Adrian flashed to his home deep below the Mexican mountains where he lived in luxury and housed his sex slaves and army of Beasts. Rage burned inside him, rage directed at Vars. He was beneath no one, beneath nothing.

  He snapped his fingers and a brunette beauty appeared. The sheer pink gown she wore showed the bright red of her puckered nipples. She was bound to him by the marks on her shoulder, her soul stuck between dimensions, allowing him to control her every need. He kissed her, savoring the sweetness of her taste, sex an outlet for the thunder raging inside. But one human would not sate this rage. He snapped his fingers and another slave appeared—this one blond, voluptuous, full breasted. She wore the same pink gown. Pink was a favorite of Adrian’s. It made him think of the innocence he’d stolen from them. He tasted the second female’s lips, his cock throbbing with need. Then he waved his hand and flashed them into the king-sized bed behind him, discarding their gowns with his magic.

  He had a business matter to attend to before he could devour his prey. With another wave of his hand three Beasts appeared in their demon forms, half their faces distorted, their yellowish red eyes alert with the call of their master.

  They were part of the Unit of his prior second-in-charge. U1, U2 and U3 were the only names they deserved—for now. “Each of you have the chance to earn the spot of my next Segundo. How you perform your next assignments will decide your futures. One of you will achieve greatness by my side. The other two—” Adrian paused for effect, an evil smile playing on his lips “—will be beheaded.”

  Fear crackled in the air at the words and Adrian drank it in, reveling in the power he had over the Beasts. Adrenaline and lust spiked within him, as he continued to speak. “U1 will ensure the Shadow Stones are recovered. Take a team and follow the human called Allen Walker. Kill any Knight or human who dares to interfere.” He flashed U1 out of the room.

  Adrian focused on U2. “You have a special assignment. You will kill the human called Sarah Meyers. I’ve come to understand she is the mate of your former brother. You are not to kill him. I want him on our special-forces team.” Adrian could feel U2’s edginess, his desire to see his brother dead. “Destroying her will ensure he crosses over to the dark side. Have your way with the woman, torture her, torture him for all I care. I really don’t care. Just make sure she’s dead and he watches her die. I want her blood spilled by the next dawn.” He touched U2’s chest, heat flaming from his palm to the Beast’s skin, painfully reminding him who had control. “Fail me and die.” He didn’t give U2 time to respond, flashing the Beast from the room.

  One final Beast remained, U3. “You will handpick the Beasts that are the strongest. Use them to defeat the Knights who gather in Nowhere, Texas.” The final Beast was flashed from the room, and Adrian thought of Vars. “I will destroy the demon prince myself and enjoy doing so.”

  Now that he had his Beasts after blood, he turned back to the naked beauties in his bed, ready to explore the pleasures they represented. Ready to sate at least one of the desires burning within him. Satisfied to know his other needs would soon be fulfilled, as well.

  Chapter 12

  With Rock at her heels, Marisol walked toward the door of the exam room where Cathy and Edward were resting. He was scared to death to leave her alone, afraid the Beasts would attack. The young Knight acted like her keeper, as if she couldn’t simply shimmer out of the room and away from danger. Secretly, she loved his protectiveness, just as she knew she loved him. But it was forbidden that she ever act on those feelings. Her love for Rock worked against her duty, her vows as a healer. She was not of this world, she simply served it.

  She turned to him, silently telling him she needed privacy to talk with Cathy. He stepped to the side of the entrance. “I’ll be right here if you need me.”

  Her heart clenched with his words and she resisted the urge to reach out and touch him. “Thank you,” she said, softly, not daring to look into his eyes for fear he would see how much his concern touched her.

  She stepped around Rock and opened the door, pausing as she took in the sight before her. The man she assumed to be Edward was strapped to a table and sedated, yet still he tossed about, driven by the demon possessing him.

  Beside the table, sleeping in a chair, was the woman called Cathy. Poor thing was exhausted and Marisol could feel her turbulent emotions. Cathy didn’t know help had arrived, didn’t even know Marisol had healed the sheriff who was now talking with Jag and Rinehart.

  Marisol walked toward Cathy, surprised at the charge of energy that flowed from the female. She was gifted with magic beyond what she practiced, born into powers she had yet to realize. Jag would find this interesting. For he had learned what Marisol’s centuries in another realm had taught her well—nothing happened without a reason. Cathy had been delivered to them to play a role in this battle against evil, a battle that would most likely transcend the one fought in this town.

  Kneeling in front of Cathy, Marisol touched her leg. “Cathy,” she whispered.

  The woman blinked and lifted her head, staring at Marisol. “My God, you have beautiful green eyes.”

  Marisol smiled at the compliment, which wasn’t uncommon. “Green is the color of healing,” Cathy said. “You’re the healer Max spoke of,” Cathy said, her hands going to the sides of the chair. “The sheriff—”

  “Is as good as new,” Marisol said. “He’s chatting with the others in my group.”

  Cathy went a little pale. “That’s impossible.”

  “You’re welcome to go see for yourself,” Marisol offered, pushing to her feet. She spotted a mirror on the wall and inclined her head. “Or you can stand in front of that mirror while I heal that cut on your face.”

  A moment passed as Cathy cocked her head to the side and studied Marisol. “All right.” She stood and walked to the mirror. “Let’s see what you’ve got.”

  Marisol smiled and approached the other woman, touching her face. The wound was small, and took little effort to wipe away. A second later, she pulled her hand from Cathy’s face and smiled. “Good as new.”

  Cathy stared in the mirror and moved closer to the surface, inspecting her face. She whirled and faced Marisol. “You know what’s the most amazing part of this?” She didn’t give Marisol time to answer. “It’s not what you did but what I felt when you did it.” She touched her chest. “I felt warm and…touched by, well, something special.”

  “You know what’s the most amazing thing to me?” Marisol asked.

  “What?” Cathy asked, her eyes wide with interest.

  “That you know what you felt was special. That you are close enough to the source of my power to feel it. That makes you special, Cathy.”

  She snorted at that. “I’m not special.” Edward made a low growling noise and her expression turned serious. “Can you help him? I’ve tried everything I know to do.”

  Marisol walked over to Edward and touched his hand. Evil rocketed through her body, and she gasped, stepping back and breaking contact.

  “That didn’t look good,” Jag said, leaning on the doorjamb.

  “It wasn’t,” Marisol said. “Whatever is inside him is far more evil than a Beast. I need to consult my Book of Knowledge.”

  “Book of Knowledge?” Cathy asked.

  Marisol eyed Cathy. “It’s my reference…it’s special. It may hold the answer to saving Edward.” She looked toward the doorway. “This is Jag, the leader of The Knights of White.”

  Cathy did what all women do in Jag’s rather intimidating masculine presence. She stared. Besides being gorgeous, with shoulder-length black hair and a body that would set any woman on fire, Jag carried an air of power and sexuality. He also adored the mate who waited for him at home more than life itself.

  “You’re Max’s boss then?” Cathy asked. “He called you here to help?”

  “We are here to help, and yes, Max called us.” Jag’s lips twisted in a hint of a smile. “As for being his boss, I don’t know that anyone can claim to being Max
’s boss. I am, however, honored to have him on our team.”

  “Glad to meet you,” Cathy said. “I have a feeling I owe Max an apology for doubting him.” She frowned. “Or two or three.” She glanced between Jag and Marisol. “Did Sarah talk to my people? Are they coming here, too?”

  “It’s too dangerous for your people to come here, Cathy,” Jag said. “We can go to them.”

  “They won’t talk to you,” she insisted. “I wasn’t completely sure they’d talk to Sarah but at least my mother has met her and liked her. The world of magic is a private one. There are secrets that simply aren’t shared—not without consequences from those in the circle.”

  Jag considered her words. “We can take you to your people.”

  “I can’t leave Edward,” Cathy said, her arms crossing in front of her body. She shook her head. “That’s simply not an option.”

  “Cathy has some gifts I can harness to heal Edward,” Marisol said, “and perhaps others who might be afflicted as he is. Perhaps her gifts may even help us fight some of the evil we are faced with. I really need her to stay, so we can figure out what we are capable of together.”

  “What are her abilities?” Jag asked.

  “I know a little magic,” Cathy answered, casting Marisol a curious gaze.

  Marisol, in turn, gave Jag a look that was meant to tell him she had more to say on the subject later—when they were alone. His eyes narrowed and then he gave her a barely discernible nod. “Where does that leave us then?” he asked. “My men are researching, but so far we have nothing on these Shadow Masters.”

  “And my guess is you won’t find anything,” Cathy inserted with confidence. “We are talking about the blackest of magic here. No one talks about this kind of evil openly for fear they will be punished by those using it. They certainly don’t write it down nor do they discuss it over the phone. Nor do they talk to strangers. My family knows the magical world. They have connections. That’s why we need to get them involved. But you can’t do that without me.”

  Marisol gave Jag a pointed look. “Can I talk with you?” He inclined his head and Marisol glanced at Cathy. “Give us one minute.”

  Jag and Marisol stepped into the hall to join Rock. “Let’s go outside so we can speak freely,” Jag said.

  A few seconds later they stepped onto the porch, the sky black despite the fact that the dawn hour had come and gone. Rock and Jag framed Marisol, their big bodies almost like a shield to the outer world.

  The two men turned to her, Jag speaking first. “What’s Cathy’s story?”

  “She’s unique, gifted with inbred magic she doesn’t even know she has. I really think we have a better chance at saving Edward together than if I go it alone. I can use her magical energy to strengthen mine. And if we can figure out how, maybe we can turn that combined energy on Vars in some way.”

  Jag ran his fingers over his goatee. “Well, then,” he said. “That’s an interesting twist of events. Any idea what the source of her power is?”

  “I’m seeing a familiar pattern to the women who enter our world,” Marisol said. “I’m guessing a little research will find her tied to that list of angelic bloodlines we recently discovered. In other words, I think she is part of our world and someone’s future mate.”

  Jag’s eyes lit with that explanation. “A Knight’s salvation.”

  “Or perhaps a future Knight,” Marisol suggested.

  Jag took a sudden step forward, his eyes traveling the horizon. “Beasts,” he murmured. “Do you feel them, Rock?”

  Rock stepped to his side. “I do,” he said quietly. “Our men should arrive soon.”

  “Not soon enough, I fear,” Jag said, turning back to them. “There is a distinct flavor of power in the air. Adrian, I think.”

  “Adrian?” Rock said. “As in, the leader of the Darklands? I didn’t think he came into the trenches.”

  “He doesn’t,” Jag said. “Which is exactly why I’m worried. Both of you be on guard and warn the others to do the same.” He looked at Marisol. “Perhaps Cathy came to us for a reason. Her powers may be needed. Do what you can to help her awaken them.” He didn’t wait for a reply. “I need to speak with Salvador and then I’ll take Sarah to meet with Cathy’s mother. I’ll update you soon.” He inclined his head and vanished without another word.

  Marisol drew in a breath and focused on Rock. “I need to get my Book of Knowledge,” Marisol said, eyeing Rock. “Can you stay with Cathy while I’m gone? I can’t shake the feeling she will be important in the future. I don’t want to risk someone else figuring that out and coming after her.”

  “I’ll protect her with my life,” Rock said, willing as always to meet Marisol’s needs.

  She rolled her eyes at his over-the-top gallant words. “You’re laying it on thick today, Rock.”

  He grinned. “Just making sure you know I’m here for you.”

  Her expression turned serious. “I know you are, Rock,” she said, and shimmered into air, disappearing before he could respond.

  Allen pulled up to the gate of the fancy Houston mansion and hit the buzzer, knowing he’d be expected. He checked the name on the marble plate beneath the buzzer and confirmed he had, indeed, found the one he sought—Caden Neil, a dark sorcerer who’d be bringing together the Shadow Masters in the Stone Ceremony.

  Vars had arranged his visit, though he didn’t know how and didn’t really care. The rich bastard who owned this place had apparently come by his money with help from the dark side. Figured. Allen used to wonder how some people had an overabundance of luck and money. Now he knew. They used magic. The Shadow Masters certainly had. But they’d also sold their souls for all they possessed. A bargain that would now destroy them. But that didn’t matter to Allen; his only concern was getting Kate back. These Shadow Masters were evil. In truth, he was doing the world a favor. He’d be ridding it of the black sorcerers, and bringing back into it a lovely, wonderful woman. A good woman.

  He touched the vial hanging from his neck, the one he’d created with the magic Vars had given him. A vial that would soon hold the souls of the Shadow Masters. And those souls would wield the power to free Vars. Allen simply needed this Caden to extract the souls from the stones. He wondered what Caden got in return for all of this, and how Caden had been connected to Vars. It was clear everything in this world operated on trade. Give me this and I give you that. Not that Allen cared. He just wanted this done.

  A camera swung around to fix on him, and he stared into it. Seconds passed and the big steel gate slid open. Allen smiled and put the truck into Drive. Soon the Shadow Masters would be no more—soon Kate would come home to him.

  Chapter 13

  Sarah tossed and turned in the bed, screaming out in her mind as the cold bitterness of the familiar nightmare claimed her. Once again locked inside those moments so many years before when someone close to her—someone she trusted like a brother—had pulled the trigger of a gun two times, two deadly bullets hitting their targets and stealing her parents’ lives.

  Sarah lived that moment again, collapsing over her parents’ bodies, touching them, searching for life that wasn’t there to be found. “No,” she whispered, shaking, her gaze lifting to the one who held the gun—to Kevin, a man who’d worked closely with her family for years. Had he always been this…this evil thing? Had she missed the signs? “Why?” she sobbed, her voice and hands shaking. “Why?”

  But what she saw when she looked at Kevin wasn’t Kevin at all. Red eyes, evil and full of malice, stared back at her. “Who are you?” she demanded, but she knew already. She knew this was the demon they’d been hunting, the one the police thought was a serial killer. How long had Kevin been controlled by that demon? How long?

  She let her lashes flutter, eyes shut. She would die next. But seconds passed and nothing happened. “Do it!” she screamed, wanting to die. She’d lost everything; she’d failed her family.

  When she fixed her gaze on Kevin, for a moment she saw the man she’d know
n—or she thought she did. She couldn’t be sure. And then, before she could stop it, before she even knew what was happening, the gun turned on Kevin.

  “No!” Sarah shrieked, pushing to her feet, not sure if Kevin was really Kevin anymore—if he could be saved—just that she had to try. But it was too late.

  The shot rang in the air, a loud thunder that made her jerk, and Kevin crumpled to the ground. Slowly, Sarah fell to her knees, tears pouring from her eyes. Why was she alive? Why? Would this demon come for her later? Was he taunting her? Why was she alive? She looked at her mother’s pale face, and rocked back and forth. Why couldn’t it be her and not her mother? Her gaze went to her father, and she screamed from the injustice of it all. Screamed until it hurt, until it felt as if her throat bled. Until everything went black.

  The nightmare shifted to a hospital room, the smell of medicine lacing her nostrils. She blinked awake and memories flooded her, the pain of loss filling her. God, how it hurt. She’d failed everyone she loved. She’d let the demon take them. Let the demon get inside their world and destroy it from the inside out. Why hadn’t she sensed it? Why? Had Kevin ever been their friend? Or had he always been possessed, a part of that demon? Tears spilled from her eyes, tears so full of self-hatred, they burned her cheeks. She wanted to destroy that demon one moment; the next, she wanted to die. She shivered, cold, alone, empty—so very empty.

  Abruptly the cold began to fade, shift, move. Warmth surrounded Sarah and she moved closer to it, needing it, desperate for it. A soft masculine voice slid into her mind, her name a baritone murmur. She blinked and her lashes lifted. Sarah was awake for real this time, outside her nightmare, and strong arms held her, absorbing the emptiness, making her feel whole again.