Page 13 of Wen

  “Fuck,” he snarled, tearing his mouth away from her. His body grew rigid and he groaned, coming hard enough that he shook against her.

  They clung to each other as they caught their breath and Gerri released his skin, lifted her head a little and smiled at where she’d bitten him. No blood showed but he would probably have a bruise for an hour or so. Her teeth had dug into his skin enough to leave marks.

  Her amusement quickly died when Wen lifted his head and stared at her. His pupils and irises were the same black color.

  “You need to shift.”

  He closed his eyes, taking deep breaths, and gently pulled his cock out of her. Gerri hated it when he lowered her to the floor and forced her to release him. He spun away, entering the running shower.

  She leaned against the door and knew she’d fucked up.

  Wen fought for control as the hot water ran over his head, down his body. He could shift but he didn’t want to give that part of himself control right now. The urge to bite Gerri, to mate her, to taste her fucking blood and make her take his, was so strong it left him quaking on his legs.

  He heard her approach, probably to join him in the tight space. “Don’t.”

  She didn’t touch him. “I’m sorry. I’ll go in the other room.”

  “Don’t you dare. Just give me a minute.”

  “Right. Scent.”

  “We have to wash first, then spray the room before we open that door. I won’t have those bastards coming after you.” He clenched his fists, blinding rage hitting him so strongly his heart pounded. The thought of any other man even wanting to touch her made him want to kill.

  “I’m so sorry, Wen. I didn’t think about it when I bit you. I just wanted to muffle the sounds.”

  “I know.” He sucked in air, held it in lungs, and blew it out. He repeated that for a good minute or so. “This isn’t your fault. I’m the one who can’t bite.”

  “Is the urge just as strong?”

  He debated on telling her the truth.

  “I’ll take that for a yes. I’m sorry. I won’t bite you again.”

  He hated his life in that moment. His parents. Hell, even Gerbin. How in the hell had he allowed himself to be killed by the nest he was tracking? His brother should have been more careful. Then Wen would be free to mate G.L. He’d have gone after her when she’d turned eighteen. He tortured himself by mentally going there. They’d have kids by now, since he couldn’t keep his hands off her. Just the image he created in his mind of her belly swollen with his child had him longing for that possibility. He wanted it so bad.

  “Shift,” she urged. “Do it. You’re too far over the line.”

  Maybe it was for the best. He wouldn’t try to fuck her in fur. He bowed his body and, while the space was tight, the hot water distracted him as his bones popped, the fur coming out, and he dropped to all fours.

  He finally raised his head when it was over, looking at her. She stood naked next to the shower, watching him with tears in her eyes. He was causing her pain somehow. He regretted involving her in this because of it. It had been selfish to pull her into his life just because he hadn’t been able to stay away. His weakness to see her, his inability to stay away, had brought them to this point.

  She entered the shower stall and closed the door. “It’s okay, baby.” She reached for the shampoo. “I’ll wash you.”

  He pressed his body against the side of the tile.

  She frowned. “Okay. I won’t. No touching? That’s going to be hard. Damn, city showers are cramped, aren’t they?”

  She used the white liquid she’d dumped into her hand to rub against her skin, even down to her sex, to wash away what they’d just done. He maneuvered to give her a little space. She ducked her head under the water. He couldn’t keep his gaze off her. She was his. He knew it, felt it, and it went against everything inside him to resist the urge to shift back, fuck her again, and exchange blood to bond her to him.

  He had to close his eyes finally when she started washing her long hair. It was torture, since he wanted to be the one doing it. It helped that he was in fur though. He managed to turn in the shower so his tail was the only thing brushing up against her body. A gob of something hit his tail and he flicked it. She gasped.

  “Watch where that goes.”

  He turned his head and opened his eyes, amused finally. She gave him what she probably thought was a dirty look but it was cute as hell. He flicked his tail again, slapping against her thighs.

  She spun, presenting him with her ass. “Don’t even think about it.”

  He was tempted to slap her ass but kept his tail still. She finished with her hair and got out of the shower, then faced him as she dried off. “You ready to shift back yet or do you need more time.”

  He hunched over, closing his eyes. When he was done, he straightened on two legs. “Spray the room while I wash my hair.”

  “You’re going to hate it.”

  “Better than having to fight Lycans with hard-ons if they catch the scent of sex.”

  “True enough.” She closed the shower door and the false scent of pine filled the room. He grimaced, breathing through his mouth. “How the fuck can humans stand that shit?”

  She laughed. “Most city people have never been in a forest to know the difference and we don’t have super-sensitive noses. Snob.”

  He growled low and finished his shower. Gerri was dressed, minus her shoes, when he opened the door to grab a towel. He noticed the way her gaze slid down his body.

  She gave him her back. “I’ll wait in the other room.”

  “Don’t go far and leave the door open.”

  “Trust me. I’m not going to make it easy for someone to attack me while you’re getting dressed.”

  She was smart. His G.L. always had been. She went out of his sight but did as he’d asked, leaving the door wide open. He caught glimpses of her as he put on his clothes. She seemed to be distracting herself by cleaning up. Regret surfaced once more. She’d be home safe if it wasn’t for him. He faced the steamy mirror and used his palm to wipe it, noticing right away the redness of his skin along the top of his shoulder. He leaned in, hating for once how quickly he healed. The mark she’d put on him had almost completely faded.

  It caused his chest to ache. He wanted her to scar him, wanted her teeth to break his skin. “Fuck.”

  “You okay?” She came to the doorway, peering up at him.

  He forced a smile. “I’m hungry.” It just wasn’t for food. He wanted his mate.

  “I guess we’ll be going out again.”

  “No. We’re in for the night. I don’t want to distract Horton.”

  She nodded. “Okay.”

  He watched her walk away, and then left the bathroom, flipping off the light. God damn his parents and their old-fashioned ways.

  Chapter Ten

  Wen was being so quiet it worried Gerri. Something had happened when they’d had sex. He wouldn’t talk to her about it and acted as if nothing was wrong. She’d bitten him. That had to be it. It had been thoughtless, since she knew he had the urge to bite her.

  Then again, thinking wasn’t something she did well when Wen was naked and making love to her.

  They’d gotten a few hours of sleep but a loud commotion had them both out of bed at three in the morning. Wen went to the window, pulling back the curtain. “Fight.”

  Gerri was beside him in seconds. Two large men were battling in skin but their claws were out. There was enough light in the backyard that she could see the tears opening up in their clothing as they hit each other, and the bloodshed it caused. Her gaze lifted to the other buildings, noting lights coming on around them.

  “What morons,” Wen muttered.

  “I know. Someone will call the cops.”

  Horton appeared, along with Joel. The alpha moved fast, shoving the two Lycans apart and snarling loud enough to be heard by the neighborhood.

  “Is this what you call keeping them under control?” Horton sounded pissed
, since he shouted it.

  They all moved inside but Wen cocked his head as he released the curtain. “Shit.”

  She couldn’t hear what he did. “What?”

  “They’re still fighting downstairs but I hear sirens.”

  It wasn’t long before she picked up the faint sound of a patrol car or two coming. “It’s not a biggy. Horton will mind wipe them and make them go away.”

  “True. Maybe I should assist.”

  She latched onto his arm. “Or not. It looks as if Joel’s pack has some infighting. I don’t want them attacking you if they’re comparing their dicks.”

  He scowled. “What?”

  “That’s a roundabout way to say resettling the pecking order. You know how Lycans get.”

  “I do, but how the hell do you know?”

  “I told you my mom is with a pack. They fought whenever one of them thought he was hot shit and wanted to advance his placement in the pack. It’s a rogue thing mostly, as far as I can figure. I hope not all packs are like that. Otherwise, how in the hell do they survive each other?”

  “It will look good if I assist. We’re trying to fit in.”


  “Stay at my back.”

  “You know it.” She followed him out of the bedroom, took a moment to grab a few steak knives, and they left the apartment.

  The fighting had calmed a bit on the first floor but there was some snarling and pushing going on when they arrived. Horton appeared furious, glaring at Joel.

  “Stop them now!”

  Joel struck one of the fighting Weres in the face, taking him down. The other one he grabbed by his throat and choked until he passed out. He tossed the limp body next to his one-time opponent. He glowered at Horton. “Deal with the cops. They just stopped outside.”

  “I hear,” Horton hissed. “Drag them out of sight.”

  The sirens stopped. Joel and another Lycan grabbed the downed men and carried them toward a door at the end of the hallway.

  Horton frowned at Wen. “I hate fucking dogs. Useless and trouble.”

  Gerri saw Wen tense but he didn’t respond. She guessed Horton had forgotten the man he’d just said that to was half Lycan. She rubbed Wen’s back, hoping it soothed his temper. She might sometimes call Lycans hybrid dogs but Wen knew she liked to joke around. Horton, on the other hand, had meant it as an insult.

  The police pounded on the door and Horton walked over to it, flinging it open. “Thank goodness you’re here. Come in. Two men got into a fight. We’ve subdued them.”

  Two cops walked in, looking leery and nervous as they glanced at Wen then Horton, and finally at Gerri. She forced a smile.

  The taller of the two addressed her. “Are you hurt, miss?”

  “No. I’m fine. I was upstairs with my boyfriend when the fight broke out. We came down to see what was going on.”

  Horton closed the door and the cops turned, each putting a hand on their weapons. Horton’s eyes glowed and Gerri lowered her gaze fast, not wanting to test how well he could fuck with someone’s mind.

  “Take your hands off your weapons.” Horton lowered his voice to a soothing tone. “Keep looking at me.”

  She saw both cops react, dropping their hands at their sides. She shifted behind Wen to block her view of Horton, just in case. He was a master and she didn’t even like to hear his voice. It had a quality to it that made her want to do what he said; she’d gotten the urge to look at him when he’d ordered the cops to do so.

  Wen reached back and took her hand. That helped. He grounded her.

  “Nothing happened here,” Horton stated.

  “That’s not going to work.” Wen squeezed her hand and released it. “The humans from other buildings must have seen them fighting and called it in. I saw what went down from above. May I handle them?”

  “Fine.” Horton snapped.

  Wen approached Horton then glanced back at her. Their gazes met. “Turn around, honey.”

  She did as he said. He didn’t want to risk her staring into his eyes. In seconds, his husky voice told her he must have unleashed his glowing mojo. “Two teenage wannabe actors were practicing for a video they want to make. The blood was fake. You talked to them, warned them that you’d arrest them for disturbing the peace if they ever do that again. Understand?”

  “Yes,” the two cops stated in unison.

  More seconds ticked by until Wen’s voice sounded again. “There are people out in the street. Tell them it was just some teens pulling a prank with costumes and props for a video. Assure them that everything is fine. You may go now.”

  The door opened and Gerri spun around, watching the cops walk outside. Wen closed the door and leaned against it. He stared at Horton. “Humans aren’t totally stupid, and telling them nothing happened wouldn’t have worked. You should know better.”

  “I don’t give a shit what humans think as long as they leave me alone.”

  Wen pushed off the door and drew closer to the master. “Do you care about VampLycans? I don’t want them showing up here, damn it. They might be using police reports trying to find us. A call going out about a fight, injuries, and no arrests would raise red flags.”

  “Fine.” Horton looked annoyed. “I let you handle them. I don’t think anyone could mistake those two assholes for teenagers though.”

  “The police report will list them as teenagers. If adults had pulled that shit, the cops might have arrested them. This way it looks believable.”

  “Whatever.” Horton turned and threw open the door to his office. “Get in here.”

  Wen waved to Gerri to follow him. The Lycans hadn’t come back out of the room they’d gone into. Both of them entered the office to find Horton pacing behind his desk.

  “Close the door.”

  Gerri shut it and walked up to stand slightly next to but a little behind Wen. They both watched Horton. He looked agitated and furious.

  “This is the third time shit like this has happened. Fucking dogs!”

  Gerri glanced up at Wen, saw a muscle in his jaw clench, but he hid his anger fast. His features masked his emotions and didn’t show when he spoke. “What did you expect from a rogue pack? They aren’t stable. It’s amazing they haven’t turned on you yet.”

  “I’ll fucking kill them all!” Horton shouted.

  The door behind them banged open. Wen reacted by snagging Gerri around her waist, lifting her, and carrying her to a corner. He dropped her on her feet and put his body in front of hers. She peered around him, watching Joel storm inside.

  “You got a problem with me and my pack?”

  “Yes,” Horton hissed at him, flashing fangs. “You can’t keep them in line.”

  Two Vamps entered, then three more Lycans. Hostility hung in the air as they glared at each other. Gerri tensed, wondering if a fight would break out. Wen must have been worried too, because when she glanced down at his hands, his claws were out. She reached for the two knives she’d hidden under her clothes, withdrawing them.

  “Control those fucking beasts,” Horton ranted. “Every time the cops are called, it’s drawing attention to us that we don’t need. What’s so hard to understand about that, Joel? If you can’t keep them from fighting, fucking kill them all.”

  Gerri saw hair sprout over Joel’s skin and his bones popped as his features changed, his snout pushing out. He threw back his head and howled.

  Gerri tightened her grip on the handles of the knives. She heard people running over her head, coming down the hallway.

  The alpha had just called his pack.

  The Vamps attacked the Lycans closest to them and Horton leapt over the desk to slam into Joel. “Help me, Wen!”

  Wen didn’t budge, staying in front of Gerri. Furry bodies ran into the room. It wasn’t a big enough space to accommodate them all. Glass broke across the room and a fourth Vampire landed in the melee after crashing through a side window. Gerri could even pick up the iron stench of blood filling the room with her human nose, it was so

  Wen snarled, a scary sound. “Don’t even think about it.”

  Two Werewolves were coming at them, their four-legged bodies low, prepared to launch an attack. Gerri pressed tighter into the corner but kept the blades pointed at the wall in case they slammed into Wen, knocking him into her. She didn’t want to accidently stab him. He backed up farther, blocking her view of everything but his broad back.

  “VampLycan!” Horton yelled.

  “You’re on your own.” Wen lowered his voice, “Get ready to move, Gerri.”

  “Right with you,” she promised.

  Then the fighting suddenly stopped and the room grew quiet.

  Gerri couldn’t see anything and she had no idea what the silence meant. Wen shifted his body a little, and then she saw Horton across the room, holding a limp Joel against his chest. The alpha was bloody. So was Horton. Crimson covered his mouth and jaw, even his throat.

  “I’ll fucking kill him if you don’t stop right now,” Horton hissed. “I drink any more of his blood and he won’t survive.”

  The wolves lowered to their bellies, their gazes locked on Horton. One of the Vampires lie on the floor, covered in blood and torn up from multiple bites. Gerri realized one of his hands had been bitten off. She looked away, her gaze taking in more. One wolf was dead. His eyes were open, blood soaking his fur. She was glad to be pressed up against the corner, since her knees weakened. The room was covered in red stains and puddles.

  “Get the fuck out of here and I’ll return your alpha to you breathing,” Horton ordered.

  The wolves backed out of the room, some of them badly injured.

  Two of the Vampires checked the one still on the floor. A darker-haired one lifted his head. “He’s lost a lot of blood, Master.”

  “Then fucking feed him,” Horton snapped. He shoved Joel’s limp body to the floor. “And take this one out of my fucking office. Don’t bleed him more. His heart is barely pumping. We still need him.”