Page 11 of Stealing Coal

  He shook his head, keeping hold of her hands. “No.”

  “But didn’t any of those women ever try that to turn you on?”

  “It was never about my pleasure but theirs. They used pain to stimulate my body.”

  Jill jerked her hands out of his and he inwardly winced. He needed to stop informing her about what had, or in this case, hadn’t been done to him. She suddenly lunged at him. He tensed, stunned she’d attack him, but her arms slid around him instead, wrapping around his neck tightly in a hug. Her body pressed firmly against his chest. She turned her head until her lips brushed his throat.

  “I’m so damn sorry for what those bitches did to you, Coal. Any time you want me to do that to you again, just tell me.”

  A sense of happiness flooded him, nearly blinding him as his eyes watered and his arms wrapped around her to draw her up his body until he had her across his lap. He held her and she seemed willing to allow it when her arms continued to cling to him.

  “Thank you, Jill.”

  “How about if I send Arm after those women? He can kick some serious ass.”

  The unexpected laugh poured from his chest. “Arm?”

  She nodded against his throat. “Yeah. Can you imagine their faces when he came at them full speed to get some revenge for you? You should have seen your face when you first saw him. Someone should kick their sorry asses for what they did to you. I’d do it myself but I’m not really a fighter.” She paused. “I wouldn’t order him to kill them but I’d sure like to tell him to break some arms and legs.”

  Coal hated to do it but he released her enough to pull back to study her upturned face. “Don’t even joke about it. I never want my people to have a reason to see you as the enemy. There are far more of them than you’d suspect. I appreciate the sentiment though. They can no longer harm me. I’m free.”

  “It just makes me really mad.”

  “I understand. I would love five minutes in a room with your asshole.”

  The laugh she gave him astonished him, not sure what he’d said in such a serious moment that she’d found humorous. Perhaps the idea of him harming her ex-husband made her that joyously happy. He’d sincerely hunt that human down if it pleased Jill and removed some of the sadness caused to her.

  “I thought you said we weren’t going to have anal sex.” The teasing look glinting in her beautiful blue eyes demonstrated that she’d understood his context but had chosen to joke about it.

  He grinned. “Your sense of humor is growing on me.”

  “Good.” She winked. “I’m not having anal sex with you though.” Her grin faded. “You’re way too big.”

  He laughed. “I can easily accept that.”

  The chair suddenly made a crunching noise and Coal tensed as it collapsed under them. His hold on Jill shifted, protectively trying to shield her from harm with his arms when they hit the floor hard. She landed on top of him.

  Jill gaped at the broken pieces next to them.

  “Are you harmed?” His first concern was to make certain she hadn’t gotten hurt.

  She shook her head. “You?”

  He didn’t mention that a piece of metal dug uncomfortably against his bare ass cheek but he didn’t feel any pain, assessing that the skin hadn’t broken. The seat had remained under him for the most part while the legs and back of it had scattered in a debris pattern around them. “I’m fine.”

  Jill laughed. “I guess we were too heavy for it.”

  Coal looked toward the piece of the chair he’d snapped off earlier and tossed away. He didn’t want to admit he’d probably damaged it, made the seat unstable, in order to avoid digging his fingers into Jill’s lovely red hair when she’d wrapped her mouth around his cock.

  “That’s more than logical,” he said in a serious tone.

  Jill planted a quick kiss on his cheek and then wiggled on his lap. “We should find you some pants and clean up this mess.”

  He hated to let her go but he did, helping her rise to her feet. “Good plan.”

  What he really wanted though would be to sweep her into his arms, carry her to her quarters, and remove the rest of her clothing. He could happily spend days, weeks, even months pleasuring Jill.

  Chapter Eight

  Jill grinned, watching Coal toss the pieces of chair into the trash recycler while she put away the tools. The pants he’d changed into were too tight, revealing a nice ass when they stretched to the point of the seams possibly bursting, and made her wish they would, just to see him bare again. A warm sensation surged inside her chest so strongly it had her heart racing. Her happiness faded to be replaced quickly with sobering realization.

  “Oh hell.”

  Coal turned, his beautiful eyes meeting hers. “What is wrong?”

  A lump formed in her throat and she had to swallow it down. “Nothing.”

  A dark eyebrow lifted. “Jill?”

  “I just remembered I don’t have another mobile chair in here,” she lied. I’m falling in love with him. Deeply.

  “I’m sorry I’m not able to fix it.”

  “It’s fine.” She forced a smile. “No worries. I’ll pick up another one the next time I go to a dump planet. That’s where I got that one. I probably should have left it there considering it obviously wasn’t well made.”

  He gave her a sharp nod, turned away, and continued to clean up pieces. Jill spun to give him her back in case he glanced her way. She closed her eyes tightly and took a deep breath.

  Don’t do this, she ordered silently. He’s a person, he wants to go back to his cyborg people, and you can’t keep him the way you did the droids.

  “I believe that’s the last of it.”

  She opened her eyes and turned, forcing another smile. “Hungry? I am.”

  He nodded. “I could eat.”

  “Good. I have canned roast beef I’ve been saving for a special occasion. Have you ever had it? It’s not simulated meat. It’s the real stuff, straight from Earth.”

  “I haven’t, but I trust it will be delicious if it’s a special treat you have hoarded.”

  She laughed. “Hoarded?”

  “Saved?” He grinned. “Is that better?”

  “Yes. I also have some―”

  “Incoming traffic,” Fray announced over the speakers. “Two vessels.”

  Fear gripped Jill. Coal’s features tensed.

  “Follow me.”

  He spun quickly and strode toward the cargo hold doors. Jill remained still for a split second and then compelled her body into action, jogging after him. He kept a steady, fast pace and she had to upgrade to a run to keep up with him.

  “Move,” Coal demanded the second he entered the piloting station.

  Fray abandoned his seat quickly and moved to the wall to keep out of the way. Jill had to catch her breath as she hovered just inside the doorway, watching Coal sink into the pilot seat to stare at the readings.

  “It’s not the freighter we attacked,” he informed her. “They are coming into range from the direction we are traveling.” He paused. “Come here, Jill.”

  She pushed forward and came around the chair to his side. One glance at the screen showed her two blinking lights and as she watched, they moved closer to the Jenny, heading right for them.

  “Open communications and demand to know who they are and why they are approaching.” Coal turned his head to stare up at her. “Can I trust you not to send them a distress message that you need help?”

  It hurt that he still didn’t trust her but she pushed it back, her fear stronger than the pain in her chest. “I wouldn’t do that to you.”

  “Your system is so outdated I can’t get a lock on what classifications they are. I hope they aren’t Earth Government warships.”

  “Me too,” she muttered. “I’m probably wanted by them, remember?” She hesitated. “If they are and they decide to board us I want you to hide. There’s a false bottom under my bed where some illegal shit had once been stored. I found it by accident. They’ll
never find you unless they bring scanners aboard. This shuttle is too old for them to bother to confiscate and they will just arrest me, leaving the ship abandoned to float in space. That’s what they do when they arrest people. Once they take me away you fly out of here but wait until they are out of range before you start the engines. I’m sure they will leave the droids behind with you.” She paused. “All I ask of you is to please take care of them for me. I don’t want them ending up in a trash pile somewhere or aimlessly drifting in space aboard an abandoned ship.”

  His jaw clenched. “Hail them.”

  She nodded and reached over his arm to turn on the coms system then, before she spoke, she flipped another switch that made Coal frown. “This is the captain of the Jenny. I’m hailing the two inbound vessels approaching. Why are you tracking our ship?”

  Coal turned off the com. “What is that?” He pointed to the extra switch.

  “It’s a voice modifier. I took saved messages from my father to this ship that the computer had stored when he communicated to the old crew and it’s his voice that is being broadcast right now instead of mine. I use it to fool people I trade with to make them think he’s talking to me instead of one of my droids when they check in on me while I’m off the shuttle. I also use it when dealing with unknown ships. It would be stupid to let them hear a woman’s voice this far out. I may as well send out a signal telling them to attack me if I used my own voice.” She could see that he was uncertain. Jill reached out and squeezed his biceps, her fingers rubbing his hot skin. “Trust me.”

  Coal relaxed and flipped the com system back on. He gave her a grim nod.

  “I’m speaking to the two inbound ships. Identify and state why you are tracking my ship.”

  A crackle sounded from the speakers. “This is the commander of the Star. We’re searching for a life pod that accidently launched during a training exercise.” Silence ticked. “There is a reward if you’ve picked it up or seen it on your long-range radar.”

  Coal hunched forward. “Who is speaking?”

  Another hesitation. “My name is Flint. Have you seen the pod or know of its location?”

  Coal suddenly leaned back and a grin spread across his face. To Jill’s shock, he flicked off the voice modifier. He looked up at her and winked.

  “Not only have I seen it, Flint…” he chuckled, “it was a tight fit. I don’t recommend traveling in one.”

  Jill’s knees wanted to collapse under her when it dawned on what he’d said. He looked away from her as the other man responded.

  “Coal? Is that you?”

  “Who else? I turned off a voice modifier.”

  Flint laughed. “We’re increasing speed. Is Councilman Zorus well?”

  Coal’s smile faded. “We were separated and I’m alone.”

  “Damn. We’ll talk when we dock with you. I take it we have permission?”

  “Granted. I’ll slow to a stop when we meet up.”

  “Glad to hear your voice.”

  “Yours as well.” Coal turned off communications.

  Jill blinked back tears, not wanting Coal to see how upset it made her that he’d found his friends. She’d been sure they had more time together. She knew they had mere minutes left before the fast-approaching ships reached them. Her gaze shifted to find Coal silently watching her.

  “There’s no need for fear. You are safe and my people will not harm you. I am keeping my word to return the shuttle and droids back to your control.”

  She nodded, her throat too choked with emotion to dare speak for fear of revealing her feelings. It would be better if he assumed she worried about her fate.

  Coal rose to his feet, hovering over her, and then he pulled her into his arms. “It will be fine. Don’t worry.”

  The feel of his arms holding her, his wonderful masculine scent and hot skin pressed against her cheek would be sorely missed. She hugged him back, hoping she didn’t cling too tightly. She nodded rather than speak.

  His hands gently rubbed her lower back through her shirt. “They may seem frightening but know I’d never allow anyone to hurt you.”

  She nodded again.

  “Let me dock to them and then we’ll greet them in the cargo hold.”

  “Okay,” she said softly, making her arms release him although she regretted doing it. She stepped away to give him room to move.

  Coal dropped back into the pilot seat, his full focus on the controls. She took the time to compose her unstable emotions. She would drink some of the strong booze her father’s crew had kept aboard. She’d never touched it but after Coal left, she’d need it. Getting drunk would be the only thing that might keep her from attempting to follow him to whatever system he lived in just for a chance of a not-so-accidental meeting with him in the near future.

  “We’re slowing and turning for a soft dock,” he informed her minutes later.

  “Their ships must really move fast to reach us so quickly.” Lame response, she berated silently. But it beats me begging him to open fire on his friends, disabling their ships long enough for us to full burn so we can run away from them.

  The shuttle bumped into something softly, the deck of the floor vibrating slightly, and she knew they’d docked. Coal grinned when he shut down the engines. He stood and turned to address Fray.

  “Stand down and inform the other droids that guests are boarding. They pose no danger to anything on the shuttle. I want the three of you to shut down until I give further orders.”

  Fray nodded. “I will relay the order.” He claimed the pilot seat.

  Coal held out his hand to Jill. “Come with me. Until they realize you are a friend do not make any sudden movements. Just stay at my side.”

  “Okay.” She tried to push down the fear that had her heart racing slightly. Coal happened to be a sweetheart but what if the other cyborgs weren’t? That silent question left her definitely disturbed. She repeated it aloud.

  His squeezed her hand reassuringly. “I gave you my word to free you without harm and they will have to honor it.”

  That didn’t set her at ease by much but, despite her misgivings, she followed alongside him when he moved toward the door. Her dread rose with each step until she fought the urge to flee to her quarters to hide there until after Coal left. His firm hold on her hand kept her at his side though. He walked to exterior loading door and released the lock. The door slid open.

  Four tall cyborgs stood waiting on the other side in the docking sleeve attached to the Jenny. All of them wore tight, black leather uniforms that covered their bodies from their gray-colored throats to their kickass, military-style, matching black boots. The man in the lead had jet-black hair that fell to his wide, gigantic shoulders but his bright, piercing blue eyes captured Jill’s attention the most. His gaze pinned her where she stood.

  “This is Jill,” Coal’s voice deepened. “She rescued me. She’s our friend.”

  The big, scary cyborg shifted his intense gaze from hers to stare calmly at Coal. “She located and took the pod aboard?” He glanced around the cargo hold. “What happened to Councilman Zorus then?” He frowned at Coal after visually searching the area.

  “The life pod is on a damaged cargo freighter. The crew picked us up from space and separated him from me.” Anger tightened Coal’s voice. “The humans who found us weren’t friendly. Jill is a trader who came aboard their freighter where they held me captive and stole me away from them. When they came after us I made certain not to blow them up for fear Zorus remained onboard. I didn’t want to accidentally kill him along with the human crew. I have memorized the coordinates of their last location to give you to search their ship for him. I doubt they’ve traveled far, taking into consideration the damage I caused their engines.” He paused. “I wasn’t able to go after him myself. Jill’s ship is severely outdated, slow, and I needed more men for the odds of a successful rescue to be favorable.”

  “Um…” Jill whispered and she cleared her throat, trying to speak louder. Five pairs of cyborg
eyes turned on her. She looked up at Coal since he didn’t scare her. “That captain of the freighter mentioned another cyborg but I forgot about it until this moment. He said Earth Government sent a ship and they took him. The crew hid you to keep them from taking you as well. Your friend is probably either on his way to Earth or already there. I have no idea how long you were with them and the captain didn’t say how long ago it happened.”

  Coal winced, his thumb stroking the back of her hand while he gazed at her. “You’re sure?”

  “Captain Raul told me he decided to keep you because you looked meaner for fighting on Arris. He said the other one looked kind of pretty and didn’t look as though he’d fought much. It really pissed him off that Earth Government had taken your friend without even paying him for finding a cyborg. He seemed sure a reward should have been paid.”

  “Damn,” one of the cyborgs muttered. “Well, we tried. If he’s reached Earth, he’s lost to us forever. What a shame that is.” He chuckled. “Poor them. Imagine his temperament after being around what he hates most.”

  “Sky,” Flint turned his head to shoot an irritated look at a gray-haired cyborg with really scary, unusually pale-blue eyes that had an odd look to them. “We still have to attempt to retrieve him. I’m not fond of the councilman either but he’s one of our brothers. He also knows everything about us. They could torture him until his mind snaps and then he might give them all the information they wish to gain about us.”

  “Or,” Sky grinned widely. “They’ll believe he’s an example of what we’ve become and decide we’re too damn sadistic to fuck with. If anyone could make Earth decide to avoid cyborgs at any cost, it would be Zorus. I know, after spending time with him, that I would do nearly anything to avoid further contact.”

  A dark-haired cyborg laughed. “He makes a valid point, Flint.”

  Annoyance flashed on Flint’s face. “Don’t encourage him, Onyx.” He turned to face Sky. “You know more about humans than anyone. How would we obtain him from Earth Government? I need solutions instead of snide comments. Shut off your personality traits this instant and answer me. That’s a direct order.”