Page 18 of Wen

  “He wouldn’t let me drive,” Gerri muttered. “And we didn’t make any stops except for gas, food, and potty breaks.”

  “I have better reflexes than you do.” Micah dropped their bags and approached his father, grabbing hold of him.

  Gerri felt a little envious as the two men bear-hugged. It was obvious they were a close-knit family. Angelo reached up and fisted some of Micah’s hair, smiling as they pulled apart. “Your mom thinks you’re bringing home a woman to surprise us.”

  “Shit. I told her I was guarding a woman and wanted to stay with you guys since I’m single. It wouldn’t be appropriate to expect Gerri to stay at my place. It’s a one-room cabin. I don’t even have a wall up to enclose the bathroom. Why in the hell would she assume that?”

  Angelo hesitated before he spoke. “You know your mother. She hears what she wants to. You were bringing someone home, and you’re right, it wouldn’t be appropriate for you to take her to your place unless you had already mated her. We assumed she’d be an important human girlfriend you were planning to bond with, and wanted our approval.”

  “Is she really at the store?”

  Angelo snorted. “Kind of. She went shopping to buy more human-friendly clothes to impress your ‘girlfriend’. I told her that she dresses fine but you know how she is. The fact that you finally wanted us to meet a woman was enough for her to start planning your mating ceremony. You called after the shops closed last night and she wanted to be there first thing this morning when they opened. We didn’t expect you to arrive for another hour or so.”

  “Fuck.” Micah growled next.

  “She’ll be disappointed, but at least you know she’d welcome a human.”

  “Thanks, Dad.” Micah scowled.

  “She really wants grandbabies.”

  “I know. Trust me, I’ve heard it before.” Micah rolled his eyes. “Why can’t you give her another baby?”

  Angelo threw up his hands, backing away. “Don’t even go there. I’m lucky to still have my balls after your labor. She was threatening to rip them off with her claws.” He looked at Gerri as his hands dropped to his sides. “Micah put her through sixteen hours of hard labor. It set a record for longest Lycan birth in our pack. He was always stubborn.”

  “It’s not my fault.”

  “You asked. I’m reminding you. Find a mate and get her pregnant. And trust me, pick a human. They’ve got to be less terrifying in labor than your mother was. I have scars. She tore into me during the worst of her pain.” He eyed Gerri again, cocking his head. “You’re carrying Wen’s scent, but it’s not strong enough for him to have mated you. Are you attracted to my son?”

  “Don’t even think about it, Dad.” Micah shook his head.

  “What? She obviously liked Wen well enough and he didn’t scare her away. You’re smaller than he is and less intimidating. Not by much, but it counts to women.” Angelo stepped around his son to get closer to Gerri. “Did the condom break? It happens. How long ago was it? We should be able to tell if you got pregnant within three days. If you’re not carrying a VampLycan, how would you like to have little Lycan babies? Micah would make an excellent mate.”

  “Fuck!” Micah got between them. “Stop. You’re embarrassing me. Gerri doesn’t want me. Her and Wen―”

  “He won’t mate her unless he knocked her up. We all know that.” Angelo shoved him out of the way, holding Gerri’s gaze again. “My son, on the other hand, will. Don’t let what he said about his cabin run you off. He’s still building it. We can get a crew out there and make the place really nice within a week. I’ll even pay out of my own pocket to add a few rooms onto it while you’re pregnant. No problem.”


  “No thank you,” Gerri got out, amused and horrified at the same time.

  “Have you met Graves? He’s my other son. He’s not as friendly as Micah but he’s a good-looking man too.”

  “Dad, stop! You’re being worse than Mom.”

  Angelo whirled on him, growling. “She’s driving me nuts. Take a mate or I’ll find one for you, just for some peace of mind. Do you know what it’s like to hear her day after day, going on about it? She’s blaming me! She thinks I wasn’t a good enough example to you boys about how happy a man mated is.”

  They both suddenly stilled, turning their heads toward the front door. Gerri followed their gaze and the door opened. A tiny blonde woman walked in, three shopping bags clutched in one hand. She wore a summer dress, a big hat, and sunglasses.

  “Hello! I’m home, loving family.” She dropped the bags, took off the glasses, and set her purse on the table next to the door. “We are so honored to meet you! I’m Mandy.” She smiled big, her blue eyes fixed on Gerri. She wobbled a little in the high heels strapped to her feet, as if she wasn’t accustomed to wearing them.

  “Oh damn,” Micah muttered.

  Mandy gasped. “Language! Shame on you. I raised you better, young man. Never in front of ladies.” She kept coming, not stopping until she was in front of Gerri. Her eyes widened and she sniffed a few times. The color drained from her face.

  “Yes, you’re smelling Wen on her,” Micah sighed. “Gerri is not my girlfriend, although she is human. She knows what we are so there’s no need for this act. I really am guarding her for Wen. He got hurt, but he’ll be coming to get her.”

  Gerri bit her bottom lip, then offered her hand. “It’s nice to meet you.”

  Mandy slowly reached out and shook it gently, then let her go.

  “I appreciate the trouble you went to though,” Gerri added. “You have a beautiful home.”

  Mandy glared at Micah.

  “What in the hell are on your feet?” Angelo stalked forward. “Are you trying to twist an ankle?” He just grabbed the much smaller woman and lifted her, carrying her to a chair. He gently deposited her into it, crouched, and lifted one of her shoes. “Buckles? They look like torture devises. I’m taking them off you.”

  “Explain this to me right now, Micah,” his mother demanded.

  “You assumed. Remember what they say about that?”

  Angelo turned his head and snarled, flashing fangs. “Don’t call your mother an ass. She was hopeful. We both were.”

  Micah stepped next to Gerri. “Meet my crazy parents.”

  Gerri had a feeling it was going to be a very interesting stay. She hoped Wen came for her soon.

  * * * * *

  “Is the room okay?”

  Gerri turned away from the closet where she had stored her suitcase to watch Micah enter her room through the open door from the hallway. “It’s perfect.”

  “I’m sorry about downstairs.”

  She smiled. “They are actually really sweet.”

  “For crazy people?”

  “They’re nice. I have to admit your mom wasn’t what I was expecting. Both you and your father seem kind of afraid of her. She’s small for a Lycan. Was she turned?”

  “No. Don’t let her fool you. She might have been the runt of the pack but she can be scary at times. May I?” He waved at the edge of the bed.

  She nodded and took a seat a few feet from him. There was a table and chair near the bank of window but it was a large room, so she kept close so they didn’t have to raise their voices.

  “I have to admit I’m really curious about one thing.”

  Micah arched his eyebrows. “What?”

  “How does your mom normally dress?”

  He chuckled. “She loves stealing my dad’s shirts, which look like dresses on her. We’re not as strict about modesty as humans, or as fashionable. His boxers are her bottoms. She hates shoes during the summer. In winter, it’s always these chunky snow boots she tromps around in outside.”

  Gerri laughed. “I hope she wears more than just your dad’s things in the winter.”

  “She does but she steals his jackets. He’s got dozens of them. It’s a scent thing. They’re really in love.”

  “I could see that.”

  “I’m sorry for wha
t my dad said about Wen.”

  She knew instantly what he meant. “That he wouldn’t mate me? It’s true. No need to apologize.”

  “And the pregnancy remark. I can’t believe he brought that up.”

  She studied him. He looked upset. “Hey, don’t worry about it. It was understandable to think that Wen wouldn’t have purposely…well, you know. I do scent like him and there’s only one way that happens. The condom breaking would explain it. Your parents don’t know anything about the mission we were on, right?”

  “No. We don’t share Wen’s business with our parents or the pack. I’m still sorry you were subjected to that. I should have just taken you to my cabin, but I figured you’d be more comfortable here. I didn’t know my dad would try to bribe you either. I swear I’m not pathetic enough to need my parents to try to buy me a woman.”

  She took pity on him because he looked miserable. “I can one up you on that. Want to hear?”

  He nodded. “Sure, but I find that hard to believe. Did your parents try to buy you a husband?”

  “No, but my mom joined a pack that doesn’t believe in taking mates or having monogamous relationships. She got mad when I wouldn’t bend over and let them fuck me too. It’s why I’m not in her life anymore. I took off before I was forced into it.”

  His jaw dropped open and his eyes widened.

  “Your parents aren’t so bad, Micah.”

  “I’m sorry, Gerri. Do you talk to her? See her?”

  She shook her head. “I’m afraid if I call the pack, they’ll tell me she’s dead. I don’t want to know. I like to imagine she’s fine and things worked out the way she wanted them to. It kind of makes me a coward, but she’s all I have as far as family goes.”

  “You think they’d kill her?”

  “It’s not that. She’s human but they give her their blood since she hated aging. She’s getting it from the ones she’s sleeping with.”

  He cursed softly. “Doesn’t she know how dangerous that is?”

  “She knew. Wrinkles and gray hair were more frightening to her.”

  “What about your biological father?”

  “My mom worked in an art gallery and he kept coming in, trying to sell paintings. I guess he was charming and attractive enough for her to fall for him. He moved in with her. She found out she was pregnant with me and he took off. He said he didn’t want to have responsibilities. She tried to track him down to get child support but found out the name he’d been using wasn’t real.” She shrugged. “My mom had been adopted by an older couple, who’d died while she was in college. It was just her and I after Klentz died. I wished so many times she hadn’t left the clan.”

  “Klentz was her mate, right?”

  “Yes. I loved him so much. He never treated me as though I wasn’t his real child. She could have mated another VampLycan if we’d stayed. I could have…”

  “What? Don’t stop, Gerri.”

  “It’s stupid, but I always thought if I’d been able to stay, that Wen and I would have mated. I didn’t know that his brother had died.”

  “He loves you, Gerri.”

  She looked at him knowingly. “It’s not enough though, is it? Have you heard from him?”

  “No. I talked to Graves though. You didn’t ask, so I haven’t said anything, but…Wen was ordered back to his clan. I’ve been asked to keep you with me until his scent fades and it’s safe for you to resume your life. But I’m sure he’ll get in contact with you soon.”

  God, that hurt. Wen had broken his word about staying with her, and she sincerely doubted he’d ever be back. Being together, knowing they couldn’t have a future, was too painful for them both. “It’s for the best if we never see each other again,” she managed to get out. Tears filled her eyes.

  Micah scooted closer and twisted, opening his arms. “Think of me like a brother right now. Come here.”

  She didn’t need any more encouragement. She leaned forward and burst into tears. He held her tight, stroking her back.

  * * * * *

  Wen arrived home after dark. He went straight to Trayis’s house and knocked. It surprised him when there wasn’t an answer. He returned to his house and went to unlock the door. A note was pinned to the wood. He read the words.

  Meeting with me at 2pm tomorrow. Go talk to your parents. That’s an order. T

  He was furious as he twisted the locks and entered his house. That’s the last thing he needed after dealing with a plane full of humans, then waiting six hours for a repair to be done on the smaller plane that had flown him home. He sure as hell hadn’t wanted to drive hours more from the human airport to reach his territory, so he’d coerced the pilot into flying him farther than planned. He’d had a headache by then, and controlling the man to land on a road four miles from home had taken a lot out of him.

  All he could think about was Gerri. He knew Micah would keep her safe, but was she upset that he wasn’t with her? It tore his guts out imagining her crying, or worse, what if she was mad enough to ditch her protection? Gerri had a temper. She could also be irrational. He flipped on lights and headed into his bedroom, stripping when he reached it.

  He threw his clothes on the floor and turned on the shower, not even waiting for the water to grow warm. Hair sprouted out along his skin and he just shifted. A howl tore from his lips and he shook his body, sending water flying. The urge to shift back hit but he fought it. Otherwise he might destroy the tile walls around him by shoving his fists through them. He just wanted to call Gerri, hear her voice, make sure she was safe.

  A noise had him spinning, his body going into a crouch.

  The tall man who stepped into his bathroom frowned, then leaned against the wall.

  “You okay? I heard the howling when I was walking up to your door.”

  He allowed himself to shift to skin and stood up. “What in the hell are you doing here, Tymber?”

  “Making sure you made it home. We expected you to make better time.”

  “My bush pilot had to wait for a part.”

  “I hate when that happens. You look like shit—and you forgot to lock your door. I could have been someone your parents sent.” Tymber grinned, his gaze running down Wen, then back up to his face. “Good thing you’re not my type, since you’re naked. Are you trying to make it easy for them? Ready to get some VampLycan pregnant yet?”

  “Fuck off.” Wen turned his back on the enforcer and reached for the soap. He dumped most of the bottle on himself, grabbed a washcloth and began to scrub.

  “You’re going to take off skin if you aren’t careful. Do I piss you off that much? It was a joke. You were supposed to laugh.”

  “I’m not in the mood.”

  “I see that. Are you upset at Trayis for ordering you home, or did I already miss you having to chase away a woman your parents sent over here to wait for you on your doorstep?”

  “Neither.” Wen sniffed, then reached for more soap. He emptied the bottle, scrubbing harder.

  Tymber pushed off from the wall and came closer, almost stepping into the shower with him. He lifted his arm, pulling up his shirt to expose the meaty skin just under his elbow.

  Wen frowned, then looked at him questioningly.

  “No amount of soap is going to help. Your eyes are black and you’re as agitated as shit. It’s the faint scent I’m picking up, isn’t it? Human, but not the right one. I know Trayis had Sherry give you her blood, but you’ve recently been with Gerri. Bite me. It’ll mask the scent of the human lawyer.”

  Wen growled.

  “You could wait a day and hope it’s completely gone by then, or you could get rid of it now. Your call.”

  “At least let me wrap a towel around my waist.”

  Tymber chuckled. “We work together. I’ve seen you naked a thousand damn times after we’ve shifted. I don’t even notice unless it’s to give you shit. You getting prudish spending time with humans?”

  “The taste of blood makes us hard, regardless of the circumstances. I’m getti
ng a towel.”

  Tymber laughed and backed up. “I’ll meet you in the living room. Put some pants on. Somebody could walk in and that would be awkward. I didn’t lock your door either.”

  Wen turned off the water and grabbed a towel. The headache just kept getting worse. He rubbed his skin dry as he entered his room, pulling on a pair of jeans from his dresser. Tymber waited in the living room, as promised.

  “You sure about this? You don’t have to offer me your blood.”

  Tymber nodded. “We’re a family as enforcers, and we look out for each other. You’d do the same for me if I had one woman on my mind but carried the blood scent of another. How hurt were you? You seem completely healed.”

  “I was pretty fucked up. The Lycan pack fought like a swarm, probably learned that tactic from those fucking Vampires they were hanging with.”

  “How many bites?”

  “I don’t know. I didn’t exactly count them.”

  “I’m guessing you needed a lot of blood.” Tymber held out his arm again. “You’ll smell like me instead but that shouldn’t bother you.”

  Wen took a deep breath, then exhaled. “I do appreciate it. We should only bite each other for a life or death situation.”

  “Sanity counts. Stop stalling and do it already. I’d hate carrying someone’s scent that bothered me.”

  Wen took his friend’s arm, closed his eyes, and let his fangs come out. He didn’t lick Tymber before he sank his fangs in. He just bit down. His heart pounded and adrenaline shot through his body. He let go as soon as he figured he’d taken enough and backed away.

  Tymber licked his own arm, sealing it and starting the healing process. “You sure that was enough?”

  Wen nodded. “Thanks, brother.”

  Tymber moved into his kitchen. “Hungry?” He opened the fridge. “I’ll make you something.”

  Wen followed him and grabbed a few glasses out of the cabinet. “I got a ton of sandwich stuff. I bought it before I left, figuring I wouldn’t want to go hunting or shopping when I came home. You’re going to eat with me.”

  “I am a little hungry.”

  “Trayis has ordered me to talk to my parents.”