“Good, because I want nothing between us when I make you mine.” He nipped my thigh, pulling a surprised shriek from me. “Play with your pussy, Lena,” he commanded, and without a second thought, I moved my hand to rub myself in the place where I wanted him. My fingers moved through the slickness he’d created and my eyes moved to his as heat accumulated in his midnight eyes. His hand came up and captured mine, pushing it hard against my pussy, pulling a moan from my parted lips. His eyes moved to where our hands worked my swollen flesh, and then lifted to mine as I watched his. “Bloody hell, woman, I’m not sure I can wait to fuck your sweet flesh.”

  “Then don’t,” I whispered, and watched as he smiled.

  “If tattoo asshole was feeling what I am at the idea of filling this sweet flesh, it’s no wonder he didn’t last more than a fucking minute. I actually feel sorry for that prick. I’m pretty sure your body would tempt a fucking saint to become a sinner.”

  “You talk too much,” I replied, and he grunted. He pushed my hand away and pushed his fingers deep inside of me, filling me until I thought I would explode.

  “Use them; I need you wet and stretched to fit me inside you,” he ordered. He moved up closer to me, which sent his fingers deeper, a calculated move that was meant to make me feel them more. “Move your hips, fuck my fingers for me, Lena, show me what you plan to do to my cock when I claim your pussy,” his eyes watched what I was doing with a hungry intensity and I followed his lead, crying out as I watched him pull them out before pushing them back in harder. Muscles I didn’t even know I had burned with his invasion.

  His mouth found mine, and his teeth grazed my lip before he caught the bottom one and latched on. Pain shot through me, heading straight to where his fingers worked my pussy. He released it, only to do it again until I was riding his fingers in a feverish hurry. “That’s it, good girl. Come for me, Lena, show me how much this pussy wants to get fucked by me,” he encouraged and lowered his head to nip at my nipple, sucking the puckered flesh between his teeth.

  I exploded, back arching off the bed, whispering curses as my body detonated and shattered as he continued to move his hand and his thumb kept moving in a circular pattern against my soft nub.

  “Bloody hell, you’re so fucking tight. Such a greedy little thing,” he crooned as he continued to fuck me with his fingers, allowing the orgasm to continue until I was trembling and crying out his name.

  The moment the tremors subsided, I expected him to get on top, but nothing was that easy with Lucian. He smiled as he watched me gain my sight back and I whispered his name.

  “Ready to be taught what a sick, twisted freak I really am, sweet girl?” he growled with a smirk that sent a shiver down my spine.

  I nodded, watching as he moved up the bed until his cock was close enough to kiss, and stopped. His eyes watched me as he pushed it against my lips, forcing me to open and take him into my mouth. The moment I had him there, straining my jaw to take him further, his hand wrapped around my throat, gently applying pressure as he withdrew from my mouth. His eyes were locked with mine, which I figured was his way of judging if I could handle what he was doing. When I didn’t pull away, he grew rougher, applying more pressure as his cock pushed deeper between my lips. I moaned and tried to open my jaw further, but it was painful, the thick cock too much for my mouth. It burned, and I wasn’t getting enough air into my lungs, and we both knew it. Instead of withdrawing, he pushed in further as more pressure was applied against my throat.

  I couldn’t breathe. My life was in his hands. His eyes grew hooded as they watched mine, enjoying the moment I figured out just how fucked I was, if he decided to increase the pressure. He pushed in deeper, and his hand tightened. I brought my hands up to his, and his grip tightened until I thought my neck would snap.

  I moved my hand to my own sex, which drew his eyes to what I was doing to myself. His hand released the pressure and he pulled out enough that I was able to gasp for air. His eyes moved to mine, and he waited. For what, I had no idea.

  When he didn’t move, I moved my head to take him again. That made his eyes grow large with surprise, and he paused, as if he couldn’t believe I was into it. I wasn’t, but with my hand working my own growing need, and his eyes on mine, I was. His fingers touched my neck and he grinned as he applied a slight pressure, enough that we both knew he was in full control.

  His other hand moved away and slapped my pussy hard, which tore a moan from me that was smothered as his hips surged forward, using my distraction to his advantage. The slap had sent a jolt of pain straight to my center, which he rubbed into pleasure as he watched me try to take even more of him.

  There wasn’t skill in my movements, just a desperate need to please him as he had me. He smirked as he moved my hair away from where it had fallen into my face as I’d been brazenly sucking his cock. He pushed in and then withdrew. I brought my hand up to my throat as he watched, and something cold briefly lurked in his eyes.

  “Did I hurt you?”

  “A little,” I replied.

  “It turned you on, though, knowing I held your life in my hands.”

  “Yes,” I replied.

  He smirked and nodded as he moved between my legs. He didn’t ask permission, or if I was ready, before he started devouring my flesh. I watched him for a moment, until he held his hand out; the wine bottle that had been forgotten on the counter sailed through the air and into his hand. He poured a few drops on my sex and my eyes grew wide as I watched him lick and savor it while his eyes locked with mine. He poured some in my belly button next, and slurped the liquid noisily which made me laugh. He continued to move, until he was mouth to mouth with me, but he didn’t kiss me, instead he pushed his finger into the tip of the bottle and brought it to my lips, tracing them with the wine as I watched his reaction to what he was doing to me.

  He kissed me as he released the bottle, sending it sailing back to where it came from. His kiss was hard, demanding, and I gave in to it, knowing that he was claiming ownership. His finger stroked my flesh, as the other hand held my chin. When he released me, I watched him move between my legs.

  He sat there, looking at my body as he rubbed his cock against my opening, teasing me. Every once in a while, he’d slap my naked flesh with it, and watch as I responded to the pain. Or, he’d use his hand to slap my pussy, which he’d then kiss until it was pleasure. He did this for a while, occasionally pushing the tip of his cock into my opening, only to pull out to continue his brand of play with me. When he finally adjusted my legs, I felt fear creeping up my spine as he readied to claim me.

  “This is going to hurt, because you’re too tight. There’s no way to make this easier for you, not that I want to make it easier; watching your pain is fucking intoxicating,” he said as he leaned over and kissed me gently, as if he couldn’t get enough of my lips. “I want to hear you scream as I fucking destroy this tight pussy,” he admitted. “I really hope you aren’t expecting me to be gentle, because I have no plans of doing so. I plan to fuck you so hard that you’ll feel it for days, and every time this pussy aches, you’ll know exactly who you belong to. Every time you move, you’ll think of me. You’ll get wet just thinking about it. Your pussy is going to be red and sore, and the moment it starts to forget that it’s been owned, I’ll remind it.”

  “Lucian,” I growled as he positioned me, bringing my legs up to his waist, and encouraging me to wrap them around his lower back, which tilted my ass and would give him deep access once he was in. I pushed myself against his cock, which was aimed and resting against my opening. “Just shut up and—ah!”

  I screamed as he surged forward and my body shuddered violently from his entire cock being suddenly buried inside of me. My body burned, and I arched and struggled to get away from the intrusion. His cock split me in two and tears slipped from my eyes as I shrieked and struggled to pull myself together through the pain. There had
been no warning, and his entry into my body was violent. I’d felt the muscles pulse and burn to the nerve endings as he’d pushed inside. Even as he remained still, his muscles bulged with the restraint it was taking him to hold still as my body adjusted to his size.

  I fought to get away from it. That thing was a fucking monster, and my body was rejecting it violently. It wasn’t until I cried and shook my head, trying to get him to stop this that his hand slipped to my clitoris and began working a maelstrom of sensations and I paused in my struggle to get away. “That was not good,” I whispered even as I began to rock my hips to work him inside. He remained still, even though I knew it was taking one hell of an effort on his part.

  Once I’d gained some semblance of my mind back, he finally began to move. He moved slowly at first, his eyes watching mine as pain mingled with the sweet whisper of pleasure. My body continued to struggle to expel his massive cock from it, even as the pleasure took hold and I rocked my hips with each thrust, needing more of him. He continued picking up speed until I was helpless to do anything but accept what he was doing. I started matching each thrust of his with one of my own, until my body was lost in the dance of pleasure. Eventually, I stopped moving and just felt him. The way he controlled each thrust…each one calculated as he pushed against the pleasure zone deep inside of me. I could no longer tell where he ended and I began. It didn’t matter. He was creating a tempest inside of me that was growing out of control.

  He bent over me, stealing my lips as a groan slipped from his own, and sent him deeper into my body. I bucked wildly even as I cried from the beautiful storm that threatened to devastate my world. His teeth clamped hard against my lip, pulling it without releasing it as he hammered his cock into my flesh. He enjoyed hearing my whimpers of pain even as it was turned into pleasure from where he was annihilating my slick flesh.

  I’d never considered that I might like pain with pleasure; it wasn’t supposed to be an intoxicating combination, but with him, it simply was. He enjoyed giving pain while dishing out pleasure as well, and I found myself wanting it, needing it. It was beautiful and explosive. His cock was destroying me, just as he promised he would. It stretched me, filled me, and I needed more.

  He didn’t stop fucking me, but his hands and mouth added more pain to the pleasure. Teeth grazed flesh, nipped, his hands pinched, slapped, and rubbed until the combination was too much. I exploded around his cock, screaming violently as he continued to fuck me hard. Stars and lights erupted behind my lids, even as he demanded I open my eyes to look at him.

  I did as he commanded, his own hooded eyes locked with mine as he rocked his hips, continuing the earth shattering orgasms as if he held control to extend it. Muscles clamped and struggled against each violent thrust, until his muscles bunched and his stomach tightened and he threw his own head back and let loose a guttural roar as he drained his cock deep inside of me.

  He wasn’t finished there; once he’d taken me, it became an obsession. He flipped me over and took me from behind, using my legs as leverage, holding them apart to reach places he’d been unable to get to in the other position. He sucked my pink flesh, kissing it before he fucked it again and again, until I was nothing but a moaning, crying mess of pleasure.

  When I’d thought he’d had enough, he took more. When I thought I couldn’t handle anymore, he proved me wrong until we collapsed on the bed together. He wasn’t finished, though; he was already growing hard inside of me again. The man was insatiable, and put an entirely new spin on addiction. I was hooked, and never once asked him to stop, not even when I grew sore and swelled around his cock from the abuse it was dishing out.

  “Fucking owned,” he growled.

  I grinned at him as I felt something inside of me falling into place. My stomach burned painfully and I moaned as heat swarmed my insides. I shivered as he started to move inside of me, holding my legs apart for more.

  I whispered his name, knowing something was wrong. It was as if something inside of me was unlocking, and then a rush of power shot through me, forcing my body to jerk in pain. I closed my eyes against the pain and focused on the pleasure. As I let him continue, my body moved with his in unison, like perfect matches that had been forced together.

  After taking me over the edge a few more times, I closed my eyes, but needed something to drink before I allowed myself to sleep. I was pretty sure he’d wrung every drop of moisture from my body. I sat up as he moved off of me and my eyes locked on the window that was no longer a mirror, but transparent, with full view of the now overfilled room that watched us. I could hear and see them, and at the front of the pack was Elaine, with a snide smile on her face. Her hand was pressed against the window, her eyes gloating as the people began to clap at what they’d just witnessed…us.

  “Oh my God,” I whispered as I looked at the faces of those who continued to applaud Lucian.

  “Spyder,” Lucian growled, and the man seemed to come out of nowhere and slipped his hand over the window, closing it off. “Lena,” Lucian said, his eyes taking in my ashen color.

  “This was supposed to be between us, not them,” I replied through a sob as the reality of it hit me. I hadn’t given the okay to be watched, because I didn’t want to be part of a sideshow. I felt violated. What happened last week didn’t make me feel nearly as violated as her cruel act did. A tear slipped from my eye and I turned to look at him. “Did you know?”

  I was already up and dressing. His eyes turned cold as he watched me withdraw from him. His silence was deafening, and gave me the answer I needed. He may not have been the one to allow it to happen, but he had to have known we were being watched.

  “I didn’t know she did that, Lena. I was a little fucking busy, with you!” he snapped and I turned on him with an angry glare.

  “That bitch had no right to show them that!” I screamed pointing my finger at the glass, and it shattered.

  I stood there, looking at the tiny pieces of glass as they dropped to the floor. I looked at my finger and shook my head. Lucian gripped my wrist painfully and I gasped at the Celtic symbol for a new beginning that was raised on the inside of my wrist. “Impossible,” I whimpered. It was the brand for newly awakened witches, still in the first year of receiving their powers. It was the mark that signified the start of our new beginning as we took our place in the coven.

  “Guess you’re not the only one who was tricked or had their rights violated tonight, witch,” he sneered. “I told you and the coven I wasn’t interested in participating in any of the Harvest events. Or did they plan from the beginning to send you to me to get impregnated to keep my business in town? Are you even on fucking birth control, or did you just say that to convince me you wouldn’t get pregnant? Was it all an act? Nothing but lies?”

  I was trembling with anger. “You saw it, Lucian, you know damn well I wasn’t selected and I was here with you instead of being at the Harvest...” Had he really just suggested I was part of some fucking plan to steal his fucking sperm? I didn’t want it! I didn’t want to be pregnant. “Fuck you, Lucian. Fuck you for thinking I could do something so low…”

  “Leave,” he said, interrupting me as he moved away from me and began to dress.

  “Screw you, asshole,” I snapped as everything built up inside of me. I couldn’t believe after something so beautiful had happened, that he’d be so fucking stupid to think I’d steal a child. Shit, Helen would, but me? Never. That was low, and it was screwed up for him to even say something like that. Not to mention he’d said it in front of a room full of strangers.

  “No, I just screwed you, Lena,” he murmured as he ran his fingers through his hair.

  “Too bad it was just fine, asshole,” I sputtered as I pulled my dress on, watching as fire lit in his eyes as I said the word he’d promised to eradicate from my vocabulary. I didn’t bother with my shoes, just grabbed them and my purse from where I’d dropped them ear
lier and pulled out my keys as I ignored the fact we had a fucking audience, or that he followed me as I marched angrily through his stupid club.

  People stopped to watch us as we moved through the rooms tensely, and I hoped that some of them hadn’t been there for my absolute humiliation at the hands of his ex-bitch. I didn’t stop until I was outside and moving towards the car. The leyline stopped me as I felt another rush of power jolt through me. I turned to find Lucian watching me, dressed in nothing but his stupid perfect jeans. I felt hot tears forming in my eyes and I spun around and moved towards the car. I made it halfway before a drunken guy intercepted me and pushed me against the car. His hand tore at my dress, and before I had a chance to respond, Lucian had him on the ground and was driving his fist into the guy’s face.

  “Lucian!” I cried as I tried to save the asshole from becoming a fixture in the pavement. “Stop,” I continued until his eyes turned on me with a coldness I’d never seen before. I backed away, shook myself out of it, and unlocked the door as fast as my shaking hands could turn the key, then slipped into baby. I slammed the door and slid the seatbelt on, turned the key in the ignition, then fired up the engine and floored it, refusing to look back.

  I’d been right; I should’ve just crawled into a fucking ball and cried myself to sleep. Instead, I’d been passed over for the Awakening, and somehow, I’d ended up with powers. Something was really wrong. I wiped angrily at tears as the faces of the leering lookie-loos moved through my mind.

  Sex with Lucian had been everything I wanted it to be, and then what should have been a private thing had ended up being a show for his entire fucking club, and he’d seen nothing wrong with it. Hell, maybe he planned it to be exactly that, his show. The bartender had mentioned that Lucian did that kind of stuff, but I’d been too eager to do what I’d been holding off on, and maybe I deserved this.

  I wasn’t a fucking prude, but showing someone’s intimate moment without their permission was wrong. So why the fuck hadn’t he been angry? Or been more shocked at being the star of the fucking show? Everything we’d said had been broadcasted to those outside the glass. I shook my head, shoved in a CD and pushed on the gas pedal. It was done and over, and the pain inside of me was growing still; I needed to focus on it instead of something I couldn’t fix. I turned off the highway onto the road that led to the abbey and towards my family and the people who might have the answers.