Page 27 of Out of the Dark

  Jacque stepped around Fane and made her way over to her dad.

  "Hey," she said, smiling.

  "Hey yourself." Dillon smiled back and pulled her into a hug. "You okay?"

  Jacque stepped back from him and felt Fane wrap an arm around her from behind.

  "I'm good. It's been a rough few weeks, but we're all in one piece."

  Dillon looked past Jacque at Fane. "Good to see you, Fane."

  "Dillon." Fane nodded in acknowledgment and added, "We appreciate your assistance."

  "I will always come if my daughter is in danger." Dillon smiled once more at Jacque and then made his way to Vasile and the other Alphas.

  Jen and Decebel stepped up next to Jacque and Fane.

  Jen nudged Jacque. "You seen Sally?"

  "She's working with Rachel and Peri again."

  "Let's hope that fairy has some tricks up her sleeve. I have a feeling we're going to need them," Jen muttered, then nearly jumped when she heard Peri's voice from behind her.

  "Oh, I've got more than tricks, mate of Decebel. I've got legends come to life."

  Peri made her way quickly to the front and pushed through the other Alphas, ignoring their snarls.

  "Vasile, we need to talk. Now."

  Vasile looked at the others. "I apologize, gentlemen. If you will please give me just a few moments."

  The three Alphas muttered their consents and turned to clear out of the room.

  Vasile then addressed his wolves. "Romanian pack, if you would please step into the other room for a few moments. Thank you all for your help and patience."

  The area began to empty. Peri turned to see who still remained and rolled her eyes when she saw all the ones who had been with her across the veil.

  "I suppose nothing I can say will get you lot out of here."

  Decebel stepped forward. "If this has to do with any of us in this room, then we stay."

  Sally and Rachel entered the room. The look on Sally's face told them something was up.

  "You okay, Sal?" Jen asked, her eyebrows raised in question.

  Sally swallowed with some difficulty before she spoke. "It's just a lot to take in."

  Peri looked at each person in the room, pausing briefly on their faces before she spoke.

  "Desdemona -"

  "I thought we weren't supposed to speak her name." Jen interrupted.

  Peri frowned at her. "At this point it's not a concern." She waited, watching Jen to see if she had a response. Naturally, she did.

  "I see. Okay then, you may proceed."

  Peri snorted and rolled her eyes. "Desdemona," she began again, "is not going to play fair. Sally, Rachel, and I have been seeking out her intentions and what we have found is disturbing. Just like she used the animals in the forest to attack, she is amassing an army of animals to do her bidding. She is more powerful than I imagined if she can control so many at once. Wolves, bears, birds, wild boar, lynx, foxes, deer, and anything else she can get to obey her." Peri turned to look at Vasile. "You know what I'm going to ask of you."

  "Their mates will never agree," Vasile told her, and the glint in his eyes said that he himself did not agree either.

  "Wait, wait, wait. Let's call a timeout on the clock." Jen took a step forward, which was matched by Decebel, who stood behind her with a hand on her hip. "This has to do with us, as in myself and Jacque, doesn’t it?"

  Peri nodded.

  "What exactly is it we won't agree to?" Decebel spoke over Jen's head.

  Peri squared her shoulders as she looked Decebel in the eye. "Your mates must join the battle."

  Decebel and Fane both snarled at the same time.

  "They cannot fight. They are human – the wolves would tear them apart.," Fane growled at the Fae. His blue eyes glowed dangerously.

  "You are incorrect, prince," Peri challenged. "They are not fully human."

  "What are you saying?" Decebel asked as his hand tightened on his mate.

  "I'm saying that your mates also have Canis lupis blood in them. They have a wolf inside, a wolf that can be drawn out."

  Jen's breathing sped up and she felt her chest tighten. She looked over at Jacque, who an identical deer in the headlights look.

  "Are you saying what I think you're saying?" Jen asked apprehensively.

  Peri nodded as she moved to stand in front of the two girls. "I'm saying you can phase."

  Chapter 29

  "Come again?" Jen and Jacque both said in unison as their eyes widened.

  "It sounded like you said that we could phase. So, for clarification purposes, are you saying Jacque and I are able to turn furry? Complete with tail, pointy teeth, glowing eyes, and fleas?" Jen tapped her lips with nervous fingers.

  Peri chuckled at Jen's description. "I'm not sure about the fleas, but yes."

  "Alpha, is this true?" Decebel addressed Vasile.


  "How? How can this be possible? I'm over a century old and I've never heard of such a thing." Decebel's eyes narrowed at Peri.

  "In all those years have you been around a dormant?" Peri asked simply.


  "Then why would you need to know? Some things are better left untouched until such a time as they are needed. We need every resource we can utilize."

  "What makes you think we would let them fight even if they could phase?"

  Jen's head whipped around and looked up at her mate, then down at Jacque. "Did I hear him correctly?"

  "If you mean, did he just imply that he can control your actions by telling you what you can and cannot do? Then yes, Watson, you heard him correctly." Jacque cocked an eyebrow at Fane, who was growling at her.

  "Do we really have to go over this again?" Jen asked Decebel in an exasperated manner.

  "I've told you, Jennifer, I will not allow you to be put in danger." Decebel's voice was calm and reasonable, which only ticked Jen off more.

  "Would you keep Cynthia or Crina from fighting?" Jen had pulled out of his grasp and was glaring at him with her hands on her hips, chin jutted out defiantly.

  "That's different."

  "The hell it is," Jen snarled. She turned to look at Alina. "Are you going to fight?"

  Alina nodded as she took Vasile's hand, indicating that where her mate went she followed.

  Jen looked back at Decebel. "I'm your mate, I stand by your side. Not behind you, not in front of you. Where you go, I go. Do what you have to in order to get over it. Throw your hissy fit, snarl your teeth, glare at me with your freaky glowing eyes – if absolutely necessary, punch a hole in the wall – but you will deal with this and get over it. You cannot put me in a bubble unless your goal is to suffocate me. Got it?" Jen was toe-to-toe with her mate, looking straight into his amber eyes.

  Decebel growled and then shocked her by gripping the back of her neck and kissing her roughly. When he pulled back he wasn't any less agitated or angry, but there was resignation in his eyes. "If anything happens to you..."

  "Chillax, man. If I kick the bucket, so do you. So no worries about you tearing the world apart or Vasile having to kill you," Jen interrupted.

  "Man, you have a way with words," Jacque muttered to her mouthy friend.

  "Just telling it like it is, Jac. No need to sugarcoat it." Jen turned back around to face Peri, stepping back so that she was pressed against Decebel's chest and stomach.

  "What do we have to do?" Jacque asked. Fane had tried arguing with her through their bond, but Jacque had shut him right down. Fane wasn't quite as stubborn as Decebel, so he relented more quickly, but he was still angry.

  "Under the light of the full moon, your mates will pour passion vine-infused water over you. The pull of the moon is powerful; I can amplify it and call on the Great Luna. The passion vine will absorb into your pores and call upon the passion of your wolf. The last part is the blood of your mate, which your wolf will recognize and be drawn to. All three combined with a little Fae magic and your wolves will surface."

  "And when exactly is the n
ext full moon?" Jen asked Peri.

  Peri smiled mischeviously. "Wouldn't you know? It just happens to be tonight."

  Jen felt Decebel tense behind her. She figured that, like herself, he hadn't expected it to be so soon.

  Sally stepped up to her two best friends and smiled gentle. "You guys are going to be okay. And I will admit, I'm slightly jealous."

  "Don't worry, I'll share my fleas with you. No need for me to be stingy," Jen teased.

  Cynthia, Crina, and Alina had come over and each hugged Jacque and Jen.

  "You two are going to be kick ass she-wolves." Crina grinned.

  "Is there any other kind?" Jen asked, cocking her a single eyebrow.

  "Not in our pack," Cynthia piped in.

  Night fell over the Tavern and the moon boldly lit the sky. Jen and Jacque said their farewells as they headed out the door with Peri, Fane, and Decebel.

  Jacque had spoken with her father and he was about as receptive as Fane and Decebel had been. She gently reminded him that she was an adult and it was her choice. He hadn't said anything more, but his face remained in a permanent scowl.

  Peri led them out into a clearing near the opening of the woods. She had told them she would be cloaking them so the witch would not disturb the ritual if she happened to be seeking them out. Which she most likely was.

  Jacque and Jen both wore a simple pullover shift, but – thanks to Fae magic – were being protected from the cold.

  Peri directed Fane and Decebel to stand with their backs to each other to give their mates privacy from the other male. The girls each stood in front of their mate and waited for Peri to tell them what to do next. They watched as the fairy closed her eyes. Her lips began moving with silent words. The air around her began to shimmer and in each of her hands a large basin of water appeared. The water had a purple tint to it.

  Peri handed Fane a basin and then Decebel.

  "Remove your shifts," Peri told Jen and Jacque. "Then, males, you will pour the potion over your mate. The potion will last until all of her has been covered."

  Jen pulled the shift over her head and, though it was the first time she had been truly naked in front of her mate, she boldly looked him in the eyes.

  Decebel's lips lifted in a crooked smile. "You're beautiful," he told her through their bond and without hesitation began to pour the passion vine potion over her.

  Jen had expected it to be cold, but the water was surprisingly warm. It flowed over her head and down her face to her shoulders, arms, chest, and back – all the way to her toes. Her skin felt like tiny pins were pricking it all over. Jen watched her skin begin to shimmer and felt something in her pushing. Just like when she had completed the Blood Rites, she could feel her wolf, only it was much stronger. The water finally stopped flowing and she looked up at Decebel.

  Peri then instructed them to take the blood of their mate.

  Decebel stepped close to Jen and leaned down so she was able to reach his neck. She kissed him once on the lips and then down his jaw to the same place she had bitten him during their bonding. The stirring in her was getting frantic and she was beginning to feel restless, like she couldn't stand still. Her teeth lengthened and her mouth opened.

  When she sunk her teeth into Decebel's flesh, she let out a low moan as his sweet blood hit her mouth. Decebel wrapped his arms around her small waist.

  "I will never tire of you taking from me what you need," he whispered breathlessly in her mind.

  Jen swallowed several large gulps and somehow instinctively knew when to pull back. Decebel's eyes were closed and his lips slightly parted.

  "D-d-decebel..." Jen's voice was unsteady as she looked to her mate for help.

  Decebel opened his eyes, which had begun to glow amber. The glow intensified as Decebel looked into the glowing blue eyes of his mate. A low growl emitted from his chest as his own canines lengthened. Then Decebel's wolf pushed forward, seeking his mate.

  "Mate," Jen heard Decebel's wolf boom into her mind.

  Jen let out a soft whine and backed away from Decebel. She shuddered as something deep inside her, something primal, reached out.

  "Jen, don't fight it," she heard Peri say, but her voice sounded far away.

  Decebel stepped toward Jen and growled again. He was calling to her, calling to his mate.

  Jen closed her glowing eyes and felt a coldness flow over her from head to toe. For a moment, she felt like she was floating – then she landed on the hard ground. On four legs.

  Jen's eyes snapped open at the realization. Her vision was so clear and her hearing was beyond amplified – she could hear animals scurry, birds' wings flapping, voices coming from the Tavern, and a heartbeat that sounded familiar. She felt a nudge in her side and turned her head to see Decebel in his huge wolf form.

  "Bloody hell, Dec. I'm a wolf." Jen was relieved that she could still feel him in her mind.

  "You're a beautiful wolf. You have a white star shape on your muzzle."

  Decebel gave her what must've been the wolf version of a smile. Jen took a step back.

  "Okay, don't ever do that again. That was creepy.”

  Decebel chuckled in her mind.

  "How do you feel?" he asked her as he rubbed his head against her neck.

  "Amazing. I can't even describe it. I just want to run and kill someth- Okay, that's a little disturbing."

  A black wolf and a smaller grey one – who had emerald eyes that looked like they were lined in kohl – stepped in front of them.

  Jen realized it was Fane and Jacque. She stepped toward Jacque and nudged her, then leaned down on her front paws, sticking her butt in the air and wagging her tail. She wanted to play. Jacque mimicked her pose and took off to the right when Jen pounced. Decebel and Fane sped off after their mates, flanking them on either side in protection. They ran through the snow, dodging under bushes and fallen trees. Jen relished the wind blowing through her fur and the cold air rushing into her lungs. The only thing that came even close to this exhilaration was kissing Decebel.

  "I guess I'll have to try harder if I'm going to be competing with you wanting to be in your wolf form running instead of kissing your mate," Decebel teased, having heard her thought.

  "I'm sure you can find ways to persuade me to stay in my human form. I can't believe I'm saying that – human form. That's just wicked crazy."

  Jen and Jacque ran until they were panting in exhaustion. Peri watched over them while they became accustomed to their wolf forms and smiled, having the hope in her heart that she desperately needed to feel.

  Late into the night, Jen and Jacque shared their experience with Sally and Costin, who shared the room with the two couples. They had pulled the beds to the center of the room and placed them in a circle, creating a flower shape so they could all lay with their heads toward the center and talk. Decebel and Jen had squeezed onto a single bed together. He lay on his back with one arm behind his head. Jen was sprawled across his chest, facing the others while Decebel used his free hand to run his fingers through her hair. He listened to her voice as she laughed about him chasing her and nipping her heels. He loved hearing her so happy, so worry-free, if only for this short moment in time.

  When they had all fallen silent and one by one drifted off to sleep, Decebel still lay awake. His body was curled around Jennifer's, and as he thought about what was to come, what they would be facing in a matter of days if not sooner, he pulled her closer. His worst nightmare was coming to pass. His mate would be in battle, in danger, and he might not be there to protect her. As much as he hated the idea, he also knew he couldn't cage her in. He couldn't keep her from living because he was afraid of losing her. He had to let her fight, he had to let her be her own person, not just his mate.

  Two days had passed since Jen and Jacque had phased for the first time. In that time, Decebel and Fane took them out several times under the watchful eye of Peri so that the girls could continue to familiarize themselves with the movement and senses of their wolves. Decebel and Fan
e even began teaching them the best way to attack and when it was more appropriate to run and hide. Neither Jen nor Jacque cared for the idea of hiding. When they weren't out in their wolf forms, Decebel and Fane met with the other males, discussing strategy.

  Today it had been decided that tomorrow night Vasile would call Thad and Desdemona out. He wanted them to meet him on his terms, on the battlefield of his choosing.

  "I know your secret, Mona." Thad smiled at the witch, but it was not a friendly smile. Mona sat in one of the many sitting rooms in the Serbian pack mansion. She looked bored and not at all worried by Thad's declaration.

  "And what secret would that be, Alpha?" she asked dryly as she looked at her nails, making it apparent that she found them infinitely more interesting than her present company.

  "You are not helping me so I can obtain the healer, you want the healer for yourself – for your magic." Thad was standing behind the couch that Mona occupied, his hands resting on the back as he leaned over her.

  "There are two healers. There is no need to be stingy, Thad." Mona's attitude was so blasé that it set Thad's wolf on edge.

  "Tell me your plan, Desdemona. You could at least give me that much respect. If you want one of the healers, I'm willing to share. But we can't go into this disparately."

  "Vasile is gathering his troops." Mona stood and began to slowly pace around the room as she spoke. "He has called on three other packs for aid. It will not be an easy battle."

  "If I know you, then you have something up your sleeve. What's your advantage?" Thad narrowed his eyes at the witch.

  "I have my own army." Mona's smile lit her whole face, but not in a way that would be considered pretty. "The wild ones will do my bidding. If we add your pack to the mix, I do believe we will be the victors."

  "The wild ones?" Thad cocked his head to the side as he considered her words. "Ah, you have called upon the beasts and animals of the forest."