Page 8 of Haunting Blackie


  His expression would have been comical if it wasn’t such a serious matter. Her embarrassment grew by leaps and bounds. “I want to! I mean, with you. I just never wanted anyone else to touch me.”

  He seemed at a loss for words.

  “Cameron, my creator, was always after me to have sex but I hated him. I knew if I showed any interest in any of the guards, he’d never leave me alone. I met you and, um, that bond snapped into place. No one ever seemed attractive to me after that night.” She felt the need to explain. “I just…felt nothing when I looked at other men.”

  He licked his lips and swallowed hard. “Do you feel something for me?”

  “Yes.” She scooted closer and spread her thighs to give him room if he wanted to get closer. “I ache for you to touch me but I thought I should warn you. I haven’t done this before. You might expect a more skilled lover. I’ll learn.”

  His hands slid higher up her thighs. “The first time we met, you seemed less innocent. That’s why I’m surprised.” He invaded her personal space.

  She followed his lowered gaze to stare at the thick outline of his shaft. It protruded up and to the side along the front of his pants, trapped under the material. He was big and she admitted to feeling a bit intimidated. That wasn’t a size for beginners.

  “I don’t expect experience or skill. I just want you.”

  She stared into his eyes, knowing he meant it. Passion flared there bright enough for her to read. He wasn’t cold or unfeeling, nor was he hiding his emotions. A soft growl rumbled from her throat and she just wanted to eat him up but refrained from telling him that in case he mistook the context.

  “I’m so sorry I attacked you on the freighter.”

  “You didn’t know my identity. The helmet hid my features.”

  Her gaze traveled to the bandages. “Did I do much damage?”

  “No.” He reached for the white bandage on his side and tugged it free.

  She studied the wound. Her claws had torn the skin but it was mostly healed. “Wow.”

  “We mend at an accelerated rate. By tomorrow it will just be a little red. It’s the same where you bit me. I’m sorry I struck you in the face.” His gaze lingered over her cheek.

  “I didn’t give you much of a choice. It doesn’t even hurt. I heal fast too. Give it a day and you won’t even see a mark.”

  He inched a little closer. “Are you stalling for time? I don’t wish to rush you but I’ve waited decades to see you undressed and to put my hands on you.”

  Eve’s hands trembled as she reached for her half shirt and just tore it over her head. He wanted her bare and he was going to get anything he asked for. She leaned back, drew up her legs and braced her heels on the edge of the bed. She had to be careful not to strike her head on the wall behind the bunk. The space wasn’t exactly narrow but it did restrict movement. Her hips arched upward, offering him the opportunity to remove her shorts.

  His hands spanned her waist, his thumbs hooked the top of the material and ever so slowly tormented her by exploring her lower stomach just under the waistband. She stopped worrying whether he found her attractive since his focus riveted on her body when he tugged her shorts downward.

  The scent of her arousal filled her nose and she hoped he found it a turn-on. She knew her canine abilities amplified her sense of smell. He stripped her and tossed the material away. She expected him to just take her but he spread her thighs wider, crouched down, and she froze. He seemed to want to inspect her sex.

  “I didn’t lie. No one has touched me. I’m yours.”

  His gaze met hers. “You’re going to snap my control if you keep talking. I need to do right by you.”

  Eve didn’t understand what he meant until she gasped when his face lowered and his mouth opened. He spread wet, hot kisses over the top of her mound and his hands dug under her ass, just lifting her a few inches off the bed. Broad shoulders wiggled between her thighs, parting them wider, and she clawed at the bed when his hot breath fanned along the seam of her pussy. He planned to perform oral sex.

  Another growl tore from her. She threw her head back, eyes squeezed tightly closed, and fought the urge to slam her legs together. An inner battle raged between embarrassment over being vulnerable and exposed and extreme curiosity as to how it would feel to be touched that way. He’s my mate. I belong to him—all of me. Her tense muscles relaxed as she submitted to Blackie, willing to allow him to educate her firsthand about foreplay.

  The first stroke of his tongue across her clit came as a surprise. He was gentle but a powerful jolt of strange sensations shot through her entire body. She held her breath, waiting. He flattened his tongue and pressed it against a very sensitive spot. It made her gasp when he began an up-and-down motion, applying just the right amount of pressure as he rubbed against her.

  “Oh yeah,” she moaned. The stimulation to the bundle of nerves he played with was heavenly and hellish to Eve at the same time. It felt really good but at the same time it made her ache. Her fingers clutched at the bedding to avoid fisting in his hair. She couldn’t hold still, her hips seeming to move of their own accord.

  Blackie grew more aggressive and Eve lost the ability to think. He stopped licking to seal his lips around the bud and sucked. She gasped at the new sensation then moaned louder. She became aware of the throbbing coming from inside, her vaginal muscles clenching, and a new need arose. She panted, the urge to grab his hair and jerk him up her body increasingly difficult to resist. “Please?”

  He didn’t seem to understand her plea when he continued to torment her. All she wanted was him on top of her and to feel what it would be like to have him inside her. She’d tried to imagine it at least a thousand times when the memories of the past haunted her but wasn’t quite sure if she had it right.

  His shoulders kept her open to his hot mouth and tongue until the raw sensations became too intense and she arched her back, crying out, as she came hard. Strong spasms made her quake as warmth spread through her pussy, her mind blown.

  His mouth withdrew when he lowered her ass back to the soft mattress. She lay there spent as he adjusted his hold on her. His hand explored her inner thigh, sliding upward, until one of his fingers slowly penetrated her pussy. She moaned at the sensation of his thick digit parting her. He paused, withdrew it almost completely, and inserted a second one. He stretched her vaginal walls and she moaned louder, enjoying it.

  Her hips rocked in tune with his motions and it felt so good she clawed at his bedding again. A protest formed when he withdrew his fingers and her eyes opened. She looked down between their bodies and her breath caught as she watched him open his pants, freeing his cock. She’d seen naked men before but no one could compare to Blackie. He was perfectly shaped…and large. She’d expected that with a C-46 unit. The thick girth of the shaft was stiff and watching his fingers curl around the base of it was really sexy. He guided the rounded head of his cock between her spread thighs.

  “Hold still,” he demanded. “I’m going slow. I don’t want to hurt you.” His gaze held hers. “It will though.”

  She knew what to expect, what he meant, but then the tip of his cock pressed against her spread pussy and she moaned as he pressed it against her. Her body protested a little at the thick intrusion but she was slick and wet from his mouth, making her hot and ready for him. He made a low sound, almost pained. It worried her.

  “Am I hurting you?”

  His eyes narrowed. “You’re killing me.” He took a deep breath. “I’m sorry, beautiful.”

  She wondered what he regretted. It was great so far and she loved him calling her that endearment. He released his shaft, tightened his hold on her ankles and shifted to wrap his arms around each of her thighs, holding them tightly against his ribs. He drove into her with one swift stroke and she gasped, crying out as a stab of pain shot through her.

  He froze, buried deep inside her. The jolt of pain faded as the seconds passed.

  “It won’t hurt again.”
br />   She nodded, trusting him.

  He lifted her ankles to his shoulders and bent forward just enough to pin her with his weight so she was almost bent in half, not that she minded. He slid in deeper, stretching her more, and she loved the sensation of being filled by him. They were finally joined together.

  He slowly moved, withdrew a few inches before gliding back in deep. The pain was replaced by wonderful sensations. Her body was designed to heal and it was doing its job. Blackie moved faster, his cock igniting a need to come. He lifted her a little higher until her ass left the bed to hover over it a few inches as he continued to fuck her.

  He hit a new spot and she panted, soft growls tearing from her that she couldn’t hold back despite trying. It felt really good in an entirely new way from what his tongue had done to her clit. His hips slapped against her ass, the rhythmical sound an accompaniment to their heavy breathing. She cried out as another climax struck.

  Blackie closed his eyes, threw back his head and groaned her name. His entire body jerked in sharp thrusts, his semen marking her on the inside. Eve knew what it was like for the first time to be owned by someone and she reveled in it. He shook, more of his warm semen filling her. He stopped pumping against her when he was seated deep inside her pussy.

  His eyes opened. “What exactly are the physical demands to make us true mates?”

  It was hard to think after the intense pleasure he’d given her. Sex had been worth the wait. “What?”

  He withdrew from her body before she could protest though she wanted to. He released her thighs and gripped her hips. She gasped when he flipped her over, his strength remarkable. He bent her over the bed in front of him, curled around her back and one knee nudged her thighs apart. She gasped when his still-rigid cock drove into her from a new angle.

  His hot breath tickled her ear as he whispered into it. “Canines have sex this way.” He fucked her in long, steady thrusts. “What other physical requirements do you have for us to be mated?”

  She struggled to collect her thoughts. “It’s not required but I wish you’d bite me.” She tossed her head to the side to bare her shoulder. “Leave a scar.” She wanted one to match the one she’d given him. Humans had wedding rings, cyborgs had contracts, but she wanted a permanent mark from him on her skin.

  His lips brushed her throat. “Here?”

  “Shoulder. Please.” She whimpered when he fucked her harder, rougher. It felt too good for words.

  “Do you want me to be gentle?”


  “Good.” He drove into her over and over, pounding her hard enough to make the bunk shake under them.

  She tensed, cried out as another climax struck and that’s when his teeth sank into her. The bite hurt as his teeth broke the skin but it only made her come harder, knowing he hadn’t hesitated to make her his for life. She’d proudly display the mark whenever possible.

  He released her shoulder to groan as he came again. His upper arms supported enough of his weight to allow her to catch her breath. Blood slid over her collarbone and onto the bed, staining it red.

  “I’m sorry,” he rasped. “I think I bit you too deep.”

  She found the strength to twist her head to the side enough to get a partial view. “That’s perfect. I’ll stop bleeding in a minute. That will scar.”

  Blackie wanted to kick his own ass. She’d been a virgin but he’d lost control once he was inside Eve. She was too sexy, felt too good for him to show much restraint. Then he’d flipped her over to make it up to her. Instead he’d gone wild as if he were the one with animal genetics and behavior ingrained in his physical makeup instead of her.

  The blood on her shoulder was visual proof of what he’d done, along with the taste of her blood in his mouth. He licked his lips, tasting it there too. He’d been too rough.

  “That is definitely going to scar unless your healing abilities are better than mine.”

  The smile she gave him stunned him. “I’m yours.”

  It usually would have unsettled him if a woman stated that. Cyborg women would rather die than hand over any kind of control to another. Eve wasn’t anything similar to his race, well, other than her ability to heal, her method of creation and lack of aging. He wanted her and now she wouldn’t ever leave him. He had a…mate. The tightening in his chest wasn’t caused by the physical interaction they had just shared but by a strong emotional response. He evaluated which one it was and decided it had to be satisfaction or possibly happiness. They were too closely related for him to distinguish.

  The concept of a woman joining her life to his for the rest of their lives was astonishing but he liked it. He adjusted their positions until they were curled together on their sides with their bodies still joined. The desire to keep her close was strong. He didn’t want to withdraw his dick from her warm body or allow any space between them. She fit perfectly in front of him with his frame curved over hers. His hand explored her hip, then her thigh. She snuggled tighter against him.

  “We’ll legally join according to cyborg customs.” He would double-check first though to make certain Eve couldn’t be considered a cyborg with her engineered genetics. He refused to share her with another male. Murderous thoughts filled his mind just thinking about it. “Or perhaps not.”

  Eve glanced back at him and he didn’t enjoy seeing the suspicion in her gaze, as if she doubted his word that he agreed to be her mate.

  “It’s best that we don’t if you are considered cyborg by the council. Females are fewer in numbers and they will assign you another male besides myself, if that is the case.”

  Her hand clutched his. “What does that mean?”

  “There are always at least two males joined in a family unit with every female cyborg. The rules recently changed after more of our women were rescued from a planet where their ship crashed. They used to have at least three to four men per woman in each family unit. I won’t share you.”

  “I’d kill anyone who tried to touch me. I’m yours. It would destroy me inside if that were to happen. Mates don’t touch others. It would make me sick to be touched by someone else and I’d hate it. I’d fight to the death,” she threatened, panic threading her tone.

  “It won’t happen. You can stop worrying about it.” He caressed her from her hip to her waist to soothe her fear. She was so soft and pale skinned. The contrast between their coloring was striking. “We’re mates. I’ll tear apart any bastard who even considers putting his hands on you.”

  Her gaze lowered to his mouth. “You won’t touch anyone else, will you?”

  He didn’t like the pain in her expression or the slight quaver he heard in her voice. “No. I accepted your terms of a relationship bond. Mates are for life, correct?”


  “You are the only woman I’ll want.” He was certain of that after obsessing over her year after year. It stunned him that she was alive and sharing his bunk. There wasn’t a chance he’d ever give her up. “I’ll make arrangements as soon as it’s convenient to assure our future.”

  “What does that mean?”

  He mentally went over a list then repeated it for her benefit. “My living arrangements on Garden need to be updated to fit your needs. I don’t want us housed in a council building any longer.” He still had questions about their actions when they’d escaped Earth. The council members responsible would pay for what they’d done to the canine units. “I also will make it clear that I will refuse to accept missions that don’t allow you to travel at my side. I assume you want to be with me at all times? Those missions could take me from you for weeks or months at a time.” He hoped she’d agree as he watched her features, disliking the idea of being separated from her.

  She nodded. “Yes. I always want to be at your side.”

  He pondered if she meant that in a literal sense. Some cyborgs might not accept her in the command center during his work shifts but he’d deal with their protests. He’d do anything to make certain she was healthy and happy, inc
luding keeping her within a few feet of him at all times if she required it. “Do you mean that literally?”

  Eve grinned. “I can handle you going to work without me but I want to share your bed every sleep cycle.”


  “What will happen to Danica? She’s my littermate. I can’t just abandon her but you’re my mate. You’re my priority.”

  He appreciated her candor. She cared about her sibling, a trait he admired, but he liked it more that she’d pick him above all others. “She will be safe on Garden. Do you wish her to live in our quarters?”

  “We don’t have to live together but I just want to make sure she’s okay.”

  “I believe a cyborg has taken an interest in her. He’s a good male.” Gene had seemed very protective.

  “The one with his arm around her?”

  “Gene. Yes. He is a close friend of mine. He’d never harm her and I suspect he’d enjoy asking her to share his quarters on Garden. I noticed his protective and possessive gestures toward her while we were in the hallway.”

  “He was cute. Danica will appreciate that and she did want a man. He looks capable of handling her.”

  Jealousy was an emotion he didn’t enjoy as it worked through his system. The tightness in his chest eased when he realized she held no personal interest in Gene. It took effort to separate their bodies, something he regretted, but her shoulder needed to be tended.

  “Let me see to your wound.”

  “It will heal fast. You don’t really need to do that. My immune system is rock solid so it won’t get infected or anything.”

  “I wish to care for you.”

  She watched his every move as he retrieved the med kit from his cleansing unit. Her smile melted parts of him he hadn’t known existed as she sat up eagerly when he approached her again. His dick remained hard, the desire to take her was strong, but he controlled the urge.

  Chapter Five

  “Mated.” Danica looked at her with astonishment and reached across the table to hold her hands. “That’s wonderful.”