The star. The way she felt with Diego. It was true she wasn’t the same. Diego had changed her. Perhaps forever. “What did you do to me?”

  He didn’t immediately answer. “Are you afraid?”

  Her eyes narrowed. “You know I’m not.” She paused. “But I should be.”

  His brow inched upward, and he stepped towards her. “Why?” he asked. “Because logic says you should be?” With each word he took a step. “Or because normal humans fear the unknown?”

  She watched him close the distance between them, feeling the pulse of anticipation beneath her skin. Wanting answers to questions she didn’t even understand. It was confusing. He tied her in knots. “Exactly.”

  “But you’re not normal,” he said. “Never have been nor will you ever be again.”

  “Not by human standards, I’m not. But by my own neither are you.” Even as she spoke the words, Marcella knew they didn’t ring true. He had changed her.

  “You are very much like me.” Diego stood in front of her now and extended his hand. “Come,” he said. “I’ll teach you all you want to know.”

  She looked down at his hand. For a split second Marcella tried to resist the lure he held. But it was a useless endeavor. Going to him was like running to the warmth of a flame on a cold day. Impossible to resist.

  But as she slipped her hand in his, she willed herself to remain strong. She would only give him a piece of her. He was, after all, a stranger with an agenda she couldn’t begin to understand.

  Or could she?

  * * * * *

  David stepped outside the hotel, frustration deep in his soul. The area was deserted, the lights low and the night dark. His strides were long as he walked with a hurried pace. He needed air and space. The way Marcella had clung to the stranger’s side had him in knots. It twisted and burned like acid in an open wound.

  He’d always felt things for Marcella. Things he shouldn’t. After all, he was her protector. Getting personal complicated things. But somewhere along the line, it had happened. He had fallen in love with Marcella.

  The woods were heavy to his left. The solitude they offered called to him with a strange magnetic pull. It was unlike him to retreat but for some reason it felt compelling. Even necessary. Though there was no one around, he didn’t like the prospect. His mind raced with turbulent thoughts. This new stranger represented trouble and he knew it. His sudden appearance alone would have been suspicious, but the way Marcella responded to him was simply crazy. He was a stranger. Had the man cast some sort of spell on her?

  He was now past the main scenery of the hotel, brush crunching beneath his boots. Running actually crossed his mind. Anything that might let off the steam burning beneath his skin. Yet he held back, knowing he couldn’t stray too far. What if Marcella needed him? Yet emotions clogged his mind and made a clear plan difficult to conceive. Every instinct he owned pressed him to go back after Marcella.

  He stopped walking, though he really wanted to keep moving, knowing he needed to stay near the hotel. Even now, he should return. But he needed just a minute more. With a deep breath, he took a seat on a large rock. And that’s when he noticed it…the total, complete silence.

  Not one branch moved. Not one leaf fluttered. A slow awareness slid down his spine as evil as a snake slivering to its prey. And he knew, without a doubt, he was being watched. Damn it! Had he been lured from Marcella? What insanity had possessed him to walk into the woods?

  Careful not to make any rash moves, he forced himself to remain still. Discreetly, he eyed the left and then the right. But still nothing. Not a single movement. It was almost…unearthly.

  A sudden gush of wind tore through the air and he dug his palms against the hard stone. Everything calm became chaos. Tree limbs ripped from the root, leaves flew through the air. And then as if out of nowhere, two men approached. No. They were more beast than men. Their hair was long, flowing in the wind behind their broad shoulders. Snarls painted their faces with anger, challenging looks no doubt meant to intimidate.

  David pushed to his feet and stood, stance wide, hand sliding to his waist, resting on his gun. He didn’t dare draw it, but the comfort of knowing it was near held a calming impact. Facing his opponents, he was prepared to act. He might be outnumbered but he wasn’t weak or afraid. The bigger of the two challengers sported a deep gash on his face. He stepped forward taking the lead. He took a step as well, showing these men—or whatever the hell they were— he was up for the challenge.

  The aggressive one spoke. “You have two options on this night.”

  David’s brow lifted. “Let me guess…live or die.” He paused for effect. “Not very original.”

  “Actually, death is one very real option.”

  A scraping noise drew David’s attention to the man’s hands. Blades were extending from his skin. What the hell? His heart beat faster as he tried to process what must be an illusion. He blinked. Shit. It seemed real. Like blades really came from his skin. His mind flashed back to Marcella’s words. Monsters she had called her new enemies.

  And he knew in that moment that Diego was not the bad guy. He was indeed just the opposite. He’d allowed jealousy to taint his usual instinct. Making eye contact with his enemy, he stiffened his spine.

  He focused on coming off strong. A gun would surely kill these things. “Death is an option, no doubt. For you and me.”

  The monster smiled as did his companion. “You are no match for me and neither is the gun you hope will save you.”

  David felt as if the breath was knocked out of his chest. How could he know his thoughts? He swallowed. Marcella had abilities. Could these things have powers even greater than hers? Reaching deep for calm, he rationalized. It could be a logical guess. An intimidation tactic.

  “Right. You’re bulletproof.”

  Laughter followed. The creature held out his arms. “Care to try me?”

  No. That was what came to mind. Somehow he didn’t think this was going well. “I don’t play games. What do you want?”

  “It’s what you want. I can give you power, skill and the woman of your dreams. Do I have your attention?”

  He didn’t want to know what this guy was talking about. It wasn’t good, he knew that much, and it was enough. “Whatever you are getting at, forget it.”

  The shorter of the two stepped forward, and razors shot from his hands. “I’m afraid we can’t do that.”

  Suddenly, David felt a force in his mind. Like a low hum. Pressure. He squeezed his eyes shut against the pain.

  “Stop fighting and the pain will end.” The voice felt distant yet close. In his head. He pressed his palms over his ears. Somehow he had to fight. He had to warn Marcella. In his mind, he cried out as he fell to his knees.

  * * * * *

  Marcella felt the weight of Diego like a heavy, seductive blanket of fulfillment. He shuddered with release. Hers had come only moments before, drawing from her a sigh of utter satisfaction. There had been no time to ask questions or even think them. The minute they had touched passion had flared. One minute she stood at the door of the room, the next she was naked, beneath him, in total bliss. After several moments of simply clinging together, sated and pressed close, Diego rolled over and pulled her to his shoulder. His hand stroked her hair with tender, gentle caresses.

  But suddenly the peace of the moment was gone. Her mind raged with a fierce cry. Squeezing her eyes shut, she tried to understand what was happening. A sharp pain knifed into her stomach. She sat up, holding her middle.

  “David,” she gasped.

  Diego was already sitting, having followed her movement, his hands on her arms. “I know, my love,” he said. “I’m going to him.”

  She turned, blinking Diego into focus. “Hurry. He’s hurt.”

  Already standing, he reached for his clothes. “I’m going,” he said. “Lock the door and don’t open it until I say so. And I mean not for anyone but me.”

  Feeling the reality of the present rather than the di
stant fog of her vision, Marcella scrambled to the side of the bed. “No,” she said, “I have to go. What if he needs to be healed?”

  “Forget it.” Diego’s voice was firm. “You’re not going anywhere.” He reached for his shirt and tugged it over his head.

  Marcella grabbed her skirt from the floor and stepped into it. “What if he’s hurt? You might need me.”

  Marcella, I’m a doctor. I can handle David’s injuries. I don’t want you getting hurt in the process.”

  She reached for her blouse, not bothering with a bra. There wasn’t time. No way could she stay here and bear the anguish of waiting. “I’m going. I have the ability to fight. You saw what I did to David.”

  “David is nothing compared to these men.”

  She reached for her shoes. “I’m going, Diego. If you leave me I will follow.”

  * * * * *

  She’d left him no real option. On the other hand, Diego knew the dangerous ground he was treading on. There was no time for debate, so he went with his gut instincts. The minute he took a step towards her, she backed up, clearly reading his intent. Perhaps even his mind. She had the ability to and he did nothing to block his mind. Marcella was his mate. It was his duty to protect her.

  “You wouldn’t,” she said, a tightness to her voice that said she knew he indeed would.

  “You leave me no option, woman.”

  She took another step. So did he. “Diego, stop!” There was no time. He took two long strides and tossed her as gently as possible over his shoulder. “Oh my God,” she said. “No! You aren’t doing this. The blood is running to my head, damn it! Put me down, you beast!”

  He grabbed the ties off the curtains. Beast. Yes, he was. Their leader, Mason, had always feared the more primal part of who he was. Diego wasn’t. He was confident in the human side of his being. And he knew it controlled the darker part of his being. “I am that and more, Marcella. Don’t test me.”

  The bed had a padded board and nothing to tie her to. He sat her on the floor and formed a V over her body with his, easily trapping her. He pulled her hands in front of her body and wrapped them. All the while she complained and called him names.

  Her hands now bound, she fumed. “I won’t forgive you for this.”

  He gave her a hard stare. She squirmed. He needed to attach her to the bed. “The longer it takes me to complete this task the longer David goes without help. A minute could cost him his life.”

  And those words calmed her. She stilled. “I can’t believe you’re doing this.”

  “You forced my actions.” He looped the other tie around the bed frame but now he needed to connect it to the one around her wrists. “The only way I can be certain you don’t get away is if your hands go above your head.”

  Her eyes went wise. “Please,” she whispered. “Diego, don’t do this.”

  He moved her, not waiting for her agreement, his body still over hers. With her flat on her back, he pushed her hands over her head. And then he brushed his lips over hers. “You leave me no option.” He secured her, leaving no slack. “I’ll be back soon.”

  Without another moment’s pause, he headed to the door. David was being tortured. The Arions were trying to force him to go to their side. And he was resisting.

  Which made him a man worth saving.

  Chapter Seven

  Diego walked through the lobby of the hotel with a cool exterior but he felt the heat of urgency. And David’s pain played on his nerve endings like a low hum. Something he’d experienced in the past with others, but only when he made an effort to reach for a mind. David’s pain seemed to call to him automatically. It was a unique sensation he expected came from his connection to Marcella. He was quickly realizing their combined powers had created an evolution of sorts. Not only did she have many of his powers, she had her own. The way she had stopped David with her mind had been a shock. He had this ability but it was practiced. She had done it effortlessly. They had hoped her powers would allow her to develop the skills of others. He had no doubt now. She had much to offer.

  The moment he was in the coverage of the woods, he disappeared into the wind and reappeared only a foot away from David. Both Arions snarled at him and Diego faced them, ready to fight. But with his mind, he reached for David, feeling his pain and creating a buffer to ease the intensity. Though he’d resisted working his mind powers in manipulative ways, he’d mastered the art of blocking pain.

  The bigger of the two Arions hovered near David. “I thought you were here to see Grandma?”

  He ignored his taunting question. “Don’t you have anything better to do than terrorize humans?”

  “I suppose you’re here to stop us,” the shorter one said.

  “Smart guy,” Diego said.

  “But you’re not or you wouldn’t have changed sides.”

  The other Arion added, “Or come here alone.” Diego extended the razors from his wrists in silent challenge. The two Arions started towards him. Diego’s time spent studying the Arions gave him an upper hand. He knew the weak spots of his enemy.

  With that came confidence. It didn’t change the fact he was outnumbered, but he had to survive for the sake of Marcella.

  “Need help?”

  Diego knew the voice to his left. Micah. His mind drew a picture, but his eyes remained on his enemy. Well over six feet tall, with massive arms and black hair that hung like a lion’s mane to his shoulders, Micah was potent in battle. And a nice surprise right about now. The Knights called him the Guardian Angel. Micah claimed all Knights as the Guardians of humanity. It had been Micah who had led the Knights caught in the Arion circle in an uprising. And it had been Micah who had helped the Knights’ leaders assume his power and accept the battle to come.

  Diego focused on the bigger of the Arions who was now pacing from left to right in front of him, but he spoke to Micah. “Never did like to miss a battle, did you, Micah?”

  “Mason didn’t like the idea of you out here alone.”

  Diego didn’t reply. He saw the flash of metal as the Arion drove his sharp blade at him. Diego caught it with his own and then thrust his other arm forward only to find it blocked. He’d angered his enemy, making him curse under his breath.

  Diego lifted a brow. “Not as easy to beat as you expected, I take it?”

  The Arion made a frustrated sound and ground his feet deeper into the dirt. He and Diego pressed against each other, blade to blade, each forcing the other forward and then backwards. Finally, they shoved off each other. Diego and the Arion ended up bouncing backwards several steps.

  Out of the corner of his eye, Diego saw the other Arion move behind him. In front of him, Diego’s adversary disappeared into the wind. Damn it, he hated…that shit.

  Standing above David an Arion held a knife. His eyes locked with Diego’s. “I should just kill your man and be done with him,” the Arion said. The threat proved worthless when Micah appeared behind the Arion and shoved a knife directly into the enemy’s heart, killing him.

  A quick sweep for the second Arion and Diego found him dead at Micah’s hand. Diego gave Micah a quick nod. “You made my job easy.”

  Micah smiled. “Looks to me like you need your energy to play healer,” he said, inclining his head towards David.

  And then he heard Marcella in his head. Bring him to me. He hadn’t expected her to be able to reach to him from such a distance.

  I’m on my way.

  * * * * *

  Marcella heard the door open. She had mixed feelings about her current position. She was hot about being tied to the bed, but not as much as she had been a few minutes before. She’d felt Diego’s battle in her mind. And she knew he had protected David. A part of her knew he’d done it for her as well.

  For now, she knew to put aside the whirlwind of confusion she felt. For now, she needed to help tend to David. But later she had things to say to Diego. Groundwork and boundaries to be set. She wasn’t going to be a pawn to his orders.

  “Diego?” she
called out. Even though she knew it was him entering the room, she needed to hear his voice.

  “Yes,” he said, “I’m here.” He squatted beside her, releasing her ties.

  The sound gave her a rush of relief beyond what was normal. She hardly knew this man yet she feared for him as if he was her family. She rubbed her wrists and sat up, concerned. “Where is he?”

  He started to move away and she knew he felt a rush of some sort. But she reached for his arm, needing his touch for some reason she didn’t quite process. It simply was what it was. Real and urgent. When she should be smacking his face for tying her up, she was compelled to connect with him. She hated her own lack of reason. And touching him seemed to connect her to what he was feeling. The mental path they shared expanded. And with that one contact, she confirmed what she already knew… “It’s bad, isn’t it?”