Page 9 of Stealing Coal

  “You never harmed me, Jill. I’m in your debt and I’m willing to do this to repay you.”

  A horrible thought struck as her gaze flew down to his naked body. His erection had softened, his body reflecting his loss of interest in sex, and her mouth dropped open.

  “Oh my God. I’m so sorry.” She scrambled off the bed and grabbed a pillow as she got to her feet. She turned and pitched it at Coal, aiming for his lap.

  His reflexes were lightning fast as he caught it and his body tensed. “You’re attacking me with a pillow and apologizing for it?”

  “No. Cover up. You did this for me, to pay me back, and you must hate me for putting you in this situation. You don’t have to force yourself to touch me as a way to thank me.” She spun, giving him her back. “I thought you were trying to get me to have sex with you but now I’m sure it’s just traumatizing you. I’m so, so sorry!”

  Chapter Six

  Coal slowly rose to his feet and dropped the pillow on the bed. Jill stood in front of him, keeping her body turned away to give him privacy. The human had shocked him deeply with her perception of the situation they were in. She truly believed what she’d said, though she had come to the wrong conclusion.

  “I don’t hate you and I chose to fix you.”

  “You don’t have to.” She spoke so softly he barely caught her words. “Just put your pants on and don’t do this to yourself. You’ve had enough women use your body for their own purposes and that’s not why I saved you. I didn’t expect anything for doing it. I just couldn’t leave you there knowing what lay in store for you.”

  He took a step toward her and then another until he nearly touched her back. Desire heated his blood when he noticed just how much of her legs were exposed in her shirt. If she lifted her arms it would rise to expose the bottom of her ass. His cock hardened and his hands twitched to touch her.

  “I want to fix you but that isn’t the only reason I decided to show you pleasure is possible between males and females.”

  Jill turned her head to stare up at him over her shoulder. Their gazes met and held for long moments. She had an expressive face and he liked that. The more time he spent with her the better he learned to read her. Right at that moment he knew she didn’t quite believe him.

  “I’m very attracted to you and curious if mutual sexual relations between us would be pleasurable. I’ve had these thoughts since you cleaned the oatmeal from my body.”

  “Really?” The tense lines around her mouth eased.

  Coal bit back a groan. If he knew it wouldn’t frighten her, he’d show her how much he wanted her. He’d never ached to have a woman before without drugs or extreme forced stimulation. Jill just standing near him had him wishing he could toss her on the bed and take her. The memory of the taste of her arousal, the sounds she made as he’d licked her, had blood filling his cock until it hurt—turning steel hard. He would never forget how soft, wet, and tight she’d been when he’d finger-fucked her.

  “Take your shirt off and return to the bed.” He hoped she’d do it.

  Jill turned to face him and her shirt brushed his protruding sex. He held still as she looked down at his cock. She backed away quickly as she gasped in obvious surprise at what she’d touched. He gripped her arms to keep her from tripping. They both froze.

  “We’ll help each other get beyond our past experiences.”

  Her hesitation made him regret what he’d told her.


  “I made a mistake by sharing too much of my past with you,” he admitted, stopping her from telling him no. “I believed it would put you at ease but instead I’ve given you the impression that sex between us would traumatize me. That’s what you stated. That isn’t factual. I want you.”

  Jill took a deep breath and blew it out, not looking away as he watched her so intently. “I’m glad you told me everything.”

  “I’m not, if you refuse to allow me to touch you.”

  She couldn’t resist looking down at his hard-on. He definitely had to be interested in sex. She stared at the proof. The warm hands gently gripping her upper arms let go and he backed up to the bed. She held still and just watched him sit on the edge of the mattress, spread his thighs, and then he eased back to rest his weight on his elbows.

  “Come to me.”

  His commanding tone called to her for some reason as she gawked at his perfect body stretched out fully, naked on her bed. The picture he made had her body responding to his strong sexual appeal.

  “This is nuts.”

  Coal smiled. “You enjoyed what I did to you with my mouth. Allow me to do it again. I want to. I take pleasure from it as well.”

  Her nipples tingled and her belly quivered in response. She took another step and then another until she paused near his legs. “Okay.”

  He turned on his side and patted the bed next to him. “Stretch out here.”

  Temptation and a rush of desire enticed Jill. She touched her shirt, considering taking it off, but then shyness gripped her. She got on the bed, her leg brushing his when she rolled over onto her back. Coal turned more on his side and she settled flat. Her heart pounded hard.

  “I don’t know what to do,” she admitted to him.

  The color of his eyes darkened with desire. “I do. Just relax and allow me to touch you. Trust me not to hurt you.”

  Staring into those incredible eyes of his she wanted desperately to believe him. Her body relaxed and she gave him a sharp nod. “Okay.”

  He lifted up and slid off the bed. She raised her head to watch him when he reached for something on the floor and didn’t say a word when he removed the vent seal from the pocket of his discarded pants. Her arms slid on her sheets when she used them to push her chest up to get a better look at the lower half of Coal’s body. In stunned silence she watched him stretch the band and put it on.

  “Doesn’t that hurt?”

  “No. It’s not too tight.”

  She had to take his word for it but she couldn’t see how it wouldn’t. She lay flat again, thinking it better not to stare at his cock any more or the green band he’d just fit snugly at the base of his shaft. Instead she tried to relax and not lose her nerve. Coal wanted to repeat what he’d done to her before, only this time she wasn’t tied down. Her fingers clutched at the bedding just for something to cling to.

  Strong hands gently gripped her knees and Jill jumped slightly at his touch. Coal’s hold remained loose and he gave her a tense smile.

  “Easy. Just relax. Close your eyes if that will help and just allow me to adjust you.”

  She nodded, squeezing her eyes closed, and took a deep breath. She relaxed again and didn’t tense up when Coal’s hold tightened to spread her knees far apart. Her cheeks warmed, knowing he could see every part of her sex when he pulled her closer to the edge of the bed, parting her thighs wider.

  “You have no idea how beautiful I think you are.”

  The deep tone of his voice had her nipples hardening and excitement raced through her when his warm breath fanned her inner thighs.

  “If you knew how eager I am to do this, you’d never question how much I want to touch and taste you.”

  Jill’s breathing increased as her heart beat faster in anticipation. The memory of what he’d done to her had her feeling a little eager herself. She tensed a bit when his thumbs spread her sex lips apart and his tongue lightly touched her clit. She made a small sound in the back of her throat when he hesitated and then licked the small bud.

  A moan broke from her parted lips. Pleasure had her nails digging into her mattress where she clutched the sheets. She spread her thighs wider on her own to give him better access. Coal groaned against her sensitive flesh and the pace increased along with the pressure he applied.

  “Oh God,” she moaned. “It feels so good it almost hurts.” She wiggled in his hold, breaking the connection between her body and his mouth.

  Coal’s mouth left her and Jill’s opened her eyes to stare down at him. Their
gazes locked but he didn’t speak. Instead he changed his hold on her legs, wrapping his big arms around them from the underside, lifting her lower body higher until the back of her thighs rested on his biceps. He reached over her, pinning her legs between his arms, and then spread her apart again with his hands. He looked away from her to stare at her pussy a second before he dipped his head, mouth parting.

  Jill arched her back, eyes closing again when she realized what he’d done. She couldn’t move her hips now. He had her thighs pinned open but his strength didn’t frighten her. His lips closed around her clit and he began to suckle her with strong tugs that had her crying out in ecstasy while the flat of his tongue rubbed furiously up and down on her throbbing bud. Pleasure turned into nearly raw pain and when she became certain she would die from it, the climax tore through her. Jill cried out, her body shaking from the intensity of it.

  She realized his hold on her legs eased and she didn’t even wonder what he’d do next when he released her legs and put her feet flat on the mattress. Her thighs remained open but she didn’t have the strength to close them. The bed dipped near the end as more weight came down on it. Hot skin brushed her inner thighs and then against her arm where it rested over her head. Weight eased down on top of her, pinning her flat, and that made her open her eyes.

  Coal hovered over her, his body barely touching hers, and his beautiful dark eyes looked nearly black as their gazes held. He’d braced his arms next to her chest. His skin looked darker to her and passion hardened his features until he nearly looked grim but she understood.

  “I want you. Please say yes. I’ll be gentle.”

  He wanted inside her body. The image of his large cock was fused into her brain. Coal wasn’t making her take him though, he had asked, and she knew he wasn’t her ex-husband. He not only didn’t look anything similar to the asshole she’d married but Coal had shown her that sex could be amazing, intensely pleasurable, and she wanted to know if he’d feel good inside her. He also faced her, something her ex had never done, always taking her from behind after he’d pinned her.

  “I’m a little afraid but we can try it.”

  His eyes closed and she nearly laughed at the obvious relief he didn’t even bother to hide. She smiled instead and some of her fear eased. This wasn’t Darren. This was Coal, the cyborg who’d never hurt her, who’d had dozens of chances to harm her but hadn’t. She released the bedding, watching him take deep breaths, and her hands trembled a little when she touched his chest, hovering over hers.

  His eyes snapped open when her fingers brushed his warm skin and she froze, unsure if she was allowed to trace his skin. A soft groan came from Coal and he licked his lips, his attention fixing on her mouth.

  “I want to kiss you.”

  Jill licked her lips to wet them and her hands slid up to his neck. He wasn’t pulling away from her touch so it encouraged her to continue her exploration. She traced both sides of his neck and then her hands cupped his strong cheekbones.

  “You can.”

  Coal lowered his mouth and Jill closed her eyes, raising her head a little to meet him. She wasn’t sure what to expect but the brush of incredibly soft lips wasn’t it. Coal had a hard-looking mouth but his gentleness shouldn’t have surprised her. Coal looked scary as hell with his cyborg size and distinctions but appearances were deceiving when it came to the incredibly sweet cyborg.

  He deepened the kiss, his tongue delving into her welcoming mouth. It shocked her a little when she tasted herself on him, having momentarily forgotten what he’d just done to her, but it only turned her on more. The gentle kisses turned more aggressive but she met his passion easily and her hands left his face to wrap around his neck. An ache started again and she arched her back to press her breasts against Coal’s chest.

  Frustration flared when she realized she couldn’t feel his hot skin as well with her shirt on. She broke the kiss and stared into Coal’s black eyes. They really did change colors, she realized, when passion gripped him.

  “Do you want me to stop?” His voice had grown so deep he nearly snarled the words but no anger showed in his features. Instead he looked concerned. “I will go slower.”

  “I want the shirt off. I want to feel us touching,” she admitted.

  Coal pushed up, braced his entire weight with one hand, and his other hand gripped the front of her shirt. To her shock, he tore it open. Material just shredded from his strength and revealed her breasts and stomach when it parted.

  “Sorry.” Coal froze. “I’m scaring you, aren’t I?” He tossed away the destroyed material. “I didn’t mean to do that.”

  She forced her lungs to work. “It’s okay.”

  Her hands shook as she maneuvered under him. He kept his upper chest lifted away from hers while she worked the rest of the shirt out from under her back and pushed it away from them. She settled flat and met his gaze again, seeing regret on his features. She concentrated on that instead of acknowledging that she lay under Coal, completely naked now. She didn’t want to feel embarrassed or self-conscious about her nudity.

  “I’m very turned on and I wanted to give you what you wanted. I should have gently removed it from you instead of just ripping it off.”

  She suddenly laughed, the humor of the situation hitting her. “I’m okay. It startled me but you didn’t terrify me or anything. I hated that shirt anyway.”

  “Are you sure?” He studied her eyes. “If you want to stop we can.”

  That settled it for Jill. “I don’t want to stop.” She nearly laughed again but refrained from the obvious relief that flashed on Coal’s face. “I want to know it all.”

  Coal slowly lowered his chest until they were skin to skin. The feeling of his hot flesh pressed to hers did things to Jill. Wonderful sensations flooded her body and her hands gripped his shoulders.

  “I trust you,” she admitted softly. “I’m a little afraid it’s going to hurt because it always has but I’ve never wanted anyone before either. The only man I’ve ever known never made me ache the way you do. There’s no comparison but I just wanted you to know.”

  “I’ve never wanted anyone the way I do you,” Coal admitted. “I’ll kill myself before I cause you pain.”

  “Kiss me and let’s do this. I really want to.”

  Coal hesitated. “I want this to be really good for you. I realize most humans prefer sex in this position but would you allow me to take you another way?”

  Jill frowned. “What other way?”

  “Do you trust me?”

  She nodded. “Yeah. You haven’t hurt me and I believe you won’t.”

  He lowered his head and planted a kiss on her that left her panting for more. His lips left hers and he pushed up. Jill wanted to protest as she watched him sit on his bent legs between hers. In the next instant she gasped when he gripped her hips and lifted her until her ass rested on the top of his thighs. His cock ended up trapped between his thighs and under her ass.

  Jill’s eyes widened and alarm slammed her. “Not there!”

  “I’m not going to do what you’re thinking. I’m just going to prepare you for sex and need closer access to you. We’re not going to attempt anal sex so relax. Reach up and brace your hands on something.”

  “What are you going to do?”

  Coal smiled tensely. “Making sure I don’t hurt you and that you’re so into the sex that you welcome me entering you. I know what I’m doing.”

  “Okay.” Jill nodded and reached up to grab handfuls of sheet. “I’m ready.”

  His smile reached his eyes. “You look as though you’re preparing for something painful. This won’t hurt.”

  “Right. Have you seen the size of your dick?”

  He chuckled. “Here we go.”

  Coal spread her thighs wider apart on his lap and his thumb rubbed her clit. That wasn’t what Jill expected him to do. He didn’t try to enter her at all but instead tormented her by tracing circles on her oversensitive sex. She spread her legs wider apart, moaning, a
nd wiggled as the pleasure built.

  Jill realized when Coal spread his thighs and allowed her ass to slip down into the cradle of his bent legs a little but she was too wrapped up in the wonderful feeling of his thumb teasing her clit. He purposely kept her from coming when her body began to tense for pending release. She bucked her hips in frustration.

  “Please,” she pleaded.

  “Jill? Look at me.”

  Her eyes opened and she met his gaze.

  He lifted his hips a little and her eyes widened when something large and hard pressed against her very wet pussy. His thumb pressed tighter on her clit and she moaned loudly, her eyes nearly closing from the pleasure but she fought not to look away from Coal. He pushed against her, his cock breaching her very slowly, and the delightful sensation of being filled and stretched nearly overwhelmed her.

  Coal got a pained expression and he groaned deeply. His thumb rubbed faster on her clit as he filled her, making her take inches more of his cock. He paused and then withdrew a little before pushed back in, slowly allowing her to adjust to being fucked.

  Raw bliss gripped Jill. Her hands released the sheets and she grabbed Coal’s thighs next to her ass, clutching him in a death grip. He froze, not moving at all.

  “Am I hurting you?”

  She shook her head, unable to speak, panting instead. She bucked her hips, feeling him move inside her, and moaned in response. She repeated that wonderful movement that felt unbelievably good and moaned louder, encouraging him to continue.

  “Jill,” Coal rasped. “I’m losing it.”

  He moved and Jill threw her head back, crying out in ecstasy as Coal fucked her harder. His powerful hips stimulated them both, rocking his cock into her faster, going deeper with each motion, while his thumb strummed her clit. He felt incredibly rigid as he stretched her, awaking a fire inside Jill that threatened to burn her alive, and then she screamed out as she came so hard she wondered if she’d die from a heart attack.