Page 2 of Black Dragon

Chapter Two

  Tabitha ran through the Halls of Blue Phoenix. She ran into the Head master’s room. “Master Lairno, I did it! The light will twist to my command with almost no effort! Look!” She cried happily.

  She whistled several soft notes, and the light streaming through the windows bent, and slowly formed into a sword. She raised the sword and swung it at Master Lairno’s desk. Right before it hit, she whistled sharply, and the sword dissipated.

  With a soft hum, the light formed into a shining man, with a sword and shield. The headmaster stood, and looked it over. “Absolutely perfect! Why, this golem looks just like the real…” He said.

  “Don’t look at me like I am a statue!” The glowing man said.

  The headmaster jumped. “Tabitha, you molded a light spirit?” He asked guardedly, his gaze on the glowing man.

  Tabitha nodded happily. “His name is “Myron!””

  The headmaster nodded. “Good work. I think it is time.”

  Tabitha’s face creased. “Time for food?” She asked hopefully

  Master Lairno laughed. “No, for your first job. In the neighboring town, Daletum, there have been sightings of some Black mages. Would you go inspect it with a few instructors?” He asked.

  Tabitha nodded. “Sure! When do I go?”

  “You leave in three days.”
