Page 22 of Cat's Lair

  She blushed again. "Seriously, Eli, the way you talk to me is so crude sometimes."

  He kept his eyes on her face. "That bother you, baby? The way I talk?"

  She opened her mouth to say something quickly, a fast answer, but then she stopped herself and shook her head. "Not really."

  "Growing up the way you did, I figured maybe the way I talk wouldn't bother you so much. I go undercover for months at a time, Cat. The places I go, the people I rub shoulders with, they aren't the kind that talk polite. I talk this way because if I don't think this way, I'm a dead man."

  "I understand. It doesn't bother me. I just never thought in terms of a man looking at me and needing to go into a restroom for . . . um . . . relief."

  "It's the truth. You wouldn't have lasted another two weeks without drama. I was going to have to kick some ass, and it wouldn't have been pretty."

  "You would have kicked ass for me?"

  "Baby, I would kill for you. Man touches you, he isn't going to live long. Not then and not now."

  "Don't say that, Eli. He said that. I don't want you to say that ever again."

  "I know, Cat, I know he said it, but I mean it in a different way. I mean any man who tries to harm you."

  She let her breath out slowly, clearly not wanting to continue the subject. "Why has my leopard gone so quiet all of a sudden? Could I have missed her emerging window? I didn't want her to appear. Maybe I repressed her with all my doubts."

  "I don't know if that's actually possible, Cat," he admitted. He hadn't thought of that. "I figured she was resting up for the big event."

  He finished what was left on his plate because no way was he going to leave one bite of food that Catarina had cooked for him. He leaned back in his chair and reached for a beignet to go with his coffee.

  "I hope so. Now that I've seen your leopard and it didn't eat me or anything, I kind of like the idea of her."

  "She'll be tough to handle at first, but you're strong and you've got courage. You'll do fine with her."

  She looked up at him from under her long lashes. "Do you know how many times you've said nice things to me, Eli?"

  "Someone should have been saying nice things to you your entire life, Kitten. You shouldn't have had a junkie for a mother, or Rafe for a guardian. You should have grown up in a house filled with love. I can't do a thing about your past, but I can make damn certain you feel loved in your future. And when we have kids, we'll be saying nice things to them a hundred times a day."

  Her gaze clung to his. Again he saw hope there--and fear mixed up with it, like she was still afraid to believe, but willing to try. "I'll get the dishes. You get dressed to work out. Have you climbed before?"

  "Climbed in what way?"

  "Up a mountain. A boulder. A climbing wall. Anything at all."

  "They don't have mountains where I come from, and Rafe would never have allowed me inside of a place where there was a climbing wall. I had men following me around all the time."

  "How did you get away from him this last time?"

  "He had sensors on the windows and doors. He forgot the floor. I was careful, so there was no evidence I was pulling up the floorboards so I had a space big enough to drop down into. He didn't put cameras in the bathrooms or the bedrooms, other than mine. I just had to take my time. I figured out how to beat the combination of his safe so I'd have running money. I learned to read by watching children's shows. He'd hear them on and it would only reinforce his belief that I wasn't too bright."

  "Cordeau didn't want you to be educated?" He was beginning to detest the man. He felt the leopard rise close to the surface in direct response to his rising temper. He knew his eyes glittered because he could see heat waves banding across his vision. Cordeau wanted a teenage girl so trapped and so alone she had no friends and nowhere to turn. He also ensured she would feel bad about herself, inferior to him.

  She licked her lips, drawing his instant attention. "No, I asked once if I could have a tutor and he got mad at me. Not just mad, but scary mad. You're the only other person that can do that."

  She was plucking at the silverware on the table and he reached out to lay his hand over hers, stilling those restless fingers. "What do you mean, 'scary mad'?"

  "When you're angry, Eli, you can walk into the room and I feel it, the sudden onslaught of frightening, intense, very powerful heat. The energy is so strong, I sometimes think you could knock someone over with it."

  He knew what she was talking about and he couldn't deny it. He could shut down a room full of macho men with his anger. It wasn't that difficult to feel the presence of his cat, a moody, brooding, vicious, bad-tempered animal that could tear a man apart in seconds.

  "I know, baby," he admitted softly. "I can get like that. I can be mean. I got a temper. For you, I'll try to keep it in check, but if I get ugly, you have the right to say so. Just don't walk out on me. If I say something that hurts, let me know. Don't hold it inside. You have to learn to live with me and I'm not saying that's going to be easy. I told you, I like things my way, and I'm not taking any chances with your safety. I'm guessing we're going to butt heads a few times."

  "When you say I'm your woman, Eli, what does that mean, exactly? For me. What do you expect and what can I expect?"

  His thumb slid over the inside of her wrist, checking her pulse. Her heart beat just a little too fast. She was scared, but she was determined.

  "When I say you're mine, it means you're my mate in shifter terms. My wife in human terms. We build a life together. That's what we're going to do. I'll have your back and you'll have mine."

  "So a partnership."

  He saw instantly where this conversation was going. He had to be honest with her about who he was. He wasn't going to change, not with his leopard so dominant. Not with so many years of being the man he'd become. He liked the way he was. It was important for her to know the truth of him, even if it was a little risky so early in their relationship.

  "Yes and no, baby. I told you, I like my way. My rules, my way. That's just how it is. I'll make certain you're happy. Just like the way I talk sometimes. You don't always like it, but you're okay with it. I think you're in danger, you will do exactly what I tell you when I tell you. It's that simple."

  "I see. So really a dictatorship."

  He shrugged. "I don't give a damn how you want to label it, Kitten. The bottom line is we'll work it out. You don't like something, you tell me. We'll work it out."

  "Will we, Eli? Will you listen to me?"

  He heard the slight tremor in her voice. She was being very brave, trying to get a sense of her future with him. He didn't want to lie to her and paint a pretty picture. He wasn't going to be easy to live with, but he'd been with her enough to know she fit with him. She didn't know it yet, but he knew it. He felt it.

  He brought her hand to his mouth and slowly pried open her fingers. Pressing his mouth to the center of her palm he looked into her brilliant blue eyes. She was really trying for him and he appreciated it. His heart turned over, like it often did when she looked so fragile.

  She had grown up in a terrible household and she knew the criminal world, but in many ways she'd been sheltered. Cordeau hadn't wanted her to know too much about anything in the world so that when her leopard emerged, she would be totally reliant on him for anything, including information she would need.

  Had Cordeau planned to shape her into the kind of mate he needed for his killer leopard? Would he have tried to force her to hunt humans with him? If she had done so even once, thinking all shifters did, the shame and guilt would have tied her to Cordeau for eternity.

  "I'll listen to you, Catarina, I promise. I'm going to make certain you're happy here. I've noticed you don't need much to make you happy. Laughter, music, great coffee and a kitchen. And boots. I have to get you killer, sexy boots." He was rewarded for remembering by her quick smile and he vowed to get right on finding boots for her.

  She took a breath, studying his face, her eyes searching his. He
knew she was looking for hope. "Do you really think we have a chance to live a life here, Eli?"

  "For a while. We've got time. He can't trace us here. The ranch can't be traced to me. Even the DEA doesn't know about it. Cordeau's got eyes and ears, but we're gone. My neighbor will close ranks with us, and once your leopard emerges we'll be able to figure out our next move."

  "You said we'd visit the neighbor after my leopard emerges. Why not before?"

  He leveled a gaze at her. "Baby. Really? And when she suddenly comes close to the surface and you need me riding you hard, we going to do it on the neighbor's kitchen floor?"

  She blushed again and gently removed her hand from his to push at her long hair. "I see. I hadn't thought of that. I guess I thought I'd gain control."

  "There is no controlling a mating heat, Cat, no matter how much we both might want to. When she decides to show herself, you'll be on fire. I'll be on fire and both the cats will be. We just have to hang on to each other wherever we are and ride it out."

  She tugged her lower lip between her teeth. "How much longer?"

  "I don't know. No one ever knows. The male shifter is aware of his leopard almost from birth, but the female knows absolutely nothing until the human cycle lines up with the leopard's cycle."

  "Um . . . Eli," she said softly. "You aren't using birth control."

  "It doesn't work on shifters. You either get pregnant or you don't."

  "Condoms?" She raised her eyebrow.

  "You've seen me, babe, how I'm built, and we don't just have sex. We have rough sex. I've never known condoms to work on a shifter either."

  "What about when you have sex with a woman who isn't a shifter?"

  "Birth control works on humans." He pushed off the table. "Get dressed, Kitten, let's start our conditioning."

  She stared up at him for a few more minutes as though she might protest the truth of what he said. But it was truth, and he had no more to give her. He wanted time alone with her, but if a baby came along, he was fine with that. He hoped she would be too.

  "You could have warned me," she pointed out.

  "Would it have made any difference when your leopard was close?"

  She shook her head. Honest. "No, I guess not."

  He watched her walk away, wishing he could read her mind.


  SUNSET. The sky turned orange and red as they jogged together, turning back toward the house. The wind shifted subtly and Eli instantly scented the males. They were close. Too close. He wanted Catarina to know where the property lines were and to familiarize herself with the way to the neighboring ranch, but he hadn't expected to meet anyone along the way.

  He was too pent up sexually. His leopard prowled too close. He cursed under his breath, knowing he had no choice but to introduce Catarina to Jake's crew.

  "What's wrong?" she asked softly.

  Her voice only added to the increasing frustration. Working out with a permanent hard-on was becoming nearly impossible. He hurt like hell. Every muscle in his body hurt thanks to the hunger crawling through him, raking at him. And now this.

  "Come on. They heard us and asked for a meet. You stay close to me, do you hear me?" He growled the words at her, his features set in hard lines.

  "Are you angry with me?"

  He was totally pissed. Not at her, at the situation. At himself for allowing it to go this far. Hell, he was no teenager. He'd gone weeks without sex before he'd met her. He didn't have to like it, but he did it. He couldn't go four fucking days without his temper getting out of hand? What kind of crap was that?

  Eli clenched his teeth and made his way slowly to the fence, dropping his arm around Catarina and pulling her into his side. His hand slid down from her waist to the curve of her bottom. He kept his palm there, knowing he was making a show of being proprietary, and uncaring that she might not like it. He didn't want any other shifter around her, not when the emergence was so close.

  "Eli?" she asked again, turning her face up to his, trying to read him.

  Day four of their conditioning training was going very well. He couldn't fault Cat for anything. She did every single thing he demanded of her--and he pushed her. He pushed her hard. They ran together long distances and did wind sprints. He worked self-defense moves with her and sparred with her. He didn't ever take it easy on her. If anything he was harsh. She never complained.

  "Just stay close," he warned.

  She'd climbed her first boulder and her hands were sore, the skin was torn off a couple of her fingers. She didn't say a word. They spent several hours a day on the gun range, firing a variety of weapons, and she was a very good shot. Still, he refused to let up. He pushed her so hard, that every night she looked exhausted. She fell asleep in the large tub and he took her out, dried her off and carried her to bed.

  Right now she looked upset. Hurt. Great. He was going to walk her right up to three men--three single shifters--with her looking vulnerable. His mean temper was getting meaner and becoming a problem.

  She kissed him in the morning. She didn't wrap her lips around his cock. She kissed him. Now, watching the three men staring at her, he was damned sorry he didn't wear her out another way. He should have spent more time making certain she knew who she belonged to. He should have spent a lot more time ensuring he was tired out from claiming her every way he could. His leopard was riding him so hard he could barely talk without growling. Now, he could only stand and be gracious when he wanted to snarl and roar.

  He walked up to the fence and halted on his side of it, clamping his arm around Catarina, his fingers pressing into her bottom. She trembled. He forced his hand to smooth out and gently rub, trying to convey he wasn't angry with her, just the situation. She wouldn't have understood even had he tried to explain it to her.

  "Cat, this is Joshua Tregre, Elijah Lospostos and Trey Sinclair. They work security for Jake Bannaconni." He knew Trey from the rain forest. The man had recently come to work in the States for Bannaconni.

  Eli heard the growl in his voice, that warning that came from every male shifter when his woman was close to the Han Vol Dan. Fortunately for all of them, Catarina's leopard was being very stubborn, hiding away from her, otherwise she would have set off every male in the vicinity.

  He felt Catarina's body jerk. She actually tensed, moved closer to him, her eyes suddenly downcast.

  "Catarina and I have met before, haven't we?" Elijah said, his voice gentle.

  Eli narrowed his eyes, his gaze settling on Elijah. When they'd talked a few days earlier, Eli had mentioned Rafe Cordeau, and Elijah had admitted his family had done business with him. Elijah's family was mired deep in the international drug trade. He wasn't surprised that Elijah and Cordeau had crossed paths, but he was shocked and not too happy that Elijah and Catarina had already met.

  "Funny, you didn't mention that the other day when I brought up Catarina." Eli kept his voice neutral. Elijah was a good friend of Drake's and he'd worked with Drake's crew for a long time.

  "I was at more than one meeting my family had with Cordeau," Elijah said. "But only once at his home. That's where I met Catarina."

  Cat didn't say anything, but again he felt a small shudder run through her body. "He isn't one of them," Eli was compelled to say. "His family is part of a cartel, but Elijah is not in that business. He isn't a friend of Cordeau's. You're safe here."

  She didn't speak. She didn't look at any of them. Clearly she thought she'd perfected the art of disappearing into her surroundings by simply remaining silent and not looking at any of them. He knew better. She was a beautiful woman. She had lush curves and gleaming silk for hair. It was pulled back and clipped at the nape of her neck, but there it was messy, and sexy and impossible to ignore.

  His cat snarled. Raked at his belly. "What's the word on the street?"

  He knew that's what he'd been called to the fence for. Elijah had heard something and was passing on information.

  "Cordeau's pulled out all stops, called in all favors. He's hunt
ing, Eli. He's pushing all the way to the lowest ranking member of his network from those on the streets to favors from other crime bosses. He's even hitting up the cops on everyone's payroll. I heard someone in your branch as well; he's threatening everyone he knows to get information. There's a hefty reward. I heard it was up around a million. People would kill their own mothers for that kind of money."

  Eli nodded. He'd expected nothing less from Cordeau. He would have done the same thing if he had the money and resources and he'd lost Cat to another man.

  Another shudder went through Catarina's body. He glanced down at her. Her face was utterly still. Frozen. She never once raised her eyes toward the three men. She looked almost as if she was in shock.

  "Kitten?" He used a soft, gentle voice. Inquiring. She didn't blink. Didn't look at him. "Are you all right?"

  She was terrified, and it had something to do with seeing Elijah Lospostos. Clearly she believed he was a friend of Cordeau's.

  "Baby, I'm telling you, Elijah is clean."

  "Not clean," Elijah denied. His voice held the ring of truth. "I'm a Lospostos. My family goes way back in the crime industry. I've worked hard to get out, but that doesn't mean I didn't have to do a few things that were illegal along the way. Cordeau was in bed with my uncle. My uncle killed my father. I'm no friend of Cordeau's. You have nothing to fear from me, Catarina."

  Eli liked the way she was tight against him, almost under his shoulder, burrowing close, seeking his protection, but he didn't like her being afraid. There was no way to salvage the situation, not there with Elijah so close.

  "You were, what, fifteen? Sixteen? You fixed the meal that night. It blew my uncle away that you cooked for us all yourself. He asked to meet you. That was unusual, wasn't it?" Elijah persisted. "It was unusual and it scared you."

  For a long moment, Eli didn't think Catarina would answer.

  "He wanted to scare me. Your uncle. He wanted Rafe to know he knew who I was." She spoke in a low tone.

  Eli frowned. Catarina had grown up in Rafe Cordeau's home. It stood to reason he'd kept her away from his business. No one really thought, even if they could get her to do it, that she could testify about anything other than April Harp's murder. Rumor had it Catarina had been there. Something in the way she revealed that she knew Elijah's uncle's motivation in asking to meet her made Eli rethink his position on Catarina inside that household.