Page 30 of Wicked Nights

Page 30


  And so they hadn’t. The three of them had taken the dungeon, leaving everyone inside alive. The pain-filled screams still sometimes echoed inside Thane’s mind. But he did not feel any better about the past…and he knew his boys did not feel better about themselves.

  “You will do what you feel you must,” he finally said. “I will not tell Zacharel. ” He paused, head tilting to the side. “Who is she, this woman who betrayed you?”

  “That, I will not tell you. ”

  “Because you think I would shield her. Interesting. I must know her. No matter, though. Here’s something I’m sure you will learn about me. I love two men, and no others. ” There wasn’t room in the small chambers of his heart for anyone else. “Your female is nothing to me. ”


  He sighed. “You will let me know if there is anything I can do to aid you in your quest. ” A demand.

  “There is nothing. I must do this alone. She hides from me, and I will allow no one else to drag her from the shadows. I will be the one to unearth her. ”

  Understood. “Very well. I will leave you to—” He trailed off as a sense of foreboding suddenly struck him, followed by a flash of images through his mind. He and Zacharel must have maintained a strong mental link, because he could feel his leader’s dread and fury.

  Zacharel, he said, projecting his voice into his leader’s mind. So much for keeping his mental distance.

  Nothing, no response.

  Zacharel, what’s going on?

  Again no response.

  Was Zacharel ignoring him? Or too injured to respond?

  “I must go,” he told Koldo. He would have to track the angel the old-fashioned way.

  “There is trouble?”

  “Worry not, for this is not something that concerns you,” he evaded. He would not have the man worrying when there was nothing he could do. “I will return when I’m able. ”

  * * *

  ANNABELLE STOOD IN THE center of the slaughter, winded yet buzzing with adrenaline. Black blood formed multiple rivers around her. She rubbed at her chest, hoping to finally ease the burn that had begun to blaze inside the cavern, when Zacharel had… When he’d… Even now the burn increased, and she rubbed harder.

  Don’t think about it. Right now, demonic bodies were piled around her, the scent of rotten eggs thick in the air, pungent enough to make her gag. Yeah. She’d think about that. It was far more pleasant.

  Zacharel had produced his sword of fire and gone to town on each of the monsters, allowing none to escape. To her surprise, he’d also placed two blades in her hands when she’d dropped her own, her last, enabling her to continue fighting.

  And fight she had, the sharp metal tips slicking through jugulars, midsections and even the backs of knees, hobbling her prey for easier elimination. What she’d lacked in skill she’d made up for in creativity and determination.

  “Are you injured?” Zacharel demanded, stomping across the motionless, headless bodies to reach her.

  Before he could think to take back his blades, she shoved them through the slits in her pockets and into the sheaths strapped to her thighs. “I’m fine. ” Yes, she was cut up and bleeding, and yes, one of her ankles was twisted and throbbing, but she would hurt like this forever if it meant defeating her enemy. “You?”

  He looked her over, judging the truth of her words for himself. At the same time, she looked him over. He was just as blood soaked as she was, with sweat trickling down his temples, his robe soaked to his skin.

  “I’m well enough. Come, we must clean you up. ” He offered his hand to her.

  To his credit, he didn’t force her to link her fingers with his but waited for her to initiate contact on her own. She licked her lips, wishing there were some other way to leave this place. But he’d just uttered the only words that could have made a difference. Clean up. The blackened blood singed her skin, and already she had welts.

  Expression blank, he said, “I am sorry for what I did to you, Annabelle, I truly am. I did not mean to… I was caught up… I’m sorry,” he repeated.

  Such sincerity from him should have surprised her, but it didn’t. “I know you are,” she said. And she really did, now that her mind was freed from the bondage of fear. That had been his first kiss, and he’d been caught up in the sensations, just as she had been…until he’d ripped her top and bared her breasts, and memories of Fitzpervert and his camera of shame had flooded her. “But just so you know, I won’t be wanting to kiss you again. ”

  That part of their relationship was over. Zacharel hadn’t meant to hurt her, but hurt her he had. He’d abused the very fragile trust she’d built with him. He hadn’t stopped when she had wanted him to stop, and she couldn’t risk something like that happening again.

  Muscles ticked below eyes of green frost, a testament to a barely leashed temper. “You will change your mind. ”

  If he ever let go of that leash… “No, I won’t, and I won’t leave with you until you accept it. And by the way, did you know you’re snowing again?”

  At first, he offered no reaction to her words, or her rejection. Then, with a powerful shrug of his shoulders he flared his wings, studied the feathers of one, then the feathers of the other. “I must have done something to encourage my Deity’s displeasure. And I can guess what that something is. ”

  Disappointment softened his features, making him appear as boyish as he had inside that cave, when he’d wanted her so desperately. I will not soften. But finally, blessedly, the burn in her chest faded.

  “So that’s what the snow is all about?” she said. “Why was he displeased with you in the first place?”

  “I killed humans in order to kill demons. Humans worth saving, though I did not realize it at the time. People who could have been like you. I am glad I did not judge you guilty and end you without thought. ” Zacharel closed the rest of the gap between them, no longer content to wait for her to take his hand. His body brushed against hers, and she stumbled backward, even tripped over the limb of a fallen demon and fell to her butt. “What a shame that would have been. ”

  She jumped to her feet, and backed up to increase the distance between them, but she never gained any ground and finally found herself pressed against a tree trunk. Her heart drummed against her ribs, but she wasn’t afraid. Maybe because she knew he was no longer lost to lust, or maybe because he’d fought so tirelessly beside her, striking at anyone who’d attempted to get to her while she was distracted fighting someone else.

  He’d even allowed himself to be injured, just to prevent her from being injured.

  “What are you doing?” she asked.

  Green fire lanced down at her. “You will kiss me again, Annabelle, because I give you my word I will not lose control a second time. I learned my lesson, and I learned it well. ”

  “Your optimistic, faith-filled words won’t work with me. ”

  “Won’t they? Do not try to tell me that you no longer desire me. I know better. I’m new at this, yes, but I’m not stupid. Your pupils are flared, your pulse is a jackhammer at the base of your neck and you liked what I was doing to you before I went too far. I can still hear your moans in my ears. ”

  She gulped, considered lying, thought screw it and gave him the truth. “I did like it. You’re right about that. But then I really, really disliked it. ”

  “From your tone, I can only assume you think to deny me a chance to prove myself. ” He leaned a fraction closer. Too close, his breath like the most decadent of caresses against her skin. “That you long to punish me. Well, I will accept punishment. For a little while. ”

  She gulped.

  “But you will trust me again, Annabelle. You will want me again, and we will be together. I will behave. You’ll see. ”

  His arrogance should have rubbed her the wrong way, but knowing he wanted her so much, that he was willing to do anything to be with her, was more an ap
hrodisiac than a deterrent. And if anyone possessed the strength to pull himself from the brink of satisfaction, or from anything, for that matter, it was Zacharel. From now on, he would control himself.

  Maybe his faith-filled words had worked.

  “I’m not sure why we want each other,” she grumbled.

  “Nor am I, but the fact remains that we do want each other. ”

  “Maybe I’m just shallow. You’re quite pretty. ”

  “For now, that will do. ”

  Infuriating man. Couldn’t take an insult the way she intended. With a sigh, Annabelle wrapped her arms around his neck. “All right, I’ll leave with you. ”

  Satisfaction dominated his expression, as he anchored her against the strength of his body and shot into the air.

  “Wait! My packages,” she said when she realized he was not heading back to the cave.

  “I do not want to risk going back and encountering more demons. We’ll buy you new things. ”

  Another shopping trip? “That kinda sounds like a bribe. ”

  “Whatever it takes. ”

  She almost laughed. Almost. “Two can play that game. Expect to spend thousands—without a reward. ”

  “As long as we buy cookies as well as clothing, I’m fine with that. ”

  Cookies. Sneaky angel, he’d just had to go there, hadn’t he, reminding her of his enjoyment, his sensual delight.

  He said, “Time for your bath. Hold your breath,” and swooped down, diving into a clear lake before she could demand to know why.

  Icy water instantly enveloped her, colder even than his wings, making her gasp and choke and shiver. Just when she thought she could take no more, he glided out and back into the clouds.

  The fact that he soared so effortlessly, despite the waterlogged state of his wings, spoke of his amazing strength. “Little more…warning next…time,” she said between coughing fits.

  “My apologies. How much more time would you like?”

  “A hour, maybe. Possibly two. ” Though no amount of time could prepare her for such a frigid dipping.