watching Thorn tunnel into Brenna’s tight body.

  Sometimes Cam calculated his every move, calmly considering what to do next, even taking days or weeks to decide. This wasn’t one of those times. Every instinct now screamed at him to do whatever necessary to keep the three of them together.

  As Cam entered the house, he drew his weapon and looked around, throwing closets open and checking around dark corners. They were alone. Good. Now they could deal with the business at hand.

  “Looks like we’re all clear,” he told them.

  Thorn visibly relaxed, though his arm was still wound around Brenna’s waist. Cam’s gaze lingered on the way she clung to Thorn’s mostly bare torso. The poor woman had been through an avalanche of crap lately, and he knew better than to think it was over.

  “Good. You going to call this one in to the station?” Thorn asked.

  “I’ll run the plate on the car. Fifty bucks says it was reported stolen recently and that we’ll find it ditched a few miles from Curtis’ little cottage.”

  Swearing under his breath, the bounty hunter nodded. “You’re right. What now?”

  “Come in.” He turned and led them deeper into the house. “Anyone hungry? Thirsty?”

  After both murmured “no”, he guided them into the living room. Cam purposely avoided the room’s lone oversized chair and sat at one end of the sofa. Thorn plopped down on the other end, putting Brenna between them—as it should be. He set his gun down on the table within easy reach. Thorn did the same.

  “What did those two jerks want with me?” Brenna asked, looking between him and Thorn.

  “Who else knows you’re Lawton’s daughter?” Thorn asked.

  Brenna scoffed. “Doubtful anyone does. It’s not like we attended a lot of happy father-daughter events together. Even if this Julio Marco you’ve talked about does know, he should also know that I mean nothing to Curtis. And why would they want leverage over him?”

  “I’m guessing,” Thorn started, “that if Marco is looking for leverage against Lawton that he knows his partner in crime has turned on him and that Marco has no idea where he is.”

  “Agreed.” Cam turned to Brenna. He hated to heap more on her after she’d had a torrid ménage a trois and nearly been abducted in the last twelve hours. But her life might depend on it. “You have absolutely no idea where your father is? My…our job is to ensure he makes it to the trial whole and alive so he can testify and put this scumbag away. He’s already been offered and accepted immunity in exchange. I heard a whisper that the Feds agreed to enter him into the Witness Protection Program. Marco is big-time scum, and both the state and Feds want him behind bars. Your father’s testimony could lock Marco away for good, and everyone knows it.”

  Brenna shook her head and cuddled up against his side. “Honestly, I have a cell phone number. He hardly ever answers it. I can try. I’ll just need to unpack my purse and phone.”

  Cam opened his mouth to reply but stopped short when he saw Thorn’s hand snake out to curl around Brenna’s thigh.

  “In a little bit, baby. You’ve had enough shit for the moment.”

  “Marco is going to come after me again, isn’t he?”

  “He’ll have to find you first.” Thorn sounded like a demon with a case of bad temper. “And get through me.”

  “Us,” Cam corrected.

  “I can’t stay here forever. I’m invading your home…” She looked at Cam with apology.

  “Hey…” He caressed her cheek. “This isn’t your fault. It’s Lawton’s and Marco’s. I’m sorry you’re caught in the middle. And it’s not forever.” At least not yet. “The trial starts Monday. If your father shows up and testifies, they might kill him for spite but I think they’ll leave you alone.”

  “So I’m imposing on you until then?”

  “It’s no imposition.” He kissed her softly. “Trust me.”

  “I won’t get in the way, I promise. I know you’re busy with work and…whatever. You won’t even know I’m here.”

  “I have vacation time coming. I’ll call in for a few days. I plan on being by your side every day and night until that trial.”

  “What the fuck?” Thorn exploded, turning to Brenna. “You think I’m going to just fucking walk off when Marco is sending his hired guns to take you?”

  She shrugged as she looked between the two of them. “Considering I didn’t know either of you twenty-four hours ago, it would be wrong of me to expect you—”

  “Caring isn’t always about how long you’ve known someone.” Unable to resist, Cam brushed a kiss over her lips. “I won’t leave you to be a victim, either. It’s not in me as a cop or a man.”

  With a nod, Brenna accepted that. “What about you?” she said to Thorn. “I know you must have other bounties. I doubt you signed up to baby-sit me.”

  “You didn’t sign up to handle with Curtis’ shit but here you are. I’ll deal. My brother can take some of the other bounties on my list. Between the three of us, we should be able to track your dad down and keep you safe.”

  Her eyes watered as she looked between the two of them. She wore her heart there, right in those pretty hazel eyes. And it was getting under Thorn’s skin, based on the way his hand tightened on her thigh and he dragged her against him and crushed her mouth under his for a long, demanding kiss.

  Cameron smiled. Things were about to get mighty interesting…

  Chapter Eight

  Thorn was drowning. Like Pavlov’s dog, he’d already equated the flavor of Brenna’s kiss with mind-bending pleasure. So with the first caress of his tongue against hers, his cock rose stiff and tight and impatient.

  But it wasn’t just Brenna.

  Even with his eyes closed, Thorn could feel Cam’s dark gaze zeroed in on them. He didn’t blink when Thorn deepened the kiss, when he slid a hand up her thigh, when he tugged the tank top over her head and confirmed that underneath, she wore absolutely nothing.

  As he fell into Brenna’s sweet taste, he couldn’t hold back his moan. It wasn’t enough, not even close. He wanted her closer, wanted more than her mouth under his. Thorn wasn’t a man used to denying what he wanted. If Cam wanted to watch—fine. His cock tightened painfully at the thought of the detective joining in again.

  Thorn couldn’t comprehend his reaction. He was a selfish bastard who liked everything the way he liked it. Usually he wanted a woman all to himself because he was going to use her hard and well until neither of them could take any more. Sex wasn’t a team sport, damn it. He preferred to control the game.

  But last night… Having Cam on the team added an element of arousing unpredictability.

  As he nibbled at Brenna’s lips, he opened his eyes to find Cam’s gaze following every move. Thorn’s cock thickened again, pressing against the back of his zipper. The burn of desire seared deep and drove him out of his mind. He closed his eyes and sank back into the kiss.

  Fuck whatever he usually liked, he was just going to flow with it. Besides, the bigger issue here was Brenna. She was shaken up. Totally understandable. As any guy who’d ever been in a fight could tell you, the best way to come off the adrenaline high was a good fuck. That’s where he came in.

  Clasping his arms around her, Thorn planned to lift her onto his lap, her chest to his, her firm little thighs wrapped around his hips. Oh, yeah. But when he tried, she wouldn’t budge.

  Thorn opened his eyes, not breaking the kiss, and discovered another pair of arms around her, another man holding her on his lap. Cam had clearly worked his way under Brenna, who sat on his lap, her back to his chest… And Cam’s hands all over her body.

  “That kiss good?” Cam murmured, looking right at him.

  Thorn almost couldn’t answer. The sight of the other man’s bronzed, veined hand between her suddenly bare legs spiked his desire. When had Cam taken off her sweatpants?

  Didn’t matter. Brenna opened her thighs wider, and Thorn’s whole body tightened. Shit, this was getting hot fast. Hot became explosive when h
e caught the unimpeded view of Cam’s thick fingers tunnel inside Brenna’s pussy then glide back out. He could see exactly how wet she was. The evidence made Cam’s fingers glisten—and his own need to fuck her flipped off the charts.

  His mouth hovering over Brenna’s—his stare never leaving Cam’s busy hand—he muttered. “Sweet. Man, how does she feel?”

  “Tight and dripping. Ready to eat.”

  As soon as Cam said the words, Thorn’s imagination filled him with a visual of the detective’s dark head between Brenna’s pale thighs. Even thinking about it spiked his need into the stratosphere.

  “Do it,” he baited. “Fucking do it and let me watch.”

  Brenna whimpered, and Thorn dropped a palm to Brenna’s exposed breasts, cradling one, thumbing its hard nipple. Cam watched with burning eyes, his fingers busy between her legs. Her pale skin was flushed, her head tossed back on Cam’s shoulder, and with legs spread, it was a pose of utter surrender.

  Shit, the burn incited by that view was about to eat Thorn alive.

  “Do it,” Thorn prompted again. “I want to see you make her come.”

  “Can I taste you, Brenna?” Cam whispered against her neck then dragged his lips across the sensitive joining between her neck and shoulder.

  She shivered, shuddered then nodded. “Please…”

  Thorn expected Cam to lay her flat on her back on the sofa and hunker down between her legs. He didn’t. Instead, he ripped off his shirt then turned Brenna to face him so she straddled his lap.

  “Kiss me,” he demanded.

  Brenna did, feathering her mouth over Cam’s, a brush, a lingering swipe, then a deep sharing of tongues while the detective’s hands roamed her back, her ass. And Thorn, hovering right beside them, was caught in the ultimate peep show, aroused out of his mind and loving it completely. What a wild trip.

  Suddenly, Cam eased out of the kiss and caressed her. “Very nice. Would you be a sweet girl and let me see you kiss Thorn again?”

  His gaze zipped over to the detective’s. He’s getting off on this too. Holy shit!

  Her lashes fluttered shut against rosy cheeks, but a long moment later she nodded. Then she turned to him with hazel eyes dazed yet rich with sultry thoughts. He wanted to pounce on her, fuck her now. He wanted to see what would happen next just as bad. Decisions, decisions…

  Thorn thrust his fingers into her honey brown hair and used the long strands to guide her mouth under his. He slanted his mouth over hers, struck fast and deep and hard until she writhed against him and moaned. God, he could smell how wet she was, and it was going right to his cock.

  When they broke apart, Thorn looked down to find Cam’s white teeth nipping at Brenna’s pebbled nipples. One after the other, then a soft suck, a brush of his tongue.

  “Do that to her pussy,” he demanded again.

  With seeming reluctance, Cam lifted his mouth away from her breasts and slithered down on the leather sofa, until the back cushion propped up just his neck. Then he guided her to stand on her knees.

  And suddenly, her pussy was right over his mouth. Hot damn…

  Cam lifted his head and began devouring Brenna. She tossed her head back, gripping the back of the sofa. The curly ends of her hair teased the top of her ass, and Thorn wasn’t sure he’d ever seen anything hotter. A flush crept across her whole body, and she began to pant, drawing in huge drafts of air.

  “Oh my God…” Her voice trembled. She clutched at the sofa even tighter.

  Thorn watched Cam’s head move and bob between her legs and Brenna respond with utter abandon—and he nearly lost it. The time for being a spectator was gone. Now he wanted participate.

  “Fuck, I need to taste her.”

  Cam turned his head to nip at her thigh. “She’s about to come.”

  “I want my tongue on her when she does.”

  With a shake of his head, Cam refused. “Wouldn’t you rather have her come around your cock?”

  Was he suggesting…?

  “You want me to fuck her pussy with your mouth on it?”

  “Just a suggestion, man. If you want to be part of the experience, it was just a thought. Otherwise, I have no problem lapping it all up for myself.”

  As if to prove his point, Cam opened his mouth and sucked her clit inside. Brenna shrieked and grabbed the sofa cushion even harder.

  “Cam…” she managed to eke out between panting breaths that lifted her breasts.

  She was close again, and he was feeling uncomfortably close just watching them. He wanted to be in on the action. Fuck it. If Cam wasn’t weirded out by having a man’s dick near his mouth, Thorn refused to be weirded out by the fact another man had his mouth near his dick.

  Like everything about this experience, he just needed to flow with it. What the hell…

  Shucking his shirt and toeing off his shoes, Thorn dug into his wallet. Thankfully, another condom waiting just for the moment. He tore off his jeans and donned the rubber sheath in a handful of seconds.

  He’d better hurry. Brenna’s shrieks were becoming wails and pleas to a higher being.

  “Hold her off. I’m almost there.”

  “No!” she protested. “No, I need…”

  “We’ll make sure you get it,” Thorn vowed. “Just ease off a bit, man, until I get in.”

  Thorn didn’t wait for confirmation. He stood behind Brenna, smoothed a flat palm across her back and gently pushed her down until her head rested on the back of the sofa.

  He now had the perfect angle to slide into her pussy. And he didn’t waste any time.

  Gripping her hips, he slid inside Brenna, deep—all in a single glide. She was like hot silk, melting his spine and resistance all at once. How the hell was he supposed to hold out when he was already jacked up and she was all around his dick, shooting pleasure all through his body?

  He reared back, plunged in again. And sucked in a shocked breath. Damn! So he repeated the process again. And again. Those old clichés about seeing stars and shit? Apparently that was true.

  Then Cam started eating her pussy again, this time like a rabid animal. Every time the detective sucked on her clit and pulled it in his mouth, the walls of Brenna’s sex pulsed, tightening until pushing into her was a workout in itself.

  Sweat slicked his back. She was so damn tight, and the friction was overwhelming. She was going to short-circuit him in seconds. And still she kept clamping down on his cock the more Cam aroused her. Would he survive her actually coming?

  Like a madman, he began pounding into her, pushing against the constriction of her pussy with long, ferocious strokes. Absently, he noticed that his balls were hitting something but with a brain so focused on the woman beneath him, it took a minute to realize that something was Cam’s chin.

  Oddly, the thought didn’t repulse him. Not exactly. An odd shiver of tension wound its way up his spine. For a minute, he lost his rhythm, and Brenna clamped down again, this time so tight, she pushed him out.

  She cried out in protest. Thorn flatly cursed and tried to reach between them, find his dick and push it back inside her. His hands shook too badly.

  A moment later, he felt another hand grab his dick. Hot, large, knowledgeable as it stroked with just the right pressure in just the right place. Cam. Holy shit!

  “What the hell are you doing?” he barked and tried to back away.

  Cam had a tight hold on his cock, pumped him with his fist once or twice. It was like pouring electric juice in his veins. His system sizzled, damn near fried. Shock. Had to be shock.

  Why did it feel so fucking much like pleasure?

  Thorn gritted his teeth and resisted the urge to toss back his head with the overwhelming sensations. He struggled and tensed but Cameron tugged again, swiping a thumb over the sensitive crest once, twice.

  With a curse ringing in his head, Thorn lost the battle, stared at the ceiling and hissed in a sharp breath through his