Page 6 of Being His

  I pecked a kiss on his lips and nodded. "Positive. How can I be anything else when you're right beside me?"

  He grinned, pulled me close and planted a firm, demanding kiss on my lips. I groaned at the feel of our lips meshing together and the thrills that went up my back when his hand reached down to stroke my breast. I broke from him to catch some air, and smirked. "You are a very naughty boy, Steven Dunner."

  "Let me show you how naughty I can be." He leaned down to capture my lips, but I put my finger on them.

  "Wait a minute, there's something I need to do." I regretfully broke from his grasp, moved over to the door and locked the knob with the key I had. I turned and dropped the key down my blouse. The damn thing was cold and pointy, so I took it out and tossed it to the side. "There, your family can knock all they want, but at least now they can't watch us."

  Steven didn't wait for me to return to the floor, instead coming to me. He pressed me against the wall and blazed a trail of kisses down my neck. I shuddered and sighed; it felt so good to be loved and caressed by the man I loved. His hands slid up my shirt and toyed with my bra while my hands kept busy pulling open his shirt. He got the bra strap undone and teased my firm breasts in his fingers. I leaned back my head against the wall and groaned; he took me to a higher state of being with just his touch.

  Every dance of his fingers across my quivering flesh fanned the flames of desire and warmed the place between my thighs. It made me want to rip off my clothes and let him ravish me, and to hell with who would hear my screams of pleasure. I ground my hips into his and he moaned against my skin. "Easy there," he whispered. "A little patience."

  I smirked and ground into him again. He grunted and jerked against me, and my body ached for his stiff, swollen manhood. His hand slid down and unbuttoned my pants. I shuddered when his fingers slipped beneath my panties and touched my folds. It felt so good to be wanted, to be so desperately needed by this handsome man. His hot lips pressed again and again on my neck, moving farther down to my shirt. I whimpered when he paused. "Your shirt's in the way," he muttered through said shirt. He nipped at it with his teeth and pulled.

  I laughed. "Maybe we should do this on the bed. I don't know how much longer I can stand." My legs shook so violently I thought there was an earthquake.

  He sighed. "I guess." He swiftly bent down and picked me up; bad idea. Beneath my weight he grunted and groaned, and his neck muscles strained, but he shuffled over to the bed and tossed me down.

  I bounced a few times and glared at him. "Is that how you're going to treat me on our wedding night?"

  He smirked and swooped down on top of me. "I'm going to treat you to quite a few things on that night."

  I raised myself on my arms and rubbed my nose against his. "How about you give me another taste of that night?"

  "With pleasure."

  He grabbed the bottom of my shirt and whipped it over my head. My bra followed, and he dove down to my breasts and covered my tingling tips in suckling kisses. I groaned and squirmed beneath his sensual touches. His hot lips teased and tortured me, heating my body and filling my mind with desires that only he could fulfill. I ached for him to touch me again between my legs, and my hips shrugged off the annoying pants to show my damp panties.

  Steven reached down and cupped me in his warm hand. His fingers tingled and tortured my soft, sensitive nerves and filled my body with a longing I didn't want to control, so I didn't. I pulled and tugged until I got his shirt off, and then I greedily ran my hands over his firm chest and back. He was mine, all mine, and nobody would ever take him away from me. His hands would caress only my body, and tease only me. A thrill of pleasure and heat ran through me at such possessive thoughts, and I pushed my hips up into his demanding hand.

  He caught my lips in a possessive kiss while his fingers toyed with me through my underwear. I twitched and jumped, and each thrust back into him begged him for more. My hands massaged his back and pulled us closer together, wanting the warmth and softness of his skin against mine. His body pressed against mine told me I was his, and he was mine, and promised sweet pleasures from the bulge in his tight pants.

  Steven broken away and panted. "It's been a while," he whispered.

  I rubbed a leg against his hip like a dog in heat; my heat right then was unbearable. "Too long," I moaned. I needed him; desperately wanted him to take me and ravish me. My hands clawed at the band of his pants, and in one deft move he slid them off along with his underwear.

  I groaned when his naked flesh rubbed against my hips. His member pressed against me, and slipped into me like an old friend. He penetrated me deeper and deeper until he could go no further, and I wrapped my legs around him to keep him there. My hot walls massaged him, and his stiff member massaged me. Steven panted for air and spoke through clenched teeth. "I don't think I can hold back."

  I smiled and pecked a kiss on his lips. "Please don't," I whispered back.

  He pulled out and pushed in with a feral grunt. I groaned and lifted my hips to deepen the penetration. Thrills of pleasure ran up and down my body, and all focused on the sensitive bud between my legs. Steven quickened the pace and took me with a passion of a wild man. I couldn't keep up and thrashed beneath him. He pressed his body down to hold me still, and I clutched onto his back while the tension inside me heated and tightened. I felt the nerves grow hotter until they burst with orgasmic pleasure. My eyes shot open and I screamed out his name for all the house to hear.

  Steven grunted and thrust until he emptied himself into me. At the rate we were going a kid would be soon in our future. His energy spent, and mine exhausted, he collapsed atop me; I thanked the household that the mattress was heavily padded. We huffed and puffed for a few minutes to blow away the exhaustion, and then Steven sat up on his arms and smiled down at me. "You sure do know how to make a guy feel wanted."

  I smirked. "And you sure do know how to fill a girl with love," I teased. He shrugged, and I noticed there was a sigh on his lips that he was keeping back. "Something the matter?" I asked him.

  That sigh escaped. "I was just wondering what to do now," he replied.

  "Well, we could have more sex," I suggested, but he shook his head.

  "I meant with my family. I just don't know what do about them and us."

  I frowned. "I thought the girl was the one who's supposed to worry about what the family thinks," I teased him.

  He slipped down so our noses almost touched. "A guy's got to think about these things when his dad nearly dies and almost leaves him the head of the household," he countered.

  I playfully bopped his nose with mine and smiled. "But he didn't die, so the only heads you have to worry about are yours and mine." He didn't look so sure, so I grabbed his arms and rolled us over so our positions were flipped. I sat on him and put my hands on my hips. "You listen here, Mr. Steven Dunner, don't make me wear the pants in this relationship." He glanced down at my naked self and I shrugged. "Well, when I am wearing clothes, but that's beside the point. I'm trying to tell you that your family will be fine when we go off and start our life together. Hell, they might not even know we're gone for a few-" I froze as a brilliant idea struck me.

  Steven didn't like the slow, evil smile that crept across my face. "What are you thinking about."

  I leaned down and pressed my breasts against his chest. My voice dropped to my most sultry tone. "Do you really want to know?" I cooed.

  I could feel his muscles stiffen beneath me. "Yes?" he squeaked out. One more coo and I would have had him in a higher octave.

  My lips edged toward his. "How about we elope?"

  That destroyed the mood. Steven blinked and furrowed his brow. "But I already proposed to you," he pointed out.

  I sat up and shrugged. "But we're never going to get your parents' permission to marry, so it's still a legitimate elopement," I countered. "Besides, I haven't been spontaneous enough around here."

  "That explains how the house is still standing," he teased.

  I press
ed a finger against his lips. "Don't speak, you're ruining your argument."

  He grabbed my hand and kissed the fingers. "And if I told you you were crazy to be thinking this elopement thing up?"

  "Then you'd be right, and agreeing with me," I replied. "Because as we know, I am never wrong."

  Steven rolled his eyes. "Now I know you're not being serious, or at least taking your suggestion seriously."

  This wasn't working; he was too deep in his overblown worries to listen to me. I needed to shock him out of it. "Are you calling me fat?" I angrily asked him.

  Steven stared at me in bewilderment. "Where did that come from?"

  I forlornly shook my head and clucked my tongue. "Now I know I haven't been spontaneous enough. You didn't see that coming at all."

  "How could I?" he defended himself. "One moment you're talking about elopement and the next you accused me of calling you fat, which, by the way, is not accurate."

  I raised an eyebrow. "And what would be accurate?"

  "You're plump, not fat. There's a difference."

  I pretended to be aghast. "How dare you call me plump! Now there's only one way you can make amends!"

  He chuckled. "Let me guess, it's a word that starts with an 'e'."

  I sheepishly shrugged. "Maybe?"

  Steven sighed, but it wasn't the I'm-being-moody-about-my-family shrug. This one was a what-the-hell-why-not type of shrug. "What the hell, why not?" he replied.

  I grinned; I loved when I was right, which I always am. "So can we do it now, this very minute, this very second?" I pleaded with him.

  "Don't you think we should get dressed first?" he pointed out.

  I glanced down at myself. "Oh right, forgot about that part, and I have to find Mr. Perkins." I looked around the room and spotted the voyeur on top of the dresser. His tail hung over the side and whipped back and forth while his face had the biggest grin I'd ever seen on a cat. "What are you smiling about, Perkins? You get put back in the box for the car ride down." The cat was so terrified of my threat that he yawned and lazily blinked.

  "Um, mind paying attention to your future husband?" Steven reminded me.

  I turned back to him and noticed he looked a little squished. "Oh, sorry!" I slid off him and he sat up beside me. "I'd hate to kill you before the wedding night," I teased.

  He cast a side-glance of playful suspicion at me. "Does there need to be a clause in the event of my death?" he joked.

  I laughed and wrapped him in a big hug. "We don't have time for any contracts, silly. We're eloping, remember?"

  "Not very quickly," he pointed out. "If we don't get a move on my parents might find us and change my mind."

  I shot up, grabbed my pants, and hopped around the room trying to gather my other clothes while putting one leg in the wrong pants leg. "Then what are we waiting for? Let's get a move on!"

  Mr. Perkins didn't perform the usual life-and-death struggle into his box; he was as relieved as me to leave this place. The packing didn't take more than a few minutes, and we met in my room with our luggage in hand. Now we were stuck with one last problem. "How do we get out of here without somebody noticing us?" I asked him.

  Steven opened his mouth, but was interrupted by that sadistically evil knock on the door. I scowled at the entrance, dropped my luggage, including poor Mr. Perkins, onto the floor, and marched over to it. I'd made a promise to kill the next person who knocked, and god damn I was going to make good on my word and let off some steam. I grabbed the knob and swung open the door to find Walter standing there in the doorway.

  "Walter!" I yelped.

  "Dad!" Steven yelped.

  He glanced at our bags and frowned. "Where are you two going?"

  Steven hurried to my side. "You see, sir, we were, um-"

  "Going to elope, and nobody's going to stop us," I boldly replied.

  Walter raised an eyebrow, and there was a strange twinkle in his eyes. "Not even me?" he wondered

  I raised the stakes. "Not even Helen," I answered him.

  Walter turned to his son. "Is this true? You would marry without the consent of your parents?"

  I slipped my fingers into Steven's quivering hand; the support gave him strength and he straightened. "That's right, sir. I know we can never get your approval, but we love each other and we're going to get married whether you like it or not."

  Walter surprised us both by chuckling and giving Steven a pat on the shoulder. "That's the bravery I've been trying to instill in you all these years. Took a woman to find it in you, but I'm glad you did." He turned to me with a big smile. "He must love you a great deal to stand up to me, something he's never done in his entire life."

  I smiled at my soon-to-be spouse. "He couldn't have picked a better time to grow a spine."

  Poor Steven scowled at us. "Am I supposed to take what you two are saying as compliments?"

  I rubbed him on the back, but not for too long; Mr. Perkins would get jealous, and we needed to make a quiet escape with what little surprise we had left. "Come on, Steven, we still have an elopement to keep."

  "You would do well to go through the back of the house. Helen is in the living room bemoaning my weakened condition," Walter told us.

  I jumped on him and gave him a big bear hug. He stiffened, but patted me on the shoulder. I pulled us apart and smiled at him. "Thanks for the help, and the drinking lesson."

  He chuckled. "Don't stay away too long. You'll be the only excuse I have to take a sip."

  "Will do," I promised.

  Steven and I grabbed our bags and hurried downstairs. We bypassed the voices in the living room by going out the back and around the house to Steven's car. Our somewhat clean getaway was marred by more dirtiness when Nicole ran up to us with a bouquet of flowers in her hand. "You can't get married without a good bouquet," she insisted.

  Steven frowned. "How did you knew we were getting married?"

  "Dad and I were listening at the door while you two were talking, and I went to get you these." She handed me a beautiful bouquet of the loveliest wildflowers I'd ever seen.

  I took them and gave the flowers a good sniff. "Thank you very much!" I replied.

  Steven still didn't look happy. "How long were you two at that door?" he asked her.

  A large grin spread across her lips. "Long enough to know you two are going to have a really nice honeymoon." I blushed and Steven slapped his face; Nicole wasn't fazed at all. "Don't forget to come back and see us after the honeymoon. Dad told me to tell you he'll put enough money in your account you could go buy a small island."

  "An island all our own with nothing but us and the man-eating sharks," I laughed.

  "Let's hurry out of here before the rest of the household gives us a sendoff," Steven insisted. He did pause long enough to give his little sister a hug. "Keep care of Dad, and good luck around Mom after she finds out."

  "We'll manage," she promised.

  We got into the car and waved goodbye to Nicole until we rounded the first bend of the winding mountain road. I sighed and turned to Steven. "So after we get off the shark-infested island what are we going to do with the rest of our lives?" I asked him.

  "I thought we'd go house-hunting," Steven told me.

  I sly grin slipped onto my face. "Why don't we find ourselves a nice house in the middle of the woods and-"

  "-and let's not, and say we didn't," he finished for me.

  We sped off down the road and on to our new life. I couldn't wait to see what would happen next.

  For all books by Mac Flynn visit her Smashwords author's page

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  Mac Flynn, Being His

  (Series: Being Me # 2)




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