Page 8 of Creed

  “That’s a lot of miles.”

  “Once our bond is strong, I could track you across a few states. See why I consider it short range?”

  “I do.” She reached out to him. “Come here. I’m not done with you.”

  He didn’t come closer. “It’s time, Angel. We don’t have any more of it left.”

  “You said you’d go tonight. We still have today.”

  “That was before I checked my voicemail. It seems the elders were worried when you weren’t returned to your parents by morning, the way I’d indicated you would be. They left messages on my phone that I didn’t hear, since I’d left it outside. The elders must have called my people. I have a message from Lord Aveoth to call him immediately or he’s sending scouts this way. It seems your pack believes I may have accidently killed you.”

  Her mouth dropped open. “Give me your phone.”

  “I left it outside and away from the entrance. I rarely bring it in. Signals can be tracked.”

  “I didn’t see it out there when I was looking for it when I thought you were hurt.”

  “It’s about a hundred yards to the right and a hundred feet up a crevice, near my outdoor shower. You wouldn’t have. I don’t keep it where it will lead someone right to my door.”

  She eyed his jeans. “And those? Where were those hiding?”

  “Under the couch cushions. It works well to store clothing out of sight so I’m not staring at them in a pile on the floor. I don’t have a closet or a lot of drawer space.”

  It hit her then. She wouldn’t see him for a long time. Ten years.

  She scrambled off the bed and threw her arms around his waist, pressing her cheek against his chest. He seemed stunned but then he put his arms around her to hold her tight.

  “This is so unfair. I know life isn’t but this really sucks.” She wanted to cry.

  “The time will pass and I will find you. Don’t go where you’ve been. It will be the first place they look. I have something for you.”

  She lifted her chin. “What?”

  “First, you need to get dressed.”

  “Can we shower together?”

  “No. I want them to smell sex on you. It will fool your pack into thinking that’s why they might pick up my scent. The Lycan elders seem to have Lord Aveoth on speed dial,” he grimly stated. “They can’t figure out we’ve mated or they’ll call him right away.”

  He eased his hold and backed away, leaving her no choice but to let him go. He motioned her to follow him into the bathroom, where he reached up to a crevice she hadn’t seen before. He brought down a first-aid kit. He withdrew gauze and a cream, then medical tape. “This will hide your blood scent. They can’t suspect I bit you. Leave immediately, Angel. Lord Aveoth might have already ordered scouts this way. They could arrive as early as tonight. I will refuse to speak until I’m brought before him. That will give you time to get to the airport and take the first flight out. Don’t tell me where. Don’t tell anyone. I’ll be fine as long as I know you’re safe. Know that, my heart.”

  He called her his heart. She fought tears. He was being so sweet. His hands were gentle as he cleaned away all the blood from her skin and lathered on the thick, goopy cream over her bite marks, then bandaged it. She noticed that the marks she’d given him were completely gone. He’d healed.

  She followed him into his bedroom again, and he withdrew a large T-shirt. She took it, putting it on. It fell to her thighs. He was much taller. She knew she’d keep it with her until they met again, just to have something of his. He bent, pulling out a pair of his boxer briefs. They were black with a quality name brand.

  “I don’t need anything with a flap.”

  He smiled. “Wear them anyway. I have to visit the elders and your alpha, so I’m going to drop you off at your home. I won’t allow anyone to see that lovely ass of yours except me.”

  She put them on. They were more comfortable than she’d thought they’d be, and looked like long shorts since the bottoms showed about an inch below where the shirt fell. He took her hand and she followed him into the living room.

  He picked up a small black backpack off the couch. It hadn’t been there before. He released her hand. “Turn.”

  “What is that?”

  “It’s for emergencies. Every guardian keeps one stashed when they’re assigned to protect a Lycan pack, in case we have to leave in a hurry. We’ve been attacked before, and it’s standard to keep a bag if we need to blend with humans.”

  It was heavy. “Don’t you need it?”

  “Not where I’m going. It’s money and some spare clothes. I want you to have them with you. The money will help you survive and my scent is on the clothing, so a part of me will remain with you.”

  She was going to bawl. She fought it. He was being brave but then again, he was a pro at hiding his feelings. The fact that he was being sweet made it worse, as if he were intentionally trying to show her that he had a tender side. She’d fair better if he barked orders at her and was his normally chilly self.

  “Let’s go.”

  “No shirt?”

  “They’ll only destroy it when I take the lashes.”

  She closed her eyes and turned her head, fighting tears.

  “Shush.” He pulled her into his arms. “This is temporary. It’s only ten years. We’ll have a future to look forward to together.”

  She clung to him. “I love you.”

  “You are my only weakness, Angel.”

  That was as good as saying he loved her.

  He pulled away. “We must go. Our time is shorter by the second to make your plan work. I was informed when I checked in last that some of my clan would be not too far from this area for a few days. It won’t take them that long to reach us if they plan to come.”

  She wiped her eyes, then lowered her hands. A sniffle wasn’t bad, considering she was heading toward a full-on breakdown as soon as she crossed the Alaska state line. She stared into his eyes.


  “You are my brave Angel.”

  “You’re mine too, so forget all about that fall thing. Swear to me on your honor. No falling.”

  “I swear.” No hesitation. “Let’s go.”

  He didn’t wait, just scooped her into his arms. She clung to him as he strode toward the exit. She glanced one last time at his home. They’d never be back. She fought the anguish that thought caused.

  He spread his wings once they were outside.

  “Our parting must be formal. It’s what they will expect if anyone is watching for us. Tell them the backpack is yours if they ask. They didn’t see me pick you up. I made certain you weren’t followed. That’s why I was already in the woods. I wanted to make sure you got there safely.”

  “I understand.”

  He paused and looked down at her. “I will think of you every second.”

  He does love me. He just didn’t have the words.

  He bent his knees and leapt. The falling sensation made her feel a little queasy, but then they were soaring over the river. She loved the feel of the wind against her body and being held by Creed. She turned her head and quickly placed a kiss on his cheek.

  “I’m going to miss you so much. I love you.”

  He turned his head, the silver in his eyes flaring. “You’re my Angel. Now be my brave one. The elders are gathered.”

  She turned her head, spotting the village. He was right. There was a small group near the shoreline. She swallowed hard.

  “Ice cold. Got it. Did I mention how amazing you are in bed?”

  He actually missed a beat with his wings and they fell a few feet before he recovered. “Now you’re being a naughty Angel.”

  “Wait until we’re together again. I’m going to have ten years to think up everything I plan to do to you. There’s going to be a lot of sex.”

  He growled. “Stop. I can’t arrive with a hard-on.”

  She smiled. “Okay. You’re shit in bed then, and I’ll have to train you. It will be
torture having to fuck you until you get it right.”

  His lips twisted for a split second, almost a smile. “I’m going to miss you too.”

  The wind helped dry the tears that sprang into her eyes. She rapidly blinked them back. “Here we go. Put on your Gargoyle face, baby.”

  “You too. You’re my mate. Never let them see your pain.”

  She masked her features. She could do it. He flew over the elders and dropped to the ground in front of her parents’ house. He was slow to lower her. She was slower to release his neck. He backed up until she had no choice.

  She had to clear her throat. “Thank you.”

  “Thank you.”

  They stared at each other, and then he bowed his head, turning away. He strode toward the elders. The door to the cabin behind her opened and she forced herself to stop watching Creed.

  Her mother looked worried. “Are you okay? I told everyone you were fine, that Creed wouldn’t hurt you, but the elders and Alpha Picoz thought he’d murdered you.”

  “I’m in one piece.” Hold it together. She walked up the porch steps and gripped her mom’s arm. “Let’s go inside. I feel watched.”

  “You are. Everyone was abuzz when the elders came here this morning at nine to see your condition. They were worried, since this time it was a human who’d volunteered.”

  Her father waited inside. He sniffed at her and growled. “Are you okay? Did he hurt you?”

  “I’m great,” she lied.

  “Where did you get the backpack?” Her mother eyed it. “It smells of outside but not of you.”

  “It was outside.” Creed seemed to keep half his stuff hidden on the mountain outside of his home. She tried to think up a lie. “I brought it with me last time and I forgot it in the woods. I remembered it last night, when I was going to meet with Creed, so I grabbed it. You know how I love to go read. It’s just some books. I’d stashed it between some of those rocks I love to sit on, to keep it dry when it rained, and forgot about it.”

  Her mother motioned to her father. He seemed grateful to flee into the family room. Her mom studied her face too intently. “Are you really okay?”

  “I am.” Some of her emotions bled through. “You know how I feel about Creed. We expected it to be tough on me that this was only a one-night thing. He’s amazing.” None of that was a lie.

  “The sex?”

  “Just like you said it would be and so much more.”

  Her mother smiled. “I’m glad you had that. You might want to shower. I know your nose isn’t as sensitive but even Lycan girls wash off a man’s scent afterward, before they come home. You smell like Creed—and everything you did. Go on. I bet you’re hungry. I’ll make food.”

  Not quite everything we did. “I’m not hungry but thanks. I’m going to go to my room and clean up.” She fled down the hallway.

  She hadn’t taken the time to unpack much so it was easy to shove her things back into the pack she’d brought. She left out a pair of jeans and a sweater, after donning on a bra and panties. She packed Creed’s borrowed things and then hesitated. It would hurt her parents if she just left without saying goodbye. She just couldn’t tell them the real reason why she was leaving.

  There were pack rules, and fine lines she wouldn’t have her parents cross. This was their home, the people who they lived with every day. She wouldn’t put them in a difficult position.

  She shoved the straps for both pack over one shoulder, the good one that wasn’t bandaged, and grabbed the keys for the rental off the dresser. One deep breath later and she followed the sound of her parents’ voices into the kitchen.

  “Why do you have your bags?” Her mother scowled.

  “My boss left a message for me. He’s going to fire me if I don’t get back by morning. I’m so sorry. I have go.”

  “I didn’t hear it ring.” Her mother sighed. “You’re running away from Creed again.”

  She hated to lie to the two people who had raised her but she had to. They would have to tell Alpha Picoz if she admitted she was Creed’s mate. It would get her parents into hot water if they hid that knowledge, even for the hour it would take her to be far from their territory.

  “It didn’t ring. I can get emails on my phone. I told you he wasn’t happy when I took the sick days, but now half the staff has come down with the flu. Humans get sick so easy. I can’t lose my job.” She walked over to her father and hugged him. “I love you, Dad.” He embraced her back and planted a kiss on the top of her head. She turned to her mother next. “I’m so sorry to leave like this. I love you, Mom.”

  Her mom growled, showing her irritation. “You could have at least showered.”

  “I will when I get home.”

  “You smell like sex,” her mother whispered. “It could draw males to you.”

  “I’m flying with a bunch of humans. They won’t know.” She faked a smile. “I don’t plan on getting real close to them anyway if the flu is going around. I don’t want to catch it. Love you. I’ll call you when I’m home safe.”

  They hugged once more and Angel fled. There was no sign of Creed, her alpha or the elders when she shoved her things onto the passenger-side floor and started the engine.

  Her gaze lifted to the sky. Were scouts from his clan about to show up when it grew dark? She put on her belt and backed up. It was tough to drive slow until she reached the main road.

  It was key that she get far away so Creed didn’t feel the need to play hero by offering to give up his life for hers. Her hands fisted on the wheel in a death grip until she left the village. She floored it then. Her gaze kept sweeping the sky. It wasn’t like GarLycans often flew in broad daylight, but her pack’s territory was remote enough that they might risk it.

  She wanted to cry but she resisted. With her luck, she’d wreck the SUV and never get out of Alaska. Creed would be told she’d been captured, and then they wouldn’t have a future at all. I can do this for him.

  Chapter Seven

  Creed stared at Joe with a bored expression. The two-hundred-and-ninety-seven-year-old Lycan elder seemed to enjoy the sound of his voice as he droned on about the importance of being respectful of traditions and their alliance.

  Alpha Picoz stood and lifted a hand. “Enough, Joe.” He stepped closer to Creed. “We were worried about the girl. She’s a part of this pack but she’s not Lycan. It’s a courtesy that we even ask our women to accommodate your needs. It was agreed upon that we’d have her follow your ritual, fully expecting you to follow it as well. You stated you’d have her returned first thing in the morning. The fact that she’s human is—”

  Creed stopped listening to the alpha when his senses alerted him to one of his own kind. The door to the meeting hall creaked open and he turned. Kelzeb entered as if he owned the place. The lead enforcer of Lord Aveoth—and the man Creed reported to—wore all black clothing. He glanced around before fixing his stare directly on Creed.

  “Is she alive?”

  Creed noticed some of the Lycans winced. It was their sensitive hearing. Kelzeb had a deeper voice than most found pleasant. He knew the question was directed at him, so he answered. “Yes.”



  Kelzeb crossed his arms and slid his gaze to the alpha. “So what’s the big stink? I could hear what you were saying all the way from where I parked my Jeep. You should close the windows if you don’t want just anyone hearing what’s going on inside. You’ve drawn a crowd.”

  “He didn’t return her when expected.”

  Kelzeb sighed. “So?”

  Alpha Picoz snarled. “So? He said—”

  “Enough,” Kelzeb thundered.

  The Lycans all whined from the sound, protecting their ears. Creed didn’t know why Lord Aveoth’s enforcer spoke that way to the pack, but he didn’t care either.

  Kelzeb lowered his voice. “It’s the ravage. It’s not on a schedule like when the sun rises and sets. Hormones are a bitch. Do I really need to explain that to anyone
in this room? You’re all in heat for…how long? Days? Weeks? I don’t really give a damn. That wasn’t a question. The girl was returned alive and undamaged. Case closed.”

  Alpha Picoz snarled again. “We care. We allow our women to help the guardian through his time of need. The least—”

  “Allow?” Kelzeb thundered again. “Is that what you said? It’s part of the agreement between our clan and your pack that you ask for volunteers, if whoever we assign to protect your ass goes through the ravage while he’s on duty. Did he steal one of your women? Kidnap her?” He pinned Creed with a glare. “Did you swoop from the sky and grab one of them while she was kicking and screaming to be put down?”


  Kelzeb threw his arms wide. “There you go. She agreed to it and she’s fine. I had to drive all the way here for this? Do you know how much that irritates me? I had better things to do today.” He glared at the alpha. “Then I find you grilling a GarLycan as if he answers to you. He doesn’t. Should I remind you how many packs would jump at the chance to have a GarLycan guardian? He took one night off and, apparently, all of the morning. He’s not on duty during the daylight hours. Hell, he can fuck all of your unmated women anytime he wants if they are willing. There’s nothing in your laws that forbids them from freely making that choice. He’s not a monk, or your personal whipping boy when you’re in a bad mood. We’re done here.” Kelzeb spun. “Let’s go, Creed.”

  Creed followed without glancing at the Lycans around him. The enforcer bypassed the Jeep he’d arrived in and headed directly toward the river. It meant he wanted to have a private chat. They stopped at the water’s edge and Kelzeb glanced around, his eyes narrowed.

  “What a bunch of old women,” Kelzeb muttered. He crossed his arms and finally looked at Creed. “Why were you standing in there listening to them? You know you don’t have to. Tell them to piss off and fly back home. They are lucky you’re here. They can bitch all they want, but bottom line, I knew this was going to be a waste of time. You’ve had this assignment long enough to know not to cross any lines that would cause real tension with the alliance.”

  “I was later than I told them I would be.”