Page 17 of Back in Bliss

  “Oh, baby. I…I’ll take care of you.” While he was with her, he would make sure she wanted for nothing. And when he was gone, he would watch over her from afar.

  “I’ll take care of you, too.” She wrapped her arms around him, but moved her face up to look at Seth. “And you, Seth. I can take care of you.”

  Seth pressed his lips to hers. “You take such good care of me, baby. Now take care of our girl, Logan.”

  In other words, move it along, man. He wanted his turn. Logan couldn’t help but smile because it was dirty anywhere but here. Sharing a girl with his friend like she was a toy was nasty, except when they cared so damn much for her that they were willing to work for her pleasure, her happiness. He could be a part of that for now.

  She was ready. Her pussy was still tight but welcoming now. He had to fight his way in, and he groaned at the way she tried to keep him, but she wasn’t feeling any pain. It was evident in the way she shoved her hips up and rolled them, keeping in time to his slow grind.

  Over and over he fucked up inside, pressing down and pulling out and making them both insane. He loved how hard she clenched around him, her pussy, her legs, her nails. He forced his dick up, fucking as high as he could into that hot, amazing cunt. His spine was tingling, orgasm on the edge of his consciousness, and then Georgia’s pussy clamped down, nearly strangling his dick. Her pussy muscles milked him. She screamed out his name as she went over the edge, dragging him off that cliff with her.

  His body stiffened, cum bubbling up from his balls, and he looked down at her, his eyes helplessly watching her as he came. Her face was so soft, so happy. He’d given her that peace, that joy, and it informed his own. He spurted his semen into the condom, but his brain was envisioning something different. He was pouring all that life into her, his hopes and their future spilling into her womb.

  He let his body go, falling across hers, her breasts a perfect pillow. Her arms wrapped around him, no hesitation there. She just wrapped herself around him and pressed her lips to his cheek. So sweet. So goddamn innocent. He’d just had her, and all he could think about was how innocent she was. How she needed a man to protect her, even from herself. His every dominant instinct was engaged with this one woman. She made him want to be a better man, to be more than he was without her.

  Logan laid his head on her breast, reveling in the way she smoothed back his hair and held him close.

  “That was beautiful.” Seth kissed her temple. “How do you feel, baby?”

  “Utterly content.” Georgia had one hand on Logan and one on Seth.

  Just for a minute, Logan let go of everything and let himself be in the moment. He settled down on Georgia’s breast and rested, peace flowing over him.

  Everything was perfect. If only he could just stay here, in this one moment, his world would be perfect, too.

  * * * *

  Seth rolled over and ran a hand over Georgia’s waist, hauling her back against him. Early morning light was streaming in through the roman shades he’d had installed in this room. It was enough to illuminate how freaking gorgeous his woman was.

  And to remind him that they were alone in the huge bed he’d had built for three.

  Georgia stirred beside him, her backside coming into hard contact with his cock. Damn. How many times would he have to take her before he could be calm? The night before had been utter perfection. Even watching Logan take Georgia had stirred something deep inside him, and it had nothing to do with jealousy. He’d loved watching them together. He’d practically come just watching how deeply connected they were. He wanted that. He wanted to be the third piece to that that trio, and it was all in his reach. All he had to do was take care of his Georgia and convince Logan that he wasn’t as fucked up as he obviously was. He could do it. He could be very persuasive.

  Georgia yawned and her backside wiggled against his cock. Fuck. His dick twitched and grew to obnoxious lengths. Even after taking her last night, he needed her. After Logan had pulled his vanishing act—the motherfucking coward—Seth had made love to Georgia, wiping away her tears and making her forget that his best friend was an idiot.

  “Good morning.” He kissed her cheek, running his hand down her arm and threading their fingers together.

  She rubbed back against him. “Good morning.”

  His cock jumped at the husky sound of her voice. He pulled her close, bringing his cheek up to meet hers. “How are you feeling this morning, gorgeous girl?”

  He was feeling spectacular. He’d gotten inside his Georgia last night. He’d fallen asleep with her all happy and satisfied with her head on his chest.

  “I’m good.”

  Yeah. He didn’t believe that. There was a little hitch to her voice that made him hesitate. “Georgia?”

  “Do you think Logan’s okay?”

  There it was. Fuck Logan. How could he have made love to her the way he had and still walked out on them? He’d watched Seth make love to her and then awkwardly said good night, explaining that before they did anything else, he would need a contract. A fucking contract. Like they were a business deal.

  Seth took business seriously, but this was so much more. This was their life, the one they could share if Logan would just let them. If Logan would just let them in. “He’s fine, baby. He’s just taking that Dom thing very seriously. He wanted us to have some alone time.”

  Logan had gotten up after the initial sex and made sandwiches. They had needed their strength. Seth had followed and tried to ask him about the new scars on his arms. There were white scars on his wrists and forearms that had obviously been there long enough for Georgia to have seen them before. She hadn’t reacted at all, not to the scars on his wrists or the nasty circles on his biceps. Cigarette burns. He recognized them. His mother used to put out her cigarettes on the furniture when she got drunk enough. But she’d never treated Seth like her ashtray, and someone obviously had with Logan. He’d tried to ask Logan about the scars, but Logan had completely shut down. He’d brushed off the questions and walked back into the bedroom, leaving Seth to finish the sandwiches. When he’d walked back in, Logan had been all over Georgia, fucking her like a man on a singular mission.

  What had he been thinking? Georgia had to be sore as hell. Logan needed to take the Dom thing seriously. If Seth knew one thing, it was that Georgia needed someone to take care of her. He kissed her cheek. “I’m going to go start the shower for you. Nice and hot and then I’ll see if I can’t figure out the coffeemaker. Do you want to go into town for breakfast?”

  “Sure.” She smiled up at him, but there was a little sadness there.

  And all he could do about it was coddle and love her because he couldn’t promise that Logan would come around. He had to admit that Logan might not be easy to win over. Seth kissed her again and rolled out of bed, making his way to the bathroom.

  The bathroom was a marble monstrosity. The builders had done an amazing job. Why had he allowed this whole place to be built without ever coming down here and checking it out himself? Why had he let Henry make all the connections? Until he’d come here with Georgia, he’d only seen the place in pictures and the artist’s rendition. He’d stayed away because he’d wanted to come back to town as the conquering hero, but Logan had needed him.

  How the hell did he figure this out? It wasn’t something he could write a check for. Logan’s problems wouldn’t go away because he’d bought a bed that would fit him or because he’d built a house for them. He wasn’t even sure Georgia could solve Logan’s problems. He only had a few weeks before Logan would have to decide whether to go back to Dallas or stay in Bliss, and suddenly Seth wasn’t sure at all that a couple of weeks would convince him.

  Years. He’d let years go by with only phone calls and e-mails, and online game play. And he’d only done that when he could be convinced to stop writing his code. After the code had been complete, he’d set about building his company and he’d spent even less time with Logan.

  “Is the water warm yet?” Georgia
had slipped into his shirt. She stood there in the doorway looking slightly wary, as though morning had taken the sexy, confident woman and turned her back into a vulnerable girl.

  He hadn’t bothered with clothes. And it felt right to be naked with her. He gave her a tired smile and cupped her cheeks, lowering his head to hers and kissing her softly. “Yeah, baby. It’s a steam shower built for an army. It warms up fast. And the towel racks are heated.”

  “It wasn’t built for an army. It was built for you and me and Logan, wasn’t it?”

  He nodded. “I’m sorry he’s not here with us. Maybe when he gets his contract, he’ll feel more comfortable.”

  She bit into her bottom lip, those blue eyes looking up at him. “I want to try with Logan.”

  “I know.” And he wanted her to have what she wanted. What the hell was he going to do if Logan walked out? He didn’t want to let Georgia down. It was no way to start a life together.

  “But, Seth, if he doesn’t want me in the end, do you think you would try to find another girl? Would you try to find someone he could want long term?”

  “Georgia.” He breathed her name as he gathered her close. He wrapped his arms around her. “Georgia, you’re it. Do you understand me? You’re the end all, be all of my existence. I’m never letting you go, and I don’t mean that in a creepy-stalker way, though you should know I could turn into a creepy stalker if you dumped me.”

  He felt her smile against his skin. “You would be the creepiest, stalkeriest ex-boyfriend ever. I want to try with Logan, but Seth, if he doesn’t want me, I don’t want this to go away. I need you. I need this relationship. I was willing to give up the sex part to stay your friend because I need you in my life.”

  And he needed her, too. More than anything. “I’m not going away, Georgia. And you were only willing to give up the sex because you didn’t know how good it could be.”

  “You are so arrogant.” She slapped against his chest, but there was laughter in her eyes as she looked up at him. “I guess my only question is why me? I don’t want to sound like a whiny girl, but I have to wonder. I don’t know if you noticed, but I can be a handful.”

  “And you can be amazing, Georgia. The fit yesterday kind of threw me off, and it also did something for me. You’re not some cardboard cutout girl who I’ll always know how to handle. You’ll challenge me and keep me on my toes. Life is exciting with you. You make me laugh, and there is such grace in you. Georgia, you could be anything you wanted to, you know. You just have to figure out what that is. When you know what your passion is, when you find that one thing you want to leave to the world, damn, baby, I want to be there. I want to be beside you. I want to be the man who helps make those dreams come true. You always give me that pep speech before I have to go into a big meeting. What do you say to me?”

  Her eyes rolled a little. “Seth Stark is a big deal.”

  She’d started it one week after he’d hired her. She’d retied his silk tie and made sure his new Armani suit was smooth, and she’d given him a smile before he’d faced a reporter. He was the billionaire and she’d been the one to lift him up.

  “Georgia Dawson is a big fucking deal. She’s the biggest deal in the world to me. I love Logan. I want Logan with us. But if he doesn’t stay with us, I’ll feel bad for him because we can have a great life, Georgia.”

  She nodded and took a deep breath then stepped toward the shower, her hand pulling the T-shirt off and letting it fall to the floor. She opened the shower door and turned her head toward him. “Are you coming?”

  His dick was right back at full mast. He could practically come just looking at her. But the situation hadn’t changed. “Baby, you have to be sore.”

  “Oh, I am so sore. I think we should wait a little while before Mr. Happy plays with my girl again. But maybe I could help you get cleaned up.” She winked as she disappeared.

  Fuck. There was no way he would refuse that invitation. Even if all that happened was she ran her hands all over him and got him so hot he couldn’t stand it, it would be worth it because this was intimacy. Waking up next to her, spending the day with her, showering with her. This was what he wanted. This was what had been missing from his life.

  He got in the state-of-the-art shower with its nine showerheads. He pressed a button and released the citrus steam.

  “I love that smell. It makes me think of mornings.” She reached out for him, her hands covering his chest, slowly moving across his muscles. She hadn’t been allowed to explore the night before. He and Logan had taken charge. They had pleasured her, but there was something about the curious way she ran her hands over his pecs and down to his abs that made him think they had missed something. The water beat against his back, heat stinging against his skin, loosening him up. “I want you to teach me. You know, what you promised to teach me last night.”

  His eyes nearly crossed at the thought. “I promised to teach you how to suck my cock last night, Georgia.”

  She flushed, pink creeping across her face. Her blonde hair darkened as it got wet, and it reached almost down to her waist. “Yeah. That.”

  Inner Dom was flaring back to life. He wanted more from her than that. He wasn’t teaching her how to suck any cock. He was teaching her to suck his, and that was different. If he had his way, she would be sucking his cock for the rest of their lives. “Ask me.”


  “Unless you’re not interested in the lifestyle, Georgia. I rather thought you were from your reading material. If you’re interested in submission, then we should start now. This is sex, and I’m in charge of sex when Logan isn’t around. I top you, baby, and I want you to ask me for permission to suck my cock.”

  Her lips turned down. “You didn’t ask for permission to…do all that stuff to me.”

  “No. I didn’t ask for permission to eat your pussy because your pussy belongs to me and I’m in charge of this part of our lives. I want you to think about the last six months. Who was in charge of where we ate lunch and what the chef made for dinner? Who was in charge of my calendar and forced me to take weekends off and then basically planned out those weekends for me?”

  A mischievous light came into her eyes. “All right. I can play by those rules. Seth, would you please teach me how to suck your cock?”

  Pure pleasure flooded his system, hotter than the water. “Yes, I will do that, baby. On your knees.”

  He held her hand, helping her down.

  She looked right at his cock. She stared for a while and then her eyes came up. “Is it weird if I say I think you’re beautiful?”

  He put a hand on her head. He loved her like this, when everything was stripped away. When all the makeup was gone and she couldn’t hide behind those clothes she wore, that was when she was at her most beautiful. “I’m deeply grateful, baby. And I think you’re the most gorgeous woman I’ve ever laid eyes on. Kiss me.”

  She didn’t pretend to misunderstand. She simply leaned forward and pressed her lips against his aching cock. Sweet little brushes of her mouth that covered his flesh. She kissed the head of his cock and moved along his stalk all the way to the base.

  “Kiss my balls, too.” He tried to keep his voice at that deep command Logan seemed to find during sex. It must have been part of his training because Seth was a little worried he sounded like a kid whose voice was changing.

  Georgia did as he asked, dropping lower to kiss his balls. They tightened at the touch of her lips.

  “Lick them, Georgia.” He’d never done this with a lover, never really taken charge because he hadn’t necessarily cared before. He’d pleasured lovers, asking them what they needed and taking his cues from their bodies, but this was different. He was training Georgia on how to please him. Because she was his. She wouldn’t move on to the next lover.

  All fucking his.

  He put a hand on her wet hair. “Come on, baby. I want you to suck me. Suck the head of my cock, and then I’m going to work my way into your mouth. You can take me. We’ll wo
rk at it, but you’ll be able to suck every inch down.”

  Georgia sucked his cockhead inside, her tongue whirling around it, tracing the ridges and lines and smoothing over the V on the underside of his cock. He felt a pulse of pre-cum leak from his cockhead, and she just sucked that up, too. She pulled back a little, lapping at his slit as though trying to draw out another bead of salty liquid.

  “Fuck, Georgia. How can you say you’re not good at this?”

  “Because I never really tried before. I want to be good now. I want to be the best you’ve ever had. I can be a good student, Seth. I just have to care about the subject. I care about Cock Sucking 101.” She wrapped her palm around his cock. “Well, I guess I really care about pleasing my instructor, but it’s all the same. I want to ace this particular exam.”

  Oh, she was going to be so damn much fun to play with. Boss and secretary. Teacher and student. If Logan would just play along, they could get a damn fine game of dominant cops and cute robber going. “I think you’re going to be fine, Georgia. Just keep doing what you’re doing. Suck me. Hard. I want to fuck your mouth.”

  She leaned forward and started to eat up his cock. He couldn’t help but stare down, watching as his dick disappeared behind those sultry lips. Something eased inside him, and he realized that he’d been worried she wouldn’t want him the way she did Logan. The sparks just flew off those two, but he had a different relationship with her. Not lesser, just different but still important. Logan had claimed that he couldn’t be friends with Georgia, but Seth was. He’d laid all that groundwork, found a happy companionship with her. The fact that she sucked his cock like no one had before was a plus, but not the center of their relationship. He wanted to hold her hand and see the world with her. He wanted to have children with her one day—way in the future. Because he wanted this time with her.