Page 10 of Cloak & Silence

  "Thirty-four, and thank you, boss."

  "No problem." Ture headed for the door to the dining room.

  Maris frowned as he saw Ture leave with a tray and a major grimace. That's odd. He went over to Tyryn who was now sitting on a stool with his head in his hand as if he had a massive migraine. "Hey, what happened?"

  "Two words. Ass. Holes." Tyryn sighed. "Aristos came in and decided nothing was good enough for them and that our restaurant was seriously overrated."

  Maris winced. Ture would be devastated if they attacked his pride and joy. Pulling the apron off, he went to the window and peered out to see who was at the problem table. The minute his gaze focused on the troublemakers, his fury mounted. Brux Nylan and his best friend Aston Hyrun. Nylan's father was a senator who'd scandalized Darling back in the day, and had almost cost him his life. Aston was a prick both he and Darling had gone to school with. One who'd been friends with Crispin. And the same bastard who'd thrown Maris out into the rain, naked, and locked the door.

  Shaking with the weight of his rage, Maris left the kitchen to back Ture who had no idea of the magnitude of viciousness he was about to encounter.

  Nylan spat the food in his mouth onto the plate. "This is the worst yet. Unacceptable. How can this possibly be the premiere restaurant when it serves dog food?"

  The look of hurt on Ture's face cut through his heart. Unable to bear it, Maris stopped next to Ture and put his hand on his shoulder. "You'll have to forgive them, Tur. They're so used to the palatableness of the boots they lick that everything else tastes strange. Perhaps if you dip their food in dirt, they'll find it more to their liking."

  Aston curled his lip as he glanced about the restaurant. "Well, well, look who's here. I'm amazed Darling let you off your knees long enough to leave the palace. Or does he take the bitch role? I've never figured out which of you is the woman."

  "Oh honey, the bitch is all me. If you had a dick at all you'd know that."

  Aston shot to his feet, but Maris didn't blink or back down.

  Maris raked Aston with a sneer. "You lost your tongue or your nerve?"

  "I don't want to get fag blood on me and catch whatever disease you're carrying."

  "Then by all means, shall I show you the door . . . or would you rather go out through a wall?"

  "Come on," Nylan said, rising to his feet. "I've lost my appetite."

  "You've lost more than that."

  Maris looked past Nylan's shoulder to see Drake standing there with an expression on his face that said he'd heard the majority of this conversation.

  Drake stepped back so that his guards would have access to the two men. "Brux Nylan and Aston Hyrun, you are both under arrest for treason and any other charge I can think of while I eat." An evil glint shone in Drake's eyes as he met Maris's gaze. "I think they're both going to find out all about the bitch position in jail."

  "You can't be serious!" Aston snarled.

  "This is outrageous!" Nylan shouted. "I'm calling my father."

  Drake patted him on the cheek. "You do that, puddin'. I can't wait for your father to confront my brother." He smiled at Maris. "We should probably sell tickets for that event, eh, Mari?"


  As Drake's guards hauled them out while they screamed obscenities, Maris glanced around the shocked diners. "Sorry for the drama everyone. Two felons being arrested is always newsworthy. But to make it up to everyone, your dinners are on me."

  Ture gaped at his remarkable offer.

  Drake leaned in to whisper to Maris. "I'll cover it for you."

  "You don't have to."

  "Then let's split it."

  "If it'll make you feel better." Maris scowled. "Why are you here, anyway?"

  Drake inclined his head to a beautiful blond sitting at a table. "Date. It impressed her that I got in here-- thank you for that, by the way."

  Maris rolled his eyes at how little it took to make Drake happy. "Thank you for your help."

  "No problem. I don't like people insulting any of my brothers." He held his hand up to Maris. When Maris took it, Drake pulled him into his arms. "Love you, bro."

  "Love you, too."

  Drake clapped him on the back then returned to his date.

  Maris paused as he caught the strange look on Ture's face. "I'm sorry if I embarrassed you."

  "You didn't embarrass me. I can't believe you came to my rescue."

  Maris brushed his fingers against Ture's chin. "I told you I wouldn't let anyone hurt you. That includes insensitive guttersnipes."

  Ture helped Maris clear the table as amazement filled him. No one had ever stood up for him before. He glanced over to Drake who was laughing with his companion. The prince was a lot more handsome than he appeared in state photos. And Ture could understand Maris's devotion to the royal family. They did stick together in a way few families did.

  Most of all, they watched each other's backs.

  When they returned to the kitchen, Maris told the waiters to bring him the tabs for the diners who'd been present during the confrontation.

  Ture touched him on the arm. "You don't have to do that."

  "Yes, I do. I'm not going to have a restaurant full of people smack talk my man or his business for something I did. What kind of bitch do you think I am?"

  Ture's breath caught in his throat. It was the first time Maris had referred to them as a couple or used any kind of ownership term for him. Maris hadn't even realized he'd done it as he resumed rinsing dishes.

  But Ture had heard it and it brought tears to his eyes. For Maris, this was a major step.

  And it meant the universe to him.


  Hours later, Ture was cleaning out the oven when he felt Maris behind him. As he turned, Maris gave him a light, sweet kiss.

  "I'm about to run the receipts for my charges. You want me to batch the rest?"

  Ture was surprised by the offer. "You know how?"

  Maris grinned. "I do. Ana showed me."

  "Then yes. Please."

  "You know, I can also enter in the orders and do payroll."

  "Oh my God, I would love you forever if you did."

  A wicked light entered Maris's dark eyes. "Forever?"

  "And then some."

  Maris squeezed his arm before he went to Ture's office to do the paperwork Ture despised with every part of his being. He'd meant what he said. If Maris hadn't been perfect before this, this would have cinched it.


  He looked over to Bertram.

  "I finished the dining room. Is there anything else you need me to do?"

  "No. I'll let you out. Thanks for helping."

  "My pleasure."

  It really wasn't. Bertram had bitched under his breath the whole time. But he was reliable and, most of the time, extremely efficient at his job.

  Ture walked him to the front door and bid him goodnight before he locked it again and checked the bathrooms. Satisfied everyone was gone, he headed back to the kitchen to finish the last bit of cleaning and breakdown.

  As soon as that was done, he went to his office to find Maris entering orders. His hands flew over the keys. He was far more proficient at it than Ture.

  He started forward then stopped as he saw a large shopping bag on the couch. "What's this?" he asked with a frown.

  "It was delivered right after Ana went home. It's just a few things I got for the baby."

  Ture smiled. Every day something new showed up that Maris had bought for either the baby or Anachelle. "You keep this up and everyone's going to think you're the baby's father."

  "I can't help it. Zarya and Darling keep emailing me for my opinion on things they're buying for their rugrat and when I see them and like them, I want them for Ana, too. Every baby needs to be spoiled."

  "You're doing an awesome job of it." Ture blinked back tears at how generous Maris was. He'd never known anyone with a bigger heart, and the fact that so many had hurt him made Ture want their blood for it.

  How c
ould anyone not love and adore Maris?

  He moved to stand behind the chair so that he could rub Maris's shoulders while he finished up. "How much more do you have?"

  "Just this then I'm done."

  "Wow, you're fast."

  "This is nothing. Try doing flight reports, schematics, checks and plans every night after you've spent all day on patrol. If I forget to order shallots, no one's life is going to end and I won't burst into flames an instant before the vacuum of space rips my ship apart."

  Ture cringed. "I don't like that thought."

  "Neither did I. And I would have liked it a lot less had I ever done so." Leaning back in the chair, Maris looked up at him as he sent the order in. "All done."

  "All done," Ture repeated as turned the chair so that Maris faced him. "Hmmm, I think that deserves a reward of some kind."

  Maris arched his brow. "What kind of reward?"

  Biting his lip, Ture shrugged. "I don't know...."

  Maris froze at the hot look in Ture's eyes as he ran his hands up Maris's thighs. He hardened instantly.

  Ture straddled his legs then pulled him in for a scorching kiss.

  Growling in pleasure, Maris ran his hands under Ture's shirt, over the hard muscles. "You keep this up and you'll never have to do paperwork again."

  Ture laughed as he cupped Maris then undid his pants. His breathing ragged, he slid to the floor, between Maris's parted thighs. Just as he bent forward to taste him, Maris's link buzzed with the unique tone that was reserved solely for Darling so that Maris never missed his calls.

  Silently, Ture cursed the man's timing.

  Maris picked it up and answered it while Ture sat back on his haunches. He braced his elbow on Maris's thigh and propped his head on his hand.

  "No, it's okay. Did you need something?"

  Ture rolled his eyes. It really wasn't okay. At least twice a week Darling interrupted them. The only thing that kept him from cursing them both was the knowledge that Darling was the sole reason he had Maris. More than that, Darling was the reason he was alive right now.

  So it allowed him to accept something that would have normally made him insane.

  "Yeah, I'll be there in a few minutes . . . okay."

  Ture sighed heavily as he closed Maris's fly.

  "I'm sorry," Maris said sheepishly. "The League is stepping up their efforts on our heads and he wants to--"

  Ture interrupted his words with a kiss. "It's fine, Mari. I told you. I'm not jealous. Irritated, but not jealous. And I'm not irritated at you." Darling's was the neck he wanted to wring. "Go on. I'll take Ana's gift home and have some chocolate mousse waiting for you when you get back."

  Maris brushed his finger down Ture's cheek as he stared at him in wonder. True to his word, Ture had yet to get angry over Darling's calls or whenever Maris went to meet him. Instead, Ture bribed him to hurry back with evil things such as the delectable mousse he made that melted in Maris's mouth and left every tastebud in his head singing. "With extra topping?"


  Maris hesitated as Ture stood back. "Are you still going to love me after you've made me too fat for my clothes?"

  "There will just be more of you to love."

  Rising, Maris pressed his cheek to Ture's, and closed his eyes as he savored the warm scent of Ture's skin. For the first time in his life, he was torn between wanting to stay and needing to go.

  He'd almost told Darling it could wait. Never in his life had he felt that compunction.

  Tonight he did.

  And honestly, that scared the hell out of him. He didn't like change. He never had.

  But things were changing fast and he wasn't sure if it was for the better or worse. Pulling back, he cupped Ture's cheek. "I'll return soon."

  "I'll be waiting."

  Maris nodded, yet as he left, he wondered how much longer Ture would be willing to wait.


  "You about done?"

  Maris looked up from the orders he was placing to catch Ture standing in the office doorway. "Almost... Did you really mean to order two hundred radishes?"

  An evil grin spread across his gorgeous face. "I did. You have something against the mighty radish?"

  Maris held his hands up in surrender. "Not the cook, but yuck. However, if anyone could possibly make something so repugnant tasty, I have all faith in your abilities."

  Smiling, Ture moved to stand behind Maris's chair so that he could review the order Maris was finishing up for him. "I still can't believe you do this for me without complaint. I detest this part of the business."

  Maris shrugged as he leaned back in the chair. "Paperwork doesn't bother me in the least. And it makes me feel more useful than ruining Hauk's night when I beat him online. Not to mention the real reason I do it..."

  "And that is?"

  He turned the chair around and pulled Ture into his lap. "The sooner I get you home, the sooner I can ravish you."

  Biting his lip, Ture put his arms around Maris's neck. "I definitely like that thought."

  Maris kissed him until someone cleared their throat. They looked at the doorway to see Anachelle standing there unabashedly.

  "Guys? I really hate to intrude, but my water just broke."

  With a light gasp, Ture launched himself to his feet. In a total panic, he started to Anachelle, then turned back to Maris, then circled around again. It would be comical if Ana didn't need to get to the hospital.

  Maris caught him by the arms. "Breathe, baby. It's okay. I'll lock up and finish...and clean the water off the floor. You get her to the hospital, and I'll meet you there."

  "Okay." He panicked even more.

  "Ture," Maris said calmly. "Look at me, sweetie."

  He obeyed.

  "Calm down. She's not going to have the baby on you. I promise. Drive safely. It's only five blocks away. Let her out at the emergency room doors, park and then head inside. Okay?"

  "Gods, I love you, Mari." He gave him a quick kiss then went to Anachelle to get her out of the restaurant.

  Ana and Darling were the reasons why they always took separate vehicles to work. In case one of them had to leave, the other one had a way home.

  Maris followed them to the door so that he could make sure Ture actually got her into his transport. He smiled as Ture continued to run around like a scrambled mess while he tried to help her in then went to his side of the car then came back to make sure she was inside and secured. All the while, Ture was breathing so rapidly, it was wonder he hadn't passed out.

  That man did not handle a crisis well. His neurons synapsed in so many directions that he could never focus on a single thought or task. It was something his past boyfriends had despised about him, but Maris found it oddly adorable. And when it'd really mattered-- when they'd been escaping the prison, Ture had managed to hold it together with a strength that still amazed him. It was only now that he knew Ture better that he fully appreciated how hard that had been for him.

  Stepping inside, Maris locked the door then cleaned up Ana's mess before he hurried through the paperwork. He had no doubt that Ture would be pacing a donut-shaped hole in the hospital floor until he got there. Maris was the only one who was able to calm him when he was in one of these frenetic moods. Mostly because he'd learned to keep a lid on his emotions in battle. And because Ture's anxiety brought out the protector in him, instead of his impatience. That one vulnerability made him feel needed.

  Because other than that, Ture was extremely self-sufficient and very proud of that fact.

  Maris paused as he saw a shadow at the door. Instinctively, his hand went to the small blaster he kept holstered at the base of his spine. At first Ture had been terrified of the fact that Maris was always armed, but once he saw the price on Maris's head, he'd insisted that Maris carry even more weapons than he had in the past.

  And after the last round of contracts had been issued from the League against them, they were all on high alert.

  Using the shadows for cover,
he made his way to the front. Since the person was visible through the frosted glass, he doubted they were League trained. But it could still be a thief out to rob them.

  Maris tilted his head so that he could see through the small line of clear glass while making sure that the person outside couldn't detect him. He relaxed as he recognized Bristol.

  Rolling his eyes, he moved his hand away from his weapon and settled his jacket back into place. He opened the door. "Can I help you?"

  "Where's my brother?"

  "He's not here."

  Bristol scowled as he stared at him for a minute. "You the guy I met at Ture's a few weeks ago?"

  "I am."

  "Wow, Ture's been with someone for over a month. That's a first." He narrowed his gaze on Maris. "Sorry, I didn't recognize you with your clothes on, and without Ture's dick in your ass. What was your name again?"

  Maris profaned violence, but right now... He could definitely see the appeal of knocking that smugness off Bristol's face. "I didn't give it." He locked the door and set the alarm with the remote in his hand, which made Bristol even more curious.

  "Ture doesn't let his boyfriends have keys to his restaurant. Where is he?"

  Maris slid the security card into his pocket. "He had to leave early."

  Anger snapped in Bristol's eyes as he glared at him. "Don't play this shit with me. I'm his brother. Now where is he?"

  Maris ground his teeth at the frustration of dealing with this. Ture had been very insistent that he never give any information to his brother. The less he knows, the better... Trust me, Mari. Don't engage him. Unlike me, he has no loyalty or inhibitions.

  Since Ture knew his brother much better than Maris did, he deferred to Ture's warning.

  "I can have him call you when I see him." Maris started past, but Bristol stopped him with a rough grip that made his vision dim.

  "You better answer me, you cock-sucking quim. Or I'll beat the hell out of you."

  Maris dropped his voice an octave and fell into his staunch military training. "Boy, you're about to head down a path that's going to lead you to a really bad year. Now take your hand off my arm, two steps back, and you might get through the night without an ambulance ride."

  Shock replaced the smirk. Still, he didn't loosen his grip. "You don't act like a faggot."

  "And I don't hit like a girl, motherfucker. Now unless you're craving extensive dental work and reconstructive surgery, get out of my face."