
  Ramiel could feel he was getting closer to his destination. The rush of the flight, the realization of whom his heart belonged to and called for, the excitement of seeing Alma’s imminent reaction to his confession and confirming that she loved him made the wait almost unbearable. Seconds away and it was too long of a wait. He finally opened his eyes, hoping that seeing her approaching fast would make it easier.

  “No!” he yelled in a thundering voice, stopping time and movement across the world. He could feel his heart in his ears as he followed the back and then forth movement of Ray of Light. Shamsiel was towering over her, his moves deadly and precise. He extended his arms and his wings and landed hard on top of her. Stupid move, he knew, but what else was there to be done! Ray of Light, like any angel sword, could cut through anything and anyone. Only the Supreme Being was immune…

  “Ramiel! No!” Shamsiel’s surprise and sudden regret filled his cries. “Why would you try to save her? Why, when you knew it was impossible!” he whined.

  “Alma! Alma! Look at me, kiddo,” Ramiel begged.

  “Rams, you’re here!” She smiled blissfully, wrapping him in her arms. “I love you! I love you more than anything and anyone in the whole Universe!” she continued laughing. She was surprised by how easy talking was, despite the general feeling of her body withering and dying. “I wanted to look for you and tell you, but it seems that you’ve made it easier for me.”

  “I’m sorry, Alma! I’m sorry I left, I am sorry it has taken me so long to understand! I love you, kid! I love you so much my chest is about to burst!” he whispered in her ear, holding her tightly.

  “Hey, am I really dying?” she asked. Ramiel felt his body stiffening under the pressure of rage unlike any he had felt before.

  “Shamsiel, you shithead!” he yelled, Thundering Soul materializing in his left hand. The ebony blade, covered in electric charges pierced through the sand. He pushed himself up on his knees, wanting nothing more than to plunge it through Shamsiel’s heart. His movements were delayed because of Ray of Light’s strong impalement. As he was turning, he felt a small, cold hand grabbing his shirt.

  “Rams, Ramy! Hey!” she called to him.

  “Alma,” he whispered, unable to stop his tears.

  “Answer my question, please!”

  “Yes, you are dying. He killed you, my love! But I am going to avenge you.”

  “Ramiel, wait!” she pleaded in a voice that was growing weaker. “Will you be okay?”

  “No, kiddo, I am also going to die,” he confessed.

  “Idiot!” She laughed and he smiled at the sound of the insult he had come to consider a pet name. “We’re both dying and instead of holding me in your arms, you’re wasting our last breaths on dealing with him? Haven’t we already wasted enough time?”

  “Right as always,” Ramiel said and pulled her close to him, putting all of his remaining awareness into feeling her skin, her scent, her breath on his neck.

  “Clueless angel, as always!” she replied. “Rams, where are we going?”

  “I’m not sure, my love, but wherever we’re going, we’ll be together.”


  “I swear,” he whispered, locking their lips in a final kiss.

  On his knees, Shamsiel watched in shock as life was being drained from both of them. Ray of Light disappeared and all that was left was a still life painting of a lovers’ embrace.


  Thank you for reading Pure Love of the Fallen! If you have enjoyed the short story, please post a review of it on the site you have downloaded it from. I welcome any comments or questions, so feel free to visit my website (https://alina-popescu.com), my Facebook page (https://www.facebook.com/authoralinapopescu), or to add me on Twitter (https://twitter.com/alina_popescu). I’d love to hear from you!

  Hugs and kisses,


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