Page 13 of Out of the Dark

  Decebel turned to Peri with his glowing eyes and menacing stare. "Fix her." His voice was deep and guttural, not human at all.

  "We must get her and you to a safe place. We need to cross the veil." Peri turned to Gavril. "I will contact you when it is time for you and Rachel to come. Until then, stay out of sight. She must not be captured, no matter what."

  Gavril nodded, then looked over at Decebel, who was kneeling next to his mate. "Forgive us, Beta. We meant no harm toward her."

  Decebel growled.

  "You know you can't reason with his wolf, just make it right. That's all the apology he will need."

  Gavril nodded once then turned and took off in the direction he and Costin had emerged from.

  "Costin, you will need to carry Jen," Peri told him.

  Costin saw the feral look in Decebel's eyes. "Sorry, fairy lady, not going to happen. He will rip anyone's head off if they touch her."

  Cynthia took a step toward Decebel. She got on all fours and crawled with her head bowed. She stopped about five feet from him and made sure her head was lower than his.

  "Beta, we must move her and you are too weak. Please let me carry her."

  "Mine," Decebel snarled.

  "Yes, she is yours. None of us mean her harm. You know us, wolf, you can smell that we are pack. Trust us to care for what's yours."

  Decebel looked at Jennifer, who was struggling to breathe, then back at Cynthia. "Only you and the healer may be near her."

  Cynthia let out the breath she had been holding and waited for Decebel to stand. He stepped aside so she could get to Jen. As gently as she could, she lifted her, inwardly wincing at how light she was. Jen had lost a significant amount of weight and felt so frail.

  When Cynthia turned to face the others, she tensed as Decebel took a step toward her. But he simply laid a soft hand on Jen's leg, so gentle with his broken mate. Cynthia realized then that he didn't plan to leave her side and that he might not even take a hand off of her for a second.

  "Let's go," Peri said as she once again lifted her arms, causing the air to shimmer. "Stay close."

  As they passed through the veil, Sally felt a warm tingling sensation. When it disappeared, she looked around and realized that they were right where they had been.

  "Did we go anywhere?"

  Peri nodded. "No matter where you enter Farie, it will mimic the same climate and image to humans."

  "Wicked," Sally murmured.

  "We aren't going far. Just keep up," Peri snapped as she took off at a brisk walk.

  They had walked for about fifteen minutes when they came to a two-story stone house. Moss had grown over the house on one side, and tree branches arched over it like a protective barrier. Several chimneys towered from the pitched ruff and smoke danced from each one, floating off into the sky. The front door was arched and very tall – there were round windows on either side of the door.

  The closer they got to the house, the more Sally felt like she was entering an enchanted land. When they got to the door and Peri opened it, Decebel let out a low growl.

  "Costin, enter and make sure this is safe for the females."

  Costin nodded and stepped past the surprised Fae.

  Peri rolled her eyes. "I've forgotten how annoying the males of your species can be," she told Sally and Cynthia.

  Cynthia chuckled. "Annoying is being nice. If Jen were awake she would give you a very colorful description of what she thinks about the males."

  "I think I'm going to like this Jen." Peri smiled and her face seemed to light up when she did.

  "Coast is clear." Costin stuck his head out the door. He reached out for Sally's hand and didn't wait for her to accept his, he just grabbed her and pulled her into the house.

  As soon as they stepped inside, they were in a giant living room. A huge stone fireplace was on the far left wall and a warm fire crackled and popped. The pitched ceiling was open all the way to the second floor and there was a railing which allowed one to look down upon the living room.

  There was a kitchen at the back of the room with all the necessary appliances, and it seemed so strange to Sally to be standing in a house in a different realm, looking at a seemingly normal kitchen. There was a large couch and several overstuffed chairs close to the fire in a circle and on the far left wall were tall shelves full of various sizes of books. On the back wall, across from the kitchen, was a door that opened into another room.

  "Cynthia, take Jen into that room there," Peri instructed as she pointed to the door.

  Cynthia took her precious burden, with Decebel still holding onto Jen's leg, and laid her on the bed in the room. It was a surprisingly large room with a sleigh bed. When Cynthia laid Jen down, she noticed how soft the comforter was – and plush – as it seemed to wrap around Jen as tenderly as a lover. There were several chairs in the room, a large armoire, and another fireplace. The room was warm and, despite its size, very cozy.

  Cynthia watched as Decebel stood next to the bed, looking at his mate, his hand still on her leg. She grabbed a chair and pushed it toward him. "Beta, you need to rest." She motioned to the chair.

  Decebel's wolf still looked out through his eyes. He nodded once to her and sat, never losing focus on Jen.

  Cynthia left him there without disturbing him more. She saw that the others were sitting in the chairs and couch around the fire. Sally had placed the phone on the round coffee table in the center of their circle. She realized Sally must have called the others as she listened to Sally explain about Jen and Decebel. Her face was grave when she described how battered her friend looked; tears were sliding down her cheeks. Costin placed a comforting hand on Sally's lower back and Cynthia noticed his eyes were glowing. Obviously he did not like seeing Sally so upset.

  "I've never seen anyone look so close to death, Jacque." Sally hiccuped through her tears. Costin finally had all he could take, and he pulled Sally into his lap. He whispered words of comfort and caressed her hair gently.

  "It will be okay, Sally mine," he told her gently.

  Sally looked into his hazel eyes and though she knew she was probably going to regret it, gave in and leaned her head against his chest. Costin let out a contented sigh and pulled her tighter.

  "Decebel is with her?" Vasile's voice came through the phone.

  "Yes," Peri answered. "His wolf recognized his mate. He won't let anyone near her."

  "That's good," Vasile said, then amended, "Good that his wolf recognized her."

  "So there's been no change even though they've been brought together? Can a wolf love – I mean, would his love be able to break the curse?" Jacque questioned.

  "Love is what will break the curse?" Costin asked, having missed that conversation. Sally nodded against his chest "How can something so simple break something so powerful?" Costin shook his head.

  "Simple?" Sally gasped as she sat up abruptly and turned to look at Costin. " You think love is simple?"

  Costin's eyes widened at the fierceness in her eyes and the firmness of her voice – a deer caught in the headlights.

  "Here we go," they heard Jacque mutter under her breath.

  "How can it surprise any of you that love could break the curse?" Sally addressed the group, her eyes moving from person to person. Then she stared at the phone as if she could see through it. "You, whose very genetic makeup forces you to love so deeply that you can't even survive without your mate? It's no coincidence that the saying is 'love conquers all'. It's a tale as old as time."

  Jacque snorted. "You've been waiting to use that line."

  Sally chuckled briefly. "I finally got my day." Then she sobered and her eyes returned to Costin. "There is nothing simple about something that can fill you with the greatest joy you've ever known. It can make men build cities, crush enemies, seek out ways to move mountains, and bring even the greatest to his knees. There is nothing simple about something that can rip the very seams of your soul in half, shred every amount of dignity you've ever had, and strip every inhibition
from who you are."

  Costin leaned forward and reached out toward the girl who had become a woman before his eyes.

  "Sally," he whispered.

  She turned away from him in a rare show of severity, ignoring his hand, looking back at the phone. "Fane, do you think that curse would have worked on you? Do you think you could have forgotten your mate?"

  Fane shook his head. "No. Not with the Blood Rites being fulfilled and the bond between us being complete, but I suspect the curse wouldn't work without the love between the two. You're right, Sally. There is nothing more powerful than love. Jacquelyn's and my soul have been made one through our bond. No darkness can conquer the light love sheds."

  "Okay, I'm with you." Jacque agreed. "But how do we get a man who doesn't remember his mate to remember he loves her?"

  "He's going to have to bond with her," Peri spoke up.

  All heads turned to look at her.

  "It's the only thing that will restore the severed bond and, ostensibly, draw Decebel's memories forward."

  Cynthia leaned forward in her chair, leaning her elbows on her knees. "Vasile, it won't be hard to convince Decebel's wolf to do the blood rites, but Decebel is another story. He wants to remember Jen, he wants to love her. Wanting and doing are two different things."

  "Sally. " It was Alina's voice they heard this time.

  "Yes?" Sally answered.

  "You need to talk to Decebel. You might be able to reach him."

  "I'll try."

  Suddenly they heard a deadly snarl and the sound of something hitting the floor hard.

  Sally started in the direction of the room but Costin caught her around the waist.

  "You aren't going in there with an enraged wolf."

  "Costin, let go. That is my best friend in there. Decebel won't hurt me."

  "Sally, what's happened?" Vasile's voice thundered through the speaker.

  Cynthia picked up the phone and started talking as she headed in the direction of the room, following the struggling Sally and pissed-off looking Costin.

  They entered the room and Cynthia nearly dropped the phone. "Alpha, we're going to have to call you back." Before he could answer she ended the call and stared, horrified by a blood-covered Decebel and a lifeless Jen.

  Chapter 15

  Sally rushed forward, shoving Decebel out of the way. She put her hands on Jen's chest and closed her eyes. She pushed with all her might, magically looking into her friend's fragile body. Sally gasped – Jen's lungs were full of fluid. She was drowning in her own blood. Sally didn't know how she did it, didn't understand it, but she thanked every being she could think of for the power she had flowing through her. The blood in Jen's lungs was being absorbed into her body, emptying gradually until none remained. Sally pulled her hands back and opened her eyes. Still Jen did not breath.

  Sally laid her ear on her chest – no heartbeat. She turned to Costin. "Put her on the floor, now. I need to do CPR and I can't do it on a soft surface."

  Costin obeyed, ignoring the snarls from Decebel, who was being restrained by Cynthia.

  Sally tilted Jen's head back like she had learned in their health class and pinched her nose. She pulled her chin down opening her mouth and then placed her mouth over hers. She gave two short breaths, watching as Jen's chest rose. Then she placed her hands just below her diaphragm and began compressions. Sally could barely see through the blur that her tears caused. She continued alternating breaths with chest compressions, getting more desperate as time went on. Jen remained unresponsive.

  Decebel finally broke free of Cynthia and landed with a hard crash on his knees next to Jen. He leaned down, and when Sally finished the fourth round of compressions it was him who placed his mouth over hers and breathed life-giving air into her. Sally saw that his eyes were no longer glowing and realized that Decebel, the man, had overcome his wolf. She continued the chest compressions and listened as Decebel whispered in Jen's ear.

  "You will not die, Jennifer. I won't allow it." He kissed her cheeks, her eyes, her nose and then her lips, so gently. "I want the chance to love you. Baby, don't rob me of that by giving up."

  Decebel used the endearment that he'd used in the text messages he shared with Jennifer before the curse. After feeling how strongly his wolf felt about this woman, there was no doubt in his mind that she was his mate. He refused to lose her.

  But she still did not breath. Decebel breathed for her again and the tears from his eyes dropped onto her face. Blood covered her lips.

  Decebel looked over to the Fae, who stood calmly though concern-filled her eyes.

  "What do I do? I won't lose her."

  "Give her your blood. If you are her mate, your blood will give her body strength."

  Without hesitation Decebel's canines lengthened and his eyes glowed. He tore into his wrist, biting down hard until the blood flowed freely. After placing a hand under her neck and lifting gently, he pressed his wrist to her mouth. Sally began to rub her throat to get it to go down.

  When Decebel pulled his wrist away, the room was completely silent as all held their breath, waiting.

  Sally felt like her heart was going to beat out of her chest as she stared at her best friend. Breathe.

  Decebel pressed his forehead to Jennifer's and squeezed his eyes shut. The tears wouldn't stop and his heart felt like it was being torn in half.

  "Come back to me, Jennifer. I can't lose you – I refuse to lose you, dammit. You will live!" The last was a snarl.

  Suddenly, she gasped and air filled her empty lungs. Her eyes fluttered open. Decebel watched in amazement.

  "Jennifer?" Decebel brushed her hair away from her face and kissed her forehead.

  "You don't remember me and yet you're still so damn bossy." Jen's words were a hoarse whisper, but they all heard her.

  Decebel watched as she closed her eyes but continued to breathe.

  Sally was shaking with relief and the adrenaline began to overtake her. Costin leaned down next to her and pulled her into his arms. She buried her face in his chest and cried.

  Cynthia asked Peri for clean sheets for the bed and towels to clean Jen up. As she and Decebel laid Jen on the bed, she looked up at him.

  "Let Sally and I clean her up. We will take good care of her."

  Decebel shook his head with a low growl. "I will care for her."

  "Decebel, you aren't mated to her yet."

  "She is my mate. I will care for her. Do not argue with me, female, I am your Beta and you will obey me."

  Cynthia was a little shocked at his declaration since she was talking to Decebel and not his wolf.

  "Cynthia, it's okay," Sally said as she began to wipe her tears away. "Jen isn't modest. It wouldn't bother her for Decebel to see her." She looked up at Decebel. "Do you want me to stay with you?"

  Decebel shook his head. "No, I want to be with my mate alone. She needs me. I may not remember her but I feel something, like my soul is being knitted back together. I think giving her my blood helped."

  "Decebel, Vasile thinks you need to perform the Blood Rites in order to save Jen." Sally waited for his response and was surprised when he finally answered.

  "I will do anything for her, but she has to bite me for the Blood Rites to take place. Drinking my blood is not enough."

  "Maybe if you continue to give her your blood she will get strong enough to stay conscious," Sally said in a hopeful tone.

  Costin brushed Sally's hair from her face and smiled at her when she leaned into his touch. "You are amazing," he whispered to her.

  She looked at him, confused. "Why do you say that?"

  "Because you refuse to think the worst, and only think of possibilities that result in a positive outcome."

  Sally blushed,."Jen's a fighter. She would be pissed if she thought I didn't think she could make it."

  Decebel stood over Jennifer. She lay still but for the movements of her breathing. Sally had brought him several towels and a large blanket to put over her. She'd also brought
him a large bowl with warm water in it, and washcloths to clean his mate. He leaned down to kiss Jen.

  "I will be as gentle as I can, love," he whispered as he dipped the washcloth in the warm water. After squeezing out the excess, he began to softly wipe her face, removing any trace of blood. Then he washed her arms and hands and dried them. The entire time, Decebel talked to her. He told her about the life he remembered and how he didn't remember the good things. All the while he protected her modesty by keeping the blanket over as much of her as he could.

  When he finally removed her shirt, the breath felt like it had been punched from his lungs and he fell to his knees at the sight.

  The door flew open at the sound of Decebel's knees hitting the floor. His head snapped up immediately and he simultaneously covered Jen with the blanket. His eyes were glowing as he snarled at the intruder.

  "GET OUT!"

  Sally paled and after seeing that Jen was still breathing, slammed the door shut.

  Decebel gently pulled the sheet back again and couldn't stop his hand from lifting and his fingers from tracing the markings that ran along her right side from under her arm to down below the waistline of the sweat pants she wore. Markings that were identical to his. At that thought his head jerked up and he quickly re-covered Jennifer. He stood and walked over to the bathroom attached to the room. He pulled his shirt over his head and looked in the mirror.

  Decebel's eyes watched in wonder as his markings changed before his very eyes. The marks that covered the right side of his back and shoulder now began to move like a vine up the right side of his neck and down his right arm to the wrist. Several moments after the vine-like movement had stopped, Decebel continued to stare. He might not remember Jen, but his body did – his soul knew she was his.

  He pulled his shirt back over his head and finished cleaning up his mate and getting her more comfortable.