Page 9 of Fated Redemption

  “Home, we need to get home,” he gasped. Moe nodded. Bethy opened the diner door and Moe barreled out, Rhys right behind him. The road seemed to fly under his feet, and before he knew it they were bursting into the bar, scaring the hell out of Peyton. Abby was grinding herself against Moe, the scent of her arousal nearly triggering Rhys’s thirst.

  “Rhys?” Peyton asked.

  “Stay down here, turn up the volume, kill zombies.” Rhys managed to say. Peyton grabbed the remote and turned up the volume to the television. Rhys put his hands on Moe’s lower back and pushed him toward the stairs. When they got to their apartment he shut the door and watched Moe and Abby.

  What in the hell do I do now?

  * * * *

  Moe couldn’t breathe. His entire focus had narrowed down to the woman in his arms.

  Two mates! He had two mates!

  Moe couldn’t keep his hands off the woman wrapped around his body. Her creamy skin was flushed and her soft brown eyes were unfocused.

  “What’s your name, little one?”

  “Abigail, Abby,” she whispered, looking up at him. Awareness began to fill her eyes as the lust faded. Moe set her on her feet. He could tell she was nervous. If she let them, he and Rhys could show her exactly how much they could love her, because if his nose could be trusted, Rhys was just as turned on as he was.

  “She’s your, I mean our mate.” Rhys took a step toward them. Abby looked from Moe to Rhys.

  “The two of you are mates?” Moe could see her eyes begin to refocus as she took in that piece of information. He decided he liked her better not thinking clearly and leaned forward to nibble up the side of her neck. Her natural scent and perfume had his cock trying to punch through his zipper.

  “We’re all mates, a ménage mating,” Moe whispered into her ear.

  “Moe?” Rhys called his name sounding hesitant. Moe looked up to see Rhys standing off to one side looking unsure of what to do. He realized that Rhys didn’t want to scare Abby either.

  “It’s okay, baby, come here. You have to taste her.” Moe turned so that they were both facing Rhys.

  Rhys’s eyes grew wide and he began shaking his head. Too late did Moe realize his poor choice of words.

  “I mean her mouth, her skin. She tastes so sweet.”

  “Rhys?” Abby looked at him and Moe could see sadness in her eyes. She didn’t understand why he was hesitating. She hunched in on herself.

  “It’s not her, is it, Rhys? Tell her how you feel, otherwise she will think we don’t want her,” Moe said softly.

  Rhys swallowed hard.

  “It’s not you, Abby, in fact I’m really excited that you’re our mate. Both Moe and I were bisexual before we found each other and had you not come along I would have been completely satisfied with never being with another woman again. But Fate seems to be favoring me more than most lately, and we have you. Neither one of us has to give up anything.” Rhys stepped forward and buried his face against her neck, inhaling deeply.

  “Then you don’t mind that you’re mated to me? There are much more beautiful women out there, especially amongst shifters.” Abby’s eyes met theirs almost defiantly, but Moe could see the vulnerability there. Rhys wrapped one arm around her and the other around Moe so that they were all connected.

  “When you walked in I thought to myself you were one of the most beautiful women I had seen in centuries. That was before I knew you were my mate. I am aching to feel your soft body against me.” Rhys’s body shivered at the thought and Moe felt his cock jerk. The image of Rhys taking Abby had him breathing slowly through his nose to calm down. Rhys grinned at him.

  “Just the thought of us being together is enough to have me coming in my pants.” Rhys tipped Abby’s face up. Moe could see a soft smile on her face. When she saw the effect she was having on the both of them he could see a bit of confidence fill her eyes. Slowly she was relaxing around them.

  Rhys looked at Moe.

  “What do we do?”

  “I’ll claim Abby and she’ll claim me, and when you’re ready you’ll claim us both.” Moe reached forward with one hand and cupped Rhys’s cheek.

  “When he’s ready?” Abby asked, looking concerned. Rhys leaned forward and kissed her. Moe moaned loudly at the sight of their tongues wrapped around each other. They broke apart both breathing hard.

  “That’s a story for later. Now, I get to watch our mate’s gorgeous cock bury itself inside your sweet body and claim you,” Rhys whispered against her neck. Her whole body shuddered.

  “Our mate likes to talk dirty,” Moe whispered against the other side of her neck.

  “I don’t know what I did to deserve two beautiful men like you, but I plan on enjoying every second we’re together.” Abby turned her head and kissed Rhys, and with the taste of him still on her lips she kissed Moe.

  Moe’s senses were going haywire. He had denied himself from claiming Rhys for so long, that being able to claim Abby had him trembling. He picked her up and threw her on the bed and smiled at the small “eep” sound she made. Abby, not wasting any time, wiggled out of her jeans, pulling her undies with them. Her sweater, shirt and bra were in a pile next to the bed before Moe could blink. She rolled until she was sitting Indian style on the bed.

  “I have waited my entire life for my mates. Y’all going to keep me waiting much longer?” she asked. Moe and Rhys looked at each other and then began tearing their clothes off. They ended up on the bed on either side of Abby. Rhys looked down at Abby’s soft skin and then up at Moe.

  “Not to sound like an idiot, but how do we do this?” Rhys nodded his head to the hooks in the wall. Moe’s brain started to process past the lust-filled haze Abby’s scent had him in.

  “Shit.” Moe sat back.

  “What’s the problem?” Abby asked.

  “We’ll have to restrain Rhys, which means he’ll have to be on the bed.” Moe started thinking of the different positions they could put themselves in.

  “Why does he have to be restrained?” Abby asked, looking at Rhys.

  “I’m recovering from being addicted to shifter’s blood. I was forced to drink it against my will to create Shifted Death.” Moe’s cock started deflating. Rhys turned his face away from Abby. Abby looked up at Moe, winked, and then rolled over onto her belly and buried her face in Rhys’s groin.

  “Fuck!” Rhys exclaimed and leaned back, placing his weight on his hands behind him. Moe’s mouth dropped.

  Abby popped up from Rhys’s cock and looked at Moe.

  “Is he smiling yet?” She grinned. Moe laughed. Rhys’s smile was wide and his eyes danced. He looked carefree and happy. Moe’s heart swelled in his chest.

  “He looks like a fallen angel and you look like temptation embodied in a delicate package.” Moe ran a finger down her spine.

  “He won’t need to be restrained if I’m down here. If he makes a move I’ll feel it and you can stop him.” Abby rubbed her cheek along Rhys’s naked thigh.

  “Do you want to try?” Moe asked, and in his mind he was praying Rhys would say yes. He was dying to claim Abby as she had her lips wrapped around Rhys’s cock. To mate with her and be able to watch Rhys come was his own personal version of heaven.

  “I want to try, for you. I can’t claim either of you yet, but I want to be a part of you claiming each other.”

  “Thank god!” Abby popped up on all fours and wiggled her butt at Moe. He smacked one cheek and then the other in quick succession. She looked back, surprised.

  “Too much?” he asked, using his large hands to rub the sting away.

  “No, it just surprised me. No one has ever spanked me before.” Abby thought for a second and then gave him a sexy smile.

  “I liked it.” She bent her head down and soon Rhys was cursing out loud.

  “Damn she can suck cock. Fuck, Moe, I don’t know if I’ll last long with this visual.” Rhys motioned to Abby’s body stretched between them.

  Moe reached forward and tested how ready his mate
was for him. His fingers came away drenched. He licked the tips of his fingers and his canines descended.

  “Rhys, taste.” Moe’s voice had dropped octaves. Rhys leaned forward and sucked on Moe’s fingers, the moist heat of Rhys’s mouth teased him, with his other hand he stroked his cock.

  “Delicious.” Rhys breathed out blissfully.

  “I wish we had more time, love, I would bury my face in your sweet pussy and lap up all of this nectar, but I’m afraid it’s going to be hard and fast.” Moe took the fingers that Rhys had moistened and plunged two deep into Abby. Her back bowed and a low moan was heard between them.

  “Fuck, she liked that. Do it again.” Rhys’s eyes were blazing emerald. Moe stretched Abby by thrusting his fingers in and out of her hot channel. He leaned forward over her and nipped her right shoulder. Her entire body relaxed as if he hit a switch. This was his mate, and he wanted to learn every inch of her.

  On his knees behind Abby he pulled his fingers free. Gently holding the base of his cock he pushed the engorged head inside of her. She came off of Rhys and fisted the comforter with both hands.

  “God you’re huge.” She took a deep breath and lowered her chest to the bed.

  “I’ll take it slow.” Moe kept pushing until he was seated inside her to the hilt. He had never been with a woman who was this deep before.

  “Only at first, I don’t mind a deep pounding, but only if you work up to it.” Abby looked over her shoulder and smiled at him.

  “Will you be able to keep from biting off one of my favorite parts of Rhys?” Moe pulled out and plunged in again. Her quick inhale was followed by a moan.

  “I won’t hurt our man, I want him to be able to claim me later too,” Abby said breathlessly.

  She came back up on her hands and leaned down to wrap just her lips around Rhys’s swollen head. Moe watched as she teased, licked and nipped at him until Rhys was panting hard.

  “Close!” Rhys shouted. Abby redoubled her efforts and Moe began to pound as deep and as hard as he could. Abby started to go wild. Moe leaned forward until his torso and chest covered Abby completely. Above him Rhys shouted and he heard Abby begin to swallow furiously. When she was done she let Rhys’s spent cock fall from her lips and she struggled for breath as Moe continued to push his way inside her.

  When Moe felt his orgasm start to blossom at the base of his cock, he reached underneath Abby and pinched her right nipple hard. Screaming, she flung her head back exposing the long line of her neck as she came hard. Moe struck, sinking his canines deep into the tender flesh of her neck. He felt his soul begin to lift up and merge with Abby’s. He licked the wound and she let her head fall forward.

  Moving faster than he had seen her yet, she pulled away from him. He slipped from her body. Before the soul merge faded she flipped over on her back and pulled him forward with her legs. He guided his cock back inside her pulsating pussy and thrust deep. She came up off the bed until he had no choice but to support her weight with his hands, and she rode him furiously until at last she screamed again and sunk her small canines in the muscles over his heart.

  The rest of her soul merged with his, swirled and returned to their bodies. Breathing hard, Moe pulled out of Abby. He collapsed to the mattress grabbing Rhys with one hand and Abby with the other. With him in the middle Rhys was cuddled under one arm and Abby under the other. Rhys leaned forward and kissed Abby, who smiled widely at him. He then kissed Moe.

  He could taste Rhys’s come mixed with the remnants of Abby’s blood in the kiss. Rhys moaned and laid his head on Moe’s chest.

  “So, umm my name is Abby.” Abby laughed, then snorted, then snort-laughed. On the other side of him Rhys laughed as hard as Moe had ever seen him. Moe found himself laughing right along with them.

  “Nice to meet you, Abby, my name is Moe Jones. I run the bar here. Rhys and I discovered we were mates nearly a month ago,” Moe finally said when the laughter died down.

  “God, I can’t believe I fell into bed with you.” Abby laughed again. Rhys came up on one elbow.

  “We were so hot you couldn’t help yourself. There’s no shame in that,” Rhys said with a straight face. Abby eyed him over Moe’s stomach and giggled, which set Rhys off again. Moe smiled at the ceiling, waiting for the giggles to subside.

  “It’s the mating heat, every shifter knows how it can be.” Moe kissed the top of her head.

  “Is this how you feel, not claiming me?” Rhys asked. Moe paused in petting Rhys’s hair and thought of his answer carefully.

  “Yes and no. Yes of course the heat is there. But no, since my desire to put what you need first overrides the heat. I couldn’t claim you if it hurt you or set you back,” Moe said.

  “Did claiming Abby help?” Moe thought about it and had to admit the fire had died down.

  “I think it did.”

  “Happy to help,” Abby quipped.

  “Abby, love, I didn’t mean to make you feel like what we did…” Abby cut Moe off by running her hands down his washboard abs.

  “One, I’m not very high maintenance. I’m pretty laid back. So unless I am cussing at you or ignoring you, I’m not angry. It really takes a lot to piss me off, and assuring our mate that he hasn’t hurt you by putting off the claiming of him seems like the loving thing to do. I would be more pissed off if you were a dick about it. Two, from the very little you were able to tell me before the clothes were ripped off, Rhys was put through hell. I am all for whatever efforts helps him, so no worrying about claiming me either, Rhys, I’m sure everything will be okay. Finally, I have one last request concerning our mating. As much as I think this apartment is adorable, I don’t think it will be enough for the three of us. Can we get a real house? I’m a field biologist so I’m going to need an office and maybe some space for a small field lab.” Abby took a deep breath.

  Moe blinked at her.

  “I kinda agree with Abby. I wouldn’t mind a house. Not that I mind the bar, but you only have this one-room studio. It wasn’t an issue with the two of us, but it’s going to get real cramped in here real quick with three people.” Rhys kissed on the side of Moe’s neck. Abby seemed to take her cue from Rhys and started nuzzling the other side of his neck.

  Moe lay there and wondered how long he should let them try and convince him before he gave in. When he thought he was at the point where he would be going to hell if he let them continue, he sighed happily and pulled their bodies closer.

  “I don’t care where we live as long as we’re together,” he said finally.

  “Oh Moe, thank you! I know that I am new to this mating and to town, this means the world to me. I’ve never had my own place before. I move around so much that if I wasn’t on assignment I lived out of my car and stayed with Cassie or Meg or Gray’s place when he was overseas.”

  Moe growled low and heard Rhys’s answering hiss.

  “Who the hell is Gray?”

  Abby looked at them and broke into a bright smile. “You’re both jealous! Oh my god I love it. No one has ever been jealous of me before. I mean Camille yeah, she hot. But never me. I’m not pretty enough to be jealous over. I am so going to fall in love with you guys.” Abby sighed and laid her head on Moe’s stomach.

  Moe looked at Rhys, who was staring up at him. This was the second time their mate alluded to the fact that she wasn’t pretty.

  “I think you’re the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen. I’m glad this is a ménage mating and I have Rhys to help keep other males away from you.” Moe growled. Abby looked at him shocked.

  “You really think I’m beautiful?” she whispered, tears in her eyes.

  “Yes. To the point I only want you hanging out with the lions, they are mostly gay,” Moe said, frowning. Abby looked at Rhys who was nodding in agreement. She giggled and kissed his chest. Moe looked at Rhys who was gazing down at Abby with a gentle expression. He bet he had the same dopey look on his face.

  “As much as I hate to say this, we’re going to have to go back to the dine
r. I dropped my backpack there and I’m starving,” Abby said, her head popping up. She stretched and bounced out of bed.

  “Come on, slow pokes!” She danced her way to the bathroom, humming happily.

  “Does she remind you of…”

  “Don’t say it…”

  “Rebecca?” Rhys asked. Moe closed his eyes but was smiling.

  “She’s our AbbyGirl. Her own rambling lovable self,” Moe said.

  “Do we have insurance?” Rhys asked. Moe groaned and his mate laughed at him. Moe reached for Rhys to punish him but he was too quick.

  “Come on, slow poke,” Rhys sang, imitating Abby.

  Moe lay in his bed, unable to feel anything from the waist down.

  Life was good.

  Chapter 7

  Abby followed Rhys and Moe into the diner and all conversation stopped. Abby felt her cheeks burning but didn’t care. She had been well and truly claimed by her mountain of a mate and she was not ashamed.

  “Back so soon?” Rebecca asked. Abby wanted to throttle the little menace.

  “After the fifth orgasm I had to throw a flag, I mean look at these two. How is a girl supposed to keep up?” Abby said loudly, gesturing to Moe and Rhys, both of whom blushed. Moe started shaking his head.

  “Damn, girl,” Rebecca said, grinning, holding up her hand for a high five. Abby, laughing, walked forward and slapped it before plopping down right beside her friend.

  “Lucky bitch,” Rian said, grinning.

  “Woof, woof,” Abby said, and winked.

  “How much is that man packing? I mean seriously he could have put out an eye if his zipper had popped.” Rebecca asked and Rian leaned forward to hear.


  Kate and Sebastian leaned in as well.