Page 7 of Wen

  “I was raised with Wen's clan for a lot of years. My mother mated a VampLycan. They met when he was doing an art show. He was a tradesman.”

  He relaxed a little. “I didn't know they mated with humans.”

  “They normally don't. She was immune to mind control, and she kind of ended up in the middle of a fight with a small nest of Vampires who decided to crash his opening night at a gallery. He sold high-end stuff to rich people. The nest didn’t like having a VampLycan in town and thought it would be a good idea to attack him. He ended up killing all five of them and had to wipe the minds of all the humans present.” She paused.

  “Except your mother,” he guessed.

  “Exactly. He didn’t want to kill her though, and he spent a few days with her, trying to figure out what to do. Mom and Klentz fell in love. He took us home to Alaska with him. I was about a year old at the time.”

  “He accepted you. That's rare too.”

  “I was a cute baby. At least that's what Klentz always claimed. He was good to me.” She felt a wave of sadness. He had been a loving dad, even though he hadn't been the one to get her mom pregnant. That had been some loser who’d abandoned her mom after finding out she was expecting. “He died in an avalanche when I was fifteen. He used to go out sometimes to drag home fallen trees to create his art. It was a freak accident. He probably would have survived, but it brought down some boulders along with a mountain of snow. He was crushed under them. My mom left the clan after that and took me with her.” She paused. “Now you know my life story. Who is this Sherry?”

  “She's someone who works with us from time to time.”

  “And you call her legs?”

  He glanced away. “She's six-two.”


  He yanked open the door. “Climb into the back.”

  “Sure thing.” She had to climb alright. He gave her a little help and she scooted into a seat. “Thanks.”

  “No problem. So…Wen wanted your help because you know what we're dealing with?”


  He sniffed at her again and his gaze traveled down her body, then back to her face. She could tell he was a little stunned.

  “I'm the bait, and I can guess what you're picking up. Do I smell like Wen?”

  “Yes. Strongly.”

  “That's the plan.”

  “He didn't tell me much.”

  “That's Wen for you.” Who the hell is Sherry to Wen? She didn't think she'd like the answer. “He's real closemouthed about some things.”

  Micah sealed the door, then rounded the plane to take the pilot seat. The entire thing shook a little when he started the engines. He twisted in his seat, handing her a headset. She took it and put it on. He adjusted his, then spoke.

  “Can you hear me okay?”


  She turned her head, watching as Wen strolled out of the building as if he didn't have a care in the world. None of the employees even looked his way. He'd obviously manipulated their memories and they were fine with whatever story he’d implanted. He got inside the plane and put on a headset.

  “Let's go, Micah. You're cleared for takeoff. They’re holding all air traffic until we're gone.” He turned his head. “You should probably take a nap, Gerri. We're going to be up all night.”

  Who the hell is Sherry?

  She resisted asking for about ten seconds. “Who’s Sherry?”

  Wen's lips pressed into a tight line and he shot a glare at the pilot. Micah ignored him, maneuvering the small craft toward the runway.

  “You didn't answer me,” she persisted.

  “Nobody.” Wen put on his seat belt. “We're taking off. Buckle in.”

  “I'm not dropping this. Have you forgotten how stubborn I can be? Just answer the question.”

  He twisted his head to glare at her. “She's a lawyer who occasionally works for my clan.”

  “A VampLycan?”



  A muscle jumped in his jaw and he really looked furious. “No. She's human. Trayis is always buying up land when he can to expand our territory, and she handles some of the deals when the owners are from the lower states. She's also helped us with some legal issues. She specializes in business law.”

  “Does she handle you?” Jealousy was an ugly emotion that wouldn't be denied. Though he'd said he'd slept with some humans.

  He looked away. “We're taking off. Let Micah concentrate. It's windy today.”

  She refused to let it drop. “She knows what you are, doesn't she?”

  He ignored her. That answered that. Sherry was one of his lovers. It hurt but it also pissed her off.


  He twisted in the seat. “What?”

  “Does she know what you are?”

  “Yes. She does.” His eyes flashed a little, glowing blue. “She was saved by one of our clan about six years ago. She's immune to mind control, so we hired her. It was either that or kill her to keep her silent. Now we're protected under client privilege because she’s our attorney. Anything else you want to know?”

  “Were you the one to save her?”

  That muscle in his jaw twitched again. “Yes.”

  “Why am I here?”

  That question seemed to be one he wasn't expecting. “I told you.”

  “You said you needed me because I’m human and know what you are. You already had Sherry. I take it you weren't willing to risk her ass?” That hurt.

  His expression softened. “It's not like that.”

  “Fuck you, Wen.” She leaned back against the seat and closed her eyes, fighting tears. He could have taken the other woman on his hunt but he’d chosen her instead. It was going to be dangerous. He wasn't willing to risk Sherry's life. Just hers.

  “I told you the truth.”

  She flinched at hearing his snarled words. He was really loud over the droning engines as they sped down the runway. The plane lifted up into the air, swaying in the wind. She kept her eyes closed. Heights weren't her favorite thing, nor was looking at Wen at that moment.

  “Damn it, don't ignore me,” he demanded.

  She lifted her hand and flipped him off. “Just shut up. I'm taking that nap.” She hadn't put on her belt, so she just drew her legs up and curled sideways into the seat. It didn't matter if she was tossed around a bit at that moment. It was the least of her worries.

  “It's not like that, Gerri. I wanted you with me on this mission. No one else.”

  She opened her eyes and glared at him. “Right. You fuck this Sherry, don't you?”

  He said nothing.

  “That's a big yes. You lied to me.”

  “I didn't.”

  “You implied that I was the only human who you could trust not to stab you in the back if they knew what you were. Guess what? Be glad I don't have a knife right now. And it wouldn't be your back I'd be aiming for. I'd take your balls.”

  “She doesn't matter, Gerri.”

  “Bullshit. You're keeping her far from this mess and I'm the one you're willing to sacrifice. Just shut up, Wen. I don't want to hear any more of your lies.”

  “I wanted to be with you!”

  “Fuck!” Micah yelled. “Don't roar in my ear. I'm trying to fly.”

  “Stay out of this,” Wen snarled. “You had no right to tell her about Sherry.”

  “I thought you said that's who we were picking up! Their names sound a lot alike. I called her legs and she started asking questions. I didn't say anything about you screwing Sherry.”

  “I'm the one getting screwed now,” Gerri scoffed. “So he can keep her safe. She works for the clan, so she's more important.”

  “Goddamn it,” Wen snarled.

  He shocked her when he stood and climbed over the seats. It was a small, cramped area in the cabin. Micah started cursing and Gerri could relate. The plane tilted a bit. There wasn't a lot of space in the backseat and even less once Wen was almost on top of her. She slapped at him when he tried
to force her to sit up. He was stronger, and she was afraid to really put up a fight in case Micah got hit, since he was flying the plane.

  Wen ended up sitting next to her and dragging her onto his lap. He scooted over to the center of the seat. She fisted his shirt and grabbed a handful of his hair at the base of his neck. The urge to punch him was strong, but his eyes started to glow brighter.

  “Don't pull that mind-wipe shit on me.”

  “I'm not.”

  She didn't look away. “I will never forgive you if you erase the last fifteen minutes of my life. I'll remember in time. You know my mother was immune. It doesn't last long on me. I'll dream the truth and eventually realize it's a real memory. My stepdad tested it on me and that's always what happened. I will hunt you down if you mess with my head, damn you. I know where you live.”

  “I just want to talk.”

  “Then remove the glow.”

  He closed his eyes and took a few deep breaths. His eyes were normal and beautiful when they opened again. “Sherry doesn't mean anything to me. Yes, I've fucked her in the past, but it was just sex. I wanted you with me for all the reasons I said last night.” He glanced at Micah, then her. “I haven't lied to you. I just didn't tell you there was someone else I could have asked to go on this hunt with me. I wanted you at my side, G.L.”

  The silence stretched between them. She wanted to believe him but didn't dare. He was a VampLycan. They were known for their honesty but only to each other. One of them would lie to a human in a heartbeat to get what they wanted. Was he using her to keep Sherry safe? Did he love this lawyer? It hurt really bad to think so.

  “Is her name Gerri or G.L.?” Micah sounded confused.

  “Gerri, but I'm the only one who calls her G.L. It's an endearment.” Wen kept staring at her. “Sherry doesn't matter,” he rasped. “You do.”

  “I don't know if I believe you.”

  He frowned. “What will it take to prove it?”

  “Kill Sherry?”

  He scowled. “Is that a joke?”

  Guilt struck. “I guess.”

  “I understand.” He leaned in closer and nuzzled her head with his face, putting his lips next to her ear. “I want to rip apart all the humans you've let touch you. I'd love to see every one of them dead by my hands.”

  “It's not like there's many.” She relaxed against him and eased her grasp on his hair.

  “One is too many.” He nuzzled her cheek again and whispered, “Trust me, golden locks. You're the only woman who matters to me.”

  She wanted to believe him so much it made her chest ache.

  He adjusted his head a little and opened his mouth against her neck, nipping her. “I want to bite you. Nobody has ever made me feel the way you do.”

  She clutched his shoulders. “I knew it. You totally want to get me killed.” His family would want her dead if he mated her.

  He stiffened, as if reminded of what kind of outcome that would cause. He pulled her closer to his chest and sighed. “No. I'll do anything to keep you safe. Sleep. We're going hunting as soon as we land and the sun goes down.”

  She hadn't slept well the night before and was tired. “Thank you.”

  “For what?” He caressed her back.

  “Not trying to wipe my memory.”

  “I would never do that to you.”

  She wanted to trust him. She just wasn’t sure if she could.

  * * * * *

  Wen ignored his cousin and the way he kept glancing back at him with a curious expression. Gerri slept in his arms and he didn't plan to return to the front seat. He liked holding her. Not to mention, beating on Micah while he was piloting the plane would make them crash. He had removed her headphones so she’d sleep more comfortably.

  “Sorry, man. I didn't mean to cause you any trouble,” Micah said from the front. “I didn't realize you were serious about her. Who the hell is she, anyway?”

  “None of your concern.”

  “Bullshit,” Micah snorted. “We're family.”

  “I grew up with her. You know how I have Graves keep an eye on a human for me? This is her.”

  “He never shares anything you have him look into. I never ask. I take it she's important to you?”

  “Very. Her mother took her away from the clan after her mate died. Carol was lost to her grief and just wanted a fresh start. She dragged her daughter with her.”

  “She told me that. Her mother was mated to a tradesman who died.”

  “I couldn't stop them from leaving. I begged her mother to stay with the clan but she wouldn't listen to me.”

  Micah twisted his head, studying Gerri. He grimaced. “Damn. I'm sorry. I see it written all over your face and in the way you hold her. Your parents would flip, wouldn't they?”

  “You know how it is.”

  Micah paid attention to the instruments. “Graves and I have it easy. Our parents would love it if we brought any woman home, no matter the race, as long as we give them grandkids. Ten years ago, that wasn’t the case. Mom was tossing every available bitch in our path who she felt would be strong breeders. Now it's just every woman with a pulse who she thinks might tempt us to take them to bed. Maybe that's the trick. Put off mating until they fear you'll never settle down.”

  “I like your parents.”

  “They've mellowed with age.”

  “That won't happen with mine.”

  “I know. I'm sorry, man. Gerbin dying really fucked up your life.”

  He felt a stab of pain in his chest at the mention of his brother's name. “He was their favorite. I miss him, and how things were before he died.”

  “Would they have accepted your G.L. if you were still the second son?”

  “You call her Gerri.” He thought about it. “Yes. They wouldn't have been thrilled but they would have accepted it.”

  “I don't envy your life.”

  “Me either.”

  The silence stretched and Gerri began to softly snore. Wen grinned, staring down at her parted lips. She was delightful. He'd worn her out with too much sex and not enough sleep the night before. No regret surfaced.

  Micah cleared his throat. “You know Sherry isn't going to like this if she finds out. She's kind of possessive of you, and don't you have her working on this too, following all the police reports about these assholes you’re going after, to see what they’re into? It's possible she'll hear you were spotted with another woman.”

  “That's her problem, not mine. I was clear that I have no feelings for her.”

  “I know that, you know that, but women aren't rational. Hell, I saw how that one went off. She didn't like finding out that you bed hop.”

  He hated the pain Gerri had suffered over finding out about the lawyer he sometimes spent time with. Everything had changed. “You deal with Sherry from now on. I'll call you for updates and whatever else I may need you to ask her.”

  Micah twisted in his seat. “What?”

  “You heard me. You're the in-between person for Sherry and I. You'll travel with her the next time she's sent somewhere for our clan.”

  “That's crazy. You're going to avoid Sherry just because it made your little G.L. upset?”

  “I told you to call her Gerri. She has the right to be hurt.” He stroked her hair. “I won't be able to look at Sherry or hear her voice without remembering today. I can't stand to see my G.L. in pain.”

  “Are you going to give up all women in the future?” Micah softly snorted. “Come on. You're being unreasonable. You just said you can't mate that little gal. We're not designed to go without sex for too long.”

  “G.L. thought Sherry was more important to me than she is. I don't ever want to give her that impression again. I’ll promise her it's over between Sherry and I forever. And I always keep my word.”

  “You have it bad.”

  He knew it, and wouldn't even make denials.

  “So what does G.L. stand for? I’m curious. Gerri is a strange name for a woman. I take it her last name start
s with an L?”

  “No. It’s a nickname I gave her when we were kids. Golden locks.”

  Micah chuckled. “I see. Long blonde hair. It’s cute. So is she. So, you’re serious about G.L.?”

  “I’m the only one allowed to call her that. Quit pushing. She hates her real name, Geraldine. She shorted it to Gerri. You can use that when you address her.”

  “Barbados,” Micah finally muttered.

  “What about it?”

  “That should be far enough for you to go that your family won't find you when you sink your fangs into that little gal to make her yours. We both know it's only a matter of time with the way you're looking at her. A smart man would have left her behind when we took off, but you already can't let go. You might want to spend the rest of the flight wondering how you'll take to island life.”

  “I have too many responsibilities to my parents and the clan.”

  “Your priorities have changed. You just haven't realized it yet—but you will.”

  Chapter Five

  Gerri woke when the engine noise died. She stared up at Wen. He smiled.

  “Did you sleep well?”

  “I take it we’re not in Nevada anymore?”

  “Washington,” Micah answered from the front. He opened the door. “I’m going to secure my baby. It’s getting windy.”

  Wen helped Gerri sit up and she stared out the windows. It seemed to be another private airport and they were parked near a few other small aircraft. “Looks like we’re in the burbs.”


  “It’s what I call the middle of nowhere.”

  “Micah picked this place for a reason. The security here is shit. That’s good for us. We have to pick up the rental car I ordered and drive a few hours to reach where we need to be tonight.”


  He lifted her and climbed over the seat, opened the door, then helped her out. She didn’t protest as he gripped her hips and gently deposited her on her feet. The wind whipped at her hair and she shivered, chilled by it after being so comfortable on Wen’s lap.

  “You’d think it would be warmer since it’s summer.”

  “I blame the humans,” Micah called out, hooking straps that were clipped to the ground to the wings of the plan. “Global warming from all their pollution. These freaky summer storms happen more and more.”