Page 4 of Tales Of Grimea

Tales Of Grimea glossary:

  Although to the citizens of Grimea and its four continents, many of these local terms may be entirely sensible, they are certainly localized. Modes of travel have not advanced in the realm, and magical means are often only available to those of medium means. For those unaware of terms in other lands, as well as hypothetical readers from another realm, Indellekt’s Greenstar library has compiled to following list of terms and their meanings, adding it post scriptum to the tome:

  Belg: A trap like insect. It sits still on the ground, opening mouth wide to bite. Its hard brown body protects it from impact.

  Baku: The southwestern continent.

  Colna: The river’s old man. This mythological being is not exactly worshipped as a diety normally is, but he is still highly revered in Baku.

  Dodomeki: A creature native to the wilds of Sehkai. It resembles a globe of eyes sporting four arm like limbs. It is said, strangely, that a Dodomeki’s most dangerous aspect is its breath.

  El: A diety worshipped mostly in Lor and Ramlah.

  Ghata: A wide, triangular region of wasteland in the continent of Veld. Its harsh climate encompasses Lor and its surrounding area, stopping just shy of the desert proper to the east, Indellekt to the south, and Regalia to the north. Many researchers find the Ghata and the desert’s existence itself to be a marvel in an otherwise lush continent.

  Gost: A large but particularly dim creature, native to Veld.

  Ghouti: The central and western region of Baku. Tundra and savannahs cover the rich earth.

  Gasby: A humanoid beast with long whip like arms.

  Indellekt: The Republic of magic situated in Veld’s south east. A relatively new country, its success is marked both by its citizen’s loyalty and their devotion to knowledge. Many consider it at the forefront of progress, and the Greenstar library repeats that message with tempered pride.

  Jerr: The Northeastern continent, mountainous and isolated. It is connected to Sehkai by a series of islands, making seafare possible but difficult due to the island’s attitudes to strangers.

  Kama: a small square hat. Popular in Lor.

  Kerdama: A scented seed. Often used as seasoning in Veld.

  Keigo: A type of tree in Baku. Its sap is considered useful for adhesive purposes.

  Lor: A City in the wastes of Ghata. It lies in between desert. The city thrives due to a unique culture and its central spot between Indellekt and Regalia.

  Merla: A diety worshipped in Veld. The white goddess’ religion has fallen out of favor as people shifted towards the Nine.

  Muahugh’a: An ancient tree, native to Jerr. The tree’s dropping fruit is deadly, but there are not many of them left in existance.

  Minotaur: A larger than life bull with a furious disposition and sharp horns.

  Post Adventus: After arrival. The current universal form of time telling. It began with the resurgence of the sentient magical races from their hidden corners after eons of retreating from the primitive humans.

  Post Kerallus: Veld’s standard calendar, named after king Kerallus the just.

  Ramlah: A desert on the eastern outskirts of Lor. It stretches far but runs straight and thin, and its shifting sands are often considered too dangerous to traverse unless with a local guide.

  Regalia: High Kingdom in V’s north. Her history is ancient, and she boasts a booming economy. Her fishing villages are not used as ports, for the seas beyond, like many others, teem with sea monsters and Mist.

  Selkworm: a small, white worm with blue eyes and a mild temprament. It grows to be hand sized, with small to moderate magic powers.

  Starbeetle: A luminous insect. They live extraordinarily short lives, but also multiply unnaturally by simply dividing.

  Scegel: A large, ferocious, flightless bird. They are also called steel kickers, and are native to Ghata. Tamed Scegels are a valuable commodity as a mode of transport.

  Surudoi: A small, thorny animal in Sehkai. Its childlike features make it a favorite pet amongst the insensible.

  Sehkai: The southeastern continent. It is connected to the southwestern continent of Baku by a long bridge like part of land. Yotaku rules most of the area. There exists no other large country in the region, but it is dotted by numerous smaller tribes and settlements, each furiously protective of what little culture and history it retains.

  Seri: A traditional tight fitting tunic in Ghouti, revealing the back for all to see.

  The Mist: a shroud covering most of Grimea’s oceans. Sea travel is impossible through it, and as such restricts marine travel to specific routes. In particular, it allows only intercontinental travel between Veld and Baku.

  Themra: An oasis in Lor. Its water is said to be naturally sweet and boast healing properties.

  The Nine: Nine dieties popular in Veld, but mostly in Regalia. They are Sol (Sky), Hyd (Luck), Serip (Knowledge), Til (Nature), Daken (Death), Fep (Society), Luh (Love), Merat (Magic) and Torin (Might).

  Tennyo: These flying creatures have the likeness of a fair maiden. As such, they are harmless to humans, since they consider them kin. Despite this, they are not human and are not sentient. One must only see their vicious feeding habits to confirm this.

  Tesmy: A bat like creature wielding mild fire magic.

  Veld: A continent. Contains the mighty nations of Regalia and Indellekt.

  Worg: Cousin of the dire Wolf, It purposely finds venomous prey and delights in coating its claws with their blood. Strange, then, that the large beasts find humans savory.

  Yella: A particularly strange scorpion in Ghata. Its stinger contains no venom, but gathers impurities from surrounding filth. The scorpion stings in the filth and then infects victims with a slow fever.

  Yal: A particularly unsavory beast of burden. This is due to its stench, although the animal with its golden fur is pleasing to the eye.

  Nobusame: A flying rodent like creature. The fur upon its back has the likeness of a face upon it, and the creature often hypnotizes victims before leading them away for murder.

  Yotaku: Both an empire in Sehkai and its capital. It is strange to name a city and country with the same name, but the name has historical significance. The empire has ceased efforts to expand and focuses on unifying conquered land.

  Thornwash: A herb with a slightly sour taste.

  Heldibliss: A herb with a slightly soothing effect.

  Yesgor: The bridge of land between Baku and Sehkai. These are the two only connected continents in Grimea. The Yegor is in a near perpetual state of stormy weather, and is buffeted by high waves. Still, with its lining of shops, inns and red lamps as well as exquisite building designs, it is said to be a sight to behold.