She loved that it was real. It was so much better than any dream could be. “Yes, I know.”

  There was urgency in his voice when he spoke again, as if he too was eager for what came next. “You’re sure you want this?”

  She nodded, feeling impatient. She wanted him. Now. “Yes,” she said. “You know I do. You’re the only one resisting.”

  And with that said, she slid her hand between their bodies and wrapped it around his hard cock and guided him inside her body. She sighed with a sense of relief as she felt the head penetrate her body.

  He whispered her name without moving. But then he seemed to change. He made a growling noise and then sunk deep to her core. The force of his penetration rocked her body with pure pleasure, making her cry out.

  He stilled then, not moving for a long moment, and she sensed he was struggling for control. Buried deep inside her body, she could hardly breathe with the urgency for more. “You’re so tight, Holly.”

  It was a question. “I told you I haven’t dated much,” she said in a hoarse whisper, wanting to reassure him. “It’s been years.” She kissed his neck and then his ear.

  He leaned up on his elbows. “But you want me?” he asked, looking into her eyes.

  She clung to him, her hips moving upwards. “Oh, yes,” she whispered. “Please move, Mason.”

  His eyes darkened and, as if she had pushed him over the edge of control, he did just as she requested. He moved, sliding out of her and then lunging deep again. And then they were kissing again, hungrily, almost desperately tasting one another. It was as if he was giving her his breath in place of her own.

  She wrapped her arms under his shoulder and pulled her body as close to his as she could, needing to feel his skin next to hers, wanting it like she wanted nothing else.

  He was saying her name, whispering that she was his angel, moving in and out of her body even as she pressed her hips against his. For long minutes, they moved with a frenzied urgency. But then he changed. Slowly, precisely, he seduced her body with his own. As if he savored every stroke. Even his kisses softened, becoming more like caresses. His fingers were in her hair, on her face, touching her lips between kisses.

  “I tried to resist,” he murmured against her mouth but he kissed her before she could respond.

  She wanted to ask him why. Why was he resisting what felt so right? Why? But his mouth and body claimed all that she was. She arched into him, legs wrapped around his. As if he understood her need, he slipped his hands beneath her and cupped her bottom. He lifted her hips and sank deeper.

  She could hear his breathing. Or maybe it was hers. She wasn’t sure. They had begun moving with more urgency again. The softness of the moments before became a turbulent ride of pure passion. He plunged into her, stroke by stroke, delivering pleasure with each move.

  The build to ultimate pleasure took complete control. She hardly remembered one move from the next. Suddenly, she shattered… She squeezed her eyes shut, unable to do anything but feel. Never, ever had she experienced such total elation. Wave after wave rocked her body.

  He called her name, his face buried in her neck, and she felt his body shake. He was coming with her. She didn’t think that really happened. Two people actually coming together.

  She smiled, feeling him calm even as she did the same.

  But the more she relaxed, the more her head began to spin. A strange wave of dizziness followed. The room actually seemed to spin around her. “Mason,” she whispered, her voice trembling from the experience, trying not to panic.

  “Holly, I…” His hand cupped her cheek, his lips brushing her skin tenderly. “Holly—”

  “Mason—” She couldn’t finish. Faster the room spun. It felt as if she was having a weird, out-of-body experience. Time seemed to somehow stand still. She wasn’t sure how long it lasted. It could have been seconds. Maybe it was minutes.

  All she knew was Mason held her, saying her name, telling her it was okay. She didn’t like feeling out of control. She wanted the comfort Mason offered. Slowly, as things began to return to normal, she heard his words, confusion forming even further.

  “I didn’t know,” he murmured.

  But she still couldn’t begin to make sense of his meaning. “I don’t feel right, Mason.” Her hands were on his head. She needed his full attention. She needed help. She couldn’t breathe. “Something is wrong with me.”

  He responded quickly, leaning so he could frame her face with his hands. He looked down at her. “Look at me, and breath. Focus on my eyes.”


  “Focus, Holly.”

  She blinked, trying to focus, but God, what was happening to her?

  “Focus.” This time his voice held a hint of command.

  She blinked again and swallowed, slowly bringing him into focus. “You’re going to be fine.” His voice soothed and reassured. “Keep looking into my eyes and breathe.”

  She did as he said. Those hypnotic black eyes somehow bringing her back to a calmer place.

  “Keep looking at me. Breathe with me. In,” she did as he said, “and out.” She started feeling better. Not right, but getting there.

  “Good,” he murmured and brushed his lips across hers. “Better?”

  She nodded and her hand went to his cheek. There was desperation she couldn’t control in her voice. “Please tell me what just happened.”

  She needed to understand.

  * * * * *

  Mason looked down at Holly’s trembling lips, feeling a mix of emotions so turbulent they were hard to decipher, let alone control.

  He now knew with certainty he had Arion blood running through his veins. It was confirmed by his behavior with Holly. He’d taken her with not thought of birth control. Of the impact on her life. Driven by the need to mate. And it had consumed her as well. She’d been blindly pulled into the call of their connection. Body and soul, he and Holly had just been joined in a way that only an Arion and his true mate could be.

  The realization was one that would change his future forever. And now Holly’s.

  It was hard to think about the implications. Holding the woman he now knew was his destiny, he wanted to savor the moment. She was his other half. The woman who made him complete.

  There was no way he could fight what was so alive, so real. And there was no way to undo what was done.


  He ran his thumb down her jaw. “Feel better?” She was so pure, so beautiful.

  His angel.

  His guiding light to good over evil.

  Could fate have delivered her to him as a saving grace? But how would she respond once she knew he had linked himself to her for all of eternity? That he had taken her right to choose?

  “I don’t know what came over me. All a sudden I was so dizzy.” She made a confused sound. “Actually, I still feel…odd.”

  “I know,” he murmured. “I know.” He had felt what she had but his mental abilities had allowed him to control his response. It was said that, as an Arion mated, the two souls were joined. “Let me make you feel better.”

  He brushed his mouth across hers, parting her lips and gently sliding his tongue into her mouth. Their tongues touched and sensation rocked his body and he felt her trembling response and knew she felt it as well.

  There was no doubt they were linked. The mating was known to make the two lovers sensitized to each other in such a way that the pleasures of the flesh were enhanced tenfold.

  Still buried deep inside her, still hard, he wanted her again—no, needed her again—and had to have her. There was no fighting what was happening.

  Gently their tongues met, as lightly as soft caresses, both of them slowly growing accustomed to the intensity of their impact on each other’s senses. With each stroke of his tongue, he savored her flavor, her very essence, her absolute perfection.

  In the back of his mind he knew what he was doing was wrong. He’d been dreaming of her and then she was there, in his arms, as if it was d

  He wanted to make love to her. To go slow, and savor every moment.

  Purposely, he slipped out of her, swallowing her objection with his mouth as he kissed her. “Easy, angel. There’s no rush.”

  She tasted like sugar and spice and smelled like jasmine. It was as if the flower was a part of her chemical make-up, the sweet floral scent clinging to her as if it were a part of her essence.

  His hands moved to her breasts, cupping them, loving how they fit in his hands so perfectly. As if they were made for him. Gently, he kneaded and squeezed and ran his thumbs over her nipples. He followed with his mouth, tasting each nipple with slow perfection.

  Hungrily his eyes surveyed the rosy peaks now glistening and hard from his mouth. She had beautiful breasts, firm and round. She whimpered, burying her hands in his hair and murmuring his name. “Please, Mason. I want you inside me again.”

  “I need to taste you, Holly,” he said and, before she could argue, he was trailing his tongue and lips down her stomach, lingering and teasing.

  When he knew she was on edge, he gave her what she wanted…what he wanted. His mouth found her already swollen nub and suckled lightly. She moaned with the impact, her hands still in his hair, but tightening.

  His hands slipped under her perfect, round butt pushing her hips forward so he could get to her better. He wanted her to come like she had never come before. This was his woman and he wanted her to know just how well he would take care of her.

  His tongue swirled. His teeth nipped. His tongue flickered. Her body trembled. And then she exploded. She called out his name and hearing it as she shook with pure ecstasy was amazing. His tongue dipped deep inside her, pushing her higher, wanting all she could give.

  He replaced his tongue with a finger, still lapping at her clit, as his finger stroked and caressed. Her body was on edge, he could feel the urgency of her movements against his mouth and finger. He suckled harder, stroked deeper, moving her to the next level.

  Her soft little cries of need, of passion, drove him for more. He lapped at her, hungry for the taste of her desire, loving how she pressed against him.

  She called his name as she stiffened and he felt her body clutch his finger. His cock grew with the knowledge of her release. It made him so hot, knowing he had pleased her. With soft caresses of his tongue that defied the growing urgency of his body, he led her to a long release and then slowly brought her down.

  Sliding upward, he kissed his way back to her mouth. His tongue dipped into her mouth even as his body sunk deep into her wet, sensitive core. “You feel so damn good,” he murmured, perhaps in his head or maybe out loud. He wasn’t sure. He was too lost in the tidal wave of heat that pushed him to lunge deeper and deeper.

  Her body hugged him, her back arched. He couldn’t get enough of her. He moved faster, and got hotter and harder, with every passing minute until… It was a fast, hard ride and he couldn’t maintain control… It was as if everything inside him cried out for a completeness only she could give.

  And suddenly, he was coming, his release rocking his body with such intensity, he cried out. She clung to him, saying his name over and over. Hearing her call him with such heat in her voice was like an added boost of pleasure. And she clung to him, her body tightening around him as if it wanted all that he was.

  He spilled himself inside her and he felt a sense of satisfaction, of utter release, he had never felt before. This was his woman.


  He collapsed gently on top of her, holding her tight. Moments later, he moved and pulled her under his arm, her head nuzzled on his shoulder.

  She sighed with satisfaction as his hand caressed her hair. He could feel her heart beating against his chest, their bodies pressed so closely together, legs entwined. He stared into space, loving how she felt in his arms and dreading what had to come next.

  It was time for them to talk. There wasn’t an option. The moment of truth had arrived. “Holly,” he said, nuzzling her temple and then kissing her forehead. Moving, he turned her onto her back again, resting on his elbows above her. She blinked several times, her lovely dark lashes fluttering against her pale cheeks.

  When she opened her eyes, looking down into her sexy, sleepy gaze, he felt a surge of trepidation. This woman, so gentle and caring, his mate, was the last person he wanted to hurt. Her hand went to his cheek in a gentle caress. His hand went to it, covering it and then bringing her knuckles to his lips. “We need to talk.”

  Apprehension slipped into her eyes but she kept her tone playful. “I do that better when I’m not naked.

  He wished he could savor their closeness for at least a little longer. “Let’s try,” he said forcefully. “Better yet, I’ll talk, you listen.”

  Her eyes narrowed and he saw a glint of fear in them. And he had no doubt that their newly formed bond allowed her to sense his dread. “Let me up,” she said in a tight little voice that held authority.

  “I can’t do that,” he responded with regret, but no hesitation. He held her tight. What had to be done, had to be done. “First, I need you to know what’s between us is very real, Holly. You know that, don’t you?”

  Her expression was suspicious. “Just say what you have to say, Mason.”

  He sighed. “The day we met, you blew me away. I’d never felt such a sudden interest in anyone.”

  “The point, Mason,” she said with building tension in her tone.

  “When you told me your name, I almost fell over,” he said very quietly. “You see, you were,” he paused, “are,” he amended, “my assignment.”

  Her breathing was heavy, making her chest rise and fall pressing against his.


  Chapter Eight

  A tight knot gathered in Holly’s stomach. His assignment? Had Mason really just said she was his assignment?

  “Did your assignment include sleeping with me?” Her words were enunciated severely.

  Pushing at the solid wall of his chest, she squirmed, feeling desperate to get some space between her and the man she had wrongfully thought she could trust.

  What a fool she was.

  He didn’t budge. “You know better.” His voice was as tight as a rubber band. “I didn’t count on this. Hell,” he paused, “if you remember, I tried to avoid it.”

  She laughed. Bitterness etched the sound. “Yeah, but I just wouldn’t let it go, would I?” Sarcasm laced her words. “If I remember correctly, I woke up with you on top of me!” She pushed at his arms this time. “Now get off!”

  He gritted his teeth, not moving an inch. “Not until you hear me out. Fight, beat at me, whatever, but I’m not moving until you listen.”

  Considering his threat, she believed him. Not being one to enjoy being made a fool of, she stilled. “Fine,” she bit out. “Talk.”

  “I work for the government.”

  “Oh God,” she said as reality sunk in, “you work with Walsh.” She swallowed. “I have to give it to you. You two are supreme actors. I never would have guessed you knew each other.”

  “We don’t,” he said. “I know of him but he doesn’t know me. Not many do. I operate in covert missions.”

  She felt his uneasiness like a snug glove. The sensation was overwhelming, almost suffocating. “What does that mean, exactly?”

  “I am brought in when there is imminent danger.” His gaze was sharp. Probing. “The government experimented with genetics therapy. They created those super soldiers you so dislike. It worked. They made men who have exceptional abilities with limited side effects. Then, they got greedy. They took things too far and it backfired.”

  Oh God. What had they done? “Go on,” she urged, no longer even considering fighting him. This was something she needed to know about.

  “You’re familiar with area 51?”

  She bit back irritation. “I live in Nevada.”

  “The rumors are true. There were aliens found. And they—our government, that is—used them to enhance a group of sold

  Her blood went cold. “Tell me you’re joking.”

  His expression was grim. “I wish I could.”

  Possibilities, none of them good, were racing through her head. “Let me up.”

  He studied her a moment. “Holly—”

  She was feeling suffocated. “I can’t think trapped like this, Mason! I need to think!”

  He still didn’t budge, his scrutiny of her features intensifying. Then, abruptly, he freed her. Stunned, she didn’t move at first, digesting the odd sense of loss she felt now that he wasn’t touching her. It confused her and even left her somewhat resentful.