Chapter Sixteen

  As easily as they had appeared inside the compound, Diego and Micah reappeared on the outskirts. Marcus and two other men were to meet them at a certain checkpoint. They appeared inside the cluster of trees established as the meeting stop. And as expected Marcus was there. Only he stood in the midst of four Arions, one of which was Damion, and he wasn’t a captive.

  Marcus was a traitor.

  “Welcome,” Damion said. “Took you long enough.”

  Micah stepped towards him, razors extended, paying no attention to the others around them. And just like that, they were in the midst of a battle. Diego followed his lead and extended his razors. There was no time to draw weapons. He simply had to go hand to hand. With an Arion on either side of him, he felt the slice of his side as it ripped beneath a razor.

  But he also sliced the face of another. He couldn’t stay in one spot and survive and he knew it. With a move he normally wouldn’t attempt, he disappeared into the wind and reappeared several feet away. He’d never been able to do such a thing. Micah could, as could Mason. And even in danger, his mind went to Marcella. It was the power she had blessed him. She had made this possible.

  He had a moment to take stock. His eyes went to Micah as he drove one of his razors through the head of Marcus. Sure death. At the same time, he kicked another. But Damion was missing.

  His two Arions appeared beside him, and once again he was in heated battle. The punches came hard and fast but he held his own. These two, he determined, were newly converted. He was easily able to hold them off. They had yet to develop a high level of skills. And he wondered why they were chosen as his attackers.

  Was the intent simply to distract him?

  With his urgency on the rise, he slammed a knife through the head of one of them and turned to find the other. He needed to figure out what was really going on here. Only he now faced Damion. The other Arion was gone. He and Damion stood there, face-to-face, eyes locked in challenge. In the distance, Diego was aware that Micah was surrounded.

  Damion had an agenda. “What do you want?” Diego asked.

  He smiled, completely confident in his intent. “You and Marcella.”

  “It won’t happen.”

  “I have a feeling your mate will come if it saves your life. After all, her aunt is gone. You are all she has.”

  “You bastard,” Diego said, stepping forward. He was going to kill him here and now. The intent had been to kill Catherine all along. But suddenly he had three Arions around him, knives at his throat.

  Damion laughed. “Rash actions will get you killed, my old friend.”

  “We are not friends.” He should attempt to fade and move. But if he failed…

  Damion continued, “Not yet but we will be.” He spoke the words with confidence.

  The knives were close. A wrong move and Diego would be dead. He knew he needed a miracle. And it came in the form of bullets smashing into the chests of the men around him. The moment was all he had. Diego disappeared into wind and reappeared several feet away. Seconds later, Mason appeared by his side. Knights were in hard battle, and the Arions were falling as if powerless. The steroid. It worked.

  There was one Arion still standing. Damion. Knights surrounded him, ready to end this battle. “Wait!” Diego called. “He’s mine.”

  Diego started forward but Mason reached for his arm. “No. Go to your mate. He is not worth it. This is not who you are.”

  The words hit him like a punch in the gut. Mason was right. He had been eager to kill. The beast inside raged with urgency. Because of Damion. Which was exactly why he needed to walk away. Micah appeared by his side and he and Diego exchanged a look. It was time to go home. They disappeared into the wind, leaving Mason and the other Knights to end this battle.

  And it was indeed over for now though not even close to done. Mason wasn’t surprised when his brother appeared by his side. David. The newcomer in their camp shared his name. That was going to be difficult for him. Anything that reminded him of his brother was like poison.

  He turned to face the man once called family and now called enemy. But David wasn’t here to fight. Mason sensed his intent.

  “Join me, Mason.”


  “You can’t win.”

  Mason’s brow inched upward. “Then what are you afraid of?”

  David laughed. “Perhaps it’s you that is afraid. That is why you hide, isn’t it?”

  “I’m here now. Fight me.”

  “I want us to rule together, Mason. I will not kill the man who can own the universe with me. Together we can have it all. Think of it. Our resources combined. We can make a better race. No more crime. No more racism.”

  “And what do you call your treatment of humans?”

  “Necessary. They are fools who abuse each other and their planet.”

  “You’re the fool, David. And I’m going to stop you.”

  He smiled. “I haven’t given up on you yet.” The wind lifted around them and David’s jaw clenched. “But I warn you, my patience is thin.”

  And then he was gone.

  * * * * *

  Diego followed Micah off the elevator and found Marcella at the doors. She wrapped her arms around him and clung. He had expected Holly to tell her he had arrived. They had cameras and buzzers to alert them of arrivals. But he hadn’t expected this kind of greeting. He held her and buried his nose in the soft scent of her hair. Never in his life had he needed someone like he needed Marcella. She wasn’t blaming him for her aunt. He had been certain that she would.

  Micah slid by them in silence. He stopped in front of Holly and answered her question before she asked. “Mason is safe. He’ll be here soon.”

  Marcella looked at her hand and then Diego’s side. “You’re bleeding!

  Holly rushed forward. “Let me see.” Her hand was on his side. “Come with me. You need stitches.”

  She started walking and Diego reached for her hand. “No. How are you?”

  Holly smiled. “Thanks to Marcella, I’m not sick for the first time in a week.”

  Diego looked at Marcella, a question in his eyes.

  I can’t heal her. I only calmed her body. She is not getting the nutrients her body needs. You must heal her, Diego.

  How serious is she? Can you buy me some time to find an answer to the absorption issues?

  Marcella bit her bottom lip. Some.

  Holly frowned. “Stop talking about me in your heads. Tell me what you’re saying.”

  Diego sighed. “We have to solve the absorption issues.”

  “I have some ideas on that. Now come get stitched and well so you can help me make them count.” She paused. “Tomorrow.”

  * * * * *

  Marcella felt Diego’s lips on hers and her eyes opened instantly. They were lying in the bed Diego had called theirs. It was a small cavern behind Holly and Mason’s. She’d fallen asleep in his arms. And he had held her as she cried for her aunt.

  Her palms went to his cheeks. “Tell me I’m not dreaming.”

  He smiled against her lips. “You weren’t dreaming before. It was more like an alternate existence.”

  Her hand brushed his bandage. “What about your side?”

  “I’ve slept several hours. It’s much better.” His lips brushed hers again. “You have no idea how much I need you.”

  “I’m beginning to,” she said. “I need you too. I don’t understand all of this but I do.” Marcella paused. “Make me like you, Diego.”

  He leaned back and looked into her eyes. “What?”

  “Holly said she converted.”

  “Or she would have died. She was injured.”

  “You don’t want me to?” she asked, her teeth finding her bottom lip.

  “I do. I mean…I don’t know. You have more ability to protect yourself if you convert.”

  “Good. I want to fight. I want to win this war.”

  Diego brushed hair from her eyes. His touched made her s
hiver. It warmed and enticed as well as making her feel loved and needed. “You hate fighting,” he said.

  “So do a lot of soldiers,” Marcella objected. She’d thought this through. “I would rather contribute in other ways but I won’t be defenseless.”

  “There are negatives to conversion,” he warned. “Look at Holly and this pregnancy.”

  “We’ll solve the nutrition issues. I know we will. But if we don’t take the advantages the enhancements offer, we might not live to save humanity.”

  Diego slid between her legs, and his elbows rested on either side of her head. “Give it time. If you want this, I want it. But not now.”

  Her fingers pressed on his chest. “First you pressed me to accept and now you press me to wait. I don’t understand you.”

  “Mi hermosa,” he said, the words gliding off his tongue like sweet seduction. The heat of anger was quickly turning to sizzle. “I pushed you because I had to. Now I give you the choice.” He kissed her cheek, her chin and her lips. “When you choose to fully convert, I want you to really want it. To know it’s right. I promised myself I would not take. What comes next you must give freely and take the time to be certain.” He paused. “You choose what comes next.”

  Emotion tightened in her chest. And now she understood what had been all along. He didn’t own her nor did she own him. They shared one another. Her hands went to his face, and her finger traced his lip. “I choose to fight. And I choose us.”

  The Zodius Series





  The world will never be the same…

  Inspired by The Undergroud Guardians Series – Read about the Underground Guardians that inspired ZODIUS SERIES HERE

  A little about future heroes including Caleb’s story HERE

  Area 51 has proven to be more than a place from which alien rumors originate. It is there that the United States government created Super Soldiers under the top secret “Project Zodius,” soldiers they called GTECH enhanced. Alien DNA purported to be immunizations was injected into elite soldiers, and a new race was created—soldiers with unique powers. Human to the normal eye, but not quite so human anymore.

  All Super Soldiers are dangerous but some are stronger and more powerful than others. All are fighters with incredible strength and speed along with unique mental powers. Rapid metabolism delivers them an amazing ability to heal from injuries, and a simple bullet is no longer deadly against muscles like steel. They are deadly fighting machines who can travel with the wind.

  Along with this new breed of soldier had come a thirst for power. A thirst that Adam Rain intends to sate. This soldier had developed a vision for a “perfect race.” He became the new Hitler, calling his followers, those enhanced soldiers, the “Zodius.” The first step in Adam’s plan to rule humanity had been to take over Area 51. The main obstacle to his plan had been breeding, and he had a team of scientists working to solve the problems: a GTECH can only bear children if mated; and a Zodius only has one true mate (Lifebond). This meant he had to find compatible women for his men, an obstacle he became determined to overcome. This had left him searching for genetic and alternative birthing methods. He had used humans like tokens, promised them power or conversion, or threatened their families. Once he has perfected a way to grow his race, there will be no stopping him.

  A group of these Super Soldiers led by his brother, Caleb, has defied Adam’s rule and formed “The Renegades.” These Renegades operate from a hidden facility deep in the Nevada mountains below the surface of the earth, designed to hide the Renegades from Zodius radar. These Renegades will form an uneasy alliance to the United States government, protecting humanity.

  But Adam aspires to rule the world, and he believes he can do so with Caleb by his side. Adam is taking every step possible to ensure that Caleb joins him, and that the Renegades become part of the Zodius.

  Caleb and his Renegades will do anything to see Adam fall and humanity saved from his wrath.

  Fun Facts about the series:

  Neonopolis in Las Vegas

  Neonopolis, the entertainment center that hides the inner city Vegas operation center for the Renegades is real.

  300,000 Square Feet – Ideally Suited for Dining and Retail

  Located on a 2.27 Acre City Block in the Heart of Downtown and its 3 Miles of Neon Lights – Outside and Inside of Neonopolis Courtyard Decor Embellished with Classic Neon Signs. Many of the lights are from the 40’s, 50’s & 60’s. There is a two Level Parking Garage – Owned by the City of Las Vegas.

  A look inside.....

  Read about THE DANGER THAT IS DAMION below and HERE:

  May 2012

  Read an excerpt HERE or below!


  General Powell from book 1 has returned and he’s developed a way to create and control a new generation of female GTECHs. He plans to use these women to bring both, the Renegades and the Zodius soldiers, back under his command. The world will be his. Now, Damion, a Renegade, who readers met in book two, will be pitted against one of those soldiers, a woman destined to be both his Lifebond and his enemy. Damion will become her only hope of salvation and their trust in each other the only chance they have to save the world from a madman.


  May 2012!

  There was nothing unusual to a casual observer about a hot woman in a white string bikini, lounging poolside, a few feet from where undercover Renegade soldier Damion Browne leaned against the cabana-style bar, a beer in hand. In fact, from a purely male standpoint, there was absolutely everything right with this particular woman, a brunette with long, silky, dark hair brushing creamy white shoulders. But then, he was on duty, and he took that duty too seriously to allow primal urges to distract him. Still…something about this woman set his blood to pumping, and like it or not, that translated to a distraction that was out of character for him.

  He told himself it was because she’d shown up ten minutes into the outdoor excursion of a Russian nuclear scientist, and his family, that Damion was covertly ensuring didn’t end up in Adam Rain’s arsenal of weapons. The he last thing the Renegades wanted was the leader of the Zodius GTECH movement getting his hands on the nuclear technology Lev was selling the United States in exchange for citizenship.That’s why this woman was a potential risk, he told himself, not because she had long, shapely legs that belonged wrapped around a man’s waist–his waist, Damion thought, with a rush of pure male heat.

  They belonged around his waist. Damn. What was wrong with him?

  Inwardly, he shook himself, not sure what it was about this woman, but she could easily drag him into the linger zone when he didn’t go to the linger zone on duty. Scratch that, he thought, as he glanced at Lev and family, and back to her, she already had him in the linger zone, and there was no forgiving his distraction unless… That gnawing gut feeling was telling him that underneath all that sex appeal, she was trouble, despite Adam’s dislike of female operatives. Add that to the fact that the CIA team watching Lev had allowed him outside in the first place, and Damion had a bad bad feeling about this. Suddenly, as if she sensed his suspicions, the dark-haired beauty’s head snapped in his direction, her attention settling on him, her eyes shielded by white-rimmed sunglasses. Time stood still for an intense, crackling moment. Certainty filled him. She had known the entire time that he was watching her.

  The microphone tucked discreetly inside Damion’s ear hummed a second before the voice of his Harley loving, wildcard, second-in-charge, Chale Bonner, spoke, “We reported Lev’s barking dog to the front desk several times. Looks like security is headed his way. We’ll have him inside the building where he’s less exposed in a flash.”

  Damion didn’t reply. He was still watching the woman, who as abruptly as she’d given her attention, jerked it away. Reaching for her bag, she stood up, offering him a nice, heart-shaped, b
ackside view, as she sashayed away. Her pace was slow, confident, but a bit too precise. She was hiding something besides the intimate details of her body, details he wanted to discover beneath those tiny pieces of white material. Adam didn’t typically work with women—he believed they were inferior beings—but somehow, someway, this one was the source of the warning in his gut.

  “Alert,” Chale added. “Doggy Patrol has arrived. Get ready for movement.” Damion eyed the backdoor of the hotel to find two uniformed security guards, and a woman dressed in a suit, headed toward Lev and his brood.

  “I see them,” Damion said, his gaze shifting to the fast-departing, bikini-clad female. But had she seen them? Was that why she couldn’t get away from this place fast enough?