I’d asked him in my letter to text me to let me know if Saturday at 1:00 p.m. was a good time, but he never responded.

  I was starting to worry that maybe he was still MAD at me or something. Although I couldn’t blame him.

  If I had treated MYSELF the way I’d treated Brandon, I definitely would have UNFRIENDED myself on FACEBOOK!

  I arrived at Queasy Cheesy fifteen minutes early and was a nervous wreck. But soon 1:00 p.m. had come and gone.

  That’s when it became VERY clear.



  OMG! My WORST fear had come true.

  I was suffering from that very dangerous crush-itis complication that Chloe and Zoey had WARNED me about!

  I totally lost it and had a massive meltdown right there at my table. While everyone in the restaurant stared at me.

  Finally, my waitress came over and smiled at me sympathetically. “Dear, you’ve been waiting here for quite a while. Would you like to place your order now?”

  “Um . . . I think I’ll just wait a few minutes longer,” I muttered.

  “Well, suit yourself, honey. But, personally, I DON’T think HE’S coming! You’re probably just wasting your time,” she said, and walked away.

  I could NOT believe my waitress actually said that to me! HOW RUDE !!

  WHY was she all up in my personal business like that?! I had never seen that lady before in my life!

  I seriously thought about complaining to the management.

  But then I remembered the Queasy Cheesy pizza gift cards that my dad had given me.

  If I made a big stink about the waitress, it might end up damaging my dad’s business relationship.

  I’d completely given up hope and was looking at the takeout menu when I heard a familiar voice. . . .


  Lucky me! I won’t be leaving here in tears with a broken heart, munching on a takeout order of wing-dings after all, I thought happily !

  I looked up, HOPING to see my crush, Brandon. . . .


  “Oh! Hi, André!” I said, trying not to sound as disappointed as I felt. “How are you? Um . . . what are YOU doing here?”

  “Well, I was invited by a very special person!” he said, with a huge smile plastered across his face. “I’m here to wish her happiness and help celebrate her success!”

  I couldn’t help but notice the balloons and CupCakery box he was holding.

  “So, you’re here for a party or something?” I asked, a little confused.

  André seemed a little too old to be invited to a kiddie-themed birthday party at Queasy Cheesy. But hey, who was I to judge?!

  Or maybe he was here for his OWN birthday.

  “OMG, André! Is it YOUR birthday today? If so, the least I can do is, um . . . buy you some Queasy Cheesy tokens for the game room. I need to warn you that the popcorn is a little stale, and, whatever you do, DON’T go into the ball pit. My little sister, Brianna, said a kid threw up in it the last time we were here.”

  André laughed. “You have such a wicked sense of humor, Nicole. But it’s NOT my birthday. Oh, I almost forgot. Here! These are for YOU!”

  He handed me the mini bouquet of balloons and the CupCakery box.

  “I brought you French pastries! They’re just a small taste of the totally AMAZING things you’ll experience during a summer in PARIS!” he said wistfully.

  “André, you DIDN’T have to do this! I was just doing my job as a student ambassador. I mean, it was MANDATORY. I didn’t have a choice.”

  “But I DO have a choice! And I want you to have them.” He smiled. “I’ll go ask the waitress for plates. You should try a chocolate croissant while they’re still warm. I’ll be right back!”

  “But what about that party you said you were invited to? I don’t want you to miss it because of me,” I protested as he walked
away and disappeared in the crowded restaurant.

  Curious, I opened the box and peeked inside at the pastries. They looked delish!

  I was startled by a voice directly behind me, and I turned to see a guy staring at me. . . .


  “OMG! Brandon, you’re HERE!” I gushed. “I’m SO happy to see you!”

  “Thanks. I’m happy to see you, too!” He blushed.

  “But what are you doing with that pizza? I’ve barely looked at the menu,” I said.

  “It’s my takeout order. I just stopped by to pick it up. I’m still working on the website, so I’ll eat it at Fuzzy Friends,” Brandon explained.

  “You want to eat the pizza at Fuzzy Friends instead of HERE?! Well . . . okay. That sounds fine to me.” I shrugged. “Actually, it would give us more privacy to talk. I’ll let the waitress know.”

  “Thanks for the pizza and for the puppy drawings. They’re AWESOME, Nikki! I planned to text you about them later today.”

  “I’m glad I could help out,” I said. “Anyway, now that you’re finally here, we REALLY need to talk. I tried to explain everything in my letter.”

  “Yeah, I got your letter,” Brandon sighed. “I have to admit, after reading it I’m a little—no, I’m VERY confused.”

  “Just have a seat and we’ll talk. I’ll explain everything, including the photo drama, okay?”

  “Sure. Although, to be honest, I think I owe YOU an apology,” Brandon said shyly as he brushed his shaggy bangs out of his eyes. “You know, for the way I’ve been acting lately.”

  “Actually, I owe YOU an apology, Brandon.”

  “Listen, I agree we should talk. But I really need to go pay for this pizza with a gift card. I wouldn’t want them to think I was trying to STEAL it!” Brandon joked.

  “Yeah, my dad gave me some pizza gift cards too.” I laughed. “I’m going to use one to pay for this meal.”

  “Okay, I’ll be right back,” Brandon said as he walked toward the checkout line.

  That’s when André returned.

  “We’re all set. The waitress is going to bring over some plates,” he said.