Page 31 of September Rain

  Part of me said I should have been disturbed by what provided me with this revelation, but a bigger, more reasonable part of me knew that it didn't really matter, because what was done could not be taken back. And even if it could, if I had to trade the light, the complete and silent peace, the hope and euphoria it brought, there was no way I'd take it back.

  No fucking way.

  So what if it wasn't normal? It was the most real thing I've ever experienced in my entire life.

  Maybe an hour later, I was still feeling wholly euphoric as the engine of my mother's car turned over. Never in my life had the corners of my mouth defied gravity and pulled up on their own, but there was a constant grin affixed to my face.

  Angels' head still rested against the glass, a light snore escaped her mouth.

  I had to let her sleep to properly explore these new sensations, to think about what I had done to receive them and how I was going to keep them.

  My hands rested against the steering wheel as we jetted from Sunny Vista Trailer Park for the last time. I planned to explain everything to Angel once we were a safe distance away. Everything that needed explaining, that is.

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A.R. Rivera's Novels