Page 1 of Fidelity


  Book 5 of the INFIDELITY series

  Copyright © 2017 Romig Works, LLC

  Published by Romig Works, LLC

  2017 Edition

  ISBN e-book: 978-0-9968394-4-0

  Cover art: Kellie Dennis at Book Cover by Design (

  Editing: Lisa Aurello

  Formatting: Angela McLaurin at Fictional Formats

  All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any informational storage and retrieval system, without the written permission from the copyright owner.

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to any actual persons, living or dead, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.

  This book is available in print from most online retailers

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  The Infidelity series contains adult content and is intended for mature audiences. While the use of overly descriptive language is infrequent, the subject matter is targeted at readers over the age of eighteen.

  Infidelity is a five-book romantic suspense series. Each individual book will end in a way that will hopefully make you want more until we reach the end of the epic journey.

  The Infidelity series does not advocate or glorify cheating. This series is about the inner struggle of compromising your beliefs for your heart. It is about cheating on yourself, not someone else.

  I hope you enjoy the epic tale of INFIDELITY!

  The Infidelity series is dedicated to my readers, to everyone who had faith in me, who believed that after the amazing ride that was Consequences, another group of characters could come to life within the pages of an Aleatha book. Thank you for reading this five-book series and taking a chance on Charli with an i and Lennox “Nox” Demetri. Thank you for your support and anticipation as their story grew and the saga continued. Thank you for having confidence in another twisted, layered story that was not simply boy meets girl, but an epic tale of love, struggle, and survival through the generations.

  I couldn’t have brought the Montagues, Demetris, Spencers, and Fitzgeralds to life without you.

  To my betas: Kirsten, Sherry, Val, Angie, Melissa, and Kelli, my editor, Lisa Aurello, my cover artist, Kellie Dennis, my formatter, Angela McLaurin, my amazing PR support at Inkslinger with Danielle Sanchez, and my proofreader as well as fantastic cheerleader, Ilona Townsel, this series has been a group effort. Thank you!

  To my fellow authors who have held my hand and continually offered me and my crazy ideas overwhelming support, I thank you! Despite what the world sometimes sees, this is a fantastic community. I’m honored to be a part of it.

  A special thank you to Mr. Jeff and our family. Your devotion, sacrifice, and patience allowed me the time to create. I love you more every day!

  She thought she could save those she loved.

  He thought he could save her.

  They’ll both learn the truth.

  FIDELITY, the dramatic conclusion to the epic five-novel series INFIDELITY, following Lennox “Nox” Demetri, Alexandria “Charli” Collins, the Montagues, Demetris, Fitzgeralds, and Spencers is finally here.

  When the vows are complete and the dust settles, who will be left standing?

  No one is safe, and no alliance is above suspicion in the much-anticipated finale to this hot romantic-suspense saga. Our heroine has survived betrayal, cunning, deception, and entrapment… what will happen when she’s faced with fidelity?

  Infidelity, it isn’t what you think.

  From New York Times and USA Today bestselling author Aleatha Romig comes a sexy new dominant hero who knows what he wants and a strong-willed heroine who has plans of her own. With classic twists, turns, deceptions, and devotions, this new epic romantic suspense will have readers swooning one minute and screaming the next.

  Have you been Aleatha’d?

  FIDELITY is the fifth and FINAL book of five full-length novels in the INFIDELITY series.

  *This series does not advocate nor does it condone cheating.

  THIS WAS IT. Alton and Bryce were busy. It was my chance to escape. The seed of hope I’d refused to water sprung to life, its shell bursting open with anticipation, maybe even expectation. Soon, none of this pretense would matter.

  Returning Pat’s small nod and with a hopeful grin, I turned toward the limestone steps. A thick layer of fog had settled near the fields, even obstructing the lake. Anything beyond the immediate lawn was masked in a cloud. No one would notice if I disappeared, at least not at first. This was the invisibility cloak I’d hoped for as a child. All I needed to do was make it to the fog. As I handed Pat my champagne flute, his eyes opened wide.

  “Uncle Alt—”

  A heavy hand landed upon my shoulder. “Where do you think you’re going?”

  I turned, perspiration dotting my skin as my shoulder shuddered with Alton’s touch. Fighting the urge to flinch away, I nodded toward the lawn at the few people standing below and answered, “To talk to the guests out there.”

  “No, Alexandria. When I summoned Bryce, I meant you also. You’re half of a whole now. Get used to it. Your presence is needed in the office too.”

  I wanted to scream for help. I wanted to hold on to Pat.

  I couldn’t.

  Alton’s stare took away my protest. Instead, I solemnly nodded to Pat and obediently turned toward Alton’s office.

  Everything was again happening in slow motion as my mind tried to make sense of the changing paradigm. The terrace outside and rooms inside hadn’t changed. The voices of the guests combined with rings of laughter created the same low murmur. But now their song was a mysterious melody seemingly written to keep time with the rhythm of my frantic heartbeat.

As we made our way through the crowd, I reached for my necklace—my connection. Instead of the platinum-dusted cage, my fingertips met the diamond choker.

  Oh, Nox. I’m coming, just a few more minutes. I took a deep breath. Please let Chelsea be with you.

  It was my silent plea as I smiled politely toward the people we passed. Each one smiled and nodded. Was I paranoid? Had their expressions changed? Were they now somehow different, filled with anticipation, as if they knew the fate awaiting me?

  “What’s happening?” I whispered to Alton. “Is there something wrong?”

  His hand, no longer on my shoulder, grasped my upper arm. As he hastened our progress, he leaned close, his stained teeth and thin lips set in a fake yet sneering smile. It wasn’t aimed at me, but at the people we passed. “Keep walking.”

  With each word a gust of warm, sickeningly sweet, whiskey-ladened breath assaulted my senses, skirting over my cheek, and making my stomach churn. “Don’t do anything stupid.” His grip tightened as he spoke cordially to the people we passed. Once we were away from the crowd, he went on, “Nothing is wrong, daughter. Our schedule has just changed.”

  My mind was a whirlwind with possibilities.

  What had happened? Had he learned our plans?

  Was my mother free? Did Alton know? Or was the attempt thwarted?

  Did Chelsea make it to Nox? Or was it a trap? Did Alton’s men follow her? Had they done something to Nox?

  My lungs forgot to inhale as I fought the bubbling panic. Who would I find in Alton’s office? What had happened? I had visions of a bound Chelsea, maybe even Nox… my mother… dead…

  It was no longer my conscious effort that made my feet continue to step. The cause was either continual motion or the forward momentum in Alton’s grip. With each foot forward, my body and mind disconnected. Terror and dread fermented into a bubbling witch’s brew. The poisonous concoction filled my bloodstream until oxygen no longer flowed. There was no water near. The lake was hundreds of yards away veiled in fog, and yet I was drowning from within.

  All at once the chaotic din of guests faded. Nothingness rang like the fading clanks of a church bell as we crossed the threshold into Alton’s office. Bryce had assumed the lead, the drum major to our parade, reaching our destination first. Alton and I were the middle with Suzanna following closely behind. To everyone we’d passed, we were the perfect family unit.

  Smoke and mirrors.

  I scanned the empty room. There was no one there. No bound Chelsea. No Nox or my mother. The unfulfillment of my fears filled my lungs, giving me the illusion of strength.

  “What schedule change?” I asked, pulling my arm free. “What are you talking about?”

  Alton’s hand moved as his gray eyes blazed. At the same moment, Bryce stepped forward, reaching for my hand and hurling me behind him. I wobbled on my thin heels, balancing on the balls of my feet as I found myself pressed against Bryce’s back, his body suddenly my shield protecting me from Alton’s intended slap.

  “Stop,” Bryce proclaimed. His speech no longer slurred. “We have guests. Alexandria’s question has merit. Why don’t you inform us of what you want and I’ll give you my decision?”

  “Your decision?” Alton asked incredulously. “You’ll give me your decision? Isn’t that special? This isn’t about your decisions. I built this…” He gestured about. “…all of this.

  “Your decisions have gotten us to where we are today, where we are at this very moment. If you were anyone else…”

  His volume grew and spittle rained with each phrase he spat.

  “As it is, I’m not allowing you to make any more decisions.” Crimson moved upward, filling his saggy neck like a cloth-absorbing dye and creeping onward toward his cheeks and ears.

  “Alton, calm down. Bryce didn’t mean…” Though Suzanna’s words faded into the background, her tone seemed to placate his sudden rage.

  Had the world lost its tilt or was it suddenly in a tailspin?

  I couldn’t decide as the scene in which I was captive lost touch with reality.

  Even from behind Bryce, I could see the growing glow of his neck, now also red.

  The monster I’d created with my talk of his impending power was facing the monster I’d always known. Somehow I was a part of this. It was my life, yet the power was shifting—an alternate universe, one where Bryce and Suzanna were no longer my tormentors but my saviors.

  I peered around Bryce’s shoulder.

  Without another word, Alton pulled out his phone and typed a text message. Once he was done, he lifted his beady eyes and smiled.

  I shifted my feet, more uncomfortable with his faux happiness than I’d been with his anger. I was accustomed to his wrath. Bryce gripped my hand tighter. Alton’s new demeanor sent a chill through the air that even he could sense.

  “Did something happen?” I asked from behind Bryce.

  “Something is about to happen,” Alton replied.

  We all turned to the knock on the door.

  “Suzy, get the door and then secure it.”

  Secure it?

  “We don’t want to be interrupted,” Alton added.

  Without hesitation she obeyed, opening the door and quickly shutting it. I recognized the gentleman entering as one of the guests. I’d briefly spoken to him and his wife. There were so many people… I couldn’t remember his name. That was all right; Alton was again introducing us as he handed the man a paper.

  “Thank you for your service, Keith. Bryce and Alexandria, you know Judge Townsend?”

  “This is a bit unusual,” the judge said, “but I believe we can make it work.” He turned toward Bryce and me. “Your guests will be ecstatic.”

  I looked up at Bryce. Was there comfort in the fact that we shared the same expression of confusion?

  “Alexandria and Bryce,” Alton announced, “Judge Townsend is here to marry you. Now.”

  “N-now?” My knees gave way as my stomach fell to my feet. Yet I didn’t fall. My new savior was once again omnipresent. Bryce’s arm caught me and pulled me upright again.

  My vision filled with the man I was about to marry: his gray eyes, blond hair, and ruddy cheeks. This wasn’t right. This wasn’t what I wanted. I’d had a plan. My finish line was almost in sight.

  “No!” I shrieked. “My momma.” I turned to Alton. “You said my mother could be here. You promised.”

  “I’m afraid that’s no longer possible.”

  What the hell does that mean?

  Alton turned to Judge Townsend. “Keith, we need to expedite this process. You can predate the license?”

  “B-but the wedding?” Suzanna protested, once again coming to my rescue. “This is just the legal part… right? We can still have the ceremony?”

  Alton stopped Suzanna’s objections with merely a look, one I’d seen many times.

  He motioned for the judge to continue as the noise level from the guests increased. Their low din had grown to a rumbling roar.

  What is happening?

  “Keith?” Alton urged.

  “Er, yes.” He looked from me to Bryce. “Today we gather to celebrate—”

  “No,” Alton interrupted, his neck tensing. “Get to the legal part.”

  Judge Townsend nodded and looked down at the paper in his hand. “Okay, well, Edward Bryce Carmichael Spencer, do you take Alexandria Charles Montague Collins to be your lawfully wedded wife?”

  Bryce’s support of my waist increased, pulling me closer against his side. “Yes, I do.”

  My sinking heart seized as the doorknob to the office rattled.

  “It’s locked,” Alton said as if to reassure us. “I told you we wouldn’t be disturbed. Keep going.”

  Rapid-fire knocks came pounding on the wood. The banging grew louder.

  “Keep going!” Alton screamed.

  Voices called from beyond the door. “Mr. Fitzgerald! Mr. Spencer!”

  Alton reached for Judge Townsend’s arm. “Keith, do this now if you ever want to see
that bench again.”

  Judge Townsend’s eyes widened as he turned back to us.

  “Alexandria Charles Montague Collins, do you take…”

  For everyone who stopped believing in fairy tales.

  THE LARGE WOODEN doors rattled upon their hinges as rapid-fire knocking pounded the door, growing louder and louder with each passing second. Alton’s and Bryce’s names were called repeatedly from the other side, each time with more urgency. Some of the voices sounded familiar while others did not. The pleas blended into a chant as pounding kept a strange yet frantic rhythm.

  “Keep going!” Alton screamed.

  The voices from the other side were unrelenting in their urgency. “Mr. Fitzgerald! Mr. Spencer!”

  Alton reached for Judge Townsend’s arm. “Keith, I meant what I said about seeing that bench.”

  Judge Townsend’s eyes widened as he turned back to us.

  “Alexandria Charles Montague Collins, do you take Edward Bryce Carmichael Spencer to be your lawfully wedded husband?”

  It was increasingly difficult to focus on his question or this farce of a wedding as we all turned toward the growing roar.

  I took a deep breath, contemplating my next move. Was Chelsea safe? Had Nox’s men succeeded in freeing my momma? Was that the reason for this new rush?

  “Why?” I directed my question to my stepfather. “Why can’t my mother be here? You promised.”

  “Dear, she’ll be at the ceremony.”

  As if she weren’t present, but simply an ostentatious ornament decorating Alton’s office, no one acknowledged Suzanna’s response. She didn’t hold any more answers than anyone else in that room. No one did, except Alton.

  In response, his gray eyes glared my direction. There were volumes of retorts on the tip of his tongue. They hung in the air, just out of reach. Silently, I stared back, clenching my jaw and reading his demeanor. The anger was customary, but the anxiety was not. Somehow, something was awry. Bryce and I may have been dressed for a wedding, but that hadn’t been the plan a few hours ago as Suzanna went on and on about the arrangements.