Page 24 of Darkness

  “That isn’t helping.”

  “Trust me,” he rasped.

  That was the hell of it. She did. Otherwise she wouldn’t have agreed to go with him. She’d wanted to see him again. “Okay.”

  “They reached the top. Ready?”

  It was on the tip of her tongue to say no. “Sure. This should be fun.”

  “Don’t make me laugh.”

  “I won’t talk again.”


  He released her and walked forward, paused and then a rope bumped her back. She clung tighter. His arms tensed and she squeezed her eyes closed. No way did she want to peek. It was insane for anyone to hold the weight of another while they climbed. They weren’t even clipped together. He kind of jumped and she locked her thighs tighter around him, also being careful not to choke him in her fear. His arms tensed as he used his strength to pull them higher, hand over hand.

  It went too fast. He stopped. “Reach up one arm.”


  She lifted her head and peered up. Two dark figures were above her at the top of the wall. One bent and reached for her. She had to let go of Darkness and trust strangers. It wasn’t her first choice but it was the only way to get up there. It took courage to ease her hold and reach out. A firm, gloved hand wrapped around her wrist.

  “I have her.”

  “Give them your other arm and then let go of me with your legs,” Darkness urged.

  “I’m going to get even with you for this,” she muttered

  Darkness bent his legs, forming a kind of seat for her ass when she let go of him. Another gloved hand got a firm hold on her wrist. She eased the grip of her thighs on Darkness and the men pulled her up.

  A third man suddenly appeared. He moved between the two when they brought her to the top of the wall. He gripped her hips and just lifted her the rest of the way. They released her the second she was on her feet. She tried to step back out of the way. One of the men growled and turned, hooking an arm around her waist.


  She turned her head and gasped. There was a waist-high lip on the outside wall but there wasn’t anything but emptiness behind her. A few steps more and she’d have pitched off the wall and fallen to whatever lay below.


  Darkness made it the rest of the way up and lunged, tearing her out of the grasp of the man keeping her immobile. “What are you doing, Book?”

  “She almost backed off the wall.”

  “Thanks.” Darkness suddenly bent and Kat gasped when his shoulder hit her hip. He rose with her secured there. One gloved hand yanked her shirt and held it in place high on the back of her thighs.

  “Put me down.” Kat didn’t fight but she did frantically grab for some part of him to hold on to. It ended up being the lower edge of his vest. She was too afraid he’d drop her off the wall.

  “Shut up, Kat. We’re going to the stairs. It’s the safest way to get you down.”

  She closed her eyes and hung there. It wasn’t dignified and she mentally went over ways for payback. “I can walk.”

  “This isn’t a well-lit section,” another male informed her. “You almost fell once. We can see.”

  And I can’t. She quieted and knew when they reached the stairs. From the sound Darkness’ boots made when they descended, they were metal and felt a little rickety. She imagined the flimsy ones she’d once used to board a plane. She was grateful she couldn’t see. He finally stopped going down and paused.

  “Thank you.”

  “It was good to have an adventure,” the guy who’d spoken before responded. “Are you taking her to a holding cell, Darkness?”

  “She’s not a prisoner. This was for her safety. I’m taking her to my place. Will you let Security know, Book?”

  “Of course. I’ll also inform Supply that you’ll need things for the female.”

  “I’ll handle it.” Darkness didn’t put her down but spun fast enough to make her dizzy. He moved fast. He probably considered it walking but she’d have been jogging at that pace.

  “Can you please put me down?”

  “You’re barefoot. We’re not too far from the men’s dorms.”

  “Great. You can walk me past a bunch of guys so they can see my bare legs and ass too.”

  “You’re covered.”

  “How far are we from your house?” He kept walking and didn’t answer. “Hello?”

  He wrapped his other arm around the back of her knees, covering more of her skin. “The cottage next to the one you stayed wasn’t my home. It’s where I stayed to be close to you. I live in the dorms.”

  “Fantastic. Don’t a bunch of New Species guys live there?” She pictured a fraternity house in her mind. “This just keeps getting better and better.”

  “I’m taking you through the backdoor. We shouldn’t come into contact with anyone else this late. They are either on shift or sleeping.”

  He stopped and released her with one arm. A beep could be heard and she knew he had opened a door with his ID card. They entered a well-lit, tiled hallway.

  “Put me down,” she ordered again.

  “You’re testing my patience, Kat. I’m not in the best of moods. You demanded we share quarters so that’s what you’re getting.”

  He had a point. She’d thought they’d go to his house though, not a building full of other men. Kat winced, hoping he didn’t have a roommate. That would be awkward. It would be worse if he didn’t even have his own bedroom. They entered an elevator but it was empty. That was a relief. It opened and he stepped out onto a carpeted floor and strode down a hallway before pausing in front of a door.

  Another beep sounded and the door opened. He carried her inside and bent, putting her on her feet. She stood and shoved her hair out of her face. The door closed and she turned, studying the small living room. A kitchen area was to the left and an open door was across the room.

  “This is it. Welcome to my home.” Darkness didn’t sound happy. “It’s a one-bedroom and considerably smaller than the guest cottages. The bathroom is through the bedroom. There’s food in the fridge if you’re hungry and drinks are there too if you get thirsty.”

  She turned to face him. “It’s cozy though a bit sparse.”

  “All I needed was a couch, TV and bed. I don’t spend much time here.”

  She swallowed, feeling nervous. “You don’t need more than that. I get it. I’m not home much either.”

  He frowned and reached for the front of his vest and removed it. He just tossed it on the floor next to the door. “You would be more comfortable at your cottage. Tell me when you’re ready to go there.” He walked across the room and into the bedroom.

  She followed. He flipped on the light and took a seat on a big bed. She watched him remove his gloves then his boots. He stood and pulled his shirt over his head, revealing his bare stomach and chest. His dark gaze pinned her where she stood.

  “I’m going to shower. I’m sweaty after climbing the wall. I sleep on the side of the bed closest to the door and don’t open my nightstand drawer. That’s a rule.”

  “Dirty magazines?” She wanted him to smile. He looked angry.

  “Weapons. Don’t touch my guns, Kat. Am I clear?”

  She nodded. “Why are you so angry? You’re the one who forced me to come here.”

  “I wanted you at Homeland, not living with me.”

  He spun, stalked into the bathroom and firmly closed the door. Kat walked over to the bed and sat down. So much for him coming after her because she hoped he’d missed her. He got credit for keeping his word. He could have just dropped her at guest housing and left. Just because she was in his apartment didn’t mean she was welcome in his personal space or that he’d be happy to have her there. He obviously wasn’t.

  The water came on in the other room and she stared at the door. She could imagine how the rest of the night would go. He’d come out and probably turn off the lights, ignore her. It was stupid. Mason wasn’t a danger to her
so she didn’t need to be there. Darkness was just being paranoid.

  She stood and walked over to the bathroom door. Her temper flared. She tested the knob and it turned in her hand. One deep breath and she shoved it open, stepping into the quickly steaming room. The door to the shower stall was glass and Darkness stood totally naked under the hot spray of water. He turned his head and his eyes narrowed.

  She grabbed the bottom of her nightshirt, yanked it over her head and dropped it on the counter. Her thumbs hooked her panties and she bent, shoving them down. “I’ll be damned if you ignore me.”

  He appeared shocked when she straightened and crossed the small room. She jerked open the door and stepped inside with him. He had to move to make room. A soft growl came from him but his cock stiffened and he kept glancing down her body.

  She saw body wash on the shelf built into the tile wall and grabbed it. She dumped a handful on her palm and lifted her chin. “Turn around. I promised to wash your back, remember?”

  He didn’t move, seemingly frozen to the spot.

  “Fine. I’ll wash your front.”

  “Kat,” he snarled and flashed fangs.

  She went right for the good spot. She stepped forward and wrapped a soapy hand around his dick. He gasped and jerked, his back hitting the tile. She pressed up against him and rubbed his shaft.

  “I want to make sure you’re really clean.” His shaft became more rigid in her hand, growing larger and thicker. Harder. Her hand trailed to the base and then to the tip. “You don’t want to talk? Fine.” She looked down between them and adjusted her stance until the head of his cock brushed her stomach. Water ran between them.

  He didn’t touch her but just stood there allowing her to play with him. She used her other hand to admire his abs. It was something she’d wanted to do forever and the lighting allowed her to see the way those muscles tensed and quivered at her light exploration.

  He had a perfect cock. It reddened as it grew really hard. Some of the soap washed away, making her reach for the bottle again. She noticed the way he breathed faster. He kept his hands fisted at his sides, spine and ass pressed firmly against the tile. She poured out more soap and ran some of it over his stomach, trailing it upward to his ribs. She massaged his shaft again, even slipping her hand lower.

  He snarled when she gently cupped his balls and he spread his legs to allow it. Kat felt victory and looked up at his face. His eyes were closed, his lips parted in an almost grimace. She lifted his dick higher and got even closer so the head and underside of his shaft rubbed against her stomach. Her attention focused on his nipples. She couldn’t resist and went for one with her mouth.

  “Fuck,” he hissed.

  She released that nipple and went for the other. It was about time he knew what it felt like to be tortured a little. He’d done it to her many times. She curled her fingers around his shaft and gripped him with enough pressure that she knew it would feel good. She stroked him up and down.

  He wrapped his arm around her, one hand cupped her ass and his fingers dug into her skin. He shifted his hips, forcing his dick against her skin. She sucked on his nipple harder, raking her teeth over the pebbled tip.

  His other hand fisted in her hair and he tugged. It wasn’t enough to hurt but she released him with her mouth and looked up. He lowered his chin and stared at her. Passion harshened his features but hunger showed in his eyes.

  “Damn you.”

  He closed his eyes and threw back his head. Hot semen shot across her belly. She looked down, watching him come. His stomach quaked, muscles rolling under the skin a little, but the sight of his cock held her attention the most. He came a lot. He released her ass and gently closed his hand over hers, urging her to let go of his shaft. She opened her fingers.

  “You are so sexy,” she admitted.

  He took a deep breath, his chest expanding, and lowered his chin. His dark eyes snapped open and she spotted the yellow flecks in his irises. That was the Darkness she liked to see most. He released her hand and curved his fingers around her hip.

  “Payback is a bitch, sweetheart.”

  He let go of her hair, reached up and grabbed the detachable showerhead. He suddenly moved and she would have slipped on the tiles but he twisted her and pressed back, pinning her to the cold tile wall. He moved in close, his body trapping her in the corner. His foot covered one of hers, firmly securing it between them. He let go of her waist and bent a little, hooking her under one knee. He lifted until she stood on one foot.

  Kat grabbed at his arms to keep her balance. “What are y—ahhh!”

  Water pressure slammed against her clit. It was shocking, sudden and felt amazing. He held the nozzle against her pussy. Kat gripped him tighter and locked her knee to keep from falling.

  “Too much,” she pleaded.

  “Too bad,” he growled. He dipped his head and pushed her face to the side. His hot mouth bit down on her throat. It hurt slightly but it felt good too. He growled, moving the nozzle a little to stroke her with the water.

  “Fuck.” She was going to come fast and hard. Her hips bucked and it only made it more intense. She just couldn’t hold still. It was impossible with that much pleasure overload.

  “Darkness!” She cried out his name when everything inside her exploded.

  Her leg gave out but she didn’t fall. The showerhead hit the tile instead and his strong arm caught her around the waist. He lifted her, releasing her trapped foot at the same time. She wrapped her arms around his neck and just panted.

  “This is a disaster about to happen,” he muttered.

  “You caught me. The worst thing that can happen is if one of us slips in here.”

  Water sprayed up at them from the dangling shower nozzle. Darkness reached behind them and it shut off. “No. It’s not, sweetheart.”

  She liked him calling her that.

  Darkness held Kat and muted the roar that wanted to come out. To throw back his head and let out his frustration would feel good. Almost as good as her hands had been on him. His dick was hard again and he wanted to fuck Kat. Watching her climax always did that to him.

  He used his shoulder to open the glass door. He stepped over the lip and onto the tile floor. Water would soak it but he didn’t give a damn. She’d left the bathroom door open so he just strode out into the bedroom and tossed her on his bed.

  She gasped, not expecting that. Hell, he could relate. He went after her, just dropping onto the bed. He grabbed her leg and shoved it out of the way, exposing her pussy. He needed to taste her. It beat the alternative. He didn’t have condoms at his place and it was too late to go get any from Supply. He’d have to go to Medical, probably wake someone.

  He buried his face and ran his tongue over her slit. The sweet flavor of her drove him insane. One of her hands dug into his wet hair, fisting a handful. He didn’t care if she pulled it. Nothing was going to distract him. He fastened his mouth over her clit and used his fangs to push some of the tender flesh back to expose more of the fleshy bud. He flattened his tongue and rapidly rubbed.

  Kat moaned and shifted her legs. One foot ended up on his back. She moved under him, her hips rolling. He pressed her down, pinning her.

  Purrs tore from him and he didn’t discourage the sound. It would add to her pleasure if he vibrated. He moved his hips, his dick hard and painful. It helped a little to rub against the comforter but being inside her would be better.

  She came, saying his name. He growled and crawled up her, not gentle when he grabbed her arms and shoved them out to her sides. He used his arms to pin them there and he spread his thighs between hers, forcing them wider. He lifted his ass and shifted until the tip of his dick found heaven. He drove into Kat.

  Darkness watched her face. She was wet, hot and nothing was between them. He fucked her hard and fast, unable to do anything less. He saw no pain though, just pleasure twisting her features. She tossed her head and made sounds that urged him to be even a little rougher than he should.

he bed creaked, his neighbor would hear the headboard slamming into the wall but he didn’t give a shit. He’d beat Smiley if the male complained. Kat’s pussy clenched tighter around him until he had to slow a little. She was so tight he had to fight to move. He growled, released one of her arms, reached down and snagged her behind her knee. He yanked up, making it easier for him to move.

  Kat came. Her arm hooked around his neck and she threw her face against his shoulder, screaming out. He started to come but snarled and pulled out of her, turning his hips. His semen coated her thigh. He knew he hadn’t done it in time. Some was inside her.

  “Holy fuck,” she panted.

  “Are you on the Pill?”

  Her eyes opened and she appeared confused. “What?”

  He released her leg and grabbed her jaw. “Are you on birth control?”

  She blinked, still looking confused. “No.”

  “Son of a bitch.” He released her and rolled away, getting to his feet. The closest thing to hit was the wall. His fist slammed into it. Plaster gave way under his knuckles.

  “Darkness?” Alarm sounded in Kat’s voice.

  She was to blame. She didn’t know it but she was. He spun, snarling. “You shouldn’t have come after me in that shower. You always have to push.”

  She sat up in the middle of his bed. Her nipples were beaded and there was gooseflesh on her still-damp skin. It meant she was cold now that they weren’t distracted. He stomped into his bathroom and tore one of the towels off the holder. He spun and lost his footing on the slick tile, almost falling before recovering his balance. It was just another reminder of how she drove him insane. A large puddle of water tracked from the shower all the way to the carpet in his room. He made it to the bed and tossed the towel at her.

  “Cover up. I can’t see you naked right now.” It just underscored what they’d done and how he’d lost control.

  “What’s going on?”

  He clenched his teeth.

  Her expression softened. “Talk to me. Please?”

  He said nothing.

  “We were having a great time and now you’re tearing up your hand. It’s bleeding. What did I do? Did I say something? I was kind of out of it.”