Page 20 of Stealing Coal

  Chapter Fifteen

  Two weeks later

  “Arm! You’re tracking in mud, darn it.” Jill frowned at the android. “Remember what I said about getting it off before you come aboard?”

  Two arms wrapped around her waist and pulled her back into a bare, hot chest. She grinned, all her irritation fleeing. She turned her head, lifted her chin, and grinned up at Coal.

  “I’ll clean the deck.” He winked. “I’ll also work more on his programming until he learns to check before he enters the cargo hold.”

  “Thanks.” Her fingers curled around his at her waist. “Are you and Fray done cutting through the bulkheads?”

  He chuckled. “Yes. It seems I enjoy demolition work. Our space is much bigger after we combined the two rooms. Roid has finished transferring his charging station now that he’s rooming with Arm. I’m glad they don’t care if they have to double up.”

  “I didn’t want Arm and Rune sharing a room. He learned some pretty offensive jokes about blonde women from the military. I don’t want to wake up some morning to find she’s tried to reprogram him the way she did the onboard computer.”

  Coal laughed. “She’s just trying to be helpful. I have to admit that I’m partial to some of the upgrades she installed. I can’t remote link with my damaged implants but now everything is voice activated. It’s very convenient.”

  “True.” She let go of his hands and turned in his embrace. She wrapped her arms around his neck as she went up on tiptoe. “But did you knock out the coms in our room? I really don’t want Arm rushing in again because the computer tells him I’m being attacked.”

  Coal’s palms rubbed her ass, massaging her, and a chuckle escaped his parted lips. “It’s not their fault they can’t tell the difference between a fight and sex.”

  “That wasn’t funny!”

  He had the nerve to laugh again, deeper this time. “You have to admit the humor found in the situation. I will never forget you trying to explain to him that having my cock buried inside you from behind wasn’t harming you and that all the sounds we made were just things we do together when we’re happy.” He lifted her higher up his body until she wrapped her legs around his waist. “I’m feeling the need for some real joy right now. Are you?”

  “Yes.” She grinned back at him. “Take me to our room.” She gripped him tighter, the vee of her pants grinding against the hard erection trapped in his pants. “You feel like a lot of fun right now.”

  He turned with her in his arms. “The wall is right there. Arm knows now I’m not attacking you.”

  "Rune is outside. You never know with her how she will react about sex and she may come inside. I don’t want to ever see her shove you on your ass again, thinking she’s protecting me. I love your coloring but dark bruises aren’t so hot to stare at there.”

  “You stare at my ass?”

  “All the time. It’s one of my favorite things to do.”

  “What else do you wish to see?”

  “You stepping out of those pants and boots.”

  “We’ll order her to stay outside for a while.”

  “Okay. Our room seems too far away right now.” She tilted her head and pressed her face against the side of his neck. She kissed him there, teasing him with her tongue.

  Coal groaned. “I love when you do that.”

  “Get out of those pants and I’ll kiss a more interesting place. You love that too.”

  He walked quickly to the open exterior door of the shuttle. “I believed my punishment of having to live in the shuttle instead of them building us a house on the parcel of land they gave us would be difficult but I don’t mind at all.” He suddenly halted, studying her face closely. “I am sorry you are being punished as well. You have to live here with me.”

  Jill smiled, moving to his earlobe. Her teeth raked the sensitive skin there. “Anywhere we are is home and the view is a lot better on Garden than if we were living on the Jenny in space. As punishments go, this one is pretty easy.”

  He didn’t look convinced. “An actual house would be more comfortable for you, Jill. This isn’t what I planned when I told you we’d be happy on Garden.”

  She hesitated. “They had to ground the Jenny anyway to keep her from ever leaving the surface and I’m grateful they let me keep her. I’ve grown attached. I still want to keep it here once we obtain permission to have a house built when your probation is over. The androids can keep living here to give us some privacy in our new home. I was more afraid they’d lock you up or separate us.”

  “If I had been imprisoned for attacking my fellow cyborg brothers it wouldn’t have been for long since I didn’t harm them. They couldn’t take you from me, Jill. Unfortunately you are still considered my property but hopefully one day that law will change.” He gave her a small smile. “You own my heart and soul.”

  “That’s why I don’t mind this whole ‘people being possessions’ in our case.” She chuckled. “We know we belong together so the paperwork doesn’t matter.”

  “You still shouldn’t be punished for what I did.”

  “That guy we rescued from Earth scared me the most since everyone seemed to think he was such a dick but he wanted to give you a break.”

  Coal shrugged his shoulders. “Zorus and I have things in common and he understood how much you mean to me.” He paused. “I think he feels alone, though he is surrounded by our people. I felt that way, as if I didn’t fit when I finally had my freedom, but you make me whole.”

  Tears flooded her eyes. “Me too. That’s how you make me feel.” She cleared her choked-up voice. “We need to have some fun.” She winked. “And be happy they thought us living on a shuttle together would be a bad thing.”

  “Let me just order Rune to do something that will occupy her time.” He walked to the door, still carrying Jill wrapped around him.

  “Sounds good.” She licked her lips and went for his ear, knowing how sensitive he would be there and how hard it would make him. She nipped the lower edge of it and his hold on her tightened.

  “No.” Coal halted again.

  She released his ear, pulling back. “I thought you liked that. Did I bite you too hard?”

  He met her gaze. “I love it when you use your teeth on me. That isn’t the problem.” He cleared his throat. “Rune decided to water the seeds she planted.”


  Coal blinked and then cocked his head a little to peer over her shoulder. “She’s using a lot of water.”

  “Oh no.” Jill turned her head and then groaned.

  Rune had removed her dress and stood with a hose spraying water over the garden she’d started. The android had a real interest in the idea of how a seed could grow into vegetation. She’d taken it as her personal mission to create a thriving food source for Coal and Jill. The naked android turned, spotted them, and waved.

  Coal released Jill’s ass to wave back. “Should I order her inside?” Coal turned his head and visibly winced. “The males from the next plot over are watching her.”

  Jill followed his gaze. At least twenty cyborg males stood at the fence watching Rune with utter fascination. They obviously preferred to watch Rune than work on their construction jobs, building the large greenhouse that would help supply the city with fresh vegetables.

  “I’ll go out there to explain again why she needs to remain covered.”

  Jill turned her head, watching Coal frowning at Rune. She’d worried he might see the android’s body and find hers lacking in comparison. She couldn’t compete with manufactured perfection but he’d never shown interest in Rune as a sexual object. He seemed oblivious to all that perfect synthetic skin. She slowly smiled, knowing without a doubt how deeply he loved her. She was the only woman he wanted.

  “She’s safe, right?”


  She glanced at the gawking cyborgs. “Leave her there. She seems busy, that’s a lot of ground to water, and it should occupy her for a while.” She grinned at Coal. “There’s a w
all I want you to pin me against.”

  “What about the males? They won’t venture onto our space or attempt to approach her but we should make her dress.”

  “Let them watch her. She really has a thing about not soiling her clothes, will just argue with us the way she usually does if we try to change something about her way of thinking, and I want to take advantage of her being occupied. A lot of cyborgs seem to think there’s nothing redeeming on Earth but maybe she’ll make some of them change their minds.” Jill suddenly laughed. “Rune can be the goodwill ambassador from Earth.”

  Coal smiled. “Goodwill?”

  “She looks really good and I bet every guy out there will remember there’s something they still like about humans since she resembles one.”

  “Jill…” Coal chuckled, turning. “You know that’s naughty but then, I love that about you.”

  “I’m in that kind of mood.”

  “How naughty do you feel?”

  She ran her tongue over her lips, watching passion build in Coal’s handsome face. “Put me down.”

  He lowered her instantly and Jill reached for the front of his pants, unfastening them, until his heavy, thick cock was free. She dropped to her knees, her eyes lifting to meet his.

  “You do enjoy me kissing you.”

  “Take off your pants.”

  She hesitated and then rose, happy she hadn’t put on shoes yet. She wiggled out of them and then removed the shirt. Rune isn’t the only one who likes to walk around without clothes on sometimes. She grinned at the thought.

  Coal grabbed her before she could go to her knees again. She gasped when he used his strength to bend her over his forearm, turning her easily, and gripped her thigh with his free hand. He gently eased them to the floor until he curved around her back, caging her in his arms on her hands and knees.

  “I thought we were going to do some kissing. It’s tough to do that with me facing away from you.”

  “Spread your thighs wide apart.”

  She hesitated but when he spread his, giving her room, she did the same. His chest rose from her back and she watched him reposition until his legs slid between her thighs and he sat on the deck, her ass against his chest. She turned her head to frown at him.

  “What are we doing? I thought you were going to take me from behind.”

  “This is a position I read about on the computer. It’s called ‘sixty-nine position lying down’.”

  As he spoke, he lay back flat, his hands gripping her hips, and lifted her, pulling her back until her pussy hovered over his mouth. Jill turned her focus on his lap, right under her face. His cock lay against his belly, stiff and firm, the crown of it touching her chin.

  Jill couldn’t help but laugh. Coal read fiction files with sex in them sometimes, stating that he didn’t want her to grow bored with him, and would surprise her with new positions every few days. She’d told him she could never tire of him touching her but she didn’t complain when he read something new and promptly shared it with her.

  “Am I too heavy on top of you?”

  “No.” He adjusted his arm, wrapping it around her hips at his chest to lock her body there. His face nuzzled between her thighs. “Spread wider for me and move a little closer to my mouth.”

  She had to wiggle a little but the top of her thighs ended up braced against the top of Coal’s broad shoulders. She moaned when he lifted his head, his free hand spreading her pussy lips open to allow his mouth to fasten over her clit.

  “Oh God.”

  He removed his mouth. “Kiss me back.” His mouth returned to her clit, sealing around the swelling bud, and his hot tongue rubbed the very sensitive nerve endings there.

  Jill parted her lips, easily capturing the hard flesh pressing against her, and took inches of his cock into her welcoming mouth. Coal instantly responded by groaning against her clit, creating wonderful vibrations. She sucked on him slowly at first but then faster, taking more of him deeper inside.

  The sweet taste of him nearly drove her insane when the pleasure threatened to overcome her. The faster she rode his cock with her mouth, he responded in turn on her clit. When one of his fingers breached her pussy, rubbing against her clenching vaginal walls, she knew she would not last long. Her climax hovered as the need to come became painfully intense.

  Coal’s hips started to squirm, his moans grew louder, and the vibrations on her clit increased. A strong jerk of his cock against her tongue told her he had reached the point that he couldn’t hold back any longer. He cried out, sucking her swollen bud frantically with hard tugs, and his release filled her mouth. Jill swallowed every drop, loving his sweet flavor, and trying to hold off her own rapturous explosion when his finger left her. She guessed he’d need a few seconds to recover but instead two of his fingers suddenly drove into her. The sensation of being stretched and filled while he pushed in deep, combined with his incredible kisses, rocketed her over the edge. She managed to jerk her mouth away from his cock just before she screamed out his name, coming so hard she nearly passed out.

  Time lost all meaning for Jill while she lay sprawled over the man she loved. Her cheek rested on his thigh, his cock mere inches from her lips, and she grinned, watching his sensitive testicles respond to the warm air she breathed over them. Coal eased his fingers out of her, his tongue swiping her clit slowly for one last lick, making her shiver from another mild aftershock of her climax. Coal chuckled, rested his head back against the floor, and turned his face to nuzzle her inner thigh.

  “I liked that one.”

  “I learned another one. It involves tying you down.”

  Jill pushed up from his thigh and lifted her head to grin at him over her shoulder. Interest sparked her libido again. “I’m listening.”

  “We need to change positions.”

  She hated to get up but she wanted him more. She rolled off him to sprawl on her back. The cool metal of the deck soothed her heated flesh. Coal sat up while he slowly took in every inch of her naked skin until his gaze met hers. Passion still darkened his eyes.

  “Would you trust me tie you down? I know how vulnerable you would feel.”

  She saw a flash of pain in his eyes, obviously sparked from a memory from his past. Jill sat up quickly and straddled his lap. Sitting there nearly made their faces level. She wrapped her arms tightly around his neck and her breasts pushed against his muscular, hard chest. She couldn’t miss how his cock hardened, trapped between their bellies.

  “I love you, I trust you, and you can tie me up any time you want to.”

  His features softened. “One day I want you to tie me down.”

  She tried to hide her surprised reaction but Coal could obviously read her too well.

  “I love and trust you too, Jill. I need to replace those memories of the bad things done to me while being restrained with good ones of you doing wonderful things to me that I want to happen between us. You deserve a male who faces his fears to get beyond them.”

  “I understand but I don’t think anything is wrong with you. I hate that you were hurt, I want to kill every damn one of those women who forced you to breed them, but what breaks my heart the most is that you can’t see how courageous you are to have survived it all.”

  “I’m damaged.” His jaw clenched.

  “No, Coal.” She smiled at him. “To me, you’re perfect just the way you are. I love everything about you.”

  Coal stared deeply into Jill’s beautiful eyes. She didn’t attempt to hide how sincerely she meant her words. She thought he didn’t need to be fixed, that he was the male she wanted, and she didn’t see his flaws.

  Her face blurred and he knew his own tears filled his eyes. He blinked rapidly but they wouldn’t be hidden from the woman who had changed his life. She didn’t look horrified as he shed them. She leaned forward to kiss each one that slid down his cheeks instead.

  This is happiness. Love. Acceptance. Jill gives me all of this and so much more. Then another thought struck him that made him chuckl

  “What’s funny?” Jill grinned at him. “Share.”

  “I realized the past doesn’t matter. My future with you will be filled with a lot of fun.” He winked. “And love.”

  “So much of that,” Jill nodded, and brushed a kiss over his mouth.

  He ached to make love to her again. “You heal me, Jill. You make all the pain I’ve suffered fade away with every day we are together—with each touch, word, and look.”

  “You do the same for me.”

  Her hand reached between them. He softly groaned against her mouth when her fingers brushed the shaft of his cock, teasing the underside of it with her featherlight touches.

  “Yes,” he rasped, his hands sliding down her back to cup her ass, pulling her tighter against his aching cock, longing to be sheathed inside her hot, tight pussy that sent him to heaven. “Love is a wonderful thing.”

  “And hot sex,” she moaned.

  Coal couldn’t agree more.

  About the Author

  I’m a full time “in-house supervisor” (sounds much better than plain ol’ housewife), mother and writer. I’m addicted to caramel iced coffee, the occasional candy bar (or two) and trying to get at least five hours of sleep at night.

  I love to write all kinds of stories. I think the best part about writing is the fact that real life is always uncertain, always tossing things at us that we have no control over, but when your write, you can make sure there’s always a happy ending. I love that about writing. I love it when I sit down at my computer desk and put on my headphones to listen to loud music to block out the world around me, so I can create worlds in front of me.

  Laurann welcomes comments from readers. You can find her website and email address on her author bio page at

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