Page 7 of Black Dragon

  Chapter Five

  Tabitha sat on her bed, reading a small book. She groaned. “Man, I hope Laxus figures out the truth… If he gets completely tricked by Viekus, Master Lairno will make me fight him, and I don’t wanna…” She said to herself.

  She rolled over, and got out of bed. “Man, I’m thirsty” She sighed to herself.

  She whistled, and Myron formed out of the light coming through her window. “Hey Myron, do you think you could get me a glass of water? I feel really tired.”

  Myron nodded, and headed out of the door. Tabitha laid back on her bed, and her thoughts returned to the meeting with Laxus. Laxus had seemed completely convinced that Blue Phoenix killed his parents. But, maybe he figured out they were tricking him…?”

  Tabitha’s thoughts were broken as Myron returned to her room. He set the glass of water on her table, and nodded to her. “I’ll be going now.” He said, and melted away into the light.

  Tabitha’s thoughts returned to Laxus as she reached for the glass of water. As her fingers neared it, the glass shattered, and spilled water across the floor. She shuddered. That was a bad omen. As she reached for a rag to clean the mess, there was a frantic pounding on her door. She jumped up, and opened the door.

  At the door was a flickering man. Before she could open her mouth, he started speaking. “This is not a drill, Black Dragon is attacking! I repeat, this is not drill, Black Dragon is attacking!” Tabitha grabbed a flute from her table, and ran out. She saw similar holograms at everyone’s doors.

  She sprinted onto the lawn with all of her guild mates. On the lawn, there was already a standoff between the Guild master and Viekus. The rest of the guild filed into line behind Guild master Lairno. On the other side of the lawn stood Black Dragon, and with them, Laxus.

  “Viekus, is it not enough that you killed several of my own? You now attempt to directly attack us?” Cried Lairno.

  Viekus laughed. “Attack!” He roared.

  The two guilds clashed with astounding force.

  Tabitha blew into her flute, and light wrapped around her, making armor. She began to play the flute, and light danced around her.

  Spears of light slammed into Black Dragon’s members. But, just as fast as they fell, Blue Phoenix’s members fell with them. Tabitha saw a whip of darkness, and ran towards it.

  She reached Laxus, who was causing havoc in Blue Phoenix’s ranks. “Laxus, what are you doing?” She cried.

  He ignored her, and continued attacking. She blew a note on her flute, and a spear of light flew at him. Without a glance, he whistled, and a shield of shadows blocked it.

  She ran towards him, but stopped short when she saw his face. It was expressionless, and distasteful, like the face one would make as they squashed a bug.

  “It’s a mind control technique.” Came the voice.

  Tabitha jumped backwards. Viekus stood on her left, grinning. Black Dragons troops were slowly pushing Blue Phoenix backwards. Headmaster Lairno was nowhere to be seen.

  “Leave him alone!” Tabitha yelled, and whistled. Myron formed from the light surrounding her, and charged Viekus.

  Viekus waved his hand, and a wall of force slammed into Myron, sending him flying backwards.

  Viekus laughed. “There is nothing you can do, Laxus is in my complete control. I was going to kill you here, but I think I enjoy the agony on your face. Have fun!” He said, and faded away.

  Laxus turned towards Tabitha, and whistled. A spear of black light flew forward, and slammed into her armor. It scraped across it, and flew off. Tabitha blew her flute, and gold dust launched out of the ground. It surrounded Laxus.

  He ignored the dust, and whistled two low notes. A wave of dark power flew out of him, and slammed into Tabitha. She flew backwards, and plowed through the ground, and her armor shattered.

  Tabitha grinned. “Let’s see if that…works…” Her head fell back, and she fainted.

  Laxus raised his hand to finish her, but he found that his powers were exhausted. He simply turned, and walked off. Seeing his retreat, the rest of Black Dragon followed.

  Pain. It was all he could feel, and all he had ever known. Laxus writhed in agony on the cold stone floor. Suddenly, his eyes snapped open. He could feel Angelo’s magic surrounding him, like a cloak of death.

  As he laid staring at the roof of the cave, gold dust began to float out of his body. “What on earth?” He muttered

  The dust flew out, and slashed into the cloak surrounding him. Slowly, he felt the cloak fade from him. The second it was gone, a few specks of dust lowered onto him. Laxus growled. “That was the first, and last time that happens to me!” He hissed.

  He whistled quietly, and a shadowy wraith formed out of the ground. It quivered for a moment, and collapsed into the ground. “What the!?” He whispered.

  He tried several different tunes, but they all failed. He reached into his pocket, and found the flute. It was cracked in several areas. His face fell. “I hope Tabitha can fix it…” He sighed to himself.

  “It appears that I have lost the ability to use my spells. I will have to train all over now. No matter, I have to find Niko, and we will make our escape tonight! Or today… or whatever the time might be!”

  Laxus sprinted through the caves, and reached Niko’s room. He knocked quietly. The door creaked open. Niko’s eye peered out. When he saw Laxus, he grabbed him and pulled him in.

  “Laxus! What on earth happened? You were gone for almost a week! And with attacking Blue Phoenix! They were supposed to be our new guild!” Niko hissed.

  Laxus’s mouth dropped open. “What do you mean… I didn’t…” He started.

  Suddenly, it all came back to him. He hissed. Niko saw, and nodded. “You must have been under mind control. No matter, we have to leave now!”

  Laxus nodded. Niko grabbed a bag from the floor, and they rushed out.

  When they reached the tunnel, Niko cast an illusion surrounding them. “Ok, now have your shadows dig the way out of here!” Niko whispered.

  Laxus shook his head sadly. “I have no control over my magic! I must have lost it when I was controlled by Angelo! If I was to use it now, it would be disastrous, since I can’t tell the shadows what to do. We will have to dig it ourselves.

  Niko sighed, but began digging at the weakened wall. Laxus joined him. Their efforts were in vain though, and the wall barely gave. “This isn’t working…” Niko hissed.

  Laxus shrugged but kept digging. Neither of them noticed the steps coming up the corridor, until they were right next to them.

  “Boys, whatever could you be doing?” Came the voice.

  They turned around, and Angelo was standing right behind them. “How did you see us!?” Niko hissed.

  Laxus just stood, frozen. “I could sense your minds, I don’t need my sight to find you. I hope you are both ready to be puppets again…” He said, and cackled.

  His hands raised, but froze. Laxus stood shaking with fear. Angelo grinned once more, and raised his hands again. “I’ll start with you, Laxus!” He crowed.

  Laxus screamed. Pain launched through every spot in his body. Suddenly, the pain stopped. He hesitantly opened his eyes. His mouth fell open. Above him, the head of massive black dragon with red eyes hovered.

  Laxus’s eyes trailed the shadow downwards, to his own. The rest of the body was humanoid. The dragonoid looked at Angelo, and suddenly flashed forward. In a moment, Angelo’s lifeless body tumbled to the ground. The shadow gave a bloody grin, and bowed. It melted back into Laxus’s shadow. But, the dragon’s head stayed on the shadow where Laxus’s head should have been.

  Laxus gawked at it. Niko shook Laxus. “We don’t have time for this! That scream must have woken up the whole guild! C’mon, we have to go!” Niko hissed.

  Laxus shook his head. He hesitantly pulled back his hand, and in his head, played the tune the dragon had taught him. The notes bled together like butter. Shadowy claws grew from Laxus’s hands. “Dragon Claw!”

  Laxus slamm
ed his clawed hand into the wall. The hand cut clean through the hole, and it crumbled inwards. Niko gaped at Laxus. “How?” He asked.

  Laxus shook his head, and climbed into the gap.

  The second they both emerged from the hole, the looked around. “It looks like we are in Cedar Town’s main garden!” Niko said.

  “Cedar town? But guild base… I mean Black Dragon’s base is in Daletum!” Laxus said.

  Niko shrugged. “Whatever. Let’s go!”

  They ran aimlessly through the city. Suddenly, Laxus slid to a stop. “This is Blue Phoenix’s guild house!” He said.

  Niko shrugged. “You can’t possibly expect them to let us in now…” He started.

  Laxus grabbed Niko by the collar, and dragged him to the front of the tower. He knocked several times. The door opened, and a man peeked out. “Who are…” He began.

  He saw the cloaks and screamed. “It’s Black Dragon! Prepare for battle!” He yelled.

  “Whoa wait, we aren’t here to fight!” Laxus said.

  But the guild ignored him. They were pushed backwards as the whole guild streamed out of the doors, with Lairno at the front.

  He glanced at Laxus. “Black dragon has sent their best member here with only an illusion mage as backup? Have they grown so confident in your abilities?” He asked quietly.

  “No, wait! Black Dragon didn’t send us here, we ran away! Tabitha said we could come here if we realized that Black Dragon was evil!” Laxus said.

  Lairno looked at Laxus guardedly. “A likely story. Why didn’t you join us back when you were attacking us with Black Dragon! Do you know how many of us you killed or injured?” Lairno snapped.

  “I was mind controlled! I didn’t want to do that!” Laxus said.

  Lairno glowered at Laxus. “I still don’t believe you! If you really mean what you say, come with me, and I shall throw you in Cells for a week, with no food or water. No Black Dragon member would do that.”

  Laxus stood frozen for a moment. Then, he nodded. Niko did the same.

  “Take them!” Lairno roared.