Agent Dudley stared in shock through the bathroom window, watching as the bus crashed into the ditch almost flipped over and fell back to earth with its rear wheels spinning slower a good four or five feet up in the air. Pressing his forehead against the window, he didn't know what to do next. “Stupid, mother- fuckers,” he muttered and sat back on the toilet seat listening for sounds coming from inside the trailer. It seemed to slowly be quieting down. Pulling out his cell phone he saw the words NO SERVICE on the screen.

  He considered what had happened- replaying it over in his mind and feared he'd never get out of this alive. His wife would never know all he could think about was how much he loved her. He looked in his pockets for a pen or pencil and found none. Starting to get up and check the medicine cupboard, he slapped his forehead and flipped open his phone again.

  After pushing the video camera function the screen indicated he had twelve and a half minutes of record time. He pressed RECORD looked at the camera lens and started to speak. “I love you, Teresa. If I die out here today, I want you to know that.” He felt tears wanting to leak out, wiped absently at his eyes, and looked over his shoulder when a long loud scream seemed to come from right outside the bathroom window.

  Lowering his voice, he continued. “Honey, if I die out here today please, whatever you do, don’t throw out my golf clubs. I hid a key in there for a safety deposit box I put some money in before we got married. I know I should have told you about it and-”

  Another scream echoed outside and he turned the phone around. The screen showed he only had nine minutes left to record.

  “Go see Michael Grimes at First Liberty Savings & Trust Bank. I added your name to the deposit box card last September after I almost died in that car wreck. He'll help you get the money out. I love you honey, no matter what happens, just remember that.” He blew a kiss at the camera turned it around and saved the file.

  He pushed record again and resumed speaking. “This is agent Keith Dudley. I was part of the immigration raid at the Albuquerque Springs Trailer Park today. If you're watching this video you probably have some idea how bad it was. Please, just make sure my wife gets the last message I recorded.” He sat back on the toilet and looked in the camera lens. “I don't know if anyone else made it but this is my report, probably my last-” he said grimacing, “on what I saw here today.

  Agent Crawford went into the trailer first and moved left saying I got the hallway. I went to the right to check the kitchen and laundry areas. There was no one there, but I heard Crawford scream Stop! Get back, stop!”

  Dudley paused to lick his lips and glanced at the window before continuing. “There was a howling scream and I looked into the living room.

  She was squirting pepper spray directly into the mouth, eyes, and nose, of a hideously disfigured man. He had deep lacerations all over the skin covering his face and I swear you could see his teeth through the flaps of his torn skin. His teeth were biting her wrist which made her drop the pepper spray can.

  By the way, the pepper spray didn't seem to have any effect on whatever it was that was chewing on her wrist.” Dudley coughed and wiped sweat off his forehead before continuing.

  “Gilmer fired at the one attacking Crawford and I drew my gun, but-” he paused and checked the record time left.

  It indicated just six minutes remained. He turned the phone around and quickly continued. “But I froze. I'm not proud of it, but it’s the truth. I couldn't move. As Gilmer continued firing, more-” he paused trying to think of the right word, “attackers came out of the hall and started moving toward him as he laid down fire.

  He yelled, Get her out of here! And continued firing as Sazera ran over and swung his club down on the biting man’s head- crushing his skull.” Dudley checked the record time left and continued.

  “Gilmer yelled and screamed as he fired and Sazera scooped Crawford up in his arms and ran back toward the exit. The attackers continued toward Gilmer as Sazera got Crawford outside.

  The bullets had little to no effect when the attackers were hit. Oh sure, they'd fall backwards or fall all the way to the floor when shot, but then in a matter of seconds they'd be back up again.” He looked at the screen and saw there was only three minutes left of record time.

  “Gilmer exchanged clips and kept firing as he moved back toward the exit. He must have tripped over something though, because I saw him fall and hit the back of his head against the doorway and tumble outside through the trailer door. The attackers then ran out after him and I heard more gunshots before running to the bathroom and locking myself inside once the trailer seemed empty.” He checked the time and saw one minute and ten seconds left to record.

  “I saw them running for the bus. Shoemaker and Sazera anyway, and at least a dozen attackers were chasing after them. I chose to stay and hid in the bathroom. A few minutes ago the bus was going up the exit road but swerved into the ditch and crashed for some reason. I'm going outside in a second to see if I can help Gilmer or anyone else. Wish me luck.” He saved the file, buttoned the phone inside his shirt pocket, and stared in disgust at his reflection in the mirror. Yes. I am going to go out there. I am going. I am not a chicken shit son of a bitch, he thought doubtfully while angrily staring at his reflection yet unable to move toward the door.