Page 22 of Something Borrowed

  "It passed right through and out the other side. That's why you bled so much."

  Lee nodded. "Millen lied to David about the orphanage. Lily Catherine is with Sarrazin's mother. She lives in a row house in Philadelphia."

  "I know."

  "You know? How?"

  "You must have told me a thousand times over the past three days while you were unconscious. I had agents in Philadelphia canvassing the neighborhoods. They're gone, Lee. The neighbors say Sarrazin moved his mother and the little girl to New York."

  "Damn him to hell and back!" Lee leaned against the bedpost and gasped for breath. "Hand me my pants, would you?"

  Willis did as Lee asked and calmly handed over the trousers. "Where do you think you're going?"

  "New York."

  "You're in no condition to travel to New York. Besides, you've been relieved of duty. I telegraphed Robert Pinkerton in New York. He has men searching for Lily Catherine now. Your orders are to stay in bed and rest until further notice."

  "Can't." Lee managed the one word as he struggled into his trousers.

  "Why not?"

  "I promised myself I'd find Lily Catherine before I go home. And I've got to be home before May tenth."

  "We've got a dozen men searching for Lily Catherine. Right now, you'd just be in the way. Rest up, Lee, so you can go home. I promise to send word to you when we locate Sarrazin and the little girl. Besides, what's so important about May tenth?" Willis wanted to know.

  "It's Mary's birthday."

  Willis looked blank.

  "My wife, Mary. I'm missing our honeymoon now, but I sure as hell don't intend to miss her birthday."

  "You've got four days left."

  Lee shook his head. "It takes two and a half days to get there. And I need to pick up the gifts I ordered for my wife. And there's the gift I'm having delivered to my hotel room."

  "You rest," Willis suggested. "Tell me what you need to have done. I'll do it."

  "You serious?" Lee asked amazed.

  "If surprising your wife with a birthday present means this much to you, I'll be happy to pick up your gifts for you. Besides"—Willis grinned—"Robert Pinkerton sent word that he would have my head and my job if I let you out of bed before the doctor says you can go." He pulled a little notebook and a pencil out of his coat pocket. "So give me your list."

  Lee took a deep breath, then began to list everything he had ordered for Mary's birthday. Well, almost everything. There were some presents money just couldn't buy.

  Lee's wound healed very nicely, and a day and a half later he walked out of the hospital and boarded a train headed west. He managed to sleep during most of the journey so he was well rested when the special mail train chugged into the Utopia depot after eleven on Friday evening, May ninth. Lee was the only passenger.

  "You need any help, Mr. Kincaid?" Ned Sampson had been awakened by the train whistle. Ned could see that Lee had his hands full, so he hurried forward to help with his leather satchel and the brown paper-wrapped bundles Lee gripped by their strings.

  Lee dropped his satchel on the platform, then nudged it with his foot. "Bring that by the house in the morning, Ned, and leave it on the front porch." His satchel contained several changes of clothes and his little tool kit, but nothing vital.

  "What's that you've got in the front of your shirt, Mr. Kincaid?"

  Lee glanced down to see a black and gray furry little head sticking out from the vee of his waistcoat. He reached up and patted the puppy. "A birthday present."

  "For Maddy?"

  "No," Lee said with a smile. "For Mary." The terrier pup was only one of the presents Lee had for Mary and, like the others, he had carried it with him. Lee flipped a coin to the porter. "Thanks, Ned."

  Lee walked down Main Street. The soft glow of the street lights barely penetrated the darkness. Fortunately, he was accustomed to the darkness, accustomed to negotiating muddy streets and sidewalks, unfriendly dogs, and frightened neighbors. A dog barked in the distance. The puppy whimpered and Lee reached up again to soothe him. "We're almost home, fella. We'll have you settled into a nice warm bed by the fire in no time." Lee had to admit that he was looking forward to settling into a nice warm bed himself— and lighting a fire—with Mary.

  He reached the fence surrounding Camelot, as he had dubbed Ettinger House, unlatched the wrought-iron front gate and stepped inside the yard. Lee took the puppy out of his shirt and put him down on the ground, and while he waited to the puppy to tend to nature, Lee stared up at the outside of the house. It was dark except for the dim light glowing at the window of a second story bedroom. Lee smiled. His bedroom.

  Minutes later, Lee located the terrier pup, picked him up and put him back into his shirtfront. Lee stepped up onto the porch and reached out to open the front door.

  It was locked. Lee patted his coat pockets, then his trouser pockets, searching for his key, but it wasn't there. He checked the pockets of his duster, but except for Mary's drawers and the two hair ribbons, his duster pockets were empty as well. Never mind, Lee told himself, he was a master at breaking and entering. He could easily pick the lock. He reached for his ever-present leather satchel before he remembered that he had left it with Ned Sampson at the depot. So Lee reached into his duster pocket for Mary's unmentionables. He wrapped the muslin around his hand and stared at the stained glass panel of King Arthur beside the front door. The stained glass picture was a work of art. Lee couldn't bring himself to break it. That left the windows.

  Moving as quietly as possible along the porch, Lee walked over to the floor to ceiling windows of the red parlor and found the wooden shutters were locked. He couldn't get to the window without breaking the shutters. He checked the windows along the front porch. They were all shuttered and locked. Lee stroked one side of his mustache absentmindedly. Hell's bells! Mary had the place sealed as tight as a fortress. He could yell for Mary to come downstairs, but he didn't want to risk waking Maddy or Judah. This was the night he planned to make love to his wife. To show Mary, once and for all, how he felt about her, and he didn't want Judah or Maddy interrupting it. But yelling for Mary was better than scaling the walls to the second floor and Lee knew he might have to resort to yelling. While he felt he was perfectly able to make love with his wife, he doubted he could climb to the second story to do it. And if by some miracle, he gained entrance to Mary's bedroom, Lee knew he'd be too tired to do anything about it. For now, the only other place he could try on the ground floor was the door to the kitchen.

  Lee gritted his teeth and jumped off the porch. He grunted in pain as his hard landing from the high porch jarred the wound in his side. The puppy whimpered sympathetically. Using the exterior walls of the house as a guide, Lee found his way through the darkness to the kitchen door. It was also locked. But this time, Lee knew he could break in because half of the back door was paned with glass. Lee selected a window pane close to the door lock, then placed the heel of his muslin wrapped hand against the glass and pushed. Hard. His efforts were rewarded by the muffled sound of glass giving way to pressure and the satisfying sound of it shattering against the brick floor. Grinning at his success, Lee reached through the empty window frame, quickly unlocked the door, and pushed it open. Once inside the kitchen, he quietly closed the door. The broken window glass crunched beneath his booted feet.

  Lee took off his hat and tossed it onto the kitchen table as a signal to Louisa. Do not disturb. The head of the household was home once again and was upstairs making love to his wife. For the very first time. Lee's pulse quickened and his heart began to pound in anticipation as he negotiated the hallways leading from the kitchen to the main staircase.

  "Stop right there and put your hands in the air!" Mary's voice broke through the quiet as Lee climbed the last stair to reach the landing. "I have a gun and I'll shoot."

  "Don't! Please," Lee said, raising his hands slowly over his head. "Judas Priest, Mary, I've already been shot once this week."


enly Mary was in his arms.

  Lee groaned and the puppy squirmed.

  "What's this?" Mary stepped back, then placed her hand on Lee's chest and felt the fuzzy little head. "You seem to be a little furrier than I remember," she teased.

  "Come into the bedroom and find out." Lee took Mary's hand and walked down the short hallway, and through the open doorway of his bedroom.

  A lamp burned low on the night table, and the quilts and sheets on the bed were thrown back and rumpled. Lee glanced over at the bed, then smiled at his wife. "Who's been sleeping in my bed?" he teased, a gruff voice.

  "Me," Mary admitted.

  "Have you been waiting for me? Keeping my place warm?"

  "Uh huh." She nodded.

  "Then close and lock the door, and come stand beside the bed by the night table," Lee ordered gently. "And close your eyes."

  She did as she was bidden. "I don't like surprises," Mary said.

  "You'll like this one." Lee set the terrier pup on the floor, then stood up and leaned against the bedroom door, soaking in the sight of Mary silhouetted by the light of the lamp. Her silky black hair was loose and hung nearly to her waist. He had dreamed of her this way, in her white nightgown with her hair unbound, her body exposed by the transparency of her nightgown, yet shadowed and mysterious. His body tightened in reaction.

  The puppy waddled over to Mary and licked her bare toes. Lee ached to do the same. She giggled. "May I open my eyes now?"

  "Not yet." Lee hurried took off his duster, his suit coat, shirt, and waistcoat. He unbuttoned his trousers, then pushed the fabric down over his lean hips. He balanced first on one foot and then the other as he removed his boots and socks.

  Mary heard the whisper of fabric and the barely discernible sounds of clothing falling to the floor, following by the thump, thump of his boots. She felt herself flushing. "Lee?"

  "Not yet."

  When he was completely undressed except for the bandage covering his gunshot wound, Lee walked over to Mary and gently nudged her back against the bed. She reached out to him, but Lee kept his distance and didn't allow her to touch him. "Climb in bed, love."

  Again Mary did as he asked without protest, but her ears picked up on Lee's casual endearment and she pressed it to her heart like a floral love token pressed in a book.

  "Mary?" Lee asked softly.


  "Did you mean what you said about granting me your favor when I returned from Washington?"


  "Will you trust me?"


  "Good." With that. Lee bent at the waist, cupped his hand around the chimney of the oil lamp, and blew out the flame.

  Mary smelled the kerosene smoke and came halfway out of bed. "No! Lee! The dark!"

  Lee put his hands on her shoulders and gently pressed her back against the mattress. He could feel the rapid pounding of her heart beneath him and could almost taste her fear. "It's all right, Mary. We'll light the lamp again in a few minutes. I promise. But for now, open your eyes."

  Mary opened her eyes.

  "What do you see?" Lee asked, looming over her.

  "You. Leaning over me."

  "Describe me."

  "You're big. Your shoulders are broad and muscular. Your arms are strong. Your face is shadowed. I can't see it clearly."

  "Then how do you know it's me?"

  Mary chuckled, relaxing. "Because you're the only man in the room."

  "How do you know?"

  "I followed you inside. There was no one else here. Besides," Mary told him. "I know you. I recognize the sound of your voice. And your scent. I know you don't mean me any harm. I know you won't hurt me. I sense it."

  "The same way you sensed danger when you woke up in a dark room and discovered the two young men standing over you?"


  Lee let go of her and lit the lamp once again. "What about now?" He took a couple of steps away from the bed so Mary could see him fully.

  Her eyes widened at the sight of him. She had seen him naked before, but not like this. Mary stared. He was beautiful. He was all male. And all hers. Mary knew he was capable of hurting her physically and emotionally, but at this moment, she also knew he only wanted to give and receive pleasure. And so did she. "You were right," she said, "I do like this surprise." She smiled at him. "I like it very much. I don't think I'll ever be frightened by the sight of a man standing by my bed again, as long as it's always you."

  Her reaction surprised him. He leaned over her then, trapping her against the mattress, framing her face with his hands as he climbed onto the bed and straddled her. "Even now?"

  Mary reached up and touched his cheek, then traced the corner of his mustache. "Especially now. I think I like this even better because now I can touch you." She put her arms around his neck and pulled him down to kiss her.

  "Please do," Lee murmured before her lips met his.

  His kiss was hot and sweet enough to tempt an angel. But Mary was no angel and she didn't need temptation. She pulled him down to her until she could press herself against him. She flattened herself against his chest, feeling the heat of his flesh as she deepened the kiss. The twin points of her breasts pressed into him. Lee groaned. Encouraged by his response Mary allowed her hands to roam over his shoulders, and down his back. Lee groaned again. He pulled his mouth away from hers and began to trail hot wet kisses on her face, her neck, her throat, and over to her earlobes.

  "Aah, Mary," Lee whispered close to her ear, "I want to feel you against me and I want to bury myself inside you." His arms began to shake. "I just want you so badly."

  "You've got me," Mary whispered back. "I'm not going anywhere."

  Lee pushed himself up on his elbows so he could see the expression on her face. "Are you sure?"

  Mary smiled. "Make love to me, Lee," she said simply. "Make me your wife in more than name only."

  That was all the encouragement he needed. Sitting back on his heels, he reached down and untied the neat satin bow at the neck of her white ruffled nightgown, and worked the tiny pearl buttons loose from their braided silk loops. He opened the bodice and spread the sides wide so he could feast on the sight of Mary's rounded breasts. "You're beautiful," he breathed.

  Mary saw the look of admiration in Lee's eyes and knew that he meant it.

  He leaned forward, cupped one smooth satiny globe in his hand, and touched his lips to the dark center.

  Mary sucked in a breath at the wonderful sensation his kiss evoked. Desire gripped her. Eager for more, Mary tangled her fingers in Lee's thick blond hair and held his head to her breasts. "Again," she ordered.

  Lee obliged. He touched and tasted and gently nipped at her. And then, he suckled her and Mary thought she might die of the pleasure.

  "Touch me," he told her.

  Mary rushed to obey. Her untutored hands aroused him to such an extent, he finally had to stop her.

  "No more," he muttered, against her breast.

  "More?" she asked, stroking him gently.

  "No!" Lee reached between them and grabbed hold of her wrist to make her stop the exquisite torture.

  "Don't you like it?"

  "I love it," he groaned. "But I can only take so much. Christ, Two-shot, I want to make love to you."

  "Then get on with it, Lee," Mary said. "Don't keep me waiting any longer." She felt hot and achy and almost delirious with need.

  Lee didn't need any more convincing. He let go of her wrist, and grabbed her ruffled nightgown by the hem and whisked it up around her waist, pushed it up, and over her head. Mary sighed with relief. At last she was naked against him.

  Lee kissed his way down her body and his tongue seemed to light little bonfires wherever he touched her. Although his lips were otherwise occupied, his hands eagerly roamed where they would, finally coming to rest on her inner thigh.

  Mary reacted immediately, opening her legs ever so slightly to allow him greater access. She couldn't seem to get close enough to him. Her anticipation ro
se to a fever pitch. Her excitement made Lee feel crazy. He had to have her. He had to feel himself inside her, feel her surrounding him, feel them joined together the way husbands and wives were meant to be joined.

  Lee placed his hands under Mary's hips, lifting her slightly as he leaned forward and positioned himself to enter her in one fluid motion. "Slow or fast?" He offered her the choice, although he seriously doubted whether or not he could go slow even if she asked him too. "Hard or soft?"

  "Now, Lee," Mary answered as she locked her long legs around his waist, "Please. Now."

  By the time Lee felt the barrier, it was too late. "I'm sorry," he said as he surged forward and buried himself in her depths.

  Mary cried out as he pushed into her, then sank her teeth into the flesh of his shoulder. She unlocked her legs and tried to move away from the pain, but Lee held her fast.

  "Lie still, Two-shot, and the pain will lessen." He kissed her cheek, then her eyelids, and finally, her mouth. He kissed her gently, tenderly, reverently, and held her as if she were precious and fragile.

  She shifted her hips experimentally, then moaned as the feverish pleasure-pain began to build once again.

  "Ssh, ssh, sweetheart, I promise it will get better."

  Mary lifted her hips again, and this time Lee understood. He fought to go slowly, fought to maintain control, and his body strained with the effort. Mary tightened her hold on him. She put her arms around his neck, then locked her legs around his waist once again. She held on as he supported her hips with his hands as he began to move within her. Gently, slowly at first, then faster.

  The dull aching pain gradually disappeared and a different kind of ache took its place. Mary followed Lee's lead, matching her movements to his until they developed a rhythm uniquely their own. She kissed him as they moved together—kissed his arms, his shoulders, his neck, his chin, the corner of his mustache. And she trusted him to lead her to that place that seemed just beyond her reach, the place where she became him and he became her, the place where the two of them became one. And then suddenly, she felt him shudder uncontrollably, heard him yell her name, and Mary let herself go with him. The real world seemed to slip away, there was only Lee and the almost unbearable feeling of pleasure spiraling inside her. She called out his name. In wonder. In joy. And in gratitude.