Page 2 of Objection

Page 2


  When the elevator starts to slow near our floor, Mike calmly removes his hand, smoothes my dress down, and gives me a light kiss on my nose. I manage to drag my glazed eyes up to his and mumble a word of “Thanks”, to which he smirks, “Any time. ”

  When we get into the room, which is fabulously gorgeous and does indeed have a huge balcony overlooking Central Park, Mike asks, “Do you want another drink?”

  Away from the sexy foreplay in the elevator and now faced with a man who seems super composed and calm, I’m suddenly very shy. I shake my head no, however, because I want to get this moving… back to the land of sex and lust, where I can get lost and forget about my heartaches.

  Smiling, Mike crooks a finger at me, and I walk up to him. When I’m within reaching distance, he takes my hand, softly rubbing the back with his thumb.

  “So, how often have you done this… used One Night Only?”

  “This is my first time,” I tell him, red staining my cheeks.

  “Really?” he asks in surprise. “You seem so confident… at least, downstairs you did. Now I’m seeing it though… a touch of shyness. ”

  “Don’t worry,” I assure him. “I’m not getting cold feet. I’m going through with this. ”

  “Damn right, you’re going through with it,” he says with a confidence that is slightly menacing, but strangely sexy. “I felt enough of your response in the elevator to know that. But don’t worry… tonight—I’ll lead. ”

  Just like that, my nerves quiet and a sense of bold confidence takes root. Taking a step back from him, I reach to the side of my dress and drag my zipper down. “You can lead. But I’ll start. ”

  Mike’s eyes go darkly intense, cutting deep into me. “By all means,” he murmurs.

  Peeling my dress off, I let it slip to the floor and step out of it. I chose my lingerie carefully tonight, opting for a black lace bra that made my B puppies look like Cs and a matching lace G-string that tied at my hips. I leave on my four-inch black Louboutins—compliments of Macy—knowing they add to my overall sex appeal.

  Now that I am virtually na**d in front of him, and taking note of the way his eyes roam hungrily over my body, and yeah… now noticing the impressive erection that is tenting his dress pants, I have another case of shyness overtake me.

  “It’s your turn to take over,” I tell him, hoping he’ll become the leader he promised me he’d be.

  Mike steps up close to me and grazes his knuckles over the swell of my br**sts. My body shivers, and he gives a rumble of appreciation deep in his throat.

  “Standing up or lying down? Bed or balcony? Missionary or doggie style? Any preference?”

  His voice is low, gravely, filled with sex and lust, and my mind swims with the possibilities. Swallowing hard, I say, “I don’t care… as long as there’s an orgasm involved. ”

  Chuckling, Mike sweeps me up in his arms and starts carrying me to the bed. “I guarantee you two… to start out with. ”

  Oh, please, yes!

  When I’m laid out and on full display before him, Mike steps back and quickly sheds his clothes. I watch him… holding my breath as he reveals himself to me. His chest, his abs. All rock hard and chiseled muscle that clearly shows he works out—a lot. I follow the dark brown trail of hair that starts right below his belly button and watch as he takes his pants off, revealing a massive erection that looks to be blessed from the Heavens above.

  God, I hope that’s going to fit, or I’m going to be walking funny for some time to come.

  But it would be so worth it, I bet.

  My eyes widen as Mike takes himself in his hand and starts to stroke. He grows unfathomably larger before my eyes, and I swallow hard.

  I can’t help myself when I giggle and voice my inner thoughts. “I hope that will fit. ”

  A blinding smile peels across his face, and he laughs. “You’re funny. But no worries… I’m going to have you so wet, I’ll slide right home. Trust me. ”

  And I do for some reason. Because he is standing before me, radiating sexual charm and a confidence that is unmatched. Besides… he’s Number 134. He’s been around the block a time or two.

  I guarantee he knows what he’s doing, and that’s good enough by me.

  My bedroom door flies open and Macy comes barreling in, launching herself on top of me.

  “Tell me, tell me, tell me! I want details. I was too tired and couldn’t stay awake for you to tell me last night when you got home. ”

  Snickering, I think to myself, That’s because I didn’t come home last night.

  I had gotten in around 5:30 AM and, as I glance over at the clock, I see it’s only a little after eight. Mike and I had stayed up all night and into the wee hours of the morning. I don’t even remember the amount of times we had sex… or in between h**ing s*x, fooled around. It was a cornucopia of kisses, licks, touches, thrusts, and oh, shit… just thinking about it now makes my girlie parts start to wake up on overdrive.

  I snuggle back down into my blankets as a smile plays across my face, thinking about last night.

  Mike had indeed given me two orgasms to start out with. He had stripped my bra and panties off, leaving the Louboutins on because he said they were “sexy as f**k”. Pulling my legs apart and crawling in between, he’d proceeded to show me that, with his mouth alone, I could come twice in under five minutes.

  Taking the lead as he promised, he chose missionary to start out, granting me another quick orgasm as his hand worked me and his h*ps pumped hard. He then flipped me over on my hands and knees and brought me to the promised land once again. Only then, did he finally come for the first time.

  He didn’t need long to recover and, in between, we shared a bottle of water and talked about mundane stuff, neither one of us willing to reveal what we did for a living. We talked about movies and the arts, and then, all of a sudden, Mike picked me up off the bed and carried me out onto the balcony. It was dark and we were sheltered, but New York buzzed below us. He took me from behind again while I gazed out over Central Park and tried not to scream too loudly when nirvana struck me.

  I blush when I remember that Mike took me straight from the balcony into the shower, equipped with no less than eight water nozzles. He slowly washed me, and then himself, and when he was done, he pushed me gently down to my knees and said, “Let’s see how fast you can get me back into the game. ”

  That thought alone starts my blood flowing because it was incredibly domineering, but also incredibly hot. Plus, I had been imagining doing that to him anyway, so it was with a happy smile on my face that I took him into my mouth. I was never very good at giving a bl*w j*b—I think because I just didn’t enjoy doing it. But for some reason… with Mike… it was an almost divine experience for me. I knew he was exhausted, and he had just come supremely hard not ten minutes before, but I immediately wrought out strained groans and hip flexes with my touch, and yeah… it didn’t take him that long at all to get back into the game again.

  Then it was on for some all-out, slippery good shower sex.

  Finally, we crashed on the bed, spooning and dozing for a few hours, his arms wrapped tightly around me. I woke to him poking me from behind as his hand went between my legs again. Within moments, I was ready for him, and he had lifted my leg to enter me from behind.

  Finally, yes… finally, because dayum… I was getting a little sore, Mike told me he wanted to give me a big send off. He crawled back between my legs once more, putting that gorgeous face and those sinful lips against me, and made me come one last time. I’ll have to say, he had to work for it that time, because I was beyond exhausted. I had even pushed his head away at one point, telling him to forget about it… I didn’t think I had another orgasm in me, but he merely swatted my hands away while growling and doubled up on his efforts. It took him thirty minutes, but he got the job done, and I’m proud to say that last time he made me come was the strongest of them all.
br />   Then… it was over.

  We got dressed, walked down to the lobby together, and Mike waited for me to get a cab. He gave me a soft kiss on my lips and whispered, “That may have been the best night of my life. I shit you not!”

  I snickered on the inside, because… come on… seriously? A guy like Mike has some major experience, and I’m betting he’s had many nights like that. But for me… I won’t lie… it was absolutely the best freakin’ sex I’d ever had in my life, and I’m pretty sure it can’t be topped.

  “Are you going to give me the juicy details or not?” Macy complains.

  “Or not,” I grumble, trying to burrow deeper into my covers. It’s Sunday, and I plan to sleep most of it away.

  “Fine,” she huffs. “Just tell me… on a scale of one to ten—”

  “Eleven,” I cut her off before she can even finish.

  “Eleven?” she asks, stunned.

  “Solid eleven,” I assure her.

  That satisfies her for now and she jumps off my bed, yelling that she’s going to make us breakfast, but already my eyes are starting to close from fatigue. No sooner do they shut though, than my phone starts ringing. Grabbing it from the nightstand, I see it’s from my boss, Lorraine Cummings. It’s not a call I can ignore. It doesn’t matter what I’m doing, or what time of the day or night, she always expects me to answer.

  Clearing my throat, I try to sound chipper when I say, “Good morning, Lorraine. What can I do for you?”

  “I have some important news, McKayla. I need you to get down to the office right now. ”


  It’s my first day on my new job, and Monday is as craptastic as ever. I’m running fifteen minutes late.

  And yes, a new job.

  Just Friday… when I had left the office, I worked for Lorraine Cummings, a ferocious bulldog of an attorney who has made my life a living hell. She demanded no less than eighty-hour work weeks, and she liked to think I was her own personal, verbal punching bag. She demanded, never said thank you, and usually yelled at me fifty percent of the time I was in her near vicinity.

  When I dragged my tired ass into the office on Sunday morning following her call, she advised me that the Law Firm of Lorraine Cummings had been “acquired” by the firm of Connover and Crown, LLP and starting the very next day, I would report to work at their offices on West 56th.

  I loved how she said the word “acquired,” as if she was some sort of conglomeration that was just ripe for the picking. Truth be told, I knew Lorraine had been struggling for months with the bills because I had missed a paycheck or two. She always promised me she’d catch me up but so far, I’ve not seen a cent of it.

  I’ve thought… no dreamed, of finding another job, and I even have feelers out. But this economy is tough, and there’s a glut of fresh-faced, new attorneys out there all battling for the same measly job on the bottom of the totem pole. Unless you graduated first in your class, you were on a one-way ticket to probably nowhere. And sadly, I’d graduated at the top of the bottom third in my class.

  Lorraine assured me I had a job at Connover and Crown, basically due to a whole lot of begging she did on my behalf, and that she and I would embark on a new and glorious adventure together.

  I had to bite down hard on my tongue not to laugh at that. You see, I may not have been a bright, shining star in my law school class, but I wasn’t stupid either. I’m going to Connover and Crown not because Lorraine had to beg on my behalf but rather because I have a case. No, not just a case… an immensely f**king great case. A case that is worth millions, along with a client that thinks the sun rises and sets upon me. Lorraine can’t kick me to the curb because the case will go with me, and frankly… I’m betting that one case is why I’m employed at Connover and Crown.