Page 8 of The Weakest Link

a Casino. Well he would have got inside if it hadn’t been for that damn supervisor. But that was a story for another day.

  Jack found the shirt and took it out, holding it up to the light to inspect it. It seemed in good shape - heck he had only worn it once. He finished off his disguise with a pair of standard black pants and shoes. Once again, he rounded off his disguise with the black rimmed glasses that he loved wearing because they made him look intelligent - or so he thought. Moving back to his desk, he opened the bottom drawer and rummaged through the contents, looking for the Equinix ID badge he kept there. Predictably, it had fallen to the very bottom of the drawer and was one of the last items he picked up. He took it out and put it next to his computer, checking the name he had used on the ID. It was Phillip Meyer.

  Just two more items and I’m ready, Jack thought to himself walking back to the uniform closet and pulling out a box that was on the floor. He opened it and took out a clipboard and a set of magnetic signs. These were essential tools of the trade. He printed the Equinix logo onto each magnetic sign and then printed out a checklist that would confuse even the smartest of computer geeks. He clipped the paper onto the clipboard and put it down, with the two magnetic signs, next to his ID.

  Opening Google on his computer, Jack searched for the telephone number of Equinix, and, finding it, wrote it down on the notepad next to him. Next, he searched for Tesla’s main number, writing their number next to Equinix’s. Jack used an application on his mobile phone called SpoofCard to change the number he was calling from. This added a lot of credibility to any story he was making up. The application could also disguise the caller’s voice and record the call but Jack didn’t need any of those features today.

  He opened the application, entered Equinix’s number as the one he was calling from and Tesla’s number as the number to be dialled. He clicked the green button and waited for the phone to ring on the other end.

  “Good Afternoon, Tesla Motors how can we help you?” answered a voice after three rings.

  “Hi There. I’m calling from Equinix, can I speak to someone in your IT department please?”

  “Sure, who can I say is calling?”

  “It’s John Major.”

  “Please hold John.”

  The phone went silent and some soft music started playing in the background. The sounds were so soothing that Jack felt as if he was on a tropical island. The silence was broken by a husky voice: “IT. Good day. Joe speaking.”

  “Hi Joe, this is John from Equinix.”

  “Hi there, what can I do for you?” Joe looked down at the telephone display and recognised the number of Equinix.

  “Joe, we have picked up an alarm coming from one of our routers in your server room. Is everything okay with your internet connection?”

  “Yes, well it was on a few minutes ago and it seemed fine. Let me check quickly.” Jack heard some keys being pounded on a keyboard and then the phone crackled back to life.

  “Everything seems fine. I can browse okay.”

  “OK good. Listen Joe I have a technician in the area can I get him to come over and check on the router. Normally these alarms mean something has failed or is going to fail soon. With tomorrow being Monday, I would rather double check and make sure everything is in order.”

  “Yea, probably a good idea.”

  “Good. The technician’s name is Phillip Meyer and he should be there in about thirty minutes. Can I get him to ask for you?”

  “Sure. I will arrange access at the gate for him.”

  “Great. Thanks Joe.”

  Jack put the phone down. He knew that Sundays were always the best days to try and access a building. Companies liked to save money and put the least paid and most junior staff on duty that day. He picked up his ID badge, clipboard and magnets and went to his car, putting the magnets on the side of each front door. He hoped he didn’t drive next to anybody that really did work for Equinix, otherwise he would have some explaining to do.

  Having been there before made the trip slightly faster and within twenty minutes Jack pulled up next to the guard house. The guard walked up to Jack’s window: “How can I help you?”

  Jack breathed a sigh of relief when he saw it was a different guard from the one he had first encountered and had been a smartass with. Jack held out his ID badge: “Hi. I’m Phillip Meyer from Equinix. I’ve come to check on a faulty router.”

  The guard looked at him, a confused look on his face.

  “A router? What’s that?”

  Jack was about to start explaining when he decided on an easier route.

  “Joe was going to arrange access for me?”

  “Joe? Ah yes, the IT guy. You’re the guy from the internet company. Why didn’t you just say so?”

  Jack thought of replying but he had learnt his lesson the last time. He just smiled and the guard went and opened the boom. Jack drove through and parked in one of the many vacant staff parking bays. He took a deep breath. All the hard work over the last week or so came down to this moment. It didn’t matter what he had already managed to accomplish. If he didn’t achieve his goal to get the source code for the auto pilot software, he would not be getting the other fifty percent of his pay check. He grabbed his notebook and clipboard and walked to the entrance.

  It was a different experience now that he had been there before, and he walked a lot more confidently. When he entered the building, he hovered around the table, waiting for someone to come from behind the wall and assist him. After a few minutes, Jack became impatient and subconsciously his foot started tapping on the ground.

  An elderly lady walked out, a sweet smile on her face.

  “Hello, how may I help you.”

  Jack’s frustration evaporated immediately.

  “Hi There. I’m Phillip from Equinix, I’ve come to see Joe.”

  “Ah yes Joe said you would be coming. Let me call him for you.”

  The lady went back behind the wall and emerged a few seconds later.

  “He is on his way. Please have a seat.”

  “I’ve been driving all morning mam. If you don’t mind, I’ll just stand for a while.”

  “Certainly, whatever makes you comfortable. I would offer you some coffee but I’m afraid all the equipment is switched off on a Sunday.”

  “No problem.”

  A voice from behind startled Jack.

  “Phillip from Equinix?”

  Jack whirled around.


  “Hi, I’m Joe from IT.”

  Jack shook Joe’s hand.

  “Hi Joe. Pleased to meet you. Thanks for letting us check on the router. My boss always freaks out when it comes to Tesla. Any alarms that come up for Tesla have to be reported to him immediately.”

  “Good to know we are so important. Now please follow me. Let’s go to the computer room and check on that router.”

  Jack bid the receptionist farewell and followed Joe through the glass doors, down the passage, through a second set of glass doors and into the IT offices. Joe paused outside the server.

  “Go ahead.” Joe said to Jack.

  Jack stood there, a little confused.

  “Go ahead?” With what?”

  “The door. Put in your vendor code. I assume your office gave you the code before they sent you.”

  “Oh yes... the code.”

  What the hell was that code again! A small bead of perspiration began to form on Jack’s forehead. Luckily it was on the opposite side from where Joe was standing. Jack turned and looked at the keypad, trying to remember the sequence the man in the video had entered. He lifted his hand to the keypad and took a deep breath. As he exhaled he remembered the start of the sequence and pushed the five.

  The perspiration had started to run down the side of his cheek and was headed for his jaw. It was tickling him but he didn’t want to draw any attention to it by wiping it away. He could feel a few more beads starting to form on the top of his forehead, just below his hairline. He wracked his bra
in, What number was next? Jack knew he couldn’t stand there and try and remember each number, Joe would be onto him soon enough.

  “It’s so hot in here. Is the air-con working?” Jack asked, hoping to buy himself a few seconds.

  “Let me go and check.” Joe turned around and walked to the air-con’s control panel on wall. Jack knocked his head a few times with his knuckles. Think! Why didn’t you write it down you idiot! No time for blaming, take a step back, relax and breathe. Jack closed his eyes and took a few deep breaths to calm himself. As he took the last breath and opened his eyes, Joe walked up to him.

  “It seems fine, its set on 70 degrees.”

  Jack lifted his hand to the keypad and punched in the remaining digits, nine, six and one. There was a loud beep sound and the door clicked open.

  “After you,” said Jack as he pulled the door open.

  Joe walked in and stood in the centre of the server room. There were large server racks lined up on either side of the room, cold air bellowing from vents in the floor. The noise from the air-cons was deafening and Jack had to shout to be heard.

  “Where is the router?” Hands cupped around his mouth.

  Joe pointed to a cabinet in the corner of the room. “It’s in that cabinet.”


  Joe walked to the cabinet and tried to open the door. It was locked. Damn, what if I was supposed to bring a key, he thought to himself. He looked back at Joe and shouted.

  “It’s locked!”

  “What?” asked Joe and he moved closer.

  “It’s locked!” repeated Jack.

  “Oh hell, I forgot the key, give me a second.”

  Joe turned around and went out of the