Page 24 of Wolf of Stone

  “I do not understand why you think to resist me, Jewel,” Volcan’s voice skittered over her nerves like tiny ants as he walked in the room. “You and I both know that you have it in you to be a great witch, a witch queen even. Like so many before you, you crave the power that dark magic would give you. Save yourself much trouble and just join me. I have plans for us and I do not like to be delayed.”

  “What sort of plans?” she asked, ignoring his summary of her.

  “I’ve realized that it would be smarter of me to keep you alive, instead of draining you of all your blood for its power. You see, there is another way in which your blood can be used for power. It simply needs to flow in the veins of another magic user.”

  “So you’re going to take my blood and infuse it into witches you create?”

  “Wrong again, little healer. I am not going to be the one creating the witches, well maybe in a roundabout way. But really it will be you and whatever male I send to you that will create them.”

  Alarm signals were blaring in Jewel’s mind as she processed what he had just said. Create witches? And it would take a male? It hit her like a bolt of lightning and she was on her feet.

  “You will have to kill me before I become an incubator for your spawn.” He wanted her to procreate with different men in order to become pregnant and bear him witch children? Dude was delusional.

  “No, actually I will just have to restrain you. But don’t worry, we have a little time for you to warm up to the idea. Jewel, once you begin to feel the power I will give you running through you, you will understand why this is where you belong. This is what you were destined for. You will be the mother of all witches, and my queen, and we will rule this world and all other realms. Never again will you be made to feel helpless or inferior.”

  Jewel could admit that without all the killing, world domination stuff, knowing that she could have the knowledge of magic, dark and light, was slightly enticing. But she could never hurt innocent people and she could never sleep with a bunch of men she did not love. That part of her was for one male only―one broody, broken, beautiful male―and she intended to keep it that way. She needed a plan, a strategy. She knew that she couldn’t defeat him physically and she couldn’t wait him out either. She would be better off beating her head against a brick wall because it might actually crack, whereas Volcan was immovable in his resolve to have her.

  “We will start your training tomorrow,” he told her with an excited gleam in his eye. He reminded her of a cat licking its lips because of the mouse it had just found. Not a good analogy she realized because that would make her the mouse.

  “What will my training entail?”

  “Secrets to my magic that I have never shared with anyone else.” He turned for the door and called out over his shoulder. “I suggest you get some rest. Being wicked is not for the weary.”

  Jewel climbed up on the bed, though a part of her wanted to defy him just because it would give her some measure of joy, but she was tired. Exhausted in fact. Her talk with Dalton had been emotionally taxing, though his blood had given her physical energy, she could now feel it wearing off. She couldn’t feel him through their bond though she knew the bond was still there. She had managed to talk to him one last time just as Volcan dropped her in the room. But since then there had been nothing.

  As she laid back and closed her eyes she thought about all that had become of her life in just a few months. Her mother had warned her multiple times over the past year that something was coming. She had told her that she would have to make a choice, but she never elaborated on what the options were. Thinking about her mother made her wish she could have seen her one last time. With all Gem’s quirky ways, Jewel still loved her very much. She didn’t want to die before getting to see her again. But she knew the probability of that happening was pretty great.


  Jewel’s eyes popped open at the sound of her mom’s voice. She waited to see if it would come again. Perhaps her mind was so desperate for her that it was causing auditory hallucinations. It was a valid conclusion, though her mind felt fully intact, if not just a bit worn out.

  “Jewel, you must resist him.”


  “Yes, I can only hold this for a few moments longer. You must resist. You must hold out for your mate to get to you.”

  “I won’t give into him.”

  “You are more intelligent than you know and your logic will not always lead you in the right direction. When you make your decision, though it may feel right, remember my words; what begins as a farce more often than not ends as the truth. I love you, daughter. I believe in you.”

  “Wait, I don’t understand.” Jewel looked frantically around the room, though she knew her mother wasn’t there. She knew that her mother had rules that she followed when it came to revealing the future and so she often talked in riddles, but she wished just this once that she could have just spelled it out for her.

  “What begins as a farce more often than not ends as the truth,” she repeated her mother’s words. So basically she was saying that people begin to believe whatever lie it is they have been telling or living. What did that have to do with her and the situation she was in? What lie would Jewel tell that would become her reality?

  She laid back down, her body beyond exhausted and her mind longing for rest. She would think more on her mother’s words tomorrow when things would be clearer. Right now her brain was muddled and all she wanted to think about was the man she had left behind. In such a short time he had maneuvered himself into her heart and she missed him fiercely. She missed his voice, the deep rumble that lulled her even when she was unconscious. She missed his warm hands running through her hair and holding her smaller hand. And even though it had been so very brief that he had held her, she missed that as well. To think that she could have had a lifetime in those arms, safe, sheltered, and loved. The tears started then. She had been holding onto them for as long as she could but her strength was gone for the day. She cried herself to sleep; the ache in her chest was even prevalent while she slept. She didn’t know how long she had been asleep when the dream began, but she prayed that she would never wake up.

  “I’ve been waiting for you,” Dalton told her as he crossed the room to get to her.

  “How could you be waiting for me, this is my dream?”

  “Is it?” His head tilted ever so slightly as his lips twitched in amusement.

  Jewel realized he was trying to tell her that this was no dream; it was real.

  “How?” she said as she hurried into the arms he held open to her. She let out a sigh as everything fell into place. Being with Dalton was her destiny. When she was with him, everything made sense.

  “I have a powerful high fae as an ally. She has the ability to manipulate dreams. But Volcan will eventually realize what’s going on. Magic always leaves a trail.” He brushed her hair back from her face and ran a thumb across her lips. “Are you alright? Has he hurt you?”

  Jewel felt Dalton’s fear and rage as he asked her and she wanted to calm him, to soothe his wolf who was pacing to get out. “No, I’m fine.”

  “Do you know where you are?”

  She shook her head. “I’ve only been in the room where he left me.”

  “Has he talked to you?”

  “Yes,” she said because she didn’t want to tell him more but neither did she want to hide anything from him. “He wants to teach me dark magic. He wants my blood, and he wants me to be a breeder female, basically with any male he sends my way.” Jewel’s body immediately tensed as she felt first his jealousy, and then his protective anger flood her mind.

  “I’m sorry you’re in this position,” Dalton told her as his face softened to the Dalton that was reserved for her alone.

  “It’s not your fault. It’s my own. I need you to know something. You aren’t going to like it.”

  He nodded indicating her to continue.

  “I won’t be forced. I won’t lie there ju
st to survive. And I know that no amount of fighting would get me anywhere. I will leave this life before I let a single male touch me.” She waited for his anger but what she got instead was his compassion.

  “I don’t want you to die. I don’t want you to have to take your own life. I’m your mate, it goes against everything I am to condone you hurting yourself. But neither do I want you to suffer abuse at the hands of men who care nothing for you and want to use you. If you leave this world, I will follow. I made sure of that when I completed the Blood Rites.”

  “So you aren’t going to argue with me and tell me to do anything I have to in order to survive?”

  His hand wrapped around the back of her neck and tilted her head up to look at him. “There are some things that you can’t survive. Just because you live through it, doesn’t mean you survived. I will not condemn you for either decision. If you fight, if you endure, then once I have you back in my arms I will do everything I can to take those horrific memories from you and replace them with love, adoration, and faithfulness.”

  Jewel couldn’t believe that this man was intended for her. Who was she to deserve such a blessing? How did she ever think she could live without him?

  “I, I’m…,” Jewel’s tears streaked her cheeks as she tried to tell him how sorry she was. How wrong she had been.

  “Shhh, Little Dove. That is not necessary. I love you. I’m coming for you and I won’t stop until you are back in my arms where you belong.”

  She laid her head on his chest and couldn’t believe that even in the dream she could smell his masculine scent. His hands rubbed her back pulling her tighter against him until she could feel his heartbeat against her cheek. She wanted to crawl inside of him and never be parted from him again. But like all good things, this too was coming to an end.

  “I must go and you need rest,” Dalton told her as he leaned down and kissed her on the forehead and then both cheeks.

  “Why didn’t you kiss my lips?” she asked, not thinking to censor her question.

  “Because the first time that I have the privilege of tasting you, it will not be in a dream. I want you, your physical body. As hard as it is not to lean down and kiss your beautiful mouth, I will wait and it will be worth it.”

  “Did you know a long lasting kiss quickens the pulse and heightens the level of hormones in humans’ blood so much that it shortens their lifespan by nearly a whole minute?” Jewel wanted to smack herself in the head. Why that suddenly popped into her head she had no idea other than the fact that she was slightly embarrassed for just blurting out the question and putting him on the spot.

  Dalton’s eyes began to glow as he studied her. “Well then, our lives are going to be considerably shorter because I plan to take many long, passion filled kisses from you, mate.”

  That did not help ease her desire to have him kiss her now, but she was glad that he had the self-control to wait until they were together again, if that day ever came.

  “Keeping fighting, Little Dove. I love you,” he whispered against her ear.

  She squeezed him tightly to her as she whispered back. “I love you. I can’t wait for that kiss.”

  “Tell me one more fact, Jewel. I love when you spout off random information. It actually drives me a little crazy with desire for you.”

  “So you only want me for my brain?” she teased.

  He shrugged. “Well the brain’s container isn’t too shabby so I’ll just take it all.”

  “Okay, so did you know that your lips are a hundred times more sensitive than your fingertips?”

  “I did not, but that is definitely good information to be filed away for use at a later date.”

  Jewel was enjoying this side of Dalton. The playfulness in him was a rare gift, and she had a feeling he was making an effort in order to distract her. She loved him for it.

  “I have a fact for you,” he told her. She could tell that the dream was ending because he was beginning to appear washed out. “No one has ever made me want to be a better man until you. I want to be worthy of you.”

  “You are.” Jewel reached for him as he faded even more. She didn’t want to leave on a sad note because she knew they both needed to be strong for what lay ahead. She didn’t want Dalton worried that she was cowering in a corner lost and beaten down. He was a powerful, dominant male in his race and she would be a mate he could be proud of. “Don’t keep me waiting too long, Dalton Black.

  She felt his breath on her neck as he whispered, “Nothing could keep me from you.” And then he was gone and she was alone.

  Though she wasn’t fully awake after having the dream, she was aware of the pain twisting in her heart as her soul cried out for its other half. Knowing that she no longer would be alone, that she would have Dalton, gave her the desire to want to survive. She was smart. She knew that if she just searched diligently in the many deep wells of information in her mind, she would be able to outsmart her opponent. She knew that would have to be her plan because she couldn’t fight him. But she believed she could outthink him.

  As she gave into her mind and body’s exhaustion just as she was slipping off to sleep, she whispered into the empty room. “Let the games begin.”

  From the Author:

  Thank you so very much for taking your time and money to read Wolf of Stone. I truly appreciate it. I could not write my books without the support of the amazing readers. God bless you all!

  Please enjoy the following excerpts from some amazingly talented authors.


  (An Order of the Spirit Realm Novel)

  Kasi Blake

  Copyright © 2013 by Kasi Blake



  At some point during the night a stranger crawled into Bay-Lee’s bed while she snored softly, unaware. The mattress springs squeaked in complaint beneath the additional weight as he reclined on his side and stared down at her face. It bothered him that she continued to sleep. After all the stories he’d heard about this girl, exploited rumors verging on myth, he’d expected more from her. Shouldn’t she be able to sense danger?

  This was Van Helsing’s daughter? She looked insignificant, vulnerable beneath the bright orange sheet. He could snap her neck so easily—and maybe he should. The world would continue on, undisturbed, but the dark cloud hanging over his head would finally dissipate.

  A fraction of moonlight filtered through partially open curtains, not enough to see clearly, but it didn’t matter because he’d seen pictures of this girl on Van Helsing’s desk. Her features were burned into his retinas. Every time he went into the office he tried not to look at the photographs, purposely pointing his gaze elsewhere.

  There was something about her, something unsettling which inevitably pulled him back to stare at her reproduced image. She looked like an average girl at first glance. A pretty face framed by long dark hair parted in the middle and layered stared back at him. Of Brazilian descent, her eyes were the darkest of browns, nearly black. They hid a mountain of secrets. She had attitude to spare and the camera caught it, recording it for future historians—if the rumors were correct, they would want to study her.

  She possessed a ‘bite me’ expression that must drive vampires crazy.

  Fortunately, he was not a vampire.

  Her mouth bothered him the most. Full lips haunted his dreams with a secretive smile curving the ends and a bottom lip that begged to be nibbled on. Sometimes, when he wasn’t carefully controlling his thoughts, he wondered what she would taste like. In his dreams when he wasn’t fully in control of his mind he kissed her without ceasing. Now he wondered what would happen if he kissed her in real life. Would it stir something deep in his soul? Would the prophecy come true?

  Something hard lodged in his throat and he swallowed. It was a near miss so he swallowed again. Kissing her shouldn’t even be a blip on the radar. This girl was the reason he didn’t have a home or a family. It was her fault he’d grown up on the outside looking in, her fault people whispe
red behind his back, and her fault he was destined to die young.

  Bay-Lee stirred in her sleep. Mumbling, she pushed against his chest with two fingers. “Go ‘way.”

  Cute like a box of kittens, for a second he forgot to hate her. His heart momentarily softened, but only for a moment. The unfamiliar sensation was enough to wipe the half-smile from his face. Delivering a mental kick to his brain, he reminded himself this girl was the last person in the world he could let his guard down around. She was worse than trouble. If he wasn’t careful, this seemingly harmless meeting would lead to his total destruction.

  Ready to wake her, he leaned in close and whispered her (fake) name. Like him, she was forced to live under an alias. Michelle.

  The knowledge she was no longer alone in bed should have scared the crap out of Bay-Lee and normally it would have, but she was still floating on the fragments of a blissful dream. The soft whisper of a lover’s hands surfaced with her consciousness. She’d been dreaming about being in love, the kind that inspired people to die for each other, the Romeo and Juliet sort of love. Beyond that nothing seemed real to her.

  An odd smell pierced the veil of sleep, and she wrinkled her nose. Jack Daniels?

  The next thing to grab her attention was the feel of a hard body crowding her on the narrow mattress.

  Warm breath lightly blew a trail down her face from forehead to mouth like the soft wings of a butterfly brushing against her skin. Fingers slid up one arm to curve around her shoulder. Her eyelids fluttered, and she smiled up at the gorgeous stranger. Fantasy wove a complicated tapestry with reality, and she decided she was still dreaming.