Page 16 of Cloak & Silence

  As it erupted, Maris pushed Saf away from it and down the ramp. With a deep breath for courage, he shot Saf in the shoulder then ran the rest of the distance up the ramp.

  Darling and Hauk met him at the top. Hauk slammed and held him against the steel wall as Caillen launched their ship before the ramp finished closing.

  Darling held on to a strap on the opposite side.

  Hauk tightened his grip on Maris. "Ture's strapped in beside Caillen."

  Maris patted his arm. "Thank you, Hauk. For everything."

  "Any time, buddy."

  Darling held his hand out for Maris to take. They didn't say a word to each other.

  They didn't have to.

  Through thick and thin, brothers to the bitter end.

  The ship turned sharply as Caillen outmaneuvered their pursuers. How Hauk managed to keep him pinned to the wall, Maris had no idea. Damn, the Andarion was strong.

  As they reached escape velocity, Nykyrian, Syn, Nero, Jayne and Fain brought their fighters in to engage the smaller ships after them.

  Hauk released him. Maris made his way to the bridge where Chayden provided cover fire while Caillen piloted the ship. He barely saw them as his gaze locked on Ture. Rushing to him, he sank to his knees, threw his arms around Ture's waist and laid his head in his lap.

  Ture brushed his hand through Maris's damp hair as tears blinded him. "You ever risk your life like that again, and I'll make Darling beat you."

  "Copy that," Darling growled. "Only I'm allowed to be that stupid."

  Maris laughed at them. He lifted his head to see Darling going over their settings. "What happened to Saf?"

  "He's en route to the hospital and is suspended, pending investigation."

  "Don't worry, Mari," Nykyrian said over the line. "Kyr will have him punished, but he won't kill him."

  "Are you sure?"

  "Positive. He won't trust Safir in the foreseeable future. However, he will know that one of two things happened. Either you got the drop on your brother and used him, and you're not worth the loss of a highly trained assassin who has family loyalty to him. Or Saf helped you, and you now owe a blood debt to him. That, Kyr can use to trap you in the future."

  And that was why Nykyrian was still alive, even though the League wanted him dead. It was frightening how much he understood the intricacies of other species and their politics.

  Darling glanced over to him and offered a smile. "We also have one of our spies covering Saf's back. If anyone makes a move on him, we will get him out immediately. I promise you, no one's going to hurt your brother."

  "Thank you." Maris looked up at Ture. "Are you all right?"

  "Now that you're safe, I am."

  Maris treasured those words as he forced his thoughts away from the tragedy of the night. The League had dealt them a hard blow.

  Ture's brother was dead.

  Because of me.

  Taking Ture's hand, he held it to his lips as that harsh reality sank in. No one, other than Darling or Saf, would have protected him like that. It was something he'd never forget.

  "I love you," he breathed.

  A single tear fell down Ture's cheek. "Love you, too."

  For the first time in his life, Maris knew it wasn't lip service.

  This was real.

  And it would be forever.



  Maris laughed as both Darling and Ture answered him. True to his promise, Ture never took offense to the times Maris called him 'darling.' Rather, he took it as the endearment it was meant to be, and never assumed Maris was calling him by the wrong name.

  "Ture," he said with a smile to clarify who he was talking to. "The emperor has offered to allow us to live in the palace with his guard. Will you move in with me?"

  Ture smiled. "Of course, I will. Have you seen the idiotic chances you take? I never intend to leave you alone again. I can't afford to."

  Maris laughed. "Good. Otherwise, I was afraid you were about to relegate me to crazy stalker status."

  Tightening his hand on Maris's, Ture shook his head. Until another thought hit him. "Where's Terek?"

  "Jayne's husband has him. He wasn't hurt, and he was fed and sleeping when I checked in."

  Ture let out a relieved breath. "You know, you're still listed as his legal father, and Ana had no other family. I have the custodial termination papers she had drawn up, but..."

  Maris's breath caught in his throat as he hoped Ture was asking what he thought he was. "You want to keep him?"

  "I would love to. You?"

  Maris nodded. "I've always wanted to be a mom to someone other than Darling and his wayward siblings."

  They all laughed at that.

  Maris locked gazes with Ture. "You know, this officially makes us a family, right?"

  Ture glanced over to Darling, then to Hauk. "I think we were a family long before this."

  "Just don't make me the creepy uncle," Hauk said. "Remember, we have Fain for that."

  Snorting, Maris swept his gaze over some of the handful of people who meant everything to him. No, they weren't related by blood. But they were bound by something a lot stronger, and more powerful.

  Mutual love and respect. And that was the only thing in the universe that was truly indestructible.

  He'd spent the whole of his life trying to find someplace he belonged. Now he had it, and it was so much better than any of his dreams.

  No, the people around him weren't perfect. Neither was he. But they tried and they loved him.

  Just as he loved them.

  That was all that really mattered. It was the best anyone could hope for and right now, he knew one undeniable truth....

  He really was the luckiest bitch in the universe.

  And as long as he had Ture and their son with him, nothing else would ever matter more.

  Don't miss the next exciting League adventure...

  Born of Fury

  Coming 2014

  The war is on...

  Counted among the fiercest Andarion warriors ever born, Hauk is one of the five founding members of the Sentella-- an organization that has declared war on the League that rules the Ichidian universe with an iron fist and terrifies it with an army of well-trained assassins. Hauk's enemies are legion, but he fears nothing and no one. He will do whatever it takes to survive and protect his Sentella brethren.

  Sumi Antaxas is one of the best assassins the League has ever trained. In her world, failure is not an option and she has never met a target she couldn't execute. So when she's assigned Hauk, she believes it'll be a quick and easy mission.

  But nothing is ever as simple as it seems, and Hauk is far better trained and skilled than his dossier shows. More than that, as she pursues him, she stumbles upon the key that will bring down not only Hauk, but the entire Sentella organization-- and end the lives of its High Command.

  In the race to report her information, Sumi is overtaken by enemies out to kill her as effectively as she intends to kill Hauk. Now her only key to survival is the one man she's been sent to terminate. And Hauk doesn't trust her at all.

  The only question is-- will he help her to live... or send her to her grave.

  About Sherrilyn Kenyon

  The #1 New York Times bestselling author, Sherrilyn Kenyon, who is proud of her mixed Cherokee heritage, lives a life of extraordinary danger... as does any woman with three sons, a husband, a menagerie of pets and a collection of swords that all of the above have a major fixation with. But when not running interference (or dashing off to the emergency room), she's found chained to her computer where she likes to play with all her imaginary friends. With more than thirty million copies of her books in print, in over one hundred countries, she certainly has a lot of friends to play with too.

  In the past three years, her books have claimed the coveted #1 bestselling spot sixteen times. This extraordinary bestseller continues to top every genre she writes. Her current series include: The Dark-Hunters, The League, an
d Chronicles of Nick. Since 2004, she has placed more than 60 novels on the New York Times list in all formats including manga.

  Her Lords of Avalon novels have been adapted by Marvel and her Dark-Hunter novels are now a New York Times bestselling manga published by St. Martins. Her Chronicles of Nick and Dark-Hunter series are both soon to be a major motion picture releases. For more information, visit her online at

  From the world of Dark-Hunter...


  Coming 9/3/2013

  Just when you thought doomsday was over...

  Centuries ago Acheron saved the human race by imprisoning an ancient evil bent on absolute destruction. Now that evil has been unleashed and it is out for revenge.

  As the twin to Acheron, Styxx hasn't always been on his brother's side. They've spent more centuries going at each other's throats than protecting their backs. Now Styxx has a chance to prove his loyalty to his brother, but only if he's willing to trade his life and future for Acheron's.

  The Atlantean goddess of Wrath and Misery, Bethany was born to right wrongs. But it was never a task she relished.

  Until now.

  She owes Acheron a debt that she vows to repay, no matter what it takes. He will join their fellow gods in hell and nothing is going to stop her.

  But things are never what they seem, and Acheron is no longer the last of his line. Styxx and Acheron must put aside their past and learn to trust each other or more will suffer.

  Yet it's hard to risk your own life for someone who once tried to take yours, even when it's your own twin, and when loyalties are skewed and no one can be trusted, not even yourself, how do you find a way back from the darkness that wants to consume the entire world?

  One that wants to start by devouring your very soul?

  Continue to the next page for an exclusive sneak peek...

  June 23, 9548 BC

  King Xerxes stared down at the infant boy who peacefully slept in his arms. How could his joy have turned so bitter so fast? For a moment, he'd believed himself to be the most blessed of all kings. That the gods had granted him two sons to rule his vast empire.


  Did he even have one?

  There was no doubt that the firstborn, Acheron, was born of the gods. That his wife-queen had whored herself to them and birthed it.

  But Styxx...

  The king studied every inch of the perfect, sleeping child nestled against his body. "Are you mine?" He was desperate to know the truth.

  The infant appeared to be a mere human babe. Unlike Acheron, whose eyes swirled a living silver color, Styxx's were vivid blue and perfect. But then the gods were ever treacherous.

  Ever deceitful.

  Could it be that Acheron was his son and this one was not? Or that neither child belonged to him?

  He looked to the elder wise woman who'd proclaimed Acheron a god's son just after his birth. Decrepit and wizened, she wore heavy white robes that were richly embroidered in gold. Her gray hair was wrapped around an ornate gold crown. "Who is the father of this child?"

  The woman paused in her cleaning. "Majesty, why do you ask me something you already know?"

  Because he didn't know. Not for certain. And he hated the taste of fear that scalded his throat and left it bitter. Fear that made his heart pound in trepidation. "Answer me, woman!"

  "Truth or lie, will you believe whatever answer I give?"

  Damn her for her sagacity. How could the gods have done this to him? He'd sacrificed and prayed to them his whole life. Devoutly and without blasphemy. Why would they taint his heir in this manner?

  Or worse, take his heir from him?

  He tightened his grip, which caused the baby to wake and cry out. A part of him wanted to slam the child into the ground and watch it die. To stomp it into oblivion.

  But what if this one was his son? His own flesh and blood...

  The wise woman had said it was.

  However, she merely relayed what the gods told her, and what if they lied?

  Angry and betrayed, he went to the woman and shoved the infant into her arms. Let someone else solace it for now. He couldn't bear the sight of either child.

  Without another word, he stormed from the room.

  The moment she was alone with the babe, the old crone transformed into a beautiful young woman with long black hair. Dressed in bloodred, she placed a kiss to the boy's head and he instantly calmed down.

  "Poor, poor Styxx," the goddess Athena whispered as she rocked him in her arms to soothe him. "Like your brother, yours will be an unpleasant future. I'm sorry I couldn't do more for either of you. But the human world needs her heroes. And one day, they will all need you."

  March 10, 9543 BC

  Five years later

  "You wretched little thief!"

  Styxx looked up at the shrill cry of his older sister. Ryssa towered above him and his twin brother Acheron as they played with their wooden horses and soldiers on the floor.

  Why was she always so cross at him? No matter what he did to try and please her, it was never enough.

  Ryssa hated him. She always had.

  "I took nothing."

  Curling her lip, she closed the distance between them and yanked him up from the floor by his arm. "Where did you put it, you worthless little worm?" she demanded, shaking him so hard it felt as if she'd rip his arm off.

  Styxx tried to break free, but she was too strong for him. "Put what?"

  "The toy horse Father gave me for my birthday. I know you collect them and I know you stole mine. Where is it?"

  "I haven't touched it."

  "You're such a liar!" She threw him toward the ground then went to search his things again. "Where have you hidden it?"

  Styxx met Acheron's gaze. "Did you take it?" he whispered to his brother.

  Acheron shook his head.

  Then who?

  "What are you doing in here?"

  All of them froze at the sound of fury in their nurse's voice. Before Styxx could explain that he'd invited Acheron in to play with him, the nurse snatched his brother away.

  Acheron cried out as the nurse's grip bit into his small arm. "How many times have you been told to stay in your own room?"

  Styxx panicked as he realized Acheron still held one of the soldiers in his hand. Even though he'd given them to his brother, he knew what would happen if anyone saw it in Acheron's possession.

  His brother would be punished. Again.

  Wanting only to protect Acheron, Styxx launched himself from the floor and grabbed it out of Acheron's hand.

  Acheron offered him a small smile of gratitude before he was taken away.

  "You!" Ryssa sneered as she glared at the toy he held. "You're so selfish. You never think of anyone but yourself. What would it have hurt to let him keep one toy? Huh?" She gestured to the others scattered on the ground. "Nothing's ever enough for you, is it? You always want more and you don't care who you take it from."

  She jerked the toy from his hand, cutting his palm in the process, and stormed from his room.

  Heartbroken, Styxx stood alone. He hated being by himself with a passion that made no sense. Ofttimes, he wondered if it came from being born a twin. Surely the gods wouldn't have given him a brother if they meant for him to be forever by himself.

  And yet, he spent very much of his life alone.

  Sighing wistfully, Styxx glanced around the room that was littered with toys. He would gladly give them all away if he could only have one person to play with. Ryssa refused because she didn't like him and he was a smelly boy, and, according to her, he was too stupid to follow the games she played with Acheron. The other children ran away from him because their parents were afraid they might hurt him, either by accident or on purpose, and incur his father's wrath.

  Acheron was the only one who welcomed him as a playmate. But their father demanded they stay separated.

  Styxx looked down at his brother's toy and wished with everything he had that it was differe
nt for them both. Rather they'd been born poor farmers than have to endure the burden of this wretched family and its meanness.

  He set the toy aside. Later, after everyone was asleep, he'd return it to his brother.


  "Acheron?" Styxx whispered, nudging his sleeping brother awake.

  Slowly, Acheron blinked his eyes open. Rubbing them with his fist, Acheron sat up in bed. Styxx shoved the loaf of sweet bread in his face, making Acheron smile the moment he saw it.

  "I didn't bring the honey, sorry. But..." Styxx opened his small cloth bag to show the sugared figs he'd taken. "I managed to pilfer your favorite."

  Acheron's silver eyes lit up. "Thank you! But you shouldn't have. You could have been caught."

  Styxx shrugged. "I wouldn't have been hurt over this." At least not physically--those beatings were reserved for other offenses. Though there were times when he'd prefer being hit to listening to them call him worthless or other names.

  Glad he'd helped his brother, Styxx watched as Acheron tore into the bread. Since they'd sent them both to bed with no supper, Acheron was starving. But as usual, Styxx had been unable to sleep and so once the palace quieted down, he'd snuck to the pantry.

  "What did you eat?" Acheron asked.

  "Bread . . . with your honey." He grinned wide with his guilt.

  Acheron laughed. "That was wrong of you."

  Styxx indicated the small bag. "I thought you'd rather have the figs."

  "You could have given me the choice."

  "And I would have, had my belly not been cramping. It smelled so good, I couldn't take it anymore. I had to eat some on my way here. Sorry."

  "Then I shall forgive you." Acheron held the bread out. "Would you like more?"

  He shook his head, declining it. Even though he was still hungry, he knew Acheron was even more so.

  Frowning while he ate, Acheron cocked his head. "Can you not sleep again?"

  "I tried." Morpheus held a grudge against him for reasons only the gods knew. No matter how hard Styxx tried, sleep forever eluded him.

  Acheron scooted back on his pallet, making more room.

  Grateful beyond measure, Styxx accepted his unspoken invitation and lay down by Acheron's side.

  Within a few minutes, he was sound asleep. Acheron finished his food then tucked the bag into Styxx's chiton. Licking the last of the sugar from his fingers, he curled up behind Styxx, back to back, and placed the bottoms of his feet flush to his brother's. As far back as he could remember they had slept like this whenever they could. Neither of them liked to be alone or apart, and yet their family seemed determined for them to be so. It was something neither of them understood.